The moment the Level 3 Civilization Battlefield on Blue Star ended, it was observed by Church's fleet.

They have been monitoring the civilization battlefield.

Especially the blockade of the battlefield by the Kingdom of God.

They can't see the countdown of the civilization battlefield, but their equipment can detect whether the blockade of the star system where Blue Star is located exists.

Therefore, they can find out that the blockade of the Blue Star civilization battlefield has been lifted at the first time.

And at this moment, they have been waiting for a long time.

For them, they can now enter the star system where Blue Star is located, and the "fog of war" shrouding Blue Star has disappeared, so they can observe the situation of Blue Star.

In the bridge of the Nomad Fleet, the flagship of the Sagan civilization, Church has come here, personally commanded and issued orders: "The blockade of the Level 3 Civilization Battlefield in this star system, Blue Star, has been lifted. Now start the first jump, first reach the position of Red Star, launch the reconnaissance device, conduct further observation of Blue Star, and confirm the situation of the Blue Star civilization battlefield."

The other operators in the bridge responded in unison.

The eight warships advanced in an orderly manner. Under the gaze of Church and other Sagan civilization life forms, they successfully passed through the edge of the blockade limit that was once insurmountable and advanced into the Blue Star star system.

In the distance, the ninth planet in the star system where the Blue Star is located is a huge background, showing the wonders of the starry sky.

This is a magnificent and silent scene in the starry sky.

The cold and dark fleet slowly moved forward, the ship body refracted coldly, and moved forward in a line, like an unshakable iron wall.

"The coordinates have been entered."

"Vanguard 1 and Vanguard 2 will be the first to jump."

"Flagship jump preparation."

In their fleet, two narrow and sharp 200-meter-class warships accelerated forward and started to jump first. They suddenly accelerated forward for one second, and then, the light flashed and they disappeared in an instant.

In the space, a ripple that could not be observed by the naked eye was left.

In the bridge of the flagship, Church and other Sagan civilization life forms were waiting quietly.

And then, news came from the front.

"The orbit of Red Star is safe."

"Red Star. The coordinates are safe, and the reconnaissance aircraft has jumped to the position of Blue Star."

This star system is very similar to the star system where the Earth is located, which Lin Qun is familiar with. The position of Red Star is equivalent to Mars, and the average distance is slightly farther, about 300 million kilometers, but in the starry sky, this is already a very close position.

After the two pioneer warships arrived at Red Star, they immediately sent out two reconnaissance aircraft, which quickly jumped to the position of Blue Star and prepared to explore the situation of Blue Star.

Although they are space civilizations, they are also nomadic fleets that have swept through countless civilization battlefields.

But they are also very cautious.

In the starry sky, caution is the way to survive.

Although the lives of the Sagan civilization such as Church had judged that this third-level civilization battlefield could not pose a threat to them before the blockade of the Blue Star civilization battlefield was lifted, they were still very cautious when it came to moving forward.

The universe is vast and full of wonders.

Every seemingly calm corner may be really calm, or it may hide unexpected murderous intentions.

"First determine whether there is a victorious civilization. If there is a victorious civilization, we must retreat immediately and not offend the victorious civilization."

Churchi stood in front. Its body was very strange and translucent. It was wearing clothes similar to a cloak. It had no head and feet in the conventional sense, only tentacle-like structures, up and down, everywhere.

Although most of the life forms of other Sagan civilizations also had such life structures, their bodies were relatively solid and not as illusory and transparent as it was.

At this time, their remaining warships were also rapidly entering the jump.

They appeared one by one on the side of the red star.

But they did not enter the orbit of the red star, and there was still a long distance.

It was just because the planet was too big that the 1,800-meter flagship of the Sagan civilization was still as small as a firefly in front of it. Under the contrast, it seemed to be very close.

They were quietly waiting for the results.

The scanning images and detection results in front were quickly transmitted back and arrived at the flagship.

"It has been confirmed that there is no winner civilization on Blue Star. The battlefield of this civilization is suspected to have not produced a winner."

"But we found a small amount of life activity on the ground of the Blue Star civilization battlefield, and a large amount of life activity underground."

"There is still civilization on this planet!"

Church stepped forward and said, "Are there any contestant civilizations left?"

After waiting for a while, more accurate information came.

The bridge of the Sagan civilization compared the characteristics of the city ruins on Blue Star and the current active life, and made an amazing judgment.

"The life currently active on Blue Star is 100% consistent with the characteristics of the native civilization of Blue Star. On Blue Star, there are natives of Blue Star civilization! Oh my God, Lord Church, did you see it? There are so many native civilizations surviving on this Blue Star civilization battlefield?"

At this moment, there was a moment of commotion in the quiet and professional bridge of the Sagan civilization.

"Indigenous civilization? Is it really an indigenous civilization, or so many indigenous civilizations!"

"Could it be that there are survivors of the indigenous civilization here? How is this possible?"

And hearing this news, Church became excited.

"The indigenous civilization life in the civilization battlefield? This is an unimaginable huge resource in the universe. We have no use for them, but we can sell them to the civilizations in the first-level civilization battlefield... Maybe we have picked up a treasure."

Churchi's body leaned forward.

Watching the pictures sent back carefully, he didn't even issue an order immediately.

Because now, it is still in the investigation stage.

The two reconnaissance planes they had previously sent were quickly entering the Blue Star's atmosphere, orbiting the planet at terrifying speeds, and rapidly scanning and recording.

The general characteristics of human life, the locations of several important ground forts and missile launch centers...

Even the approximate firepower level of Blue Star was invisible to their reconnaissance aircraft. It was clearly transmitted back and a set of analysis data was even quickly formed.

"Lord Church, the Blue Star indigenous civilization calls itself human civilization. They seem to have discovered our existence before the end of the civilized battlefield. The arrangements on the ground should be to deal with us, but they did not notice our reconnaissance. machine, and judging from the information obtained so far, their civilization level is only at the intermediate level of the third-level civilized battlefield. We found a strange device deep in a dense forest of continental plants on Blue Star, which was suspected to be some kind of ionization shield. The shield generator contains far more technology than this civilization can possess. It is recommended that it be destroyed as a priority once it is fired."

"We have scanned a large number of human lives on the ground and can confirm that they are indeed indigenous civilizations. Everyone has an innate energy response, which is the ability given to indigenous civilizations by the Kingdom of God. However, no powerful person with an excessively high energy level has been found yet. At present, only one target whose energy level is roughly reflected in the civilized battlefield level system is between level 50 and level 80."

"The target is with two other high-level individuals and appears to be in a tattered spaceship."

"What do they want?"

"Judging from the current situation, human civilization does not have the ability to escape from the planet it is currently on. And their various arrangements only point to one possibility: they want to fight us."

Various news is accompanying the advance of the Sagan civilization reconnaissance plane.

Images from several key locations were clearly transmitted.

One of the pictures showed the location of several powerful human beings that they had scanned. It was an area that looked like an airport, with a ship docked on it that looked patchy and tattered in the eyes of the Sagan civilization. spaceship.

Church looked at the screen and said: "With this strength, how did they survive? And that spaceship, are you kidding me? Do those strong human beings want to take this shabby spaceship to fight us? ?”

"It's very possible." The Sagan civilization life on one side said, "They don't even have a fleet, and the warships they have are all space warships. Our detection results show that only this spacecraft discovered by us has the ability to navigate in space. But there is no jump engine, and some of the characteristics of this oval spaceship are very different from the construction characteristics of human civilization. It should not belong to them, but to other contestant civilizations they captured in this civilized battlefield. spaceship.

"Judging from the current situation, this indigenous civilization is far inferior to us in terms of technical level and top combat power, and the gap can reach more than a thousand years.

"But there are a lot of them. If we can capture all the indigenous civilizations on this planet and sell them to advanced civilizations based on the characteristics of their innate abilities given by the civilized battlefield, what benefits can it bring to us? , will far exceed the planet itself."

This report from the life of the Sagon civilization made all the life of the Sagon civilization, including Church, feel excited and showed greed.

What is the most important thing in the universe?


Without resources, there is nothing.

The progress of civilization, the promotion of the strong, and the survival of life all require resources.

As a civilization that relies on nomadic fleets as its survival model, the Sagan civilization is naturally very excited.

Qiu Qi sneered: "Haha, it seems we are lucky enough this time -"

But its orders remain cautious.

"Pioneer 1 and Pioneer 2 will go first and jump directly to Blue Star to see what means these indigenous people have. As an indigenous civilization, it is definitely not easy for so many people to survive in a round of civilized battlefields. It should be It's a bit special, I will go with you." Church's body floated up from his position. He wanted to take the two vanguard battleships in front to take a look, but his voice and order were still conveyed: "Be ready to call Tuncas at any time. Wait for someone, and if the situation is different, let him take action immediately.

"No matter how powerful this indigenous civilization is, it is only an indigenous civilization on the third-level civilized battlefield. It has at most the same evolver-level power as me. If the situation really arises, there will be no suspense for Lord Tuncas to take action."

The Tuncas mentioned by Church is the source energy level powerhouse in their Sagan civilization fleet, far superior to the evolved ones. He is also the real commander of their fleet.

It’s just that I have been practicing and retreating.

But at this moment, before Church set off from its flagship, a majestic voice rang out in the hearts of all the beings of the Church civilization, including it, in the flagship bridge.

"Church, go ahead, I will escort you."

Everyone was a little excited.

"Lord Tonkas...are you there?"

Church glanced behind him, feeling a little excited.

Tunkas is a source energy level powerhouse, the pride of their civilization, the first evolver born in their civilization, and the first source energy level powerhouse. Without it, they would not be able to leave their planet at all, let alone Impossible to become a powerful Nomad fleet. Its achievements and strength are praised and praised by every life of the Sagon civilization.

But unfortunately, this sentence received no response.

At that moment, it retracted its gaze and continued to float upward.

In a moment, it "passed through" its flagship ship like passing through a wall, appeared in the starry sky, flew to the Pioneer No. 1 battleship in front at high speed, and entered it in the same way.

Then, the two pioneer battleships of the Sagan civilization began to accelerate their jump.

Jumped directly from the red star to the blue star.

This distance can still be jumped.

And in the back, in the bridge of the 1,800-meter flagship of the Sagan civilization.

The life of the Sagan civilization is getting busy quickly.

Monitoring and following up the situation ahead.

Passing various information to the front.

The more they observe, the more surprised they are.

"This civilization looks so weak. They don't have the strength to fight against us."

"But such a civilization is definitely not strong in the third-level civilization battlefield, right? How did they survive?"

"Is there no civilization with evolvers landing in the third-level civilization battlefield of this blue planet?"

"In that case, they may survive because of luck. If there is no contestant civilization with top combat power, judging from the human civilization ruins on the blue planet, they had at least billions of people before, and it is really possible to win by human wave tactics."

"But human wave tactics can only be used in the third-level civilization battlefield. We should teach them what a real star fleet is."

"Lord Church, we'd better focus on crushing their armed forces - the lives of these indigenous civilizations are wealth and treasures. Every death is our loss."

Although it seems that the human civilization on this blue planet is weak, Saganwen is still relatively cautious.

Church brought two pioneer warships to the outside of Blue Star, 50,000 kilometers away from the ground of Blue Star. He first used beam energy weapons to clear the satellites of human beings in the moon and near the earth's orbit.

Although those satellites are suspected to have been scrapped.

But they did not land rashly.

Church said: "They have no ability to escape from their own planet. They are already trapped. We don't need to worry. The humans are anxious: they can only choose to go to war with us. We are in space to see how they are going to fight us?"

50,000 kilometers is the maximum safe distance they obtained based on the analysis of the technological level of human civilization on Blue Star.

According to their preliminary scans, 95% of human weapons cannot reach this position from the ground.

They stopped here to see what humans are going to do. When humans make a move first, they will counterattack and keep the initiative in their hands.

At this time, Church stood in the Pioneer No. 1 warship and got the latest news.

The tattered spaceship on the Blue Planet took off immediately after the two vanguard warships reached a distance of 50,000 kilometers from the surface of the Blue Planet. It accelerated shakily, passed through the atmosphere, and flew straight towards them.

The oval-shaped spaceship might have been barely good before, but now, it was still covered with hastily patched armor patches that were removed from an unknown warship. It was shakily lifted into the air, looking extremely funny.

"From the trajectory, this human spaceship should be heading for us. Do those strong men want to attack and intercept us in such a spaceship?"

The captain of the Sagan civilization in the Pioneer No. 1 battleship couldn't help but say: "Are these humans here to make fun of us? Such a spaceship, except for a thruster, there is nothing to see, but even so, at their speed, it will take at least one and a half minutes to fly to us, enough for us to blow him to death for many rounds!"

Another life of the Sagan civilization on the side also mocked: "Ridiculous spaceship, pathetic strong men, it seems that the people sitting in this spaceship are indeed the strongest of these indigenous civilizations. The most powerful one, even if he is level 80, is far from the level of an evolver. He is hiding on the planet and waiting for us to go down. With his ability, he may be able to replace some of us. How dare he run up by himself? It can only be said that this is a group of real rustic planetary civilizations, and they don't even know how weak they are!"

Church also showed a mocking smile and said: "Perhaps, this spaceship and the people in the spaceship are still theirs. What about the hopes of the human civilization behind them that everyone is looking forward to? "

"Then Lord Church, what should we do?"

"Launch two torpedoes and blow them up first." Church said coldly, "Use the simplest way to destroy them, and also destroy the hopes of those humans, let them see the gap, let them see how vulnerable their so-called hopes are in front of us, so that when we land, their resistance will surely weaken, and it will be much easier for us to capture these humans."

Before discovering that there are a large number of indigenous lives on the blue planet, the goal of the Sagan civilization was to harvest various resources on the planet where the civilization battlefield was located. After the general civilization battlefield ended, there was basically no life on the planet where the civilization battlefield was located. This did not have too many risks. The risks generally came only from other nomadic fleets, but they did not expect that this time it was so smooth, and they did not encounter other nomadic fleets. There was an "unexpected surprise" on this blue planet civilization battlefield-capturing as many living indigenous human lives as possible to exchange for better resources from advanced civilizations, which has become a new goal.

Under Church's order, Pioneer 1 immediately launched two nuclear torpedoes. This type of nuclear weapon is the most conventional weapon.

They were shot from the torpedo tubes of Pioneer 1 at extremely fast speeds, like meteors, silently traveling through interstellar space, more than three times the speed of the ridiculously broken human spacecraft below!

While locked, it was impossible to evade with that broken spaceship. Any escape route was calculated and locked. There was no way to avoid it, and we could only wait for death.

And just as Church expected, at this moment, when the oval-shaped spacecraft took off, on the land of Blue Star, not only the human military command centers in various places were broadcasting live broadcasts of its flight to the Nomad Fleet, but also various shelters Here, the screen is also synchronized.

It is indeed a much-anticipated ship of hope!

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