Doomsday: I can draw unlimited cards for bonuses

Chapter 423 Who is stealing people?

Lin Qun felt very strange.

The feeling after receiving the "training" at the training center was very different from what he had expected.

He was filled with liquid, and he was in a daze, but he did not completely lose consciousness, but he could not hear the sound of the outside world. Instead, he was in a blur, as if he had a long and boring dream.

In this dream, he was like a super special forces soldier, training day and night...

Various physical training, actual combat shooting, and fighting skills...

However, these feelings were very confusing, just like a dream, and each process was like a cursory review.

Until waking up.

That feeling was like having an ordinary sleep and having a dream.

But the body did not feel tired, on the contrary, it was full of energy, as if there was endless energy all over the body.


The body did not feel good.

Wet, clothes tightly attached to the body.

"It seems like you need to take off your clothes to play this game!"

As Lin Qun woke up, the liquid in the can faded, and the hatch slowly opened. Lin Qun sat up from it. Thirty hours seemed to be a blink of an eye for him, and had almost no substantial impact on him.

Outside, Li Jie was sleeping on a stool, and was awakened by the noise. He opened his eyes and saw Lin Qun, and said excitedly: "Brother, you are awake! How do you feel?"

To avoid accidents, Li Jie volunteered to stay and watch, and has been guarding outside until now.

Outside this training center, Li Zheng also sent a lot of soldiers to protect it.

For those who don't know, this training center that suddenly appeared here is a bit strange from any angle, but because of the layers of guards, no one can get in.

Lin Qun felt pretty good. Although there was no animation like the one in the game where the player appeared with golden light and star upgrade, he opened his panel——

[Name: Lin Qun]

[Level: 58 (732250/3200000)]

[Strength: 501]

[Agility: 447.3]

[Constitution: 455]

[Stamina: 399.6/399.6]

[Dark Energy: 660.5/660.5]

All attributes were indeed increased by 25 points.

Lin Qun's strength attribute was directly increased to 500 points.

Of course, this was not too much for Lin Qun, a cheater, but this 25-point full attribute bonus was a considerable improvement for anyone else.

Lin Qun changed his clothes and chatted with Li Jie. He learned that the meeting of the supreme commander on the volcano island had not ended yet. In the past 30 hours, nothing special had happened. Everyone had arranged their order. After Lin Qun finished using the training center, Li Jie would take over, followed by Huang Qizheng.

Huang Qizheng was in charge of guarding Li Jie.

Lin Qun smiled and said, "Your arrangement is reasonable."

Immediately, Lin Qun personally operated for Li Jie and sent him into the huge jar.

Li Jie was very excited.

The increase of 25 points in all attribute bonuses was equivalent to his upgrading several levels. It was a real change.

How could he not be excited?

Looking at this scene, Lin Qun smiled faintly, handed the place over to Huang Qizheng and the security personnel, and returned to the independent lounge in the Jinling General Command.

He first fed the loach, then turned around and picked up the laptop he had asked for from Li Zheng.

He was going to copy the Dragon Elephant Prajna Gong in his mind for the whole federation to practice.

Last time, Lin Qun had actually handed in the first level of the Dragon Elephant Prajna Gong, but the situation was chaotic at the time, and this thing was only circulated in a small range, and few people had time to practice it. Even Huang Qizheng and others regarded it as a joke, so it did not cause any response.

This time, it can be promoted.

As for the sword-controlling technique... it is a little difficult to promote. Lin Qun can only write some thoughts and the like when describing it, but the Dragon Elephant Prajna Technique is still okay. Its mental method and texts are a large part, and for the illustrations, Lin Qun can only use his poor painting skills when the time comes.

However, Lin Qun did not stay quiet for too long, Xiao Yi took the initiative to find him.

Xiao Yi has been promoted a long time ago, and is now at the battalion commander level, and is specifically responsible for the gifted masters.

However, when he found Lin Qun at this moment, his expression was very serious, and he said: "Mr. Lin, there is something going on..."

After the battle with the nomad fleet, in the past nearly fifty hours, the Blue Star returned to the Federation, and humans were rapidly pouring out of the shelters, and almost all of them were involved in the comprehensive restoration and construction of civilization.

But just recently...

In the marginal area of ​​the human-controlled area of ​​the Huaxia region, some strange conditions have appeared.

"Mr. Lin, you know that the population has dropped sharply. Although the alien civilizations in various parts of the Blue Star have disappeared, the impact they brought is still there, especially some species invasions. Our current population is also much smaller than before, and the range of activities has decreased a lot. In the marginal areas where we are currently active, many people have disappeared in recent days."

Xiao Yi said: "This situation is not easy to find now. After all, we have not even counted the number of people in the world. Disappearance is common in various places. But twelve hours ago, people in a sentry post five kilometers outside our key area, the Iron Curtain-Nuclear Power Plant, disappeared collectively, which attracted attention..."

Lin Qun frowned when he heard this, and said with some vigilance: "Are the contestants of the alien civilization who failed to return successfully waiting for revenge?"

The Iron Curtain-Nuclear Power Plant system located in a remote area is one of the key areas of mankind at present.

If it is targeted or even destroyed by alien civilizations, it will be troublesome.

"No." Xiao Yi shook his head and said: "After we found the abnormality, we sent people to investigate as soon as possible and found a very strange situation...

"It seems that a group of people are stealing people."

Lin Qun was a little confused: "What do you mean? "

"We reviewed the recent disappearances and found that there is a suspected force that is stealing people along the edge of our control area, lone survivors, remote checkpoints, military or survivor teams searching in the city... These people do not attack the survivor base, and their targets do not seem to be the Iron Curtain device, etc. They are walking from south to west and now north, stealing people all the way.

"People are missing in every place, ranging from two or three to more than a dozen.

"This behavior pattern does not seem to be revenge, but rather it seems to be aimed at our own people, and the behavior is very sneaky. The intention should be to steal our people, not to attack.

"I guess this group of people who steal people may not have discovered the Iron Curtain device, or did not think that the Iron Curtain device was a special and important facility, otherwise, they might not attack the nearby checkpoints..."

This is indeed different from the revenge or killing behavior of alien civilizations.

Lin Qun was stunned: "Human traffickers?"

"No, it's not right. At this time, what's the point of someone stealing people?" He frowned again soon: "Could it be... this human trafficker is not ordinary?"

At present, the alien civilization has been defeated, and humans are turning from chaos to order. In a place like Jinling City, everything seems to be peaceful, but Lin Qun knows that outside Jinling City, there are all kinds of situations.

These things are handled by the military, enemy governments, and managers. In theory, they cannot come to Lin Qun. Therefore, Xiao Yi came to say that there must be an abnormal situation.

Sure enough, Xiao Yi nodded and said, "If this is really an ordinary human trafficker, even I can't be alarmed. People from other departments will be responsible, but... just an hour ago, we caught the clues of this group of people stealing people - we found that this group of people stealing people is probably not human, nor contestants, but a group of extraterrestrial civilizations who sneaked into our planet at some unknown time!"

After hearing this, Lin Qun finally reacted and looked at Xiao Yi, and suddenly understood the purpose of the other party stealing people.

At this time, the battlefield of civilization has ended, and it is almost useless for people to steal people.

But extraterrestrial life is useful.

The human beings on Blue Star have the universal innate ability given by the Kingdom of God, which is a very tempting technology for powerful civilizations.

Coming here to steal people, naturally want to sell them!

Sell them to alien planets!

Just as Yegus said.

A large number of indigenous civilized life with talents is a greater wealth in the starry sky than an ecological planet. Moreover, those who have the ability, want and are willing to bid are all extremely powerful civilizations, because only such civilizations can crack the technology of the Kingdom of God and apply the abilities of the universal innate ability to their own civilizations.

Lin Qun took a deep breath. Although he figured out the reason at once, he couldn't help but burst out a rare swear word: "There are also human traffickers in the universe?"

"Our coordinates have been exposed in the nearby area, and we have connected to the starry sky..." Xiao Yi said: "We still haven't defended well. We thought that extraterrestrial civilization life would only come head-on like the nomad fleet Sagan civilization that just attacked us, but we didn't expect that extraterrestrial civilization would choose this method.

"It can be confirmed at present. This group of extraterrestrial life that steals people is definitely not the remaining civilization life of the contestants, but a group of robbers who sneaked in using advanced technology.

"Mr. Lin, we have now preliminarily determined the location of this group of extraterrestrial civilization life that steals people, and have contacted Captain Cui Rong and Captain Xu Jie to prepare to double-team them, but for the sake of safety, we hope that you can personally take charge of the operation."

No matter what, extraterrestrial civilizations can cross the starry sky and enter the blue planet without anyone noticing to steal people everywhere. Their technical strength must be ahead of the blue planet humans. Who knows how strong they are?

The two warships are currently the only warships that humans have space combat capabilities, and they must not be lost due to carelessness.

Although this extraterrestrial civilization life is stealing people in a sneaky way, who knows how strong they are?

At this moment, Lin Qun also stood up and said, "Okay - I'll take a look at what kind of stuff this group of space traffickers is!"

Xiao Yi stepped back half a step and made way for Lin Qun.

Lin Qun set off directly on the Cheering Landing Ship in Jinling.

The attacker warships have also been repaired and have already set out, targeting the group of space traffickers.

Lin Qun rushed to the front and realized that the Federation had made sufficient preparations.

A large number of personnel were dispatched.

The attacker warships can take action at any time.

It can be said to be a dragnet, but out of caution, they waited for Lin Qun to take charge before taking action.

Cui Rong said to Lin Qun: "The attacker warship is flying silently. It is 500 kilometers away from the target enemy ship. It should not be discovered yet."

For space warships, sailing in the universe is all low-speed sailing, and the speed of sailing in silent state is not slow.

The attacker warship is a creation from the same interstellar era. It can hide from the Sagan civilization and naturally will not be discovered by this group of space traffickers.

The location of the opponent's spaceship is marked on the cheering landing ship.

The size of the spaceship is not large, only about 300 meters, and it is in a state of full optical invisibility. It cannot be seen even if it flies in space. Only the top equipment can capture a little clue of them-the federal military first discovered it, and it used a device removed from the 1,800-meter flagship of the Sagan civilization.

After confirming that the target is indeed an extraterrestrial civilization spaceship, the attacker warship and the cheering landing ship were activated to pursue it, and its movement was completely locked.

The silent pursuit lasted for a while.

Suddenly, the stealing spaceship in full optical invisibility flew for a while and unexpectedly changed direction!

"They want to escape - when did they find us?"

Cui Rong changed color and immediately contacted the command center to change the combat strategy.

Tracking observation directly turned into interception.

Humans have already laid a net for this stealing spaceship, and it is too late for it to run now.

The attacker warship was the first to kill, and hit it with two beams of energy rays in a row, directly knocking the stealing spaceship out of optical invisibility.

Fire rose.

This spaceship is a huge sphere, which looks a bit shabby. There are many huge metal patches of different colors on the spaceship, and there is no shield system. Two beams of energy rays came down and directly opened two large holes on it. The fire rose, but it still wanted to run, rushing left and right, trying to break through.

Not only that, there are several turrets on this round and shabby spaceship, as if it wants to fight back.

Not to mention, this circular spaceship doesn't look very good, but it is extremely fast. If it runs to one side, the attacker warships can't catch up with it, let alone other ground troops chasing and blocking it.

But unfortunately, it's not just one warship that intercepts it.

When it turned and ran out for less than a few kilometers, it was shrouded by another terrifying shadow.

That was the cheering landing ship that was sandwiched and blocked from the other direction.

The cheering landing ship, with a total length of 700 meters, is twice the length of this shabby stealing spaceship. It pressed out from the top of it and relied on the shield generator to ram it domineeringly.

In this case, the stealing spaceship had to slow down, and when it slowed down, the attacker warships behind it also caught up and blocked its way back.

Completely, it was sandwiched in the middle, unable to move forward or backward.

Then, the other party's communication request came from the cheering landing ship.

Translated into human prophecy, the content is straightforward and simple.

"We surrender."

Looking at these four words, Cui Rong and others in the cheering landing ship felt unreal.

How could this extraterrestrial civilization surrender so easily?

They had faced so many alien civilizations, but had never seen one surrender so quickly.

Even Lin Qun, who was in charge, felt a little confused.

With this speed of surrender...

It seemed that he didn't need to be in charge at all.

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