The explanation of the electronic "ticket" issued at the end of the Blue Star Civilized Battlefield contains a partial description of the second-level civilized battlefield.

There is not much information, but it outlines a more terrifying and magnificent battlefield than the Blue Star battlefield.

There, each contestant civilization will enter the battlefield with their chosen planet.

This means that participating in the second-level civilization battlefield is not only a requirement for strength, but also a planet belonging to one's own civilization. The conditions for this determination are that the civilization has occupied the planet for one year or more of its civilization's time, and There are no other intelligent civilizations on the participating planets that are not participating civilizations.

"Civilization brings planets to the war. What should the battlefield of the second-level civilization look like? What should the battlefield of the first-level civilization look like?"

Lin Qun looked shocked when he saw the information sent by the old man, the supreme commander.

"I'm afraid we won't know until we set foot on the battlefield of the second-level civilization." The senior commander's tone seemed to be filled with the same shock as Lin Qun. They all instinctively imagined in their hearts that the second-level civilization What the battlefield must be like.

But there is no doubt that the second-level civilization battlefield is a more cruel world.

Fighting with planets means that the battlefield will be expanded into the starry sky. The conditions and rules of the third-level civilization battlefield with planets as the main war platform will be meaningless in the second-level civilization battlefield.

However, the old man, the supreme commander, was right.

What the battlefield of the second-level civilization is like can only be known by setting foot on it.

But the current Blue Star human civilization does not have that ability at all. Because it is not difficult to see from the information in this piece of information that only civilizations with the ability to fight off the planet can participate in the second-level civilization battlefield. With the strength of Blue Star, it is unimaginable. It is impossible to kill Blue Star. Xing, if he really goes, he can only wait in despair to be beaten.

Trapped in a planet and beaten violently.

"This ticket should be used to enter the third-level civilization battlefield." Lin Qun said, "Maybe we can also reach the Kingdom of God in the future..."

He sat in his lounge and looked at the world outside the porthole window: "If that is really an eternal place of peace and tranquility."

Follow the rules of the civilized battlefield. Regardless of whether it is a strong or weak civilization, as long as it can win the final victory on the battlefield within its own civilization level, it will have the opportunity to go to the Kingdom of God, and this is also the goal pursued by those powerful civilizations participating in the civilized battlefield. Small civilizations only want to progress, while powerful civilizations cherish the desire for the Kingdom of God and eternity.

And because of this, if you can go to the Kingdom of God in the third-level civilized battlefield, maybe you can avoid all this.

Lin Qun himself was moved by Yegus's descriptions of the Kingdom of God.

He is not a militant.

I don't like war even more. But now, they have been forced to step into the starry sky, and the future is not peaceful. It seems that only the mysterious and huge Kingdom of God is the absolute place they can aspire to.

Of course, Lin Qun also had doubts about the Kingdom of God. From a human perspective, everything about this matter seemed incorrect and problematic.

But so many civilizations just believe it.

In particular, Yegus said that they had seen people from the Kingdom of God with their own eyes, and they were convinced by this.

Lin Qun believes it.

There are so many civilizations in the starry sky. There must be some who believe in them, those who want to enter the Kingdom of God and pursue eternity, and some who are doubtful, who wander in the starry sky and only use the civilized battlefield to develop themselves...

As a time traveler, he found it even more incredible that the talent gained from the civilized battlefield could actually communicate with the world he came from, turning the power of fantasy into reality and manifesting it in this world.

What kind of existence is that, and what kind of civilization can do it?

What is the eternity they get?

Is it a conspiracy, or is it true eternity?

If it is really the eternal pure land...

What life can resist the temptation of such a place?

Lin Qun was no exception, but he also had a natural vigilance in his heart.

The hesitation in Yegus's tone is still vivid in his mind...

Lin Qun wanted to know where the Kingdom of God was and what its secrets were.

In the future, if he had the chance, he would like to see the people from the so-called Kingdom of God that Yegus mentioned...or learn more about the Kingdom of God.

Then make a judgment.

At this time, the old man, the supreme commander, seemed to hear Lin Qun's thoughts and said, "Do you want to go to the Kingdom of God?"

"I want to see...where is the Kingdom of God? How did they manage to open up so many civilized battlefields, and what is their purpose? If that is really a peaceful eternity, Your Excellency...don't you yearn for it?"

Lin Qun answered truthfully.

There was a desire to explore in his eyes.

However, he changed the topic and said: "Of course, not now. I think that even if we want to arrive, we have to wait until I am stronger. At that time, even if we don't want to stay in the Kingdom of God, we can still come. Go freely.

“Or we can learn more about the Kingdom of God.

"The universe is so big. Yegus said that the apostles of the Kingdom of God have been in the universe. There are always people who have been there and seen it. We can understand it clearly before deciding whether to go there."

The battle for Blue Star Civilization is a bloody lesson.

Every human being has understood.

The weak have no voice.

No matter where you go, you should first ensure your own strength.

The old man, the supreme commander, was silent for a moment. Lin Qun's rhetorical question also hit the bottom of his heart.

If the Kingdom of God is truly eternal...

He yearns for it too.

There is death in war.

No one knows whether the sword of death will cut off his own head that day.

Yegus was right. As long as civilization exists in the starry sky, as long as it develops, there may be huge crises of uncertainty. Maybe the possibility of encountering these huge crises is very small, but as long as civilization exists, on a long time scale, no matter how small the probability is, , will eventually become an inevitable event.

And when the inevitable happens, no one can be spared.

This is the clearest point in the hearts of all Blue Star humans.

Because isn’t this war of civilizations just such an event?

Before the start of the civilized battlefield, the humans of Blue Star also kept looking up at the stars, trying to find traces of other extraterrestrial civilizations, and even mistakenly thought that they were the only ones in the stars, because in the long history of the development of human civilization on Blue Star for thousands of years, from No extraterrestrial civilization has been encountered.

And now, they're here.

This is a change from nothing to something, from zero to one, an earth-shaking and devastating change.

Who knows what else will happen in the future?

What kind of extinction crisis will we encounter in future development?

And if the Kingdom of God is really so great, maybe it can prevent all of this...

In the end, the old man, the supreme commander, laughed and felt that he seemed to be thinking too much. He said: "If we want to go to the Kingdom of God, then we must become stronger.

"Mr. Lin, not only you, but also our entire human civilization.

"We have to become stronger.

"Isn't it?"

"Yes. Only the strong have the right to speak and decide their own destiny." Lin Qun said, "Hurry up. When I return to the surface, I will practice in seclusion again until an enemy arrives, or... we enter the next step. Super civilized battlefield.

"I suggest that we prepare to participate in the next round of the third-level civilization battlefield - as a participating civilization!!"

When he said the last sentence, Lin Qun's eyes flashed coldly.

He wants to be a contestant civilization and go to the battlefields of other third-level civilizations to participate in the battle!

This is the fastest way to grow!


Blue Star has been suffering from war and has been beaten by others for so long. It is time for them to take the initiative and fight out!

The old man, the supreme commander, said: "This is exactly what I want to say. Although we have just experienced many wars, this is not the end. We have entered the starry sky, and the starry sky is full of dangers. If we want to become stronger as soon as possible, we cannot develop slowly. , we must speed up and use all methods to make ourselves stronger.

“Today is the day the Nomad fleet was defeated.

“It will also be our entire Blue Star human civilization that begins to prepare for the next round of the third-level civilization battlefield as contestants.

"We will build our own fleet!"

As soon as Lin Qun expressed his stance, the words of the old man, the supreme commander, followed. Obviously, the same idea had already been brewing in the heart of this "commander".

Although Blue Star’s civilized battlefield has just ended.

Although Blue Star human civilization suffered heavy losses.

But if you want to survive, you must not stop.

We must strengthen our strength, not only to recuperate, but also to fully prepare for war!

Prepare to enter the next level three civilization battlefield!

Lin Qun raised his head and took a deep breath.

Gaze at the stars.

It's as if a brand new battlefield is right in front of you at the end of the sea of ​​stars.

It's just different from Blue Star's passive counterattack by humans.

This time, there will be opportunity for humanity.

So what if Brent is gone?

What about only the castrated version of contestants’ rights?

As long as you are strong, you can still shine and rise to the top!

Lin Qun was not a civilized person from the beginning, didn't he get to where he is today step by step?

At this moment, Lin Qun's pupils seemed to be burning with fire.

He will become stronger step by step!

The next civilized battlefield will be his goal.

It will also be the goal of the entire human civilization!

In fact, branch civilizations are not without benefits. If you want to leave the civilized battlefield, the compensation that the branch civilization needs to pay can be "discounted" based on the performance of the branch civilization, which is far less than what the main civilization needs to pay to leave the civilized battlefield. The number of contribution points.

If you don't get the benefits of the main civilization, you naturally don't have to bear too many responsibilities.

Whether this branch civilization or the main branch civilization, it may have a greater impact on the civilization and have certain restrictions and effects on the use of the civilization's authority, but for a powerful individual like Lin Qun, there is actually no difference.

At this moment, the Cheer landing ship is still sweeping through space, packing up the wreckage of the Nomad fleet’s battleships and sending them back to Blue Star batch after batch——

There are many things in this that human civilization can use.

Especially the 1,800-meter-class flagship that was destroyed by Lin Qun from the inside. Although it was blown to pieces, when Lin Qun attacked, he focused on the bridge. Some important equipment was not damaged and was recovered at this time. With multiple sets of thrusters, the technology is far ahead of humans, let alone those top civilizations on the third-level civilization battlefield.

Cui Rong and others were in the bridge, directly connected to the experts on the ground, flying around in the wreckage area of ​​the enemy warship, identifying the treasures, and they were all excited when they discovered the treasures.

"Wait, stop, that should be the jump engine of the Nomad fleet, hurry up, pull it back!"

"And that one, it seems to be a sleeping cabin... Yes, we also need the sleeping cabin of the Nomad Fleet's life. If it is broken, we also need it. If it is broken, we can repair it!"

"That seems to be a medical module? Come closer and take a look..."

"Shield generator fragments! Great, pull them back, pull them back, this is only one-sixth? Not important, let's go find the remaining five-sixths!"

"The bodies of the Nomad Fleet? Pull them back too, this is rare and complete and not burnt - can you talk to Mr. Lin next time and leave more complete bodies!"

"I don't know what this thing is, I'm afraid it has research value, pull it back, pull it back, pull it back!"

"They are all good things. If we are lucky, we may be able to piece together two or three spacecrafts from the wreckage of these three enemy ships..."

The ground expert team comes from various fields. There are experts in physics, biology, medicine, weapons, etc., forming a real "Taobao" team. Under the video connection, they remotely connected to Cui Rong's cheering landing ship on the ground, "swimming" in the fragments of the warships left by the nomadic fleet of the Sagan civilization, and they wanted to not let go of any fragments...

Although the technology of the Sagan civilization can only be ranked as medium and low in the starry sky, it is far ahead of human civilization, and even ahead of the warships of the prophet civilization, which is beyond the reach and yearning of the third-level civilization battlefield civilization such as the prophet civilization that has not left the planet and star system. It can even be said that the materials in these warships of the Sagan civilization are truly space-level warships, which are what the civilizations in the third-level civilization battlefield dream of.

Theoretically, it is impossible for the civilization within the planet to defeat and destroy these interstellar warships of the Sagan civilization. Even the Prophet civilization can only sigh in despair. Such warships with interstellar capabilities are even more expensive in the Contribution Point Mall. It is easy for those who know how to do it, but difficult for those who don’t. For the third-level battlefield civilizations such as the Prophet Civilization and the Linyuan Civilization, even if they can obtain some of the wreckage, they will benefit a lot and be very excited, and even bring them technological progress. Now, humans have destroyed these interstellar warships and can seize their spoils.

And because of this, even if these three warships are destroyed, many things in their wreckage are beneficial to human civilization. Although there are many things that humans cannot use, some things can be directly pieced into human warships.

If it can be achieved, then humans can use these warship wreckages, plus the ready-made warship armor materials of civilizations such as the Black Sheep Civilization seized on the battlefield of the Blue Star Civilization, to piece together some warships in a short time.

Cui Rong and his team listened to the instructions and requests of these experts with great pleasure.

They went wherever they were directed and pulled whatever they wanted.

These experts were not the half-baked experts of the past, but real masters in various fields. What they wanted must be useful.

Cui Rong and others were also very excited to shop on Taobao.

Seeing so many good things in hand, they were more excited than just defeating the Nomad Fleet.

Seeing good things, they were more active than the experts.

Picking up treasures everywhere in the wreckage in space, never tired of it!

Cui Rong was even more meticulous, and took the initiative to ask about anything that looked like a treasure.

Cui Rong sighed: "This Nomad Fleet is too good. It came all the way to us, waiting for the end of the civilized battlefield, and then sent us a courier of the interstellar battleship level!"

Not only Cui Rong, but also the crew members of the Cheering Landing Ship under him all had shining eyes, looking at these space "garbage" as if they were looking at a gold mountain and silver mountain.

"Haha, the captain is right. Thank you for the free express delivery from the Nomad Fleet!"

"The express delivery is here... all of them are treasures!"

"We have found three pieces of the wreckage of the shield generator. Maybe we can really piece it together!"

"Yes, yes, the output power of the shield generator of their flagship is not low. It would be great if we can use it."

"This Nomad Fleet called the Sagan Civilization is too kind, right?!"

The Sagan Civilization never dreamed that they thought they were here to make a fortune, but in the end they lost not only their wife but also their soldiers. The three sunken warships became express deliveries to humans.

Of course, this will take longer, and the estimated stay time of the Cheering Landing Ship in space will also be greatly extended.

On the ground, in a remote area of ​​the Huaxia Region...

The night is hazy.

The edge of a forest.

A group of human survivors were collecting supplies here, but suddenly they all looked confused and lost consciousness without any warning. Then, they fell to the ground one after another.

A team of more than a dozen people collapsed silently. Some of them realized that something was wrong and wanted to turn around and run away, or pick up their communicators to contact the survivors' base behind them, but unfortunately, they lost consciousness before they finished their actions and called out. They failed to send any effective information.

All these people lost consciousness and collapsed here.

Then, after a few minutes...

On one side of the surrounding area, in the depths of the quiet dense forest, a few sneaky shadows in black armor emerged, running out like chickens and dogs. They were human-like, but also like lizard-like reptiles, but under the black armor, their appearance was difficult to distinguish clearly.

After these sneaky shadows in black armor quickly approached, they checked the surroundings and the fainted people. After confirming something, they used a strange anti-gravity device to quickly and easily carry these humans away.

Even the things they left behind were not spared, and all traces of this place were wiped out.

Immediately, it completely disappeared into the darkness.


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