Doomsday: I can see the health bar, kill monsters and drop treasure

Chapter 102 Hand crossbow drawings, zombie classification

[Precision hand crossbow production drawings: You can make a precision hand crossbow. Materials required: Any bow*1 or crossbow*1, blade*3, steel wire*3, screws*3, nails*3, rubber*3]

[Precision hand crossbow: durability +20, attack power +10, accuracy +10]

The first drawing is for making a hand crossbow.

In order to make this hand crossbow, you must first have a bow or crossbow. He happened to have three bows in his hand, which was enough.

Although the introduction to this crossbow is very short, I don’t know how to use it yet. But Wang Tao doesn't mind, because things made from blueprints and things exploded by killing monsters can be put into the space backpack!

This portability is even more important than the attributes of the hand crossbow itself.

Then there are the matching crossbow arrow drawings.

[Crossbow arrow production drawings: 100 crossbow arrows can be produced. Materials required: sharp blade*10, iron block*10, plastic*10]

This drawing can directly produce 100 crossbow arrows, and the materials required are also very simple, only three. However, the required quantity is relatively large, 10 of each type.

Wang Tao looked at the trophies in his backpack. The materials for making the hand crossbow were enough, but the materials for the crossbow arrows were not enough, and there were still three blades missing. There was no way to make it for the time being, and he would have to wait until he killed a few more zombies.

The above two trophies are all blueprints, while the last three trophies are real objects dropped from zombies!

After a zombie that can use weapons is killed by Wang Tao, its weapons can also be placed in the space backpack.

So after Wang Tao killed the archer zombie, he immediately put the bow, arrows and quiver into his space backpack.

However, this weapon does not display attributes. Just like the reinforced concrete sledgehammer, it only displays a name——

[Alloy recurve bow*1][quiver*1][arrow*30]

This alloy recurve bow is all matte black and looks very handsome.

A celebrity once said that in military equipment, appearance equals combat effectiveness.

Powerful weapons, generally not too bad in appearance. This bow is certainly not bad either.

Not only the bow, but also the 30 arrows can be put into the space backpack. Although 30 pieces seems a bit small, it can be recycled. As long as you take care of it, it should be able to be used for a long time.

However, even the quiver can be put into the backpack, which is somewhat beyond Wang Tao's expectations. The quiver seems to be of no use to him... After all, the arrows can be put into the backpack, and he can just take them from the space backpack when he needs them.

Wang Tao felt that the only purpose of this quiver was to deceive others - if he could get more arrows in the future, he would then carry this quiver on his back. In front of others, he can pretend to take the arrow from the quiver, but actually take it from the space backpack... Then he can show everyone what infinite arrows are!

But these are things for the future. This recurve bowman will return to his command, but Wang Tao's archery skills are really a bit stretched, and he still needs to practice his bow and arrow skills slowly.

For now, this hand crossbow is more suitable for it. He is looking forward to how this hand crossbow will look like when it is manufactured.

"The crazy zombies outside haven't left yet..."

Han Rui looked at the zombies outside the window, feeling helpless.

These zombies probably didn't notice them in the house, but they still didn't leave.

Li Qiuyu's face doesn't look good either. If these zombies don't leave, it will be a great danger to her...

"Don't worry, as long as you don't make too much noise, these zombies can be taken care of slowly.

Wang Tao said suddenly.

He is unwilling to face these crazy zombies, mainly because he is afraid that they will fight more and more. If he is besieged by a large group of zombies, no matter how strong his defense is, he will be exhausted.

But if these zombies have no subsequent reinforcements and are just zombies that have fallen into the yard, then Wang Tao can fight a group of them alone.

Han Rui breathed a sigh of relief after hearing Wang Tao's words. She was unable to deal with so many zombies, so she had to rely on Wang Tao.

But in the end, the two of them didn't leave.

Because Han Rui suddenly sensed that there were three special zombies around the house, two of which were self-destructors. The other zombie made Wang Tao frown.

"It turned out to be the Screamer...has it also become a special zombie?"

Wang Tao had seen the "Screamer" zombie before, but the Screamer at that time only had 200 health, and he was killed by driving.

But now the screamer zombie downstairs has 1,000 health!

And 1,000 blood is not the point. The point is that it is now a "special zombie".

The name "special zombie" is actually a conventional name for survivors. Everyone calls zombies that are different from ordinary zombies special zombies.

For example, in the zombie illustrated book given by the military, only special zombies can appear in it.

But there is a difference between special zombies and special zombies. For example, the screamers, hiders, sprinters and other zombies that Wang Tao encountered before are also special zombies, but they don’t have much blood and their abilities are not strong. Easier to deal with.

Zombies such as violent terrors, self-destructors, and chargers are obviously much more difficult to deal with. They have thicker health and stronger abilities.

Of course there is a more important point -

These special zombies that are not too powerful will not explode crystal cores after death. There is a high probability that some potions will explode when killed by Wang Tao.

And these powerful special zombies will explode zombie crystal nuclei after death. After being killed by Wang Tao, not only the potion may be released, but also the manufacturing blueprints.

So now, others, including Wang Tao, agree that zombies that can explode zombie crystal cores are called special zombies, and others that cannot explode zombie crystal cores are collectively called ordinary zombies.

And the screamer outside is a special zombie that can explode zombie crystal nuclei!

Wang Tao naturally couldn't tell whether the other party had a crystal core, but Han Rui could.

Han Rui's perception ability can distinguish ordinary people, superpowers, ordinary zombies, and special zombies.

The reason why she can perceive so clearly is because what she "sees" in her perception is a group of "gray human-shaped light and shadow". She actually relies on "seeing" to distinguish between humans and zombies.

The human form is different from that of zombies. Zombies' bodies are distorted and they usually make some unconventional actions. Some zombies have deformed bodies and missing limbs. So as long as she saw a figure that looked awkward or had an abnormal body shape, it was most likely a zombie.

Of course, this kind of discrimination may not be 100% accurate - Wang Tao is 100% accurate when looking at the color of the blood bar - but it is enough, after all, this ability is used as a radar.

Han Rui distinguishes between superpowers and special zombies by color.

If it is an individual with energy, then there will be some blue in the light and shadow. The greater the energy, the stronger the blue. If there's no energy, it's just plain gray.

So now her perspective is like this - in a dark world, some gray twisted figures appear, and three of these twisted figures have some blue on them.

Then these three zombies are special zombies with zombie crystal cores. They are two self-destructors and a screamer.

What surprised Wang Tao was that not only could these zombies improve themselves like humans, they could even evolve from zombies without crystal cores to zombies with crystal cores!

This is the same as human beings changing from ordinary people to superpowers!

Wang Tao felt a little heavy in his heart. There were so many zombies in the world. If they evolved in large numbers in the future, how would they, the survivors, fight...

"What's the screamer?"

Han Rui and Li Qiuyu next to him asked curiously.

After hearing the question, Wang Tao came back to his senses. He searched for himself and found the zombie illustrated book he got from the airdrop box today.

At that time, he took a quick glance and knew that there were more types of zombies in the illustrated book, but he didn't know exactly how many more types there were and what their characteristics were.

So he opened the illustrated book and invited Han Rui and Li Qiuyu to watch it together.

Han Rui had not read this thing yet. After reading the contents, her eyes widened from time to time. She didn't expect that there were so many types of zombies, and these were only discovered by the military. They didn't know how many more there were that they hadn't discovered.

When she saw the screamer, she opened her mouth, and her expression instantly turned helpless.

"This screamer is similar to a self-destructor. Both can attract a large number of zombies... This is too annoying! And the self-destructor will self-destruct after all. A self-destructor can only attract zombies once, but this screamer seems to be able to Keep calling..."

Han Rui's face suddenly turned bitter.

How could they get out when there were three zombies like this outside?

Li Qiuyu felt scared after seeing the illustrations of the screamers and other special zombies.

"Is it already so dangerous outside?"

Wang Tao temporarily skipped the zombie introduction and looked directly at the words written below.

The military did not say what their base was like this time. It only wrote about their further breakdown of zombie types.

They currently divide zombies into three levels, namely ordinary level, elite level, and lord level.

Ordinary zombies are the zombies we see most often and are the weakest ones in the zombie camp.

Elite zombies are zombies that are obviously different from ordinary zombies. They generally have some unique characteristics. But more importantly, they will explode zombie crystal cores - these elite zombies are actually special zombies that can explode crystal cores.

Those special zombies that did not emit zombie cores in the past will produce zombie cores after they grow to a certain stage.

Wang Tao has killed hundreds of special zombies with blood before, but he has never exploded a zombie crystal core. And this screamer has one thousand health points, so Wang Tao has reason to guess that this kind of zombie may have a zombie core when it reaches 1,000 health points. Of course, this is just Wang Tao's guess, and we will have to observe further later.

As for the third type of lord zombie, the military said that it is a territorially aware zombie and can be regarded as an enhanced version of the elite zombie. The difference from elite zombies is that they will regard a certain area as their own territory and will patrol their territory. Some lord zombies will even lead their subordinates!

Lord zombies are the most terrifying zombies discovered by the military so far. However, the number of lord zombies was very small, and they didn't find much.

They said that if you encounter a lord zombie and have a chance to escape, it is best not to stay there and run as far away as possible, because that is likely to be the territory of the lord zombie, and it will come again!

The most unlucky situation is that a lord-level zombie appears next to the survivor base.

There is no way to escape from the survivor base, so there are only two options left, either to abandon the base or to deal with this lord zombie. Otherwise, there will be constant trouble in the future.

"Inspecting the territory..."

Wang Tao suddenly thought of the orangutan zombie he met in the old shopping mall before. Wang Tao felt that his behavior was a bit like patrolling the territory. Because it has been to the old mall once before, and it came again this time. After destroying it together, it also trampled to death many ordinary zombies...

"If the orangutan zombie is really the lord zombie, then wouldn't we be in the most unlucky situation..."

Wang Tao felt a little sore.

If the orangutan zombie thinks that the water base is also within its territorial atmosphere, it will be in trouble.

"We have to improve our strength quickly and kill that gorilla zombie!"

Wang Tao clenched his fists. After reading this zombie illustration, he felt a strong sense of urgency...

Soon, Han Rui and Li Qiuyu also finished reading these contents.

Fortunately for Han Rui, although these zombies made her anxious, she also knew that as long as she could become stronger, her chances of survival would be greater.

Li Qiuyu's face looked a little desperate. She really didn't expect that it would be so dangerous outside. She has been at home since the outbreak of the virus, and has completely lost contact with the outside world since the internet was cut off. She thought there were just ordinary zombies outside, but she didn't expect that the zombies had evolved...

"Qiu Yu, please come back to the base with us. It's so dangerous outside. You can't stay here."

Han Rui took the opportunity to persuade.

"I..." Li Qiuyu seemed a little moved, but finally shook her head, "No, I have to wait for Xiaoxue to come back..."

Seeing that Li Qiuyu still looked "obsessed", Han Rui was a little angry.

But before she could speak, she heard Li Qiuyu suddenly whisper:

"My husband is dead, my brother is dead, my parents are dead, my parents-in-law are also dead, I only have Xiaoxue as my only relative..."


Han Rui opened her mouth, not knowing what to say.

"How do you know they're dead? Maybe they're still alive."

Wang Tao originally wanted to comfort her.

But after Li Qiuyu heard Wang Tao's words, she raised her head and glanced at him. The expression on her face was calm, but her eyes were painful.

"On the day the virus broke out, my husband was outside, and my parents-in-law and my parents were not here, but they were all planning to come over because it was Xiaoxue's birthday and their gifts had been bought. We started a group video and discussed what to do today. Celebrate. Then…”

"I saw with my own eyes that my husband was attacked by his subordinates who turned into zombies and died violently; my father-in-law turned into a zombie on the highway and bit my mother-in-law to death; my brother was bitten to death by his girlfriend who was getting engaged; the man next door to my hometown A neighbor broke into my house and bit my parents to death...I saw it on the video with my own eyes, I saw it with my own eyes!"

Two lines of clear tears slipped silently from Li Qiuyu's cheeks.

"Only Xiaoxue managed to escape the first wave of zombie attacks with the help of the police. She told me not to run around and wait for her at home..."

"Sister Qiu Yu..."

Han Rui's eyes were a little red, and she quickly helped Li Qiuyu wipe her tears. Her parents were also dead, but at least she didn't witness such a bloody scene. For a woman, Li Qiuyu who witnessed this was really cruel.

Han Rui felt very distressed. Although she was not doing well, it did not prevent her from feeling sorry for Li Qiuyu.

Wang Tao sighed silently in his heart.

Although cruel, there is nothing to say. This is the end of the world.

"So, you guys, please stop trying to persuade me. I will always wait for Xiaoxue to come back at home. After all, I promised her..."

Li Qiuyu's eyes were very firm.

Rather than saying that she was waiting for her daughter to come back, it was better to say that she was waiting for death.

Wang Tao and Han Rui didn't try to persuade him anymore.

Although some people are alive, they are already dead and their hearts are dead.

Li Qiuyu lost interest in talking and sat alone at the bar. He took out half a bottle of red wine and poured himself a glass.

Wang Tao had no time to sigh. He looked at the zombies outside and thought about how to deal with them.

But it's getting dark now, so we can't leave today.

After Li Qiuyu took a sip of wine, he asked Wang Tao and the others:

"You can't leave today, can you? Do you want to rest at my house?"

"Thank you very much!"

Han Rui said quickly.

"You're welcome." Li Qiuyu smiled and then said, "How many rooms will we prepare for you? I'll go and clean them up briefly. Except for my room, the other rooms haven't been cleaned for a long time."


Han Rui was interrupted by Wang Tao just as she was about to speak.

"Just one will save you the trouble."

Then Wang Tao said in the ears of Han Rui, who was a little confused:

"When you go out, you can't lose your vigilance. Two people can take care of each other in the same room. What if this woman plots evil against me and I can't fight her?"


Li Qiuyu did not agree immediately, but tilted her head again and looked at Han Rui.

Han Rui lowered her head, her crystal earlobes showing a hint of red.

"Then, let's just have one..."

"Haha, okay!"

Li Qiuyu went to clean the room, and soon Wang Tao and Han Rui were left here.

"Let's make an agreement first. Let's sleep separately at night!"

Han Rui spoke with a blushing face.

Hearing this, Wang Tao looked at Han Rui strangely.

"Isn't this what it should be? Do you need to emphasize this? Do you have any thoughts about me that you shouldn't have?"


Wang Tao was so shameless that Han Rui decided not to pay attention to him. She ran to the window to observe the zombies.

After teasing Han Rui a little, Wang Tao found a cutting board and nailed it to the wall. Then he took out his bow and started practicing archery.

He had previously obtained a total of three bows and a crossbow from Villa No. 3.

The crossbow was given to Han Rui, and the two bows were placed in the car. He still had one bow in his hand. Of course, this does not include the alloy recurve bow dropped by the archer zombie, which is still in the space backpack. There is no need to take it out for the time being, just practice with the bow and arrow you have on hand.

Not long after, Li Qiuyu came over again and said that she had tidied the room. There is water in the room but no electricity. If you want to wash up, take the time while there is still some light outside.

Wang Tao glanced at Han Rui, who subconsciously took a step back.

"you go first!"


After Wang Tao finished washing, Han Rui went to the bathroom.

When Han Rui came out dressed neatly, she saw Wang Tao lying shirtless on the big bed, with his eyes closed, and he didn't know whether he was asleep or not.

The bedroom is large and there is a relaxing sofa on the balcony.

Han Rui ran to the sofa silently, and then looked at Wang Tao warily. After confirming that Wang Tao made no movement, she breathed a sigh of relief. But why is it that I feel a little disappointed?

The next day, early morning.

"Wang Tao, you hit my hair..."


PS: The bespectacled man "Ren Hua" in the previous chapter was renamed "Gao Hua". Because there is a committee member in the base named Ren Jie, and their names are somewhat similar, so I keep typing the wrong names...

Thank you [Chujiang Tiankuo] for the 5,000 coin reward, thank you for your support!

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