Doomsday: I can draw unlimited cards for bonuses

Chapter 410 The enemy is in the starry sky! (Reward and add a two-in-one chapter)

Last time, Lin Qun broke through the second level of the sword control technique, and spent 3,000 contribution points. It was six times higher than the 500 contribution points he had to upgrade to the first level of the sword control technique.

Lin Qun broke through the third level of the sword control technique, and spent a full 18,000 contribution points. It was still a six-fold change.

This was no different from Lin Qun's previous guess.

This is a lot of contribution points.

But it was worth it.

The road to immortal cultivation is that the higher the realm, the more difficult it is to upgrade. It is normal to spend more contribution points for different difficulties and realms.

If you spend time practicing, I don't know how long it will take. It is impossible to upgrade like this. Just touching the threshold can be upgraded directly, which is enough to make those cultivators who have practiced hard for a hundred years envious to death.

After successfully breaking through the realm in forty hours, if Lin Qun hadn't known that he was cheating, he would have called himself a genius in immortal cultivation.

Eighteen thousand contribution points were deducted. Lin Qun's total contribution points were still 29,000 points.

Lin Qun upgraded in seconds and reached the third level of the sword control technique. All attributes were comprehensively improved, and this time, the improvement was even greater, with all attributes increased by 75 points.

The way to cultivate immortals is an overall improvement and change.

With this way of cultivating immortals, even if there is no channel to gain experience and upgrade in the civilized battlefield, he can use this method to continue to cultivate and improve, and all attributes continue to progress. This is difficult for others to achieve.

With the superposition of talents, civilized battlefield upgrades, sword control techniques, etc., Lin Qun's strength has long been greater than the sum of the two.

As for this sword control technique, Lin Qun actually thought about letting others try it. Not to mention that everyone should practice immortal cultivation, at least give it a try. However, this is difficult to achieve because this sword control technique is obtained by Lin Qun by drawing cards, and it is directly embodied in his brain, and its complexity is extraordinary. The most important thing is that his innate ability embodies this sword control technique for him, not in words. Words are only a small auxiliary content. The most core part is a mysterious perception that can only be understood, but difficult to express in words. Otherwise, how could Lin Qun, a layman, not even need to look at it, and start practicing it as soon as he got it?

In other words, unless he can directly transmit his understanding to others one day, it will be difficult for others to learn and copy his path of cultivation. And if he doesn't reach the realm, it is impossible for others to try it. This is the advantage of the innate skill card drawing, but it is also a limitation. Lin Qun directly benefits from this, but it is difficult to copy it to others.

However, Lin Qun has some experience in practicing so far, and he is also thinking about whether he can go back and pass on this part of his experience to see if it can help others.

In addition, although the sword-controlling technique is difficult to teach, the Dragon Elephant Prajna Technique is a martial arts technique. When there is time, these can be tried. Others do not have Lin Qun's talent, and it may be difficult to accept and practice, but that is the difference between having and not having. It may improve the overall combat power of mankind and cultivate more strong people in the future to become his arms on the battlefield of civilization.

In the series of battles, Lin Qun often felt that he was alone.

If someone can be his arm and fight against alien civilizations together, he will be safer on the battlefield, and he will have more room to maneuver and the possibility of winning when encountering any opponent.

As a Voldemort for many years, Lin Qun is well aware of this: the best way to fight with a gun is not to fight by yourself, but to let others fight.

As the saying goes, it is better to die than to die for a fellow Taoist…

Lin Qun felt a little ashamed when he thought of this. He stopped and looked at his changed personal attribute panel——

[Name: Lin Qun]

[Level: 58 (732250/3200000)]

[Strength: 486]

[Agility: 422.3]

[Constitution: 430]

[Stamina: 374.6/374.6]

[Dark Energy: 635.5/635.5]

Based on the data of this panel attribute alone, Lin Qun’s current data is already very exaggerated. Even if n human strongmen are added together, they can’t beat Lin Qun’s panel data.

His energy is directly 374.

Lin Qun suddenly felt that he seemed to be able to do it again.

So much energy.

Can he carry the broken sword of Zhuxian and chop it randomly?

A scene instantly appeared in front of Lin Qun’s eyes.

The broken sword of Zhuxian in the right hand, the number of times of One Punch Superman in the left hand, and one knife to kill a kid.

The evolvers fled!

If they go to other third-level civilization battlefields, wouldn't they be invincible?

Not to mention, there are 600 points of dark energy basic attributes. With any skill, it can be capped at 999!

Lin Qun is looking forward to it.

When sweeping other civilization battlefields!

Moreover, if they go to other civilization battlefields, in fact, they can also join forces with the natives. As the native civilization of Blue Star, no one knows the pain and advantages of the native civilization better than the humans of Blue Star. If they can unite with the local natives, they may be able to achieve twice the result with half the effort, play a greater role, and win more contribution points than slaughtering the natives.

At this moment, Lin Qun's eyes were also full of golden light.

Very different.

He clearly realized that his perception range has expanded further.

The second level of sword control can observe and perceive the world within a kilometer.

And now, reaching the third level of sword control, Lin Qun's mind can even perceive the range within five kilometers.

Moreover, it is clearer.

There is a feeling of seeing through fire.

He even heard.

In an office three kilometers away, two little girls were whispering.

"Hey, I know that Mr. Lin lives in that room on that battleship... Do you want to go and see him?"

"Of course I do, that's Mr. Lin, a legend among legends, I miss him so much, but..."

"But what?"

"What should I say when I see him? How should I say it?"

"What else can I say? Don't you want to give birth to a baby for him?"

"You... I, I, I... I was just kidding!"

At this time, a third voice joined in, very cold and solemn, pouring a basin of cold water on him: "You two, stop talking nonsense, that's a battleship, although it's docked there now, how can you just go in and out, it's impossible to go in."

Lin Qun listened, the corners of his mouth twitched, thinking it was outrageous, and focused his attention.

The changes in the third level of sword control, in addition to the data level, are more implicit changes.

His dark energy is purer than before, even if a strong man with the same dark energy attribute fights with him, he will definitely not be his opponent.

Lin Qun once again felt the benefits of cultivating immortals.

On the surface, there is no need to upgrade the level, the attributes directly soar!

And the hidden one is a qualitative improvement.

At this moment, Lin Qun's eyes moved.

He had been in seclusion for a full forty hours.

No one saw him, and no one came to disturb him.

In front of him, there was a series of reminders of the closing countdown of the civilization battlefield, which showed that it was less than seven hours.

The appearance of this reminder was exactly the same as when the civilization battlefield was opened.

Lin Qun did not rush to stand up.

Instead, his eyes moved and looked at one of his skills.

The skill of wandering and controlling the outside world.

This skill requires one thousand contribution points to upgrade.

Lin Qun pondered for a moment and chose to upgrade directly.

He still had 29,000 contribution points left. Now that the civilization battlefield is about to end, it is almost impossible for these contribution points to increase before entering the next civilization battlefield. How to use it, you have to think carefully and maximize the benefits as much as possible. Lin Qun had drawn cards for many rounds before. With these 29,000 contribution points, he can only draw cards twice at most. And judging from the increase in contribution points required for Lin Qun's sword control skills to upgrade, it seems that keeping them is not enough to upgrade the foundation-building period. Therefore, Lin Qun thought for a moment and decided to use them separately. He spent more than 10,000 to upgrade his skills, improve the quality of skills, and further improve his overall combat power; then he kept 10,000 for card drawing, and finally left a little contribution points for emergency use.

With 10,000 contribution points, you can only draw a card once, but if you upgrade skills, you can upgrade a lot-

Among the skills that Lin Qun has drawn now, some can be upgraded, and some cannot be upgraded, such as the Motherland card and the art of animal creation.

And this Shenyou Yuwai is quite special. It can be upgraded through self-cultivation or directly upgraded through contribution points.

Lin Qun has tested this ability before and feels that it is still very useful. The original plan is naturally to improve it through continuous practice, but now it seems that there is no time, so he simply invests contribution points to upgrade directly.

The reason for choosing to upgrade it is not only because it does not require many contribution points to upgrade now, but also because Lin Qun used it before and felt that this ability is very suitable for use in the starry sky.

If we really have to fight the nomad fleet in the starry sky next, this skill may be of great use.

After deducting one thousand contribution points, Lin Qun still had 28,000 points left.

And after this skill was upgraded, a lot of changes also occurred.

At the first level, its soul attribute was one-fourth of its energy attribute, but now it has all been increased to one-half, which can be regarded as a multiple increase.

Moreover, the bonus to its energy limit has also increased accordingly.

From the original increase of two points, it has become ten points.

It is difficult to increase the energy limit normally for a regular life, but Lin Qun has many means. After this series of upgrades, the energy limit has increased.

Not only did it smooth out the influence of the broken sword of Zhu Xian, but it also soared all the way to nearly 400.

Lin Qun was silent for a moment, looking at his soul attribute of Shenyou Yuwai, he felt that it was still not enough, so he spent another 5,000 contribution points to upgrade this skill to the next level!

This Shenyou Yuwai is still quite useful, especially if in the future in the starry sky... The soul moves silently, and the vacuum environment will not have any special impact on the soul. In fact, in an environment with scarce materials, the soul can be more like a fish in water.

Therefore, Lin Qun wanted to make this skill have sufficient combat power as soon as possible!

However, the contribution points required for upgrading again changed from one thousand to five thousand.

And this time, in the state of Yuan Shen, Lin Qun's Yuan Shen attribute bonus was increased to three-quarters of the experience attribute, which means that Lin Qun's Yuan Shen of the skill of Shenyou Yuwai will be more magical and powerful!

And in this round of upgrades, the bonus of the upper limit of energy has also become a full twenty-four points.

Lin Qun's upper limit of energy has directly jumped to eighty-seven.

Of course, Lin Qun's contribution points have also been consumed a lot, and now there are only twenty-three thousand points left.

After this skill was upgraded, Lin Qun's eyes flashed and turned to his other basic skill-the skill of headshot women.

It is also the only skill that Lin Qun currently has that has reached level six.

To upgrade again and reach level seven, it requires one thousand eight hundred contribution points.

And from level seven to level eight, it requires two thousand five hundred contribution points.

Lin Qun is also very arrogant and directly upgrades two levels.

Now the level of battle is gradually increasing. If it involves the starry sky battlefield, then the original distance of 600 meters is not enough.

After upgrading, the attributes of the headshot female skill are:


["Bang" (Skill Level: Level 8): Within a radius of 1000 meters centered on the self, and looking at the target, this skill can be used to destroy any part of the carbon-based life body at a fixed point. 】

[This skill has reached level six, with derivative function 1: It can carry out fixed-point blasting on objects with a volume of 80 cubic centimeters. 】

[Derived Function 2: Blood Liquid: As this ability reaches level six, you have come into contact with part of the essence of this ability. You can use this ability to sense the blood in the opponent's body (any liquid that is theoretically biological blood, including But not limited to human species), and control 800cc (self) or 300cc of the blood in the opponent's body to control and attack. 】

[Note: This skill will provide you with a 7-point physical bonus and a 12-point energy bonus. 】

The upgrade of the headshot girl's skill directly increased her headshot distance from the original 600 meters to a full 1,000 meters!

Headshots from 1,000 meters will become possible!

In the past, Lin Qun could only hit people's heads while hiding in a corner, but now, he can really hit people's heads from a long distance where the enemy cannot see them.

To snipe someone from thousands of miles away, you don’t need a gun, you just need a look!

80 cubic centimeters is already a considerable amount of data.

The level of blood volume that can be controlled by derivative functions has also been increased.

As a basic skill and a growth skill, reaching this level is already very impressive.

After this round of upgrades, Lin Qun's contribution points are still 18,700 points.

Lin Qun was going to keep the remaining 10,000 contribution points and draw cards.

Ten thousand contribution points are used to draw cards.

The remaining 8,700 points are reserved for emergencies - after all, no one knows how long it will be until they participate in the next civilized battlefield. Maybe soon, but what if it takes a long time? It is still very useful to contribute something in the mall. Not only energy recovery potions, but also some nanodevices can be used to disassemble and repair the Mark 50 Nanosuit, etc.

After the upgrade was completed, Lin Qun was unambiguous.

At this time, the formation was immediately set up and ready to draw cards.

See what you can pull out.

With good luck, 10,000 contribution points will be deducted.

The golden card then appeared.

[Name: Training Center]

[Type: Item Card]

[Item card grade: A grade]

[Description: Using this item card, a building and training center can be realized. The training center is an unmanned immersive sleep training system. There are ten places in this training center, which can only be used by humans whose level is no higher than level 60. The training will automatically end after thirty hours. All attributes of human targets that have been trained will be increased by 25 points. 】

[Special note: This training center cannot be entered again, and people who have received training once cannot train a second time. 】

[Is it present? 】


Isn't it the training center in Red Alert?

Lin Qun blinked.

The training center is also shown on the card screen, and this building is not the original building in the Red Alert game, but the building in the Red Alert game version made by Red Alert game fans later.

In the game, this training center is available to infantry units. When a normal level 0 infantry unit enters the training center, it will directly become a level three (three-star) unit when it comes out. And a three-star unit, in the Red Alert game, is The highest level a conventional combat unit can achieve.

And now...

This is what Lin Qun pulled out. Of course, the effect of this training center here cannot be the same as in the game.

However, despite this, the effects of this training center can be said to be quite impressive.

Directly increase all attributes by twenty-five points!

Although the training time of thirty hours is longer than in the game, for thirty hours, all attributes will be increased by twenty-five points, which is appropriate for everyone to say!

The most important thing is that this thing can be used by ten people!

The income is equivalent to a 250-point improvement in all attributes!

Not only can Lin Qun use it himself, he can also use it for others!

However, Lin Qun was not in a hurry to show up.

Because now, the civilized battlefield is coming to an end and the Nomad Fleet is approaching. He has now realized that this training center does not have so much time to train people. Instead, it may be destroyed in the bombing of the Nomad Fleet...

During the forty-eight hours that Lin Qun was locked up on the Cheer landing ship, the Blue Star outside was in a state of flux.

Under the recommendation of the supreme commander, the old man, Liu Rui and Duan Tianqi took the lead and became the leaders of the world's advanced genius warriors, completely wiping out the remaining alien civilization life on Blue Star.

Both of them are strong men with considerable strength. They are very good at dealing with defeated generals and stragglers who have lost their lives in foreign civilizations. They have also participated in battles in various places and can convince the crowd.

In fact, after discussing with Andor, the old man, the supreme commander, wanted Huang Qizheng and Chu Youwei to come, but in the end, both of them refused.

Huang Qizheng said: "I still want to drink. I can't bear the responsibility, but don't worry, I will definitely be at the front in the battle."

Chu Youwei was more straightforward and refused directly: "I don't want to, I won't do it, it's best not to force me."

Huang Qizheng didn't want to care about these things, and Chu Youwei didn't want to be restrained.

They are all the rare top experts in human beings. They said this, but they were unwilling to do so and clearly expressed their rejection. Even if the Supreme Commander, the old man, and other senior federal officials had ideas, they could not force them, and they had to give up in the end.

Choose someone else.

And on a macro level…

The Human Federation completed the reorganization of human civilization on Blue Star in the shortest possible time.

More than 200 million survivors gathered at the gathering points on various continents, and with the promotion of the federations in various places, important evacuation measures in various places were modified. By the 30th hour, the modifications had been completed one after another.

This is not only due to the rapid action of the Federation, but also because everyone has talents, and the influence of Lin Qun's Peach Garden friendship has greatly promoted the construction of the shelter.

When the thirtieth hour came, the federations in various places officially disclosed the information to the world.

"Fellow human beings, now is the joyous moment of victory on the civilized battlefield. We finally survived to the end and fought off the invaders, but the war is not over yet. We must inform all our fellow human beings with regret and anger: there are still enemies. Hovering around us. That is the space fleet called the Nomads. Our blue star has exposed its coordinates due to the civilized battlefield. They are like vultures in space that smell the smell of carrion and come for the resources of our planet. The enemy is in space. Our efforts in the past few days have been to deal with them. Now, we ask survivors in all regions to cooperate and evacuate to shelters according to the guidance of local federal forces. At the same time, we also synchronize with the general public. An invitation to recruit is issued. We need talent from all walks of life to defend our planet from our enemies. We don't have a deep space fleet that can take everyone away. We have no choice but to die or win."

The same proclamation rings out everywhere.

Before that, various rumors had been flying.

At this time, there was another burst of panic, but this time it was different from the past. The Federation has regained control of the global situation, and the blockade on the civilized battlefield has not been completely lifted, so human actions have not been interfered with in any way.

The Federation had already prepared a response plan after the news became public. At this time, it successfully maintained stability and appeased a large number of survivors.

Countless people began to move to shelters.

Across the world, large numbers of humans have begun to move to underground shelters.

Even the Jinling General Index is no exception.

The entire Jinling City began to be evacuated overnight.

The Jinling General Command also evacuated the shelter renovated outside Jinling simultaneously.

All types of shelters are open. These shelters have been renovated and are relatively safe, and the internal resources have been filled during this period. They can meet the shelter needs in a short period of time and can provide shelter for a large number of humans.

Of course, this is also because after the civilized battlefield, there are not many humans left in Blue Star.

"Your Excellency, Commander, at present, all large-scale shelters and small and medium-sized shelters that have been successfully renovated around the world have been opened. We have also activated several captured facilities of alien civilizations. Although the functions of those facilities are seriously damaged, their airtightness is very good and they can Temporarily sinking under the sea and taking refuge in the sea, the world has begun to move, but there are still some people who will not be able to hide in shelters, and they are being guided to move to hidden areas..."

News is coming from all directions.

Jinling General Point.

When the old man, the supreme commander, left, he moved his eyes, glanced at the command center behind him, and then strode away.

Transport planes took off.

The documents and equipment of the Jinling General Directorate were transferred one after another.

Time passes minute by minute.

The last blockade and protection of the civilized battlefield is about to be lifted.

at the same time.

Blue stars outside the star system.

The "Nomad" fleet has been waiting here for a long time.

This fleet is not particularly large, with an 1,800-meter flagship in the center and seven warships of various sizes guarding it.

These battleships are all sword-like in shape, dark and extremely fierce. From a visual perspective alone, it has a more fierce and heavy feeling than those warships of top civilizations.

At this distance, the light of Blue Star's prime star is already very weak. These eight battleships seem to be standing in the middle of the boundary between light and shadow, cold and terrifying.

In the bridge of the largest flagship of them all.

A void shadow was floating at the head of the bridge.

Someone behind him said in a strange language: "Lord Church, the civilized battlefield on the target planet is about to end. Should we ask Lord Tuncas to prepare?"

Ahead, the void shadow known as Lord "Church" said coldly: "It's not necessary. Isn't this the first civilized battlefield we have swept? Eighty percent of this place is also a failed civilized battlefield. Although the blockade has not been lifted yet, it cannot be detected. The situation inside the test, but what threat can there be in the third-level civilization battlefield? The remaining participating civilizations should have withdrawn within these forty-eight hours. Without the participating civilizations... is it possible that there are still alive indigenous civilizations? No? I guess there will be nothing here except wild animals, just like other planets in the third-level civilization battlefield.

“In a place like this, it’s enough for me to be there, there’s no need to disturb Master Tonkas from his rest.

“All we have to do is wait.

"Let's take time to investigate clearly and say hello to the master of this galaxy. This place will be ours."

"As ordered...Master Church..."

The bridge member who just asked the question lowered his head and answered respectfully.

In front, Church's void-like shadow stood there, looking forward.

This is an ordinary single star system.

At its core is a star in its prime, emitting infinite heat.

From its position, it seems that the entire star system is clearly visible at a glance, but as "veterans", they know very well that the invisible barrier of the civilized battlefield is in front of them, and they cannot forcefully cross it and continue to move forward, no matter how advanced it is. The aircraft will be torn into pieces by invisible forces, and their detection equipment will not be able to detect the situation inside before the end of the civilized battlefield.

The civilization in Blue Star can still look up at the stars.

But the power outside the starry sky saw the current appearance of the battlefield of Blue Star Civilization, as if it was covered by a mosaic, and nothing could be seen.

Therefore, although they have been waiting for a long time, they still do not know the situation inside the battlefield of Blue Star Civilization. However, in the eyes of the vast majority of individuals in the Nomad fleet, this place is no different from the third-level civilization battlefield planets they have harvested, and this operation will be completed very smoothly.

In the mouths of other civilizations, they are called the "Nomad" fleet, but this is a general term. As long as it is a civilization similar to the survival mode, Metropolis is called the Nomad Fleet, and Church has its own civilization name: Sagon civilization.

The Sagan civilization is already eager to try.

And at this moment...

Within Blue Star.

There are only eight hours left before the end of the civilized battlefield.

Lin Qun left the cheering landing ship and had no time to see anything else, so he quickly went to the Jinling Refuge and directly met the old man, the supreme commander.

"Mr. Lin, call me here. We have studied a plan to deal with the Nomad Fleet and want to see if it is feasible." The old man, the supreme commander, personally poured tea for Lin Qun. On one side, there were also senior officers such as Li Zheng. Listen in.

But this is in the office of the old man, the supreme commander. The shelter is very expensive. Even in his office, there are only two places here.

There is Lin Qun, the old man who is the supreme commander.

Li Zheng and other senior federal officers even had to stand on one side.

But no one said anything.

Because the two people in front of me should be the ones sitting down.

During the past period of Lin Qun's retreat, high-level officials from all over the global federation were discussing countermeasures, and many experts also participated as consultants to provide theoretical support. Space war is a critical issue for humans and the entire federation. A blind spot. No one knows what the right choice is, and no one even knows what the strength of this Nomad fleet is.

Lin Qun didn't understand these things, so naturally there was no need to participate from the beginning. He would wait for the military's plan to come out, and then he would consider it from his own perspective and give his opinions.

Now, after many discussions and analyses, the senior officials of the federal military have drawn up two plans to deal with the Nomad Fleet and are preparing to discuss them with Lin Qun.

Lin Qun said: "You tell me."

The old man, the supreme commander, looked around, took a deep breath, and said:

"Unfortunately, our ground-facing space observation equipment was severely damaged in this civilized war. Due to the blockade of the civilized battlefield, we have lost all satellites and cannot connect to the satellites we deployed on Yuexing, Red Star and The space telescope of the distant gas giant planet Hua Xing has not yet been able to see what the enemy looks like and how many fleets there are... So, our current situation with them, whether the Nomads are strong or weak, how powerful they are, and how weak they are. Weak? There is still a question mark. This is also the most difficult problem at present. If we cannot see the enemy and know ourselves and the enemy, all our measures and plans are like crossing the river by feeling for stones.

"However, according to the information left to us by Brent, the son of civilization, during the existence of the civilized battlefield, this influence is two-way. Our equipment is affected, but at least we can still observe the starry sky, but outsiders in the starry sky cannot The situation here should not be visible. Moreover, according to what we know, the situation on the normal civilized battlefield is that when the civilized battlefield ends, regardless of whether there is a winner or not, the participating civilizations should return to their own planets. The winner can choose to return at will. Time, and if the loser does not return before the civilized battlefield is closed, it will be difficult to go back through the space channel of the civilized battlefield. Historically, there have been very few cases of indigenous civilizations like ours surviving on civilized battlefields.

"So, we believe that we are crossing the river by feeling the stones. This may not be the case with the Nomad fleet. They also do not know the situation in our blue star.

“In this regard, we are both equal.

"The nomad fleet in space is even less known than we are. We at least know about their existence, but maybe, if they think about it, on our blue star, there may be no civilization left after the civilized battlefield is over. From this Judging from the perspective, if they judge this way, they are likely to misjudge. They do not know that we exist on the Blue Star, have not left, and have a little combat effectiveness.

"If so, we also have an information gap advantage that belongs to us."

ps: This chapter has 8,000 words. Today’s update and the reader’s reward are directly combined, so I won’t divide it into chapters. It looks more coherent for everyone.

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