"Going to pick up a group of survivors? No problem, I'll make arrangements, but I'm not sure when I can go. After all, you know, there are too many surprises in the apocalypse.

After hearing Wang Tao's request to arrange for someone to pick up the survivors, Feng Ming'an immediately said.

The seven committee members all have their own division of labor. Feng Ming'an was responsible for picking up the survivors outside, and Ren Jie was responsible for them after they were brought back.

"Okay. They should be able to hold on for a few more days. If they really can't hold on, it's just bad luck for them."

Wang Tao nodded.

He felt that with Gao Hua's intelligence, he would definitely be able to hold on for another two days. If he really can't hold on, it can only be said that he is unlucky.

After talking about the survivors, the next step is the highlight of this meeting-zombie crystal core!

This time when you go out to pick up airdrops, you will definitely encounter elite zombies. As long as there is an opportunity to hunt, everyone will never let it go.

People like Lu Gang, Xiang Hongbin and others even took the initiative to hunt elite zombies. So this time out after the rain, in addition to inhibitors, zombie crystal cores are also an important harvest!

Zombie crystal cores are a good thing, but they may not be suitable for everyone. Only the one that suits you best is the best. So after waiting for Wang Tao to come back, several people took out the zombie crystal cores in their hands. Exchanges can be made if necessary.

Wang Tao now has seven crystal cores in his hand, but only three of them are useful to him, namely shock wave, charge and self-healing.

Not to mention shock wave, this is his main skill. He will try his best to collect enough shock wave crystal cores. Anyway, for now, he feels that he can use a lot of shock wave crystal cores without any physical problems.

Charge is also a good ability. Wang Tao wants to learn it, but currently he can only fuse one other type of crystal core, so he must be cautious. Charge as a backup.

As for the self-healing crystal core, this is the crystal core that Wang Tao wants to get most at the moment. If he can learn to heal himself, then combined with copper skin and iron bones... then he will be almost unbeatable for the duration of the skill! Of course, the premise is not to be infected.

Self-healing crystal cores are what Wang Tao wants most at the moment. If he really couldn't find a self-healing crystal core, then he would consider other crystal nuclei.

So he kept these three crystal nuclei, and took out the remaining four crystal nuclei.

They are blue self-exploding crystal core, purple self-exploding crystal core, red self-exploding crystal core, and purple screaming crystal core.

Three self-exploding crystal cores made Wang Tao helpless.

But now he has discovered another way to use the self-exploding crystal core, which is not as painful as before.

"I'll go, Wang Tao, you are so lucky!"

Several people were surprised when they saw the zombie crystal core that Wang Tao took out.

Regardless of whether it self-destructs or not, the quality of the crystal core in Wang Tao's hand is high! There's even a red (80%) one! Others are also purple and blue. Not a single white one.

Looking back at themselves... everyone shook their heads helplessly. The crystal nuclei in their hands are basically white, with occasional blue embellishments. The total number of crystal nuclei in their hands is purple. There is not a single red one...

This is really infuriating!

As for the types of crystal nuclei, they are mainly self-exploding crystal nuclei.

The self-destructing zombie is the most common elite zombie and the easiest to deal with - as long as it is alerted, it will self-destruct in three seconds.

So it is understandable to get so many self-exploding crystal nuclei.

Seeing the helpless expressions of several people, Wang Tao suddenly smiled and said:

"Actually, the use of these self-detonating crystal nuclei is not limited to self-destruction. There is also another use, and it is very useful!"

"Huh? What's the use!"

After hearing this, several people immediately looked at Wang Tao.

"After the self-explosion crystal core is successfully fused, there will be no side effects, but it will still increase the energy in the body..."

Wang Tao made a little mention, and the eyes of several people suddenly lit up.

Especially Feng Ming'an, he slapped his thigh and then looked at Wang Tao with bright eyes.

"You mean, you can fuse the self-exploding crystal core to increase the energy value in the body, and then release more other powers?"

Although he couldn't see the blue strips, he could feel the amount of energy in his body, so when Wang Tao said it, he knew what it meant.


After seeing Wang Tao nodding, Feng Ming'an suddenly looked annoyed.

"Oh, if I had known this, I would have fused a few more self-exploding crystal cores! This time, although going out went smoothly, it was not without danger. In a battle, I didn't pay attention and used too many powers. I felt very tired instantly, my mental state was a little unfocused, and I was almost bitten by a zombie..."

Hearing this, Wang Tao smiled and shook his head.

"I just learned about this, and it was confirmed. Originally, I thought that the self-exploding crystal core was of limited use..."

"Then I can fuse the self-destructing zombie crystal core now?"

Feng Ming'an looked at these self-destructing crystal cores and felt a little excited.

"Theoretically it's possible, but people's physiques are different. Some people can fuse several types of crystal nuclei, while some people can only fuse one type of crystal nucleus. So we have to see if you can fuse it first... …”

Wang Tao explained again.

"Ah? What do you think?"

Feng Mingan was a little confused.

"This depends on your feeling. Just calm down and think about fusing these crystal nuclei, and you will feel something in your heart..."

This thing may sound confusing, but this is how Wang Tao feels. And when he went out with Han Rui this time, he also asked Han Rui to do experiments. Han Ru did have some feelings - although she was not like Wang Tao who could accurately sense how many types of crystal nuclei she could fuse, she could feel that she could continue to fuse.

So although this thing is unreliable, it is indeed effective.

According to Wang Tao, Feng Ming'an closed his eyes and felt it quietly for a moment, then suddenly froze.

"I feel...if I fuse another type of crystal core, something bad will happen..."


Wang Tao opened his mouth, then shook his head with some regret.

"If that's the case, it's a pity that you can no longer fuse the self-explosion crystal core, you can only continue to fuse the vomiting slime crystal core..."

"Ah this..."

Several other people were also a little helpless.

Feng Ming'an is so unlucky that he is the kind of person who can only fuse one kind of crystal core...

Seeing that Feng Mingan was a little disappointed, Wang Tao suddenly said:

"But I feel that the issue of the number of types of fusion crystal cores seems to be related to your own strength. If your strength increases, it seems that you can increase the upper limit of fusion... Of course, this is just a guess on my part, and it has not been confirmed yet. .”

Wang Tao didn't say too much.

Although he can indeed feel that as his strength increases, he can indeed fuse more crystal nuclei. ˜”*°•.˜˜.•°*”˜But he doesn’t know whether this is because he is special...

After hearing this, Feng Ming'an's complexion improved a lot. He shook his head with a wry smile.

"Hey! It would be great to have a superpower. Many people who want to become superpowers haven't had the chance yet!"

Xiang Hongbin answered at this time:

"But Lao Feng's luck is indeed not very good. This time when he went out, he didn't encounter a single zombie that vomited mucus..."

"Don't worry, there will always be opportunities in the future!"

Feng Mingan said helplessly.

"Wang Tao, look at the uses of these other crystal nuclei?"

Wei Zhenguo spoke at this time.

In this operation, they obtained a total of more than a dozen crystal nuclei. After all, they had many people, totaling more than fifty people. It was normal to obtain so many crystal nuclei.

In addition to the self-exploding crystal nuclei, there are also some crystal nuclei that they have seen before and some that they have not seen before.

The ones I have seen include: a blue (40%) charge crystal core, a white (20%) shock wave crystal core, a blue (40%) Big Stomach King crystal core, and a white (20%) Copper skin and iron bone crystal core.

Of these four crystal nuclei, except for the Big Stomach King crystal nucleus, Wang Tao wants the other three crystal nuclei.

He has a purple charge crystal core in his hand. If he combines it with the blue one, he can get an orange charge crystal core!

Although he really wanted to get an orange self-healing crystal core, but if he couldn't wait, the fusion charge ability was also good.

As for shock wave and copper skin and iron bones, I won’t talk about them. These are his two main abilities.

Wang Tao got these three crystal nuclei. Although they were all white and blue, he could synthesize them and didn't mind the poor quality.

None of them objected. They had accepted Wang Tao's suggestion before - zombie crystal cores below purple were not used. The probability of white and blue is too low and it is easy for impurities to accumulate in the body.

Then there are the zombie crystal cores that they have never seen before, there are three in total.

Wang Tao looked at the three crystal nuclei.

[First-order crystal core·Sprint]

[Quality: Excellent (60%)]

[Purity: 50% (Side Effect: The soles of the feet become enlarged)]

[Sprint: Consume energy and sprint forward a short distance]

The first one is a sprint core, with a pair of phantoms of feet inside the core.

This crystal core is exactly the same as charge, but the effect is completely different.

Because Xiang Hongbin told Wang Tao that this sprinting crystal core was exploded by sprinting zombies.

The "sprint" ability of the sprinting zombie is to sprint a few meters briefly. The sprint itself has no lethality.

It's not like charging, which can directly kill people.

But then again, the side effects of this sprint are minimal. A side effect of charging is limb stiffness. But the only side effect of this sprint is that the soles of my feet get bigger.

Could enlargement of the soles of the feet also be a side effect?

Xiang Hongbin told Wang Tao that although the feet of the sprinting zombie he saw were larger than those of ordinary zombies, they were not unacceptable. At most, they couldn't wear ordinary shoes and had to be customized.

Wang Tao thinks that the stronger the power in the crystal core, the greater the side effects.

So to judge whether a power is strong or not, you can probably look at whether its side effects are significant...

The second crystal core is a bit strange.

[First-order crystal core·quagmire]

[Quality: Excellent (40%)]

[Purity: 50% (Side Effect: The body will always produce mud)]

[Quirk: consume energy and create a quagmire around yourself]

In this crystal core, there is a shadow of a quagmire.

It was hard for Wang Tao to imagine what would happen if someone fused this crystal core and used his powers.

No, it’s not just when using powers. Looking at the introduction of this side effect, even when not using powers, the body will still produce mud... This is simply a good helper for hygiene!

Judging from the literal meaning, I feel that this crystal core may be the same as the Big Stomach King crystal core. It looks okay, but it is of no use.

Then there is the last crystal core. Inside this crystal core is a half-virtual and half-real villain.

[First-order crystal core·Concealment]

[Quality: Ordinary (20%)]

[Purity: 50% (Side Effect: Action consumes double physical strength)]

[Hidden: During the duration, hide your own breath and not easily discovered by other creatures]

Seeing the properties of this crystal nucleus, Wang Tao's eyes suddenly lit up.

This ability seems pretty good!

If I guessed correctly, this crystal core should have been exploded by a hidden zombie. The hidden zombies Wang Tao killed before did not have much blood and no crystal cores. But the concealment potion will explode.

The effect of the concealment potion (medium) can hide zombies. As long as you don't get too close to the zombies, they won't be able to spot you!

He used concealment potions to avoid several crises.

The effect of this hidden zombie crystal core is large, medium and small. It says it is not easily perceived by other creatures, so it should be able to avoid zombies.

In the apocalypse, combat ability is of course important. But survivability is also important!

For now, this hidden ability is definitely one of the top abilities in survivability!

Wang Tao was a little tempted. If he learned it, wouldn't it be like when he used the concealment potion before, and he could walk around the streets at will? As long as you don't run into the zombies, there's basically no danger!

However, this hidden ability is a continuous ability like his precision shooting and copper-skinned iron bones, so he doesn't know the mana consumption of this ability...

As for the hidden side effects, they are indeed quite serious. Action consumes double the physical strength, which means that this ability cannot be used by combatants. After all, if you punch one punch, it is equivalent to punching twice, which is uncomfortable. This is equivalent to directly halving the endurance.

Of course, for Wang Tao, if he could synthesize a crystal core without side effects, then this side effect would not matter.

Wang Tao explained the general functions and side effects of these three zombie crystal cores.

After listening to this, several people looked a little strange.

Sprinting on this crystal core is quite satisfactory. The ability is not strong, but the side effects are not big, and it is purple, so you can try fusion.

Quagmire is a bit hard to understand. Whether it is strong or not depends on the actual situation. If we only look at the quagmire zombie, it doesn't seem to be very strong - this is the zombie that Xiang Hongbin encountered. He was in a small quagmire at that time. Although Xiang Hongbin couldn't get through, he stabbed the zombie to death with a spear. No injuries throughout.

As for this hidden crystal core, several people's eyes were a little bright.

The ability to hide is pretty good!

Although this side effect is weakened for combatants, for collectors, it is definitely super strengthened. After all, there are still many people who are timid. They don’t want to risk killing zombies. They just want to steal supplies secretly...

Of course, it is also a life-saving skill at critical moments. For example, if people like Ren Jie and Liu He have little fighting ability, their self-protection ability will be greatly improved if they have concealment powers.

Wang Tao explained the screaming crystal core he had obtained to several people. Others shook their heads about this power, but Ren Jie was very interested.

The side effect of this is that I cannot speak softly and usually speak in a loud voice. This is indeed somewhat fatal in the apocalypse. But for him, he doesn't go out and stays in the base every day. A louder voice will not have any impact, and it will even make him more imposing!

If he really goes out in the future, the worst he can do is shut up and stop talking... As for his screaming ability, he just doesn't need it.

"Do you want to fuse this crystal core?"

Wei Zhenguo looked at Ren Jie strangely.

"Ahem, I have some ideas. I also want to feel what it's like to be a superpower."

Wei Zhenguo looked at Wang Tao, and Wang Tao directly handed over the crystal core.

"It's okay if you want to use it naturally, but you have to think about it. After using it, you won't be able to whisper."

"It doesn't matter, I'm not going out. Even if I go out, the worst I can do is not talk."

Ren Jie chuckled.

The most valuable thing about him is his self-awareness.

When he had the opportunity to compete for county magistrate, he felt it was a bit dangerous, so he gave up decisively. As a result, none of the people who competed for county magistrate came out well. Except for him, everyone else was replaced.

It's the end of the world now, and at the age of fifty or sixty, he can still kill a ghost zombie.

He has positioned himself very accurately as the one who manages the base. If not necessary, he can stay in the base for the rest of his life!

So he simply wanted to experience the feeling of being a superpower, and the rest didn't matter. After all, he can accept the side effects of this screaming crystal core...

As for the remaining self-destructing crystal cores, everyone is looking at them with envy, but no one dares to use them.

Originally, after Wang Tao finished talking about the role of the self-destructive crystal core, everyone wanted to fuse a self-destructive crystal core.

It turned out that Feng Ming'an could only fuse one crystal core for the time being... This made everyone afraid to fuse the self-destructing crystal core. If the fusion is successful, but they are unlucky and can only fuse one type of crystal core, then they will have no choice but to become self-destructors...

"Don't be discouraged, everyone, we will focus on searching for supplies and hunting elite zombies next. As long as we kill enough zombies, we will definitely become a superpower!"

Wei Zhenguo said loudly.

"That's right! Damn it, I don't believe I can't become a superpower!"

Xiang Hongbin hammered the table angrily.

Wang Tao saw that no one wanted his crystal core, so he took it back. He thought that he would have to hunt down some elite zombies later. The types of crystal nuclei he can fuse have basically reached the upper limit, but no one else has yet become a superpower, so the progress is a bit slow...

Wang Tao doesn't care about Ren Jie's fusion of zombie crystal cores. Now that everyone has experience, there is no need to worry.

Wang Tao was about to go find Han Rui. Yesterday he said he would give Han Rui a portion of the loot, so he would certainly keep his promise. What he prepared was some food and inhibitors. These zombie crystal nuclei are not suitable for Han Rui either.

But as soon as he came downstairs, he saw someone running up in a hurry.

"Commissioner Wang!"

When the man saw Wang Tao, he immediately said eagerly:

"Commissioner Wang, something happened! Two teams of hunters in our base spent the night. They originally said they would come back this morning, but just now a stranger's voice came from their walkie-talkie, saying that they were kidnapped! They want us to use zombie crystal cores to replace them. !”

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