Then came the other loot.

What the self-destructor exploded was an ordinary-quality self-explosion crystal core, 5 self-explosion bombs, and 1 self-explosion bomb production blueprint.

What Fatty Zombie revealed was a bile crystal core, 5 bile bottles and a bile bottle manufacturing blueprint.

[First-order crystal nucleus·Bile]

[Quality: Excellent (80%)]

[Purity: 50% (Side Effect: Excessive Obesity)]

[Bile: Consume energy to spit out bile that can attract zombies]

Seeing the properties of this crystal core, Wang Tao suddenly understood.

No wonder the fat zombie exploded. When the yellow-green liquid fell on some zombies, it would cause other zombies to attack the zombies with liquid on them!

If this bile is spitted on some powerful zombies, will ordinary zombies attack this powerful zombie?

[Bile bottle: After detonating, a piece of bile will be formed]

[Bile bottle production drawings: 5 bile bottles can be made, materials required: crystal core*1, zombie flesh*5Kg, glass*2kg]

The production drawings for bile bottles are not troublesome either, they are all made from common materials.

As for the final charger's revelation of the spoils, Wang Tao grinned.

[First-order crystal core·Charge]

[Quality: Epic (100%)]

[Purity: 50% (Side Effect: Limb Stiffness)]

This turned out to be a crystal core of epic quality!

He can finally explode the epic crystal core!

Although this charger zombie is difficult to defeat, this crystal core is worthy of his harvest.

But the Charger's trophies are far more than that, there is also a pair of shoe manufacturing blueprints!

[Assault boots: You can make a pair of assault boots. Materials required: iron block*2, steel wire*2, screw*2, blade*2, nail*2, rubber*2, plastic*2, cable*2, Electronic components*2, battery*2]

[Assault boots: Tough in texture, they can block knives and guns. Durability +10, defense +10]

This is a production diagram of a pair of shoes with attributes, and the material requirements are also very simple.

Counting these shoes, Wang Tao now has two assault arm guards, two assault knee pads and a pair of shoes - all produced by the assaulter!

When Wang Tao first got the Charge's right arm, he didn't expect to get so many Charge series equipment.

All I can say is good luck!

Han Rui drove the car to the downstairs of her house and got out of the car.

"Have a good rest today."

"Ah, you too!"

After watching Han Rui go upstairs, Wang Tao drove back directly.

Ding Yuqin was not at home and left a note in the house. She said that she was killing zombies around the base.

Wang Tao made something simple for himself to eat, and then took out the materials and drawings for making assault boots.

With a thought, light flashed.

A pair of ordinary-looking black boots appeared in front of him.

The appearance of the assault series equipment is very simple, but Wang Tao is not that particular about it. It doesn't matter whether it looks good or not, the main thing is practicality.

Wang Tao is going to try on the shoes to see how comfortable they are.

But after putting it on my feet, the shoes suddenly shone with a light!


Not only his shoes, but his knee pads and arm guards also shone with light.

After about three seconds, the light slowly disappeared.

The equipment itself seemed to have not changed much, so Wang Tao quickly looked at the data of the equipment.


Then Wang Tao discovered that this set of equipment had an extra attribute!

[Charge boots: durability +10, defense +10 (set attributes activated)]

[Charge Set: You can actively release the charge ability once, the cooling time is 1 hour, the number of times it can be used: 0/0]

There is also a detailed introduction to the suit properties below.

[Set attributes: Collect a certain number of equipment with the same name to activate the set attributes. The equipment is embedded with crystal cores, and the set attributes can be used]

[Note 1: After the crystal core is embedded, it cannot be removed]

[Note 2: After the crystal core energy is consumed, you can continue to embed it, but if the equipment is damaged, it will not be embeddable]

"Set! Can it have an extra power?"

Wang Tao was a little surprised.

According to the introduction above, it should mean that you can use an additional power!

Then this is kind of cool!

But this shows zero available times...

"Only when the equipment is inlaid with crystal cores can you use the set attributes..."

Wang Tao quickly took a look at the equipment, and then he found that the appearance of these pieces of equipment did not change much, but there was an extra groove the size of a grape in the place where the battery was placed - these pieces of equipment can all hold batteries, but You can only let him explode the material battery from the zombies. This battery can give him some increase.

"It should be that the crystal core is embedded in this..."

This does not specifically specify what crystal core to use, so any crystal core should be used.

So, Wang Tao casually took an ordinary self-exploding crystal core and placed it in the groove inside the charge's right arm.


Wang Tao felt that the arm guard sucked in the crystal core at once, and he couldn't even buckle it off.

At the same time, the numbers on his suit's attributes changed.

[Usable times: 2/2]

Can one crystal core be used twice?

Wang Tao took another blue crystal core and placed it on his knee pads.


[Usable times: 6/6]

"Huh? Four more times! Is it because of the knee pads or the blue crystal core?"

Wang Tao placed another blue crystal core on Charge's left arm.

[Usable times: 10/10]

After the white crystal core was embedded in the right arm, there were two more opportunities. The blue crystal core embedded in the kneepad and left arm increases the chance by 4 times respectively!

The result is obvious - the white crystal core increases the chance by two times, and the blue core increases by four times! That purple is six times? Red eight times? Orange ten times?

In order to prove his guess, Wang Tao took another purple crystal core and embedded it in another knee pad.

[Usable times: 16/16]

Sure enough, just as he guessed, the purple crystal core increased its chances by 6 times!

In this case, there is no need to try red and orange. After all, these crystal nuclei are more precious. Even if they are self-destructing crystal nuclei, he will keep them.

Seeing that two shoes and one kneepad could still be inlaid, Wang Tao thought about it and felt that inlaying blue crystal cores would be the most cost-effective.

Because the crystal nuclei above blue, if you do not consider the more special green crystal nuclei, are purple, red and orange.

The lowest purple color also has a fusion success rate of 60%. This kind of crystal core is definitely more suitable for fusion.

He had previously suggested that Wei Zhenguo and the others try to fuse crystal nuclei that were purple or higher.

So there is no need to use these crystal nuclei for inlaying.

As for the white crystal core, which has the lowest fusion success rate, he makes some grenades, potions and the like, and can use any crystal core, so he always uses white crystal cores.

And the white crystal core can only provide two opportunities. There is no need to use white, just use the white one as the material.

Therefore, blue crystal nuclei, which are neither high nor low, are just more suitable for inlaying.

So, Wang Tao took out two more blue crystal nuclei and embedded them in the two shoes.

[Usable times: 24/24]

24 times of charge power!

Wang Tao now feels that he can use this charge with just a thought!

Although there is a cooldown time limit, this does not require spending your own mana. This is no different than him having another superpower.

Wang Tao clenched his fist fiercely.

It's not a bad thing to be hit by a charging zombie today!

Wang Tao thought about the stubborn armor on his body again and wondered if this armor had suit properties. Unfortunately, he only had one armor, so there was no way to confirm it.

In the afternoon, Ding Yuqin came back.

Seeing Wang Tao at home, she was suddenly surprised.

"Wang Tao, you are finally back!"

Ding Yuqin quickly came over and hugged Wang Tao.

Wang Tao looked at Ding Yuqin, who had not seen her for three days, and could clearly feel that Ding Yuqin was different from before.

If we say that Ding Yuqin was a clingy little woman before. Now... she is still clingy, but her energy is obviously better. It was a bit like the feeling Han Rui gave him when he was at the water plant.

"How have your sister-in-law been these past two days? She feels like she's lost a lot of weight."

Wang Tao smiled and touched Ding Yuqin's face.

"Ah? Really!"

Ding Yuqin suddenly looked surprised when she heard Wang Tao say that she had lost weight.

She felt that her hard work outside these days was not in vain.

Ding Yuqin is not fat, but she is not the thin type either. She has a very healthy female figure. But most women want to be thinner, and she is no exception.

Ding Yuqin held Wang Tao's arm tightly and told him what she had been through these past few days.

"Wang Tao, I can already fight zombies alone!"

Wang Tao had previously arranged for someone to take Ding Yuqin and Gao Hua to practice killing zombies. After these few days of training, Ding Yuqin was basically able to deal with a single zombie with ease, and had no problem dealing with multiple zombies.

This is not because of Ding Yuqin's technical skills, but simply because of her excellent physical fitness!

Wang Tao just brought her 1,000 blood points directly, just like leveling up a trumpet, and the amount of blood was directly related to her physical fitness.

The hunters in the base now generally have hundreds of HP, and many of them can fight zombies alone.

Ding Yuqin's physical fitness is stronger than that of ordinary zombies, so she will definitely have no problem fighting zombies alone.

It's just that she has no experience fighting zombies and is relatively timid.

She was outside these days to practice combat experience and increase her courage. It has been quite fruitful now.

"Sister-in-law is awesome!"

Wang Tao immediately praised her after hearing what she said.

Ding Yuqin couldn't resist Wang Tao's praise at all. She tightened Wang Tao's arm again, and then asked with some anticipation:

"Then can I go out with you?"

"Looking back, if there is a chance, I can take you with me."

As long as Ding Yuqin doesn't hold him back, it will be no problem to take her with him. But it's definitely not possible now. After all, Wang Tao is hunting elite zombies, which are completely different concepts from ordinary zombies. Ding Yuqin went there at this time, but was still holding back.

"Okay! Oh, by the way, I haven't showered yet and I'm all sweaty. I'm going to take a shower..."

Ding Yuqin quickly left Wang Tao, but was caught by Wang Tao.

"Let's go, together."

Ding Yuqin suddenly looked at Wang Tao with a blushing face.


The next day, early morning.

Wang Tao came to the complex building.

Several committee members were present. Seeing Wang Tao's arrival, Wei Zhenguo said with a serious face:

"Wang Tao, you said you met Shao Yong? What was the specific situation?"

On his way back yesterday, Wang Tao notified the base in advance about Shao Yong. But I didn’t go into details, I just wanted everyone to pay more attention.

"specific situation……"

Wang Tao simply told what happened in the hospital.

After listening to Wang Tao's words, everyone looked at each other in shock.

"Hospitals are so scary!"

"So many crazy zombies, and elite zombies..."

"This is definitely the most dangerous place right now!"

"You have to walk around the hospital from now on, and you must not go there..."

Everyone first lamented the situation in the hospital, and then talked about Shao Yong.

"It is not a good thing that Shao Yong is not dead. With his character, he will definitely take revenge. I have told hunters not to go out during this period of time. Find Shao Yong's foothold first..."

It is bad news that Shao Yong is not dead, but "Wang Tao discovered that Shao Yong is not dead" is good news. Otherwise, it would be a big trouble if everyone thought Shao Yong was dead and relaxed their vigilance.

"I think we can send someone to the underground mall to investigate. Didn't Wang Tao say that he lost his car when he left and was chased by a large group of zombies? Then there is a certain probability that he has not returned to the underground mall..."

Feng Mingan said suddenly.

Those of them who go out frequently know the horror of the last days. If you don't have a car to travel, you basically can't go very far. Most of the time you have to hide from zombies. After all, no matter how strong the survivors are, they are still afraid of being attacked by zombies.

Shao Yong was seriously injured again, so he might be hiding somewhere now. If someone were sent to squat in the underground shopping mall, he might be able to find traces of him.

"Well, we have to send someone over to keep an eye on it."

Wei Zhenguo nodded, and then asked:

"Wang Tao, you have met Shao Yong. What do you think of his strength?"

"It's hard to say specifically. After all, a person's strength is composed of many factors. But I feel that if we are both at our best, I may not be his opponent."

Wang Tao said with a serious expression.

"Huh? Are you no match for him?"

After everyone heard this, their expressions were the same as Han Rui's at that time, with disbelief on their faces.

They all know how strong Wang Tao is.

To put it bluntly, without the use of firearms, these committee members together may not be Wang Tao's opponent!

Wang Tao is definitely the number one combat force in the base!

But Wang Tao, who is so powerful, is not Shao Yong's opponent?

" really that strong?"

Xiang Hongbin didn't want to believe it.

Initially, after the apocalypse came for a while, he became stronger by killing zombies, and he felt like he was the strongest survivor. Later, it was indeed proved that he was indeed very strong. He is the most powerful person in Shuize Base!

But later Wang Tao came, and Wang Tao was a person with super powers. His first position is not guaranteed.

However, Xiang Hongbin doesn't care about these false names. After all, they are all one of his own, and it doesn't matter whether he is first or second.

But looking at it now, if Shao Yong is better than Wang Tao, then he shouldn't be the third one?


Of course, it's not just him who feels uncomfortable being third. What's even more uncomfortable is that Shao Yong is very powerful and will become the base's formidable enemy!

"I can't say, but my feeling should be right."

Wang Tao shook his head.

"That shouldn't be the case... I remember that you became a superpower in the days when the apocalypse came. You seemed to never stop killing zombies, and you also integrated a lot of zombie crystal cores. Could it be that Shao Yong became a superpower? It’s earlier than you and I’ve killed more zombies than you?”

Ren Jie was a little confused. Is Shao Yong really talented?

Facing their questions, Wang Tao's face became more serious.

"This is the second question I want to talk to you about - the issue of fusing zombie crystal nuclei. Shao Yongqiang is strong, but he may have too many zombie crystal nuclei fused. I can feel that there are a lot of impurities in his body. , with about 70% impurities! In other words, the probability of him transforming into a zombie is much higher than all of us!"

"Huh? He's going to turn into a zombie?"

Liu He was a little happy. If Shao Yong turned into a zombie, that would indeed be good news. However, after seeing the heavy expressions on other people's faces, he suddenly came to his senses and asked quickly:

"Wang Tao, you are saying that Shao Yong has fused too many crystal nuclei, which makes him very likely to become a zombie..."


Wang Tao nodded.

"Then, how many crystal nuclei has he fused?"

Ren Jie asked quickly.

"I don't know. I can roughly calculate it, but I need your help."

"no problem!"

Everyone nodded immediately.

This is an issue related to their own safety!

Wang Tao has said before that fusing these crystal nuclei will produce impurities in the body, and if there are too many impurities, they will turn into zombies.

At that time, everyone was nervous for a while, but later they found out that Wang Tao was fine and they were fine, so they didn't pay much attention. Now that they heard about Shao Yong's situation, they suddenly panicked. After all, no one wants to become a zombie!

"Tell me how many crystal nuclei each of you has fused. No matter whether it is successful or not, as long as it is fused, it counts..."

Wang Tao said while looking at the opponent's attributes.

Currently, among these committee members, only Liu He has 0% impurities in his body, while the others have changed.

Of course, it's not too much. After all, Wang Tao told them about the dangers of fusing zombie crystal nuclei before. They were quite cautious when merging.

"I fused a total of... 12 crystal nuclei? Yes, 12 crystal nuclei, but only 5 were successful..."

Xiang Hongbin was the first to speak.

Wang Tao glanced at Xiang Hongbin. His blue bar was 500, which matched what he said. The impurities in his body are 6%.

"I fused 7 crystal nuclei and succeeded in 4."

Wei Zhenguo then spoke. The impurities in his body are 3%.

Feng Mingan thought for a while and said:

"If I remember correctly, I should have fused 5 of them and succeeded in 3..."

The impurities in Feng Ming'an's body are 1%.

"I just fused two of them, and they were both successful."

Lu Gang said with a smile. The impurities in his body are 1%.

"I also fused three of them, and both of them were successful."

The impurity in Ren Jie's body was 1%. He fused two of them and both were successful.

Finally, Liu He, Liu He succeeded in getting one piece, and the impurities in his body were 0%...

Wang Tao wrote down all their data and frowned in thought.

He had thought before that 0% didn't mean there was none, it was probably rounded off. So if we look at everyone’s situation...

After a moment, Wang Tao's eyes suddenly lit up.

"I seem to understand. Theoretically speaking, regardless of success or failure, the maximum number of crystal nuclei a person can fuse should not exceed 200..."

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