
On the top floor of the complex, in the committee meeting room, several committee members who had gone out were back. They also already knew about Shao Yong's sneaking into the base.

"Would it be possible for us to do this..."

Feng Ming'an said with some uncertainty.

He is actually still a little confused now because he was the last to come back and was asked to cooperate with Wang Tao as soon as he came back. After he had finished acting with Wang Tao in a daze, Ren Jie told him the reason.

"Wang Tao and I have analyzed it, because the problem is not big!"

Ren Jie said with a smile.

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard the door open. Everyone turned around and saw that it was Wang Tao.

"Is there anything wrong inside the base?"

Wang Tao strode over, not having time to take off the mask on his face.

"We have dealt with those demon-sealed zombies, and there have been no casualties. The sealed area has also been isolated. Although the wall will definitely not be able to stop Shao Yong, as long as he comes out, we will definitely find him!"

Wei Zhenguo said.

"Very good! I guess he won't show up tonight."

Wang Tao took off his mask and grinned.

Regarding how to deal with Shao Yong, he had previously thought of a way - to isolate Shao Yong in a closed area.

As long as Shao Yong cannot hide among the survivors, everyone will have plenty of time to deal with him. Otherwise, you will be at a loss.

But this cannot let Shao Yong know that he has been discovered. Otherwise, with his ability, it would be very easy for him to fight to the death and randomly take away a few lucky spectators.

So it would take an accident for Shao Yong to be isolated without knowing it. And this surprise is zombies!

Just when Shao Yong sneaked in, he destroyed the barbed wire fence on a high wall.

Wang Tao was going to catch these zombies and throw them into the base through this gap - zombies appeared in the base, and then the survivors narrowed the area, crossed out the useless areas, and built a new wall. Isn't this very reasonable? !

However, there was a little surprise - two of these crazy zombies ran into the closed area!

But this accident was just right for the base.

There are zombies lurking in the closed area, and they can't be found anywhere. Isn't it reasonable for their base to abandon the closed area? Anyway, there are no survivors in the closed area.

As a result, the courtyard wall began to be built, and at the same time, many people guarded the courtyard wall to prevent zombies from entering.

Not only that, people were also assigned to other parts of the base to guard the area. Tonight, hundreds of people in the entire base barely had any rest.

With so many pairs of eyes here, as long as Shao Yong appears, he will be exposed.

Now that the committee members are back, the base is at its strongest. At this time, everyone is not afraid that Shao Yong will appear, but they are afraid that he will not appear.

As long as he appears, with such superpowers together, we can definitely defeat Shao Yong!

Shao Yong is strong, but judging from the fact that he chose to continue lurking instead of killing people and setting fires after sneaking into the base, this can probably explain two problems -

First, Shao Yong has a big plan and is unwilling to expose it until the goal is achieved.

Second, Shao Yong was seriously injured and he was not sure of how to deal with everyone in the base. He wants revenge, but he doesn't want to die together. He also wants to escape intact.

Therefore, Wang Tao felt that Shao Yong would not take the initiative to reveal his identity before his goal was achieved. As long as he dares to reveal his identity and everyone in the base joins forces, there will definitely be no problem in defeating him.

Facts also proved that Wang Tao's guess was right.

After isolating the closed area, there was no movement in the closed area. Shao Yong's goal has not yet been achieved. Shao Yong does not know that he has been exposed, so he chooses to continue to lurk!

And as long as he chooses not to fight to the death, when everyone is ready tomorrow, it will be the end of Shao Yong!

"Wang Tao, did you have any problems catching zombies outside?"

Lu Gang asked with some concern.

Wang Tao came back much later than expected.

"Every little problem has been solved."

Wang Tao waved his hand indifferently.

He originally planned to catch a few ordinary zombies. With his current strength, it would be easy to catch zombies with an iron chain.

But Wang Tao thought about it again and felt that ordinary zombies were not suitable. As we all know, ordinary zombies cannot climb walls.

If Shao Yong saw the appearance of zombies, he might wonder where these zombies came from.

So to be on the safe side, Wang Tao decided to catch a few crazy zombies.

Then he made some moderate noises, which happened to attract more than a dozen crazy zombies.

Wang Tao is afraid of large-scale crazy zombies, so there is no problem with these dozen or so. After he killed some easily, he tied a few more with iron chains. After Wei Zhenguo indicated that they were in place, he threw these crazy zombies into the barbed wire fence that Shao Yong had destroyed. Within the base.

At this time, Wang Tao was ready to come back, but the noise he caused not only attracted crazy zombies, but also attracted three elite zombies.

A self-destructor, a bigot, a police zombie.

Adhering to the principle of not wasting, Wang Tao took care of the three elite zombies by the way, so some time was wasted.

After killing three elite zombies, Wang Tao's blood volume has now reached [3740/3740]. There are still more than 200 points left to reach 4000 blood.

The strength of Four Thousand Blood must be much stronger than it is now, but Wang Tao has no time to look for elite zombies. He has to deal with Shao Yong as soon as possible, otherwise he will be in trouble if Shao Yong escapes.

After all, Shao Yong followed Gao Hua. This is not a trouble, but an opportunity...

"Everyone go back and have a good sleep. Tomorrow morning, let's go get him together!"

Wang Tao said to everyone.


Everyone nodded.

"Oh, by the way, I forgot something."

Wang Tao took out some shiny crystal nuclei.

"These are the crystal nuclei I prepared for you. You can take the opportunity to fuse them today."

After Wang Tao got all the crystal nuclei in the base, he synthesized them with the crystal nuclei in his own hand. But there is no orange one synthesized, only purple and red ones.

Although it is not orange, the success rate of purple and red is also very high, and it has no side effects and impurities, which is better than ordinary orange crystal nuclei!

After several people have integrated these crystal nuclei, their strength will be greatly improved, and it will be safer to deal with Shao Yong tomorrow.

However, Wang Tao did not take out all the crystal nuclei at once. What he took was only part of the crystal nuclei that everyone had fused before.

Several committee members looked at each other in shock when they saw Wang Tao taking out so many crystal nuclei at once, all of which were purple and red.

If they remembered correctly, the crystal nuclei in the base that Wang Tao took away before were all white and blue, right?

As soon as this passed through his hands, the quality was directly upgraded to purple and red?

However, no one thought that Wang Tao could synthesize crystal nuclei - normal people would not think so.

All they were thinking was that Wang Tao killed many elite zombies outside. These crystal cores were accumulated by Wang Tao and then used by everyone!

This moved everyone very much. Wang Tao has paid so much for them and this base!

After all, the value of these purple and red crystal nuclei is much higher than those of blue and white crystal nuclei!


Everyone had nothing to say except a solemn thank you.

"Haha, everyone, come on, try to solve Shao Yong easily and smoothly tomorrow!"

"come on!"

Everyone nodded, then took the crystal cores they needed and went back to rest.

When Wang Tao returned home, he first contacted Han Rui and asked what was going on.

Han Rui really discovered something.

"I sensed that Shao Yong secretly came out to take a look, and then returned to the closed area..."

"It's quite smart. Just make sure he doesn't run away. Just work hard tonight. You don't have to fight tomorrow. You have a good rest."

"It's not hard, don't forget that I am also a part of the base!"

After ending the call with Han Rui, Wang Tao and Ding Yuqin briefly talked about the situation.

Ding Yuqin was still kept in the dark. She really thought there were zombies in the base - not only her, but no one else knew about Shao Yong except a few committee members, Han Rui and Gao Hua.

So Ding Yuqin was a little panicked. She was very satisfied with this base, and she really didn't want to move again... Now that she heard Wang Tao's explanation, she finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"As long as the base is safe..."

"Stop thinking so much and go to sleep."


A teaching building in the closed area.

A tall man with tattered clothes and some blood-stained bandages was staring at the survivors in the base.

He stuck out his somewhat slender tongue and licked his chapped lips, his eyes full of malice.

"You people will all become my slaves!"

He is Shao Yong.

Shao Yong feels that he has been very unlucky recently.

When he first went to the hospital to kill zombies, he went too deep and was trapped in the hospital. In fact, he still doesn't understand what happened!

When facing those elite zombies, he had been able to deal with them quickly before, but that day, he suddenly felt very tired as soon as he took action, and most importantly, his strength also dropped a lot!

Because his strength had dropped too much, not only was he unable to solve the problem, he almost fell into trouble!

In that emergency situation, he had no choice but to use the pistol, which was a trophy he had obtained from killing a policeman.

As soon as the gunfire rang out, all the zombies in the hospital were instantly attracted. Although he found a safe place to hide, he couldn't get out.

There was no other way, Shao Yong could only start calling people.

As a result, the people he called were also trapped. Not only that, several of them died... Although the remaining few people joined Shao Yong, they were all trapped. What's the use of joining together?

Fortunately, there is strength in numbers, especially after Shao Yong's strength slowly recovered, they finally found another opportunity and successfully escaped from the hospital.

Of course, this doesn't come without a price. The price was that all the supernatural beings who came to aid him died, and only he managed to escape.

But this doesn't matter to him.

He is just a subordinate, and if he dies, he dies.

Although he was a subordinate of a superpower, it would be a pity to die, but he was a superpower after all! Just find a few loyal brothers and give them a crystal core to eat.

As for whether it is suitable or not, and whether the side effects are serious, that is not something he will consider - something he himself doesn't care about. How do you expect him to consider his little brother's feelings? That is impossible.

Anyway, as long as he knows that when he takes out the crystal core, a group of people will surrender at his feet...

Shao Yong finally walked out of the hospital, but after coming out, he was very angry to find that his car had been ransacked by the survivors! Not to mention that all the weapons and supplies inside were gone, why did you give him the car keys?

What's even more annoying is that not only his car, but also the cars of his younger brothers also have car keys!

As for other cars on the road, after being exposed to corrosive acid rain, they are basically a pile of scrap metal and cannot be driven at all.

Without a car, it was not easy to get back to the base, especially when he was being chased by many zombies.

He wanted to vent, and at that time he felt like someone was always watching him, so he almost rushed over.

But reason still prevailed. If the opponent was also a person with superpowers, he might not be an opponent in his current seriously injured state. Moreover, there are many powerful zombies in the hospital. If they are surrounded by these zombies, then he will only die...

Then he fled all the way. After a long time, he finally returned home.

As a result, he was dumbfounded - his home was gone!

All the doors in the entire underground shopping mall were wide open, and zombies were coming in and out as if they were at home.

Although Shao Yong was injured, he still had no problem dealing with these ordinary zombies. When he rushed to the base and saw the tragic situation, his last hope was shattered.

He naturally has no feelings for the people in the base.

But these people are gone, who will serve him!

Especially those female slaves and those toys, he loved them so much. Without these things, he felt like he couldn't live!

He needs revenge!

Because he could see that there were traces of survivors fighting here. After all, if a zombie attacks, it's impossible for the zombie to open the lock and rescue the slave in his cage, right?

As for who did this, the first thing he thought of was the Mizusawa Base.

Because although he offended many people, those people either became his slaves or were tortured and killed by him. He never left any enemies behind. There is only one exception, and that is the Mizusawa Base.

He knew that the Mizusawa base was too strong and he couldn't do it.

However, he also silently remembered the Mizusawa Base. If given the opportunity, he would definitely not let it go. After all, the people at Shuize Base killed his younger brother Cao Xin, and he was very satisfied with the woman Cao Xin gave him. Based on this alone, he had to avenge his younger brother.

Before he was trapped, he happened to capture a group of survivors from the Shuizhe base. Shao Yong was ecstatic. He tortured these people severely, and then planned to trade these people with the Shuize Base in exchange for some crystal cores.

As a result, he was trapped before the transaction could be made...

Looking at the current situation, he has reason to suspect that the Shuizhe base took advantage of his absence to attack and rescue people.

However, he was not sure yet. He planned to find a place to recover from his injuries first, and when he was healed, he would go to the Mizusawa base to have a look.

And just when he was about to leave, he suddenly felt someone peering at him!

Then he discovered Gao Hua.

To be honest, he never thought that Gao Hua had betrayed him, because Gao Hua was so appealing to him! The two have a lot in common, and he is still thinking of letting Gao Hua be his deputy!

As a result, he met Gao Hua - everyone else died, but Gao Hua did not. Not only did he not die, he was also secretly following him!

As long as you are not a fool, you will know what this is going on.

Shao Yong was angry, but he was still rational. Knowing that it was useless to kill Gao Hua at this time, he had to know where Gao Hua lived, and then slowly torture Gao Hua and Gao Hua's relatives and friends!

Then, Shao Yong followed Gao Hua to Shuize Base.

When he saw the Shuize Base, Shao Yong secretly thought that this was indeed the place, so the old and new grudges would have to be settled together!

So, Shao Yong found a place that was not well defended, destroyed the barbed wire on the high wall and climbed in.

Seeing how big this base was and how many women there were, Shao Yong was very jealous. He took a fancy to this place and wanted to make it his kingdom!

But the Mizusawa base is very strong, and there are many security forces armed with automatic rifles. With his current residual health state, he definitely couldn't dodge the bullet. Not to mention there are people with super powers here.

He must be cautious, not to show up first, and to cause chaos in the base first! As long as there is chaos, he will have a chance!

Then Shao Yong thought of a way. He put some zombie blood into the food in the base canteen.

But he didn't let go too much. After all, he just wanted to cause chaos in the base, not to let all the survivors die. These were his default slaves!

But until the afternoon, he didn't see any chaos at the base.

This puzzled him. Could it be that everyone in the base didn't eat tonight? It shouldn’t be! It’s not like there’s no food. With so much food in the cafeteria, it’s impossible for all the food to be available tomorrow, right?

Shao Yong wondered if the zombies had lost too much blood...

But it's not a big problem, he has sneaked in now, he has plenty of opportunities!

And just in the evening, zombies suddenly ran into the base.

From here, Shao Yong could clearly see several crazy zombies that could climb the wall, and they seemed to have come in from the same place where he destroyed the barbed wire fence before.

This made Shao Yong a little excited. Could it be that his unintentional move actually helped a lot?

However, those supernatural beings in the base happened to be back.

This makes Shao Yong a little disappointed. It seems that there is no more "zombie crisis".

But soon, he felt a burst of anger and helplessness - two crazy zombies actually ran towards him! Although he killed the two crazy zombies easily, the two crazy zombies seemed to scare the people in the base. Those survivors said they would shrink the base and rebuild the wall! Then a large number of personnel were sent here to defend and isolate the area where he was!

Shao Yong: "..."

There are two crazy zombies hiding in the base. Who is safe? But Shao Yong can't go out and say that these two crazy zombies have been killed by him...

He watched helplessly as a simple high wall rose from the ground, isolating him from the outside.

The wall wasn't a problem, he could climb over it at any time. The problem is those people standing guard behind the wall... He doesn't want to be exposed at this time!

Just as Wang Tao felt unsure about dealing with him, he felt that he was also unsure about dealing with Wang Tao's people!

There is no choice but to wait. He was prepared to wait and see and find an opportunity to sneak in again.

As for whether this quarantine was specifically targeted at him, he knew it was impossible without even thinking about it - all of this happened in front of his eyes. He saw it with his own eyes, how could it be false?

Moreover, he does everything flawlessly, and there is no way he can give anyone any clues!

The next day.

Shao Yong, who finally had a peaceful sleep, suddenly felt something moving outside the door.

Shao Yong sat up in a daze.

He hadn't fully woken up yet, and he subconsciously thought that he was in the wild now, and there might be some movement caused by zombies outside the door...



The door was knocked open.

Two fire axes flew directly towards his face!

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