Lin Qun noticed Church the moment it came out of Pioneer I.

The aura of the Evolver surged instantly, and the target was aimed directly at him. It was difficult not to notice it.

At this moment, Lin Qun was rising from the sea of ​​fire of Pioneer II.

The sense of direction in space is very dreamy. Lin Qun is not used to the up, down, left, and right here.

But here, it is still close to the Blue Star and can still be affected by a certain gravity. Lin Qun uses the Blue Star as a reference to distinguish up, down, left, and right.

And he is facing Church. From Lin Qun's human perspective, this is also a strange creature, but he has seen all kinds of strange civilizations on the battlefield of civilization, so this illusory Church is nothing.

He clenched the sword in his hand, and the fire in the starry sky was reflected in his pupils.

Everything is as planned.

This is Lin Qun's plan, which includes both plans of the federal military, but also avoids the risks as much as possible.

Actively show weakness, let the other party come, use the captured Prophet civilization warship to pounce on the opponent, hide all the killer maces and strike back.

In this way, if humans take the initiative to attack, the Nomad Fleet will not bomb Blue Star first, but will first deal with the humans rushing towards them. As long as the Nomad Fleet comes close to Blue Star, the shabby spaceships transformed from the warships of the Prophet Civilization will also have a great chance of touching the Nomad Fleet, providing Lin Qun with a platform to try his hand, without having to worry about being too far away from Blue Star or being trapped in the depths of the starry sky because the two warships of the Attacker and the Cheerer are destroyed.

It can be said to be a best of both worlds solution. The humans of Blue Star do not have to suffer from bombing, and Lin Qun does not have to take huge risks.

The Nomad Fleet came for the resources of Blue Star, and they had to get close to Blue Star anyway. The premise for executing this plan was also there. Even if it failed, at most they would lose a modified shabby spaceship of the Prophet Civilization and some crew members.

But now, they succeeded.

Fortunately, the warships in Star Wars were well-made and avoided the detection of the nomadic civilization. Otherwise, the reaction of the nomadic fleet was really fast enough. The Lin group was still rushing, and the other party had already wanted to leave when they sensed the danger. If they had not ambushed two warships, they would not have been able to stay at all. They could only watch the other party leave. Instead, Lin Qun showed all his cards to others.

Although this nomadic civilization is very powerful, it is also very cautious.

It's just that this time, it was humans who were one step ahead - although the warships in Star Wars were somewhat deformed due to the era in which the IP was produced, they still deserved the four words "interstellar battleship".

After experiencing the battlefield of Blue Star civilization, humans did not have any communication with this nomadic fleet and took action directly.

This is also a tragic lesson on the battlefield of civilization.

Those who are not of my race must have different hearts. If they can take action, they will never argue with you.

It's the same at this moment.

At this moment, the battlefield is full of artillery fire.

The attacker warships and cheering landing ships were bombarding the last Pioneer No. 1. The two sides were firing fiercely. Unlike the missiles and gunpowder weapons in the battlefield of the universe, the starry sky was dominated by beam energy weapons.

The multi-color beam energy rays of laser cannons and ion cannons intertwined in space, and occasionally there were a few heavy and high-speed terrifying torpedoes.

At the level of space torpedoes, human strength is not enough. Under the battlefield of civilization, all the nuclear reserves of mankind have been wiped out, and the torpedo launchers of the cheering landing ships only fired high-explosive torpedoes.

However, its performance and speed are not inferior to the pioneer warships of the Sagan civilization!

Hitting the energy shield, a group of fiery red light arcs were lit on each other's warships.

In the silent universe, a gorgeous light show was being staged in the space 50,000 kilometers away from the blue star.

At this moment, Lin Qun had already pounced on the rising Church at high speed.

He felt the other party's breath.

This is also an evolver.

It is the evolver of the Nomad Fleet.

According to Yegus, those who can become the Nomad Fleet must have at least one source energy level. The emergence of this standard is not a rule set by someone, but a necessity under competition. If you don’t have this strength, don’t even think about doing this business.

This newcomer is definitely not the strongest of this Nomad Fleet.

As soon as the opponent appears, Lin Qun will naturally attack, so as not to let the opponent’s top strongman attack, so that he will be caught in a situation of being attacked from both sides.

And watching Lin Qun counterattack the evolver of his own civilization.

The life of the Sagan civilization on Pioneer 1 was shocked.

"Is this human crazy? Even if he has shown the combat power of an evolver, he is not a real evolver. He dares to ride on the face of an old-fashioned true evolver like Lord Church. Does he think he has lived too long?"

"It’s better this way, so that he won’t attack us..."

At this time, their Pioneer 1 was shaking violently, the shield was flickering, and the shield generator was warning urgently.

"Damn, their attack is too fierce, where is our fleet?"

"It will arrive in 25 seconds - Lord Tongkas already knows our situation - our fleet will be here soon!"

"Hold on, wait for our fleet to arrive, once Lord Tongkas arrives, these human methods will be easily blown away like bubbles!"

At this moment, in the starry sky, Lin Qun's multi-level abilities are activated simultaneously.

With the ability of the motherland activated, all Lin Qun's attributes except energy reached 650. In space, the stars were shining directly, and Lin Qun was directly bathed in the star's glory. With the blessing of Escanor's ability, all attributes reached 650. Increased by two hundred points——

At this moment, his Mark 50 Nano suit was put away directly, and his body expanded uncontrollably.

This is……

The armored giant transforms!

In an instant, all of Lin Qun's attributes, except for the energy limit, all reached 999 points.

With the blessing of the Wu Kong Technique, at close range, Lin Qun did not have the Mark 50 Nano suit, and his speed was astonishing. He charged across from Church, and in the blink of an eye, he was already infinitely closer!

In space, for Lin Qun, the biggest limitations are the unshakable rules of physical space - distance and speed.

This is also the reason why he relies on disguise and approaches in a tattered spaceship modified by the prophet civilization before taking action.

Because the distance is too far.

He showed his combat power or took action in advance. At such a distance, when Lin Qun came back to fight, the opponent had already prepared a complete plan whether to walk or fight, and all means became decorations.

But it's different now.

Lin Qun had already reached the front and took action directly. Even if the Nomad fleet had any means, it would be too late.


Lin Qun, who had full attributes, turned his eyes and looked coldly at the illusory body of the opponent's evolver!

The headshot female skill is activated directly.

With the addition of these multiple skills, Lin Qun's physical attributes have theoretically exceeded 2,000 points, which even evolutionaries can't get enough of!

At this moment, that's it for Church.

Seeing that Pioneer 2 was sunk and they were ambushed by the planet's indigenous civilization, it felt something bad in its heart and became anxious, wanting to come out and intercept this human being.

Even if the strength shown by the other party far exceeds their previous estimates.

But it is only at the level of an evolver.

It is also an evolver. As long as it can be delayed for a little time, the fleet behind them is coming. Master Tuncas, the source energy level powerhouse, will surely sweep these Blue Star humans, crush them into an army, and extinguish the fire of hope that they dare to fight back. !

However, Church never expected that before he could kill him, the human would come looking for him on his own.

Church was immediately ready to take action and expand his Evolver Space, but before he took action, he was horrified to find that his body was penetrated layer by layer by an invisible force and was crushed to pieces alive!

That's Lin Qun's headshot female skill!

Although Lin Qun's energy limit has not changed.

But under the transformation of the Armored Titan, the total amount of energy is doubled.

The headshot female skill allows you to shoot random hair for free.

See your feet from your head at a glance.

The headshot female skill is activated like a machine gun fire.

In the silent universe, Church's illusory body exploded one by one!

Lin Qun directly "swept" it with his eyes and turned it into a sieve riddled with holes!

But this life is obviously not a conventional creature that humans can understand. Even in this case, it is still not dead. The illusory body explodes into hundreds of pieces and flies backwards at high speed——

In this round of fighting, Qiu Qi's confidence was shattered by Lin Qun.

What kind of monster is this human being?

It wants to quickly distance itself, expand its own space, and then fight with this human being.

But how could Lin Qun give it this chance?

The Battle of Daxing was a lesson taught to Lin Qun by the prophetic civilization evolver, and now Lin Qun is learning and applying it.

In a duel between masters, the best tactic is not to fight with all your strength, but to kill the opponent without giving the opponent a chance to use his full strength.

Lin Qun seized the opportunity and rushed out quickly.

Seeing that the body of this Nomad Fleet's life was blown to pieces, it was still able to run.

Lin Qun's body suddenly flashed.

It split into two instantly.

One of them is still in the form of a super giant, moving forward at high speed, but he no longer displays the headshot skill.

And the other one quickly moved backwards - this was the art of multiple shadow clones, and this one was the true body.

Lin Qun's eyes were tightly closed.

The soul rushed out in an instant.

Traveling outside the world!

Just after the fight, Lin Qun had already sensed that the life form of this nomadic evolver was a bit strange. It was between illusion and reality. It had shattered the real part. It could also become virtual and escape, which was somewhat similar to the soul. .

Lin Qun then attacked from both sides.

The Yuanshen drew his sword, and the sword light swept across the space.

Crush the fragments of the fleeing Church's body layer by layer, forcing it to forcibly reassemble its body.

However, this time it was reorganized, it lost a lot of body and material, shrank at least twice, and was no longer tall.

But Lin Qun also closed the distance instantly.

The technique of multiple shadow clones was instantly eliminated by Lin Qun. In the dazzling move, he turned into a single figure in an instant, injected with dark energy.

The art of making animals.

The final blow turned the terrified and severely injured Church into a long snake swimming in space.

The sword of victory bloomed from his hand.

A sword downwards.

Swish two swords.

Divide it into three sections.

Kill directly!

At the moment of death, Qiu Qi felt helpless and furious.

It couldn't believe what it was seeing.

This human being is not a true evolver at all. Even if it has evolution level combat power, it is too powerful. Killing it is like slaughtering a dog. It doesn't even have a chance to fight back. It is killed instantly by the opponent!

How can this be?

As a veteran evolver of the Sagan civilization, how could it not feel aggrieved and angry?

At this moment, it thought of the ridicule and mockery of the indigenous human civilization and the shabby spaceship on Blue Star along the way, and was deeply shocked and sadly realized that it seemed to be the clown, the one being laughed at, As if it were itself!

It's a pity that Lin Qun's attack was too fast and too ruthless, and his moves were so smooth that it didn't even have a chance to express any information. It couldn't even send a little bit of information to its own civilized fleet and was killed.

If Lin Qun knew what Qiu Qi was thinking at this time, he would probably tell him: There is no way, and I am helpless. I have too many tricks, and you won't be able to stand it one after another!

This is the truth. Lin Qun now has many tricks, including a set of combos. No matter what kind of evolver you are, under the attack, he will be taken away without any reason at all!

Qiu Qi's breath was instantly annihilated on the battlefield.

But Lin Qun's body had been transformed into an armored giant, and he turned proudly in the starry sky!

With the movement of clouds and flowing water, kill this evolver!

Many people on the Blue Star ground and in the shelter did not even realize what was happening. They had no idea that in this moment, an evolver of the Nomad Fleet had been killed instantly on the battlefield by Lin Qun!

In the Pioneer 1 battleship, the life forms of the Sagon civilization who were full of confidence just now were all dumbfounded.

"How can this be?"

"Mr. Church was killed instantly by riding on his face? That human is not even a true evolver——"

"Kill instantly upon meeting, how is this possible? What kind of combat power is this?"

"How could the natives of this civilization be so powerful?"

"He's coming!"

"What kind of ruthless person is this? Isn't the strength of the indigenous civilization here a bit too outrageous?!"

Twenty-five seconds have not yet passed, and one of their evolvers has fallen. Such a situation has almost never been seen when they deal with civilized fleets at the same level as them. What kind of ruthless character is this?

The broken spaceship, the proud and powerful man, and his own evolutionist Church who was instantly killed, made these Sagan civilization lifeforms feel as if they were in a dream about the current situation.

What frightened them even more was that after the human instantly killed their evolver, Mr. Church, he quickly pulled up in mid-air, turned sharply, and directed his sword light across hundreds of meters, straight towards the Pioneer One battleship where they were. Come to kill.

Lin Qun was unstoppable, his sword pointed directly at the last vanguard battleship.

But his movements stopped at the next moment, he turned suddenly, pulled up at high speed, and headed in another direction!

Because at this moment, the jump channel opened on the side of the battlefield, and the 1,800-meter-class flagship of the Sagan civilization refracted coldly, like a ferocious dark beast, leaping from the red star position and advancing into the blue star battlefield. The seventy-two beam energy turrets were already prepared. At this moment, they opened fire violently. Countless flashing beam energy rays, like a flowing sea of ​​starlight, attacked the three human warships in the field.

In an instant, the battlefield was filled with flames. The dilapidated spaceship transformed by the prophet civilization was vulnerable to a single blow and was instantly sunk, then silently and gloriously and tragically exploded into the starry sky.

The attacker warship quickly pulled up to avoid the strike ray, while the cheering landing ship took the initiative to push forward and used its own shield to help the attacker warship intercept the artillery fire. However, its warship also shook violently under the intensive attacks, and the shielding ship The shield flickers on and off.

And Lin Qun was in the center of this monstrous meteor.

He was not targeted by this beam of energy rays.

Those "meteor" light curtains passed by him from up, down, left, and right in multiple directions. He seemed to be standing in a belt of light, and the surroundings were extremely gorgeous.

And it's not because this fleet of nomads wants to let him go.

But there is no need to waste firepower on him, sufficient firepower to rescue their own crumbling Pioneer One battleship first.

And Lin Qun...

Someone will solve it——

At this moment, Lin Qun suddenly raised his head, with countless brilliant flashes reflected in his pupils. He could clearly feel that there was an extremely terrifying aura from the huge 1,800-meter-class Sagon civilization flagship in the distance. , locked onto him as soon as he appeared!

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