
Han Rui took a breath. Using a charge with one person was different from using a charge with her alone.

Especially Wang Tao is big and has a lot of equipment on him. This was a big drain on Han Rui. She consumed a lot more energy than usual.

Fortunately, the effect of the charge was basically intact, and the two of them successfully broke out from the zombie siege.

But this location is not good because it is opposite to the location of their car.

The car must not be thrown away. After all, the cars outside are corroded by acid rain and have become rusty and cannot be used. The car is now worth a lot, especially if it is a tram.

After Wang Tao looked at the surrounding buildings, he immediately pointed to the tallest six-story building and said:

"Let's go up and get out of the spotlight!"


The first and second floors of this building are a large restaurant, and the third floor and above are apartments.

There were no elite zombies in the restaurant, they were all ordinary zombies, which were quickly eliminated by Wang Tao and Han Rui.

The two ran to the sixth floor, found an apartment room without zombies, and entered.


After closing the door, Han Rui breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's so scary! The hospital is so scary!"

Thinking back to the scene she just saw, Han Rui still felt a little frightened.

She didn't expect that there were so many zombies in the hospital. She didn't even expect that there were countless crazy zombies hiding upstairs in the outpatient department!

Fortunately, Wang Tao didn't go up, otherwise he might have to explain it inside...

Wang Tao was a little helpless.

He wishes there were zombies in the hospital, but not so many. And there are so many crazy zombies... Killing the crazy zombies has no benefits other than dropping some ordinary materials. So no matter whether he can defeat the crazy zombies or not, Wang Tao doesn't want to provoke them.

We can't go to the hospital for the time being, but Wang Tao doesn't want to just leave. After all, his car is still outside, and he plans to wait.

Gunshots rang out from time to time in the hospital, and the crazy zombies outside the hospital were constantly attracted to it.

There weren't many crazy zombies outside, at least Wang Tao could deal with them, but he still waited patiently.

Finally, the gunfire in the hospital disappeared.

Without this huge noise, the crazy zombies slowly left.

But Wang Tao couldn't see the situation in the hospital from his position, and he didn't know whether Shao Yong was dead or not.

However, he could still see Shao Yong's car parked outside. If Shao Yong was still alive, he would probably come over...

About an hour later, just when Wang Tao thought Shao Yong was dead, Wang Tao saw an unusually tall figure covered in blood, hiding near Shao Yong's pickup truck.

Wang Tao quickly poked Han Rui with his arm. Under the gaze of the two men, the big man quickly got into the pickup truck and got out again, cursing. He got into several other cars, but failed to drive away...

"It's indeed Shao Yong!"

Although this man was covered in blood, Wang Tao still recognized him as Shao Yong through other physical characteristics. Wei Zhenguo and Gao Hua had both told Wang Tao about Shao Yong's appearance before.

But when Wang Tao saw Shao Yong's attributes, he was a little shocked.

Shao Yong has no hidden attributes, but his blood volume is [754/4030]!

More than four thousand blood, more than Wang Tao!

This was the first time Wang Tao saw a survivor with more blood than himself.

But just this amount of blood would naturally not shock Wang Tao so much. If someone is lucky, diligent, and strong, it is normal for him to have more health than him.

What shocked Wang Tao were the other two attributes.

One is mana, Shao Yong’s mana actually has [120/4000]!

A full 4,000 mana! Wang Tao is only 1,400!

Based on the calculation that 100 mana can be obtained by fusing one crystal core, Shao Yong has fused 40 crystal cores!

And Wang Tao only fused 14... Although the crystal nuclei that Wang Tao fused were all synthesized, if they were not synthesized, there would be 28. But if these 28 are used for fusion, it will definitely not be 2800 HP, because it cannot all be successful. After all, the fusion success rate of each crystal core is different.

This means that Shao Yong has far more than 40 fusion crystal cores! It's just that only 40 crystal nuclei were successfully fused, and the others failed.

Unless Shao Yong fuses all orange crystal cores, but this is obviously impossible...

Another attribute is the impurities in Shao Yong's body.

[Impurities in the body: 70%]

This is definitely the person with the most impurities in his body that Wang Tao has ever seen!

The yellow-haired Wu Fei I met before, who was infected with the zombie virus but could not find an inhibitor, had 28% impurities in his body.

Shao Yong is more than twice as tall as him!

Wang Tao wondered whether Shao Yong was also infected with the zombie virus.

But with his ability, he can definitely get the inhibitor... Then there is another possibility - he has fused too many crystal nuclei!

Regardless of whether the fusion crystal core is successful or not, it will increase impurities in the body. However, Wang Tao still doesn’t know exactly how many impurities are added to a crystal core. But judging from Shao Yong's 4000 mana, he has at least dozens of zombie crystal cores, or even more.

Of course, there may be two possibilities - he is infected with the zombie virus and has too many crystal nuclei fused!

Wang Tao was originally a little envious of him for having so much blood and blue, but now, Wang Tao just feels that he is very sad. According to the speed at which impurities are accumulating, it won't be long before he turns into a zombie...

When Wang Tao was observing Shao Yong, Shao Yong seemed to sense something. He raised his head and looked at Wang Tao's window.

However, the windows were somewhat reflective, and Wang Tao was behind the curtains. Shao Yong didn't see anyone, but he obviously felt like he was being spied on.

Shao Yong stretched out his slender tongue and licked the corner of his mouth. A trace of anger appeared on his face. He hated being spied on.

But Shao Yong touched his back and saw that there was no steel bar. Then he looked at the zombies chasing after him in the hospital. He decisively escaped.

After Shao Yong left, Han Rui spoke softly.

"That person gave me a terrible feeling..."

"It's really scary. He's very strong, and I'm not necessarily his opponent."

Wang Tao nodded seriously.

He felt a little pity that Shao Yong was currently at a loss of health, but he was far away from Shao Yong and couldn't hit him. There are still many zombies chasing Shao Yong, and he has little chance to take action.

"Huh? You can't beat him? It's impossible!"

Han Rui didn't believe it. In her heart, Wang Tao had always been the most powerful. It's okay to say that Wang Tao can't defeat zombies. After all, many zombies are very powerful. But saying that Wang Tao can't defeat the survivors... doesn't that make sense?

Wang Tao couldn't explain the problem of blood bars and blue bars to him, so he could only say vaguely:

"My feeling has always been very accurate. Maybe I'm not as good as him now..."

Shao Yong has 4000 blood, Wang Tao only has 3290... When the blood is above 1000, the improvement of every 1000 blood is obvious. So theoretically speaking, Wang Tao's current physical fitness should be inferior to him.

However, Wang Tao's own physical fitness is good, and after the blood volume increases, the improvement he gets is relatively large. So it’s hard to say who has better physical fitness between the two.

But the opponent's mana amount is beyond Wang Tao's reach. He only has 1400, while the opponent's is 4000, which is equivalent to 26 more crystal cores than him!

Wang Tao doesn't know how many kinds of powers Shao Yong has learned, but Wang Tao can only fuse four kinds of crystal nuclei at present, which means he can only master four kinds of powers at most.

Assuming that Shao Yong also has four powers, then his 40 crystal cores are equivalent to giving all four powers "+10"! All integrated to full level!

Wang Tao only has one shock wave with +10, copper skin and iron bones with +3, and precision shooting is only fused once. Plus he only has three powers now...

So theoretically speaking, he is inferior to Shao Yong in terms of supernatural powers. Unless the crystal nuclei that Shao Yong fused are useless junk crystal nuclei, this is unlikely. After all, Wang Tao has not seen any obvious side effects on him, such as the big stomach king and the quagmire.

Anyway, Wang Tao was not sure of his victory.

Of course, Wang Tao couldn't challenge him to a duel. There were so many people in his Shuize base, why should he be given a chance to duel? Wouldn't it be better to just fight in a group?

"Then let's do it now..."

Han Rui looked at Wang Tao.

Wang Tao hesitated and said:

"Wait before we leave. It seems that all the zombies in the hospital have come out. Let's see if we have a chance to hunt more."


Han Rui nodded.

Wang Tao and the two waited until the sun went down, and the roar of the zombies outside finally became much quieter. But it will get dark soon, so you definitely can’t go out at this time.

"After a night's rest, things should be back to normal here tomorrow."

The next day, early morning.

Both people in the apartment woke up early.

Neither of them slept well last night, not because they were doing anything shameful, but because it was too noisy outside.

There is a difference between the post-apocalypse and the pre-apocalypse. After the apocalypse, it is usually very quiet during the day, but at night, the zombies are particularly active, and various roars can be heard endlessly.

Especially since he was near the hospital, and there were so many zombies in the hospital... That sound was just incredible!

If a timid person came here, he would probably be scared out of his wits.

Of course, Wang Tao can plug his ears and block the noise. But don't say this is not a base. Even in the base, he would not block his senses like this...

After simply drinking two bottles of nutrient solution, Wang Tao said to Han Rui:

"Let's go to the hospital."


The two of them cautiously arrived near the hospital, and after looking at the situation inside, they took a deep breath.

The hospital is full of zombies. Most of them are wearing white coats and hospital gowns, but a small number are wearing regular clothes.

After a cursory glance, there are at least thousands of zombies here, not to mention many elite zombies!

Including the unique elite zombies inside the hospital, the chargers, violent terrorists, and even self-destructors seen outside, etc.

It's like a zombie paradise here!

Not to mention, there are countless crazy zombies inside the outpatient department building...

This is what the hospital really looks like!

The reason why there were no zombies outside yesterday, Wang Tao guessed, was probably because Shao Yong and the others made some noise and attracted the zombies there...

"What should we do?"

Han Rui felt a little numb when she saw so many zombies.

If they are discovered by these zombies, they have only one way to escape.

"Let's go check out the car first."

The two slowly arrived at the spot where they parked yesterday. The car was in good condition and had not been damaged in any way.

Wang Tao breathed a sigh of relief. With a car, he had the capital to run away.

"Let's see if we can attract some zombies..."

Seeing so many elite zombies, Wang Tao couldn't bear to leave.


The two wandered around outside the hospital for a while, and soon found an opportunity.

I saw a short, fat, bald, middle-aged elite zombie wearing a white coat, passing by the gate.

Han Rui had already aimed at it and shot him an arrow directly.

call out--



This arrow directly caused the zombie to lose one-third of its health.

Looking at this defense, it shouldn't be a scalpel-throwing zombie.

After the zombie was hit by an arrow, he immediately looked around and then came in the direction of Han Rui. It probably didn't notice who had done it. After all, it didn't speed up, and it didn't have the manic look that zombies do when they discover humans.

Maybe zombies have a sixth sense?

Regardless of whether it was a sixth sense or not, this was just right for Wang Tao. After waiting for the zombies to get closer, Han Rui secretly shot another arrow.



"Ho ho..."

This time the zombie discovered the initiator. It immediately looked at Han Rui's position, then began to accelerate and trotted towards Han Rui.

But at this moment, Wang Tao on the other side activated his precision shooting ability and pulled the trigger.

call out--




The health bar was cleared, and two arrows sent it home to the west.

After confirming that there were no zombies around, Wang Tao hurried over to collect the loot.

This zombie adds 60 blood to him, and then a white crystal core and package.

[First-order crystal core, full of vitality]

[Quality: Ordinary (20%)]

[Purity: 50% (Side Effect: Easy to indulge in lust)]

[Rejuvenate: It can consume a certain amount of energy and instantly restore full physical strength and spirit]

Seeing the properties of this crystal core, Wang Tao thought it was pretty good.

Although it is not adding blood and mana, reality is not a game. In addition to blood volume and energy, there are also physical strength, mental energy and other factors that will also affect an individual's state.

For example, when you run out of mana, you will feel very tired. At that time, no matter how much blood you have, your combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced.

If one's physical strength and mental energy can be restored instantly, it may be equivalent to a shot of blood, which can also improve combat effectiveness.

But the side effect of this crystal core is that it is easy to indulge in lust... isn't it just lustful! Is this a side effect? Isn't this normal?

Wang Tao had some doubts. Could this Shao Yong have this ability?

Otherwise, how could he insist on running out when there were so many zombies in the hospital?

Not to mention the question of whether it can be defeated, there are so many zombies that just stand and let him chop, and it is estimated that he may not be able to finish them.

Especially when you are highly concentrated, it consumes even more energy and energy...

In addition to the crystal core, this lustful zombie also has a medical kit, two bottles of potions and a blueprint.

[Obtain: Medical Kit*5]

[Obtain: Rejuvenating Potion Production Drawing*1]

[Obtain: Rejuvenating Potion*2]

Detailed introduction below.

[Rejuvenation production drawings: After learning it, you can make 5 rejuvenation potions each time. Materials required: Zombie crystal core*1, purified water*300 ml, 30 kcal food]

[Revitalizing Potion: After taking it, full physical strength and spirit will be restored instantly, but you will be weak for 1 day afterwards]

The materials used to make this rejuvenating potion are simple. There are no special items, only zombie crystal nuclei, water and food are needed.

But the side effects of this potion are a bit big. It is only suitable for use when there is an outbreak. If the battle is not over after using it, it will basically be cold...

With a thought, Wang Tao learned how to make the medicine.

He has now learned several methods of making potions, but only this potion can be made, and the others are missing key materials.

"I can make some later and keep them for later use..."

While thinking in his mind, Wang Tao waved to Han Rui.

"Continue to attract zombies."


Not long after, the two finally waited for another opportunity.

A figure wearing a nurse's uniform with a curved front and back appeared at the hospital gate.

"Hiss—is this the figure a serious nurse should have?"

Wang Tao couldn't believe it.

This is much more eye-catching than the previous obese nurse zombie. Of course, the premise is not to look at the face.

Its face has long since rotted away, and it no longer looks like it did before birth. Especially the bloody mouth with mucus still lying on it, it was disgusting to look at.

call out--

Han Rui shot an arrow.



This arrow directly shot half of its blood.

This zombie's defense isn't very high either!

Wang Tao asked Han Rui to stop, otherwise the second arrow might snatch his head.

This zombie's perception seemed to be more acute. After Han Rui shot the arrow, it quickly walked towards Han Rui's position.

At the same time, it opened its mouth wide and a long and slender tongue stuck out.

When it was about 10 meters away from Han Rui, its long tongue suddenly stuck out like a frog's tongue.

call out--


Han Rui lay on the ground and escaped the attack of the tongue. The tongue hit an abandoned vehicle and directly made a hole in the door.

Seeing this attack power, Wang Tao and Han Rui were a little stunned. Who can withstand such licking!

However, the tongue of the female nurse zombie got stuck in the car, and the car was too heavy. It couldn't pull it out at once, but stumbled on its own.

Seeing this opportunity, Wang Tao immediately started precise shooting and then pulled the trigger.




The health bar of this explosive nurse zombie was cleared.

It also increased Wang Tao's health by 60, bringing Wang Tao's health to [3410/3410]!

Wang Tao secretly thought that he was lucky. If the zombie's tongue hadn't been stuck, it might have taken a lot of effort. After all, it could attack from a distance.

Wang Tao quickly went to get the zombie's loot.

[First-order crystal nucleus·long tongue]

[Quality: Excellent (60%)]

[Purity: 50% (Side Effect: Moody)]

[Long tongue: energy is consumed, the tongue becomes harder and longer]

This ability... seems a bit unorthodox based on the introduction, but it should be good in actual combat. It can be used as both control and damage.

In addition to the crystal core, the trophies of the female nurse's zombie explosion are a medical kit and a set of clothes.

[Obtain: Medical Kit*5]

[Get: Pink Nurse Uniform*1]

[Pink nurse uniform: durability +1, tear resistance +1]

Wang Tao previously obtained a set of security uniforms, and what he is wearing now is really good. He often fights without any damage, so he doesn't have to worry about the embarrassment of being exposed.

The properties of this nurse uniform are the same as those of a security guard uniform. But this nurse uniform is tear-proof? Bad review!

After killing this zombie, Wang Tao and Han Rui waited for a long time, but no more elite zombies passed by the door.

"Do you want to take another risk? Go in and seduce a few elite zombies out?"

When Wang Tao was hesitating, he suddenly felt the ground shaking.


Wang Tao and Han Rui looked south at the same time.

I saw a huge zombie walking towards the hospital step by step.

"No, it's a gorilla zombie!"

Looking at the two-story-tall figure, Wang Tao's expression changed.

Not only is its size larger, but more importantly, its blood volume is also larger!


"Let's go!"

Wang Tao cried out in his heart, "Damn it, I haven't seen it for a few days, and it already has 10,000 blood!"

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