Doomsday: I can see the health bar, kill monsters and drop treasure

Chapter 106 Count the loot and fuse the crystal core again


An electric off-road vehicle covered in flesh and blood was speeding along, followed by a large group of fast and crazy zombies.

From time to time, new zombies join the chasing army, and the zombie team is getting bigger and bigger.

Fortunately, the off-road vehicle has been modified and is now very hard. It can directly hit some small obstacles encountered on the road. Large obstacles can be bypassed in advance, and Han Rui's driving skills are quite good. In addition, Han Rui was familiar with the roads here and had sensory abilities, so the car was not besieged by zombies.

As long as they are not surrounded, the danger is not great for the time being.

Wang Tao watched the surrounding situation closely. He had to guard against the appearance of any elite zombies. It would be very troublesome if he encountered a self-destructor blocking the way again.

After more than ten minutes, Wang Tao finally breathed a sigh of relief.

With good luck, I finally got rid of the zombie army behind me.

We also encountered a few elite zombies on the road, but they didn't block the road, otherwise they might really be in trouble.

At this time, the car stopped behind a house on the street, and Wang Tao and Han Rui changed places. Han Rui had been driving just now. Her high concentration and the use of supernatural powers caused her to consume a lot of energy and she was in urgent need of rest.

"Are you okay?"

After getting into the driver's seat, Wang Tao asked with concern.

"It's okay, I'm just a little tired..."

Han Rui wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and looked a little pale.

Wang Tao handed her a bottle of nutrient solution, although the nutrient solution could only replenish physical strength, not spirit. But this situation will also consume her energy. Drinking some nutrient solution will definitely make her feel better.


Han Rui poured all the bottle of nutrient solution into her mouth, and she felt much better.

Wang Tao started the car and headed towards the Shuize base. They had just made a large circle to avoid the zombies, and now they had to get back to the base before dark.

After Han Rui closed her eyes and rested for a while, she opened her eyes and glanced at Wang Tao secretly.

Her mind was a little confused, not because of the sudden encounter with two elite zombies before, nor the exciting chase just now, but because of the scene where Wang Tao subconsciously protected her in his arms after encountering a self-destructing zombie at the corner -

At the moment of the explosion, both of them fell down, but Wang Tao held her head in his arms.

Han Rui's mind was filled with the sound of "bang, bang, bang", which was Wang Tao's heartbeat.

Wang Tao...why did he protect her just now?

Although she now has some unclear relationship with Wang Tao, she knows that the two are not too close. That is to say, ordinary friends, or closer friends, or to put it more awkwardly...that is, running friends.

Regarding the relationship between the two of them, Han Rui really didn't understand why Wang Tao subconsciously protected her...

Because she was afraid of comparison in everything, when she was with her husband Sun Weiguang, whenever she encountered any danger, Sun Weiguang would subconsciously hide behind her. Only when he was sure that there was no danger, would Sun Weiguang come out in a pretentious manner.

So let alone being protected by Sun Weiguang, Sun Weiguang didn't even think about facing the danger with her.

But Wang Tao took the initiative to protect her...

Although, due to her quick reaction, the car did not hit the self-destructor and was not affected by the explosion. Regardless of whether she was protected or not, she would not be in any danger.

But that was Wang Tao's subconscious action after all. What is subconscious? It shows that Wang Tao has long regarded her as a protection object in his heart...

Han Rui was very strong. She had never been willing to accept protection from others before - of course, no one would protect her except her parents, who all regarded her as a tomboy. Especially after becoming a police officer, she almost never enjoyed the feeling of being protected.

She used to think that she didn't need it.

But now, after being protected by Wang Tao, she feels very at ease. This is a feeling she only felt when she was a child in the arms of her parents...

"What's wrong?"

Wang Tao suddenly turned his head and looked at Han Rui strangely.

He felt that in just this moment, Han Rui looked at him several times.


Han Rui quickly turned her head.

Wang Tao thought Han Rui was too tired, so he didn't pay much attention. When the power is exhausted, this kind of mental trance will occur.

Wang Tao drove intently.

After waiting for a while, Han Rui suddenly said:

"Thank you, thank you for protecting me just now..."

She is a person with clear grudges. Since Wang Tao protected her, she must say thank you.


Wang Tao was stunned for a moment. He didn't understand what Han Rui said for the first time. After thinking for a few seconds, he realized that what Han Rui was talking about was when he protected her in his arms after encountering a self-destructing zombie.

Wang Tao suddenly raised the corner of his mouth:

"In this case, shouldn't you say something like, 'The little girl has nothing to repay, so she can only give her her body'? Just saying 'thank you' is too insincere!"

"……Ignore you!"

Han Rui leaned back on the chair, turned her head slightly to the window, and closed her eyes.

Wang Tao shook his head, feeling a little amused.

When the self-destructing zombie exploded, he instantly activated the copper-skinned and iron-bone superpower, greatly increasing his body's defense. At the same time, he was also wearing stubborn armor, which further enhanced his defense.

In this case, isn't it reasonable for him, a warrior, to protect a shooter?

Of course, Han Rui's good looks are also a reason. Wang Tao admitted that he was greedy for Han Rui's body.

If someone else comes over, such as Wei Zhenguo, Chen Zhuang and others, then just protect yourself.

Before the sun went down, we finally saw the gate of Shuize Base.

Wang Tao looked at Han Rui and found that she was asleep.

"Wake up, we're home."

Wang Tao patted Han Rui's face.


Han Rui woke up in a daze. She still didn't understand the situation, so she subconsciously murmured:



Wang Tao was stunned for a moment and then decisively agreed.

Hearing this familiar voice, Han Rui suddenly woke up and blushed with embarrassment.

Wang Tao found it interesting, but the car had to be inspected, so Wang Tao didn't tease her.

After the two got off the car, after a brief inspection, Wang Tao asked someone to wash his car. Now the front of the car is covered with zombie flesh and blood, which looks very disgusting.

"After a tiring day, go back and have a good rest. As for the spoils of the past two days, don't worry, I am not a solitary eater. I will share some with you after counting."

Wang Tao turned around and said to Han Rui behind him.


Han Rui lowered her head and left quickly.

Wang Tao was a little strange, why did he feel that Han Rui was a little strange, her face was still red.

After Han Rui entered her office in the complex, she immediately leaned against the wall and touched her hot cheek, her eyes filled with shame.

When she woke up just now, she subconsciously called her husband. This was not what made her shy. What made her shy was that in that dazed situation, she called her husband, but what appeared in her mind was It’s Wang Tao’s figure...

"Wang Tao, you are finally back!"

When Ding Yuqin saw Wang Tao returning safely, she quickly wanted to rush over and give Wang Tao a hug, but Wang Tao held her forehead with one hand and blocked her.

After all, he is quite dirty and needs to be cleaned.

Ding Yuqin rolled her eyes at Wang Tao, but she finally felt relieved.

Originally, Wang Tao was supposed to come back yesterday, but everyone else came back yesterday, but Wang Tao didn't come back.

Although Wang Tao used a walkie-talkie to contact the base and told him that there was no danger. But the danger of spending the night outside is still too great.

Ding Yuqin didn't sleep well at night. She felt that she couldn't live without Wang Tao now, both physically and mentally...

After taking a shower and changing his clothes, Wang Tao came out and saw Ding Yuqin cooking a few dishes. Waiting for him at the dining table.

After seeing Wang Tao come out, she immediately got up and went to serve Wang Tao a meal.

Wang Tao was a little surprised and said:

"Huh? These dishes are not available at home, right?"

"I redeemed it with my contribution points in the Resources Department today..."

Ding Yuqin briefly explained.

In the past two days, those who left the base basically gained a lot. Some of them found some vegetables and meat. They were reluctant to eat them themselves, so they exchanged them for contribution points. These contributions can be exchanged to purchase more food stamps. As long as you are full, the food stamps exchanged for food is more cost-effective.

Wang Tao contacted Ding Yuqin before coming back, and Ding Yuqin went to buy the food and made a sumptuous dinner.

"Sister-in-law, you have taken the trouble." Wang Tao smiled, and then asked, "Sister-in-law, how much contribution do you have left?"

"Ahem, no more..."

Ding Yuqin spoke a little embarrassedly.

"Then if you exchange it for something later, just use my contribution."

"Ah? Is this okay? Contribution points can't be traded, right?"

"What's the matter? I just said that I would exchange it for me. No one dared to say anything. I can also exchange it myself, but I'm too lazy to do it."

Wang Tao smiled and shook his head. As a family member of a committee member, shouldn't you have some privileges? He has made a lot of contributions and has nothing to waste.

"oh oh……"

There was a hint of joy on Ding Yuqin's face.

It's not that she wants to use Wang Tao's contribution too much, it's mainly Wang Tao's behavior that makes her feel safe. She was afraid that she would not be attracted to Wang Tao, but now it seemed that Wang Tao still liked her.

After a sumptuous dinner, Ding Yuqin sat on Wang Tao's lap, hugged Wang Tao's neck, her face was red, and she stared at Wang Tao lovingly.

"Wang Tao~"

As soon as he saw the look in her eyes, Wang Tao knew what she wanted to do.

Wang Tao also thought that when he encountered a self-destructor today, he was injured and lost a few drops of blood. I have to look for Ding Yu to replenish my blood tonight.

However, before replenishing blood, Wang Tao still had one more important thing to do, which was to take stock of some of the loot he had taken out this time.

Wang Tao went out for two days this time and found a total of five airdrops, all of which were airdrops with parachutes.

Among them, everything in the first, third, and fourth airdrops were all taken away by Wang Tao. The second airdrop was empty, and there were people fishing not far away, but Wang Tao didn't get through. The fifth airdrop was the one Wu Fei and the others had fought over, leaving only a box of inhibitors.

So Wang Tao got a total of 16 boxes of inhibitors this time, each box containing 20 bottles, which means a total of 320 bottles.

If you add in the 19 bottles of inhibitors he had before, then he has a total of 339 bottles of inhibitors!

However, he has so many inhibitors in his hand that he won't be able to use them for the time being. He is a committee member of the base and must make some contribution to the base.

Therefore, Wang Tao planned to give a portion to Han Rui and put another portion in the base warehouse as an incentive for those hunters to earn contribution points.

Of course, Wang Tao estimates that others have also taken a lot of inhibitors, so the number of inhibitors in the base will definitely increase greatly. Then it would be inappropriate to exchange for 100,000 contribution points, and the price may be reduced. But this is something that Ren Jie and the others have considered, so Wang Tao doesn't have to worry about it.

In addition to the inhibitors, Wang Tao also found some food, but not much. After all, he only raided Villa No. 3.

Except for giving some of these foods to Han Rui, he kept all the rest. There isn't much food at home, so I can just replenish it.

Then comes the highlight of this harvest - the trophies obtained by killing several elite zombies!

An excellent quality screaming crystal core, a screaming potion blueprint, two bottles of screaming potion; an excellent quality precision shooting core, alloy recurve bow and its supporting arrows, precision hand crossbow and crossbow arrow production Blueprints; a fine-quality shock wave crystal core, two bottles of strength potion; an excellent-quality self-destruction crystal core... these were all obtained before returning.

On the way back, Wang Tao met a self-destructing zombie and a police zombie around the corner.

Surprisingly, the self-destructing zombie blew up the police zombie half to death.

Wang Tao was thinking about how to deal with this police zombie before, but he didn't expect it to be possible like this.

Wang Tao immediately got out of the car and stabbed the police zombie. At the same time, he also collected the two zombie trophies.

Naturally, the self-destructing zombie only had a crystal core, and this time, unfortunately, it was a blue one.

[First-order crystal core·self-destruction]

[Quality: Excellent (40%)]

[Purity: 50% (no side effects)]

Counting this crystal core, Wang Tao has three self-destructing crystal cores in his hand, and the quality is excellent (40%), excellent (60%) and excellent (80%).

Originally, Wang Tao felt that this self-destructive core was of no use to him, but when he discovered that Wu Fei's self-destructive core actually had 100 mana after fusion... Wang Tao suddenly felt as if he had discovered the correct use of the self-destructive core.

That is to use the self-exploding crystal core as a tool to increase the amount of mana.

Self-exploding zombies are the most common elite zombies encountered, and they are also the easiest elite zombies to kill. Therefore, the output of self-exploding crystal cores should not be low.

Wang Tao thinks that after everyone discovers this cool operation in the future, many people will be willing to fuse the self-destructing crystal core.

So this crystal nucleus is still valuable.

Of course, Wang Tao himself will definitely not be able to fuse. After all, the types of zombie crystal nuclei that everyone can fuse are limited. Wang Tao feels that he can fuse at most two types now. Good steel must be used on the blade.

And this blade... is the trophy Wang Tao picked up from the zombie policeman with the gun!

What Wang Tao didn't expect was that the zombie core dropped by the gun-toting police zombie was also a "precision shot"!

[First-order crystal core·Precise shooting]

[Quality: Excellent (40%)]

[Purity: 50% (Side Effect: Blindness in one eye)]

[Precision shooting: During the duration, your own shooting accuracy is greatly enhanced]

Although this crystal core is only of blue quality and has a fusion success rate of only 40%, when Wang Tao killed the archer zombie before, he also exploded a precision shooting crystal core. That one was of red excellent quality and had 80% fusion success rate!

Then he can fuse a golden epic crystal core with a fusion success rate of 100%, a purity of 100%, and no side effects!

Wang Tao originally thought that it would take him some time to get the next precision shooting core. After all, archer zombies would definitely be very rare, but he didn’t expect that he would get them all just the next day!

Both police and archers can shoot. The important thing is that they also have long-range attack weapons in their hands, so it makes sense that they drop the same core!

While feeling excited, Wang Tao synthesized these two precision shooting crystal nuclei in his space backpack!

Although "40% excellence" plus "80% excellence" exceed 100%, it seems a bit wasteful. But this kind of crystal nucleus is so rare that Wang Tao doesn't have time to wait. It is best to synthesize it at this time and use it to improve your combat effectiveness.

A burst of colorful light flashed in the space backpack, and then a brand new orange crystal core appeared!

[First-order crystal core·Precise shooting]

[Quality: Epic (100%)]

[Purity: 100% (Side Effects: None)]

[Precision shooting: During the duration, your own shooting accuracy is greatly enhanced]

Seeing this epic crystal core, Wang Tao felt excited.

The biggest disadvantage of this precision shooting is that one eye is blinded, which is a terrible side effect. If anyone knew about this side effect, they would probably not dare to fuse it even if they got this crystal core.

Fortunately, Wang Tao was able to synthesize it, and the side effects of blindness were gone.

Wang Tao felt that the superpower produced by this crystal core might become his strongest superpower...

"Sister-in-law, let me fuse a crystal core and help me keep an eye on it."


The two of them went to the bathroom together and filled the bathtub with water.

Then Wang Tao took a deep breath and swallowed the epic crystal core at once.


After swallowing the crystal core, Wang Tao felt that his whole body was hot and uncomfortable.

Fortunately, Wang Tao was prepared. He quickly took off his clothes and jumped into the bathtub.

"Wang Tao, how are you?"

Ding Yuqin asked worriedly.

"It's okay, it's just a little hot... bring me the thermometer!"

Ding Yuqin quickly took a thermometer and handed it to Wang Tao.

"You're so hot..."

Wang Tao didn't say anything. He held the thermometer in his mouth and dived into the water.

After waiting for a few minutes, Wang Tao asked Ding Yuqin to take away the thermometer.

"Oh my God! You, you are over 50 years old..."

Ding Yuqin was shocked, this would burn out!

She quickly grabbed Wang Tao's big hand, looking anxious.

Wang Tao was also startled, but he felt that he was still conscious and there should be no danger.

After about ten minutes, Wang Tao felt that the heat in his body was decreasing, and his somewhat groggy brain gradually became clear.

Wang Tao looked at his attributes. The blood volume remains unchanged at 1340, and the police zombies killed previously have 50 more blood.

The amount of mana increased again by 100, reaching 400, and his ability added "Precision Shot".


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