"Level 2 zombies!"

Everyone exclaimed.

Then they all subconsciously looked at the dark green crystal core.

Although they couldn't see the data, they could clearly feel that this crystal core was larger than the ones they had seen before!

Although the types and colors of the previous crystal nuclei were different, their sizes were exactly the same without any difference.

Therefore, this obviously larger crystal nucleus... is a second-order crystal nucleus!

Everyone was attracted by this beautiful second-order crystal core.

Before they met Wang Tao, they only knew about zombie crystal nuclei. After getting to know Wang Tao, I learned that its full name is "First-order Crystal Nucleus".

Since there is one level, there are probably two levels, three levels, etc.

The second-level zombies are definitely stronger than the first-level zombies, the third-level zombies are stronger than the second-level zombies, and so on.

It's just that the zombies everyone encountered and killed were all first-level zombies. Slowly, everyone started to ignore the level of zombies.

Now that they suddenly saw this second-order crystal core, everyone suddenly recalled the popular science that Wang Tao had done before - zombies also have levels, and first-order is the lowest level!

Everyone has been feeling a sense of urgency recently, but now that this second-level zombie has appeared, everyone feels the pressure has doubled!

Wang Tao looked at the second-order crystal core. Compared with the first-order crystal core, this second-order crystal core was larger in appearance. There was only one difference in its attributes. That's purity.

The purity of the first-order crystal nucleus is 50%, and the remaining 50% is impurities.

These impurities are harmful to the human body. Absorbing a small amount is fine, but if there are too many impurities, people will be at risk of turning into zombies. The more impurities there are, the greater the risk of becoming a zombie!

Wang Tao was still looking forward to whether the future high-order crystal nuclei such as second-order crystal nuclei and third-order crystal nuclei would have fewer and fewer impurities?

But now it seems that he is overthinking it.

The purity of the second-order crystal nucleus is 5% lower than that of the first-order crystal nucleus, which means that it has more impurities!

Then you have to be more cautious when fusing the second-order crystal core from now on!

And Wang Tao suddenly remembered an important question.

The purity of the first-order crystal nucleus is 50%. Once the two crystal nuclei are synthesized, the purity is 100%.

But the purity of the second-order crystal nucleus is 45%. When two crystal nuclei are synthesized, it is 90%... Is it possible that he needs to use three crystal nuclei to synthesize it?

Unless Wang Tao doesn't mind the accumulation of some impurities in his body, he will have to use three crystal nuclei to synthesize it, but the total purity of the three crystal nuclei is 135%!

He has tried it before, and the purity will not exceed 100%... In other words, if you want to synthesize a second-order crystal nucleus without impurities, you have to waste at least half of the crystal nucleus...

Wang Tao felt so heartbroken.

"What was Shao Yong's rank during his lifetime?"

At this time, Xiang Hongbin suddenly spoke up, which brought Wang Tao, who was silently bleeding, back to his senses.

When the other people heard this, they all looked at Wang Tao curiously.

Wang Tao thought for a while and said:

"He should have been a first-level superpower during his lifetime, and turned into a second-level zombie after his death... The specific reason is unclear. After all, we still know too little about zombies..."

Wang Tao feels that if you reach the upper limit of 5,000 blood volume, you will most likely be promoted to the second level.

After all, Shao Yong had more than 4,000 HP before, and he must not have reached the second level at that time. Later, after becoming a second-level zombie, the upper limit of blood volume increased to 5,000... This blood volume must be related to the level.

But when it came to 5,000 blood, the figure of the orangutan zombie appeared in Wang Tao's mind.

"I suddenly thought of the gorilla zombie. When we saw it for the first time, it gave me the same feeling as Shao Yong! So, it should have been a second-level zombie at that time!"

When Wang Tao saw the orangutan zombie for the first time, the opponent had 5,000 blood. At that time, Wang Tao felt that he was no match for it.

However, Wang Tao didn't know the specific gap between himself and the opponent at the time. Now Wang Tao knows - the gap between him and the orangutan zombie is not only the difference in blood volume, but also the gap in rank!

Then Wang Tao dispersed his thoughts, and he thought of the black shadow he encountered on the outer ring road when he went out to pick up airdrops for the first time, making him almost unable to walk!

That black shadow has a total of 10,000 HP, and it is also level two or above!

No wonder his legs felt a little weak at first! At that time, he only had more than 200 HP, and he was not even a superpower...

That's why Wang Tao said that if it weren't for Shao Yong's zombie having only a trace of blood, even if everyone finally defeated it with their numerical advantage, they might have paid a heavy price.

"Orangutan zombie..."

Everyone was originally very happy about killing Shao Yong. Now that they saw a second-level zombie appearing, the orangutan zombie was at least a second-level zombie, and everyone was instantly unhappy.

With the attack of this level just now, it is estimated that no one except Shao Yong can stop it. But this is only Shao Yong with level one remaining health!

When the second-level zombie Shao Yong appeared, they had no chance to take action and had to rely on Wang Tao.

They couldn't imagine how terrifying an uninjured zombie Shao Yong would be!

"Damn it, kill zombies! Improve your strength!"

Xiang Hongbin kicked the body on the ground hard.

"You should rest, and be busy when you need to. I'll take care of it here."

Ren Jie pointed at the zombie corpses and the closed area.

Now that Shao Yong has been killed, the newly built courtyard wall last night can be demolished. You also have to find a suitable reason that won't make the survivors panic.

"Let's take a break and go out to hunt zombies in the afternoon! Where are you, Wang Tao?"

Wei Zhenguo asked.

"I have to go back and rest first."

Wang Tao spoke.


Everyone searched the closed area again and left after confirming that there were no zombies here.

Ren Jie made a broadcast in the base, saying that Shao Yong had been killed by several committee members, and everyone did not have to worry about Shao Yong's sneak attack.

As soon as this news was announced, the hunters breathed a sigh of relief.

They have been frightened outside for the past few days, but now they can finally feel relieved.

However, Ren Jie announced another news, saying that there were second-level zombies outside, asking everyone to pay attention to safety.

By the way, Ren Jie also learned about the meaning of first-order and second-order.

There is no level for ordinary people. Only when they become superpowers are they considered to be first-level superpowers. The second level is a stronger existence than the first level superpower!

The news of the second-level zombies made everyone instantly anxious.

Many of them don't actually know how strong zombies are. They only know that ordinary zombies are very strong, and elite zombies are much stronger than ordinary zombies.

But now they know that the elite zombies they saw are actually only first-level zombies. How strong are the second-level zombies?

Zombies will become stronger, so they must become stronger too! Otherwise, not to mention killing zombies, even if they go out to search for supplies, the risk will be greater!

Many hunters have secretly made up their minds to quickly improve their strength and strive to be selected by the committee to become superpowers!

Only by becoming a person with superpowers can you be qualified to survive in the end of the world!

After Wang Tao returned home, he finally felt a little sleepy. The energy he had forcibly lifted with the rejuvenation potion was about to be exhausted. ơɱ

"No, I'm too sleepy! Sister-in-law, I'll take a nap first..."

Without enough time to say too much, Wang Tao fell on the sofa and fell asleep.


Ding Yuqin knew that this was a process of improving her strength, and she felt happy for Wang Tao from the bottom of her heart.

Now that she had 1,000 blood, she was much stronger. She struggled to hold Wang Tao and put him on the bed. After all, sleeping on the sofa is uncomfortable.

I don't know how long it took, but Wang Tao finally woke up. He just felt a little thirsty, and then he saw a glass of water being handed over.

"Sister-in-law, how long have I slept?"

Wang Tao glanced at Ding Yuqin, who was sitting on the bedside to accompany him.

"It's still the same three hours as before." Ding Yuqin looked at the clock on the wall, and then said, "I'm going to make dinner!"

"Yeah. Go ahead."

After Ding Yuqin left, Wang Tao stretched and then clenched his fists.

"Getting stronger again!"

Wang Tao was a little excited, but not overly excited.

Shao Yong's ending is the consequence of inflation, and he must always remember his lesson.

Then Wang Tao looked at the trophies obtained from killing Shao Yong today.

This time the situation is a little different from before. Because Wang Tao killed Shao Yong twice!

Once it was human Shao Yong, and once it was zombie Shao Yong!

This situation made Wang Tao himself very confused. If he hadn't seen the increase in blood volume and the package of loot, he might not have paid attention to it - yes, his blood volume increased twice, and he also received two Second package!

If I remember correctly, as of yesterday, his upper limit of blood volume was 3740. After killing Shao Yong, it instantly rose to 3940!

In other words, killing Shao Yong increased his HP limit by 200, which was more HP than any zombie he had killed before!

Wang Tao guessed that the upper limit of blood volume increase should be related to the opponent's strength. Since Shao Yong is so strong, the additional HP limit of 200 is a lot, but it is also very reasonable.

But Wang Tao soon discovered that the 200 blood volume was really not much!

Because when he killed Shao Yong for the second time, or to be precise, when he killed the zombie Shao Yong, the upper limit of the blood volume increased this time was even more terrifying - it was directly increased by 960!

Wang Tao didn't even react at the time, and then he watched his blood bar suddenly rise a little, from 3940 to 4900!

He is only 100 short of the upper limit of blood volume, reaching 5,000!

There is a high probability that 5,000 blood will be the dividing line between the first level and the second level. If he can have 5,000 blood, then he may be a second level superpower!

He didn't know why Shao Yong's zombies added so much blood, but there were only two possibilities. One was that killing second-level zombies would have added more blood, and the other was that killing zombies at higher levels would have added more blood.

As for which one it is, we can only observe more in the future.

But no matter what, Wang Tao is still a little excited when he sees his blood volume of [4900/4900].

This 100 HP difference is enough if you are lucky all morning! His luck was only one day, and he basically won the 5,000 blood!

Then Wang Tao looked at the other trophies.

The first time he killed Shao Yong, the package exploded. He didn't have time to take a closer look at it before. He wanted to take a look, but it was suddenly a bit beyond Wang Tao's expectations.

It turned out to be four crystal nuclei!

[First-order crystal core·Dali]

[First-order crystal nucleus·long tongue]

[Level 1 Crystal Core·Throwing Mastery]

[First-order crystal core, full of vitality]

These are light green crystal nuclei with no side effects and a fusion success rate of 50%.

This was the first time Wang Tao found a crystal core from the package he exploded. However, Wang Tao had never killed many people. He only killed two people with super powers, namely Cao Xin and Shao Yong.

The package that Cao Xin exploded was a slime grenade, but at that time Cao Xin only had more than 200 health points, so he was a weakling. He was completely incomparable with Shao Yong, who now has more than 4,000 health points. So there is no way to compare.

Wang Tao speculated that these four crystal cores should be the four powers that Shao Yong learned. This is consistent with his previous speculation - Shao Yong has four powers, and each of them has ten crystal cores, so his mana amount is four thousand.

Looking at the names of these four crystal nuclei, Wang Tao probably understood why Wei Zhenguo and Gao Hua, two people who had met Shao Yong, said that Shao Yong was completely different from before.

Shao Yong gained the strength of a superpower and felt a little swollen. This must be the reason. But there is another important reason, and that is the side effects of these crystal nuclei!

The side effect of Dali is that his body size is directly proportional to his strength. This will not affect Shao Yong's character for the time being. But the remaining three crystal nuclei are different——

The side effect of the long tongue crystal core is "moodiness", the side effect of throwing proficiency is "irritability", the side effect of rejuvenation is "easy to indulge in lust"... These side effects can all affect a person's personality!

It would be okay if there was only one side effect, but Shao Yong fused all three types of crystal nuclei, and they all reached the upper limit!

In addition, Shao Yong may be a little bloated and his will is not very firm... and then he gradually becomes mentally ill.

Maybe he is not aware of it himself, and he even thinks that what he is doing is right... This kind of side effect that can subtly change a person's personality is a bit scary!

If you see someone fused with this type of crystal core in the future, you have to pay attention. Maybe he will be the next Shao Yong...

Wang Tao killed Shao Yong for the second time, that is, the spoils of killing the zombie Shao Yong were the second-order crystal core and the package.

He dug out the brain of zombie Shao Yong and found only one green second-order powerful crystal core. Wang Tao thought it would have four crystal cores in its head, and was a little disappointed.

As for the contents of the package, it once again exceeded Wang Tao's expectations - it turned out to be a crystal core!

But this time there were only two, and these two crystal nuclei were completely different from the ones he had seen before!

[First-order crystal core·Almighty]

[Quality: Excellent (40%)]

[Impurities: 50% (no side effects)]

[Almighty: After fusion, you can randomly give +1 to a fused ability, the upper limit is +10]

The first one is an all-powerful crystal core!

This was the first time Wang Tao saw this kind of crystal nucleus.

Looking at the introduction on the crystal core, doesn't this mean that if he fuses this first-level all-powerful crystal core, and if it succeeds, he will be able to gain +1 to the precise shooting or self-healing abilities directly given to him?

Then this is a bit awesome!

But this crystal core is obviously more difficult to obtain. Wang Tao has killed so many zombies, but he has never seen such an all-powerful crystal core.

Wang Tao thinks this may have something to do with Shao Yong's strength. The zombie Shao Yong is not only powerful, but he also has four kinds of powers - this is completely different from other zombies. After all, the zombies Wang Tao has seen so far only have one kind of power.

So Wang Tao has reason to guess that perhaps only zombies with multiple powers can explode this all-powerful crystal core?

If this is the case, then this condition is too harsh. After all, it seems that except for zombies transformed by superpowers, Wang Tao has never seen a zombie with more than two abilities...

Then came the second crystal core. This crystal core made Wang Tao even more happy than the all-powerful crystal core just now.

[Second-order crystal core·Promotion]

[Quality: Excellent (80%)]

[Impurities: 45% (no side effects)]

[Promotion: After fusion, one of the fused abilities can be randomly promoted to the second level]

Wang Tao was still thinking before that after the superpower successfully fused 10 crystal cores, it would no longer be able to fuse them again, so how should it continue to improve?

Wang Tao knows that there is a second-order crystal core. If he has a second-order crystal core in his hand, is it direct fusion? Are there any conditions required? His superpower is of the first level, can he directly fuse the second level crystal core? These are all questions.

But now, Wang Tao seems to know.

His first-level superpower can continue to fuse with second-level crystal nuclei! But he had to upgrade his powers to the second level first.

The way to upgrade to the second level is to fuse this second-level promotion crystal core!

These promotion cores are more precious than the all-powerful cores!

The promotion core is the foundation. If you don't need the promotion core to upgrade your abilities to the second level, then it will be useless no matter how many almighty cores you have.

But Wang Tao suddenly thought of another question.

What this crystal core means is to randomly upgrade one of the fused abilities to the second level, but he has 4 abilities. In other words, he needs 4 promotion cores - no, maybe more than four. If you want a higher success rate and don't want impurities, you might get 8 or even 12...

Wang Tao suddenly felt a little pain in his balls. This second-level promotion crystal core must only be exploded by second-level zombies. So how many second-level zombies must he kill to obtain so many crystal cores!

And this does not necessarily mean that every second-level zombie can explode. What if this is a process of luck...

Wang Tao's scalp felt numb.

This is a second-level zombie!

He killed the zombie Shao Yong by relying on the opponent's residual health. If it were a second-level zombie Shao Yong with full health, he didn't know if he could beat him...

Wang Tao suddenly thought of the first time he fought against a sledgehammer zombie. He might have to experience that thrilling feeling often in the future...

"Oh shit!"

Cursing secretly, Wang Tao shook his head.

But no matter what, the strength must be improved. Even though he knew the danger, he had to go.

Otherwise, the zombies have upgraded and evolved, but he remains still, and he will be eliminated sooner or later!

The next day, early morning.

After Wang Tao woke up, he was going to hunt zombies. He was only 100 blood short of 5,000. He wanted to see if 5,000 blood would make him a second-level superpower.

But as soon as he got up, Wang Tao felt a little weak.

"What's going on? I didn't do anything last night!"

Wang Tao quickly looked at his attributes, and a weak icon appeared under the health bar.

[Remaining time of weakness: 17:32:47]


Wang Tao suddenly remembered that the rejuvenating potion had a side effect—it would make you weak for a day after use!

Wang Tao went to bed early yesterday and forgot about this matter.

And this potion is a bit interesting. If you say you are weak for one day, you will be weak for one day. The timer actually starts at zero o'clock the next day...

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