After Li Qiuyu was pulled out by Wang Tao, her body became weak and she could not stand at all. She was also frightened, so she could only let Wang Tao hold her and huddle in Wang Tao's arms.

Wang Tao whispered in her ear:

"I'm sorry, let me lend you your daughter!"

Before Li Qiuyu could react, Wang Tao suddenly said loudly:

"Jiang Shixue! Come out! Do me a favor! Otherwise I will kill her!"


Everyone was dumbfounded and didn't understand what Wang Tao was doing.

Why treat Li Qiuyu like this? Who is Jiang Shixue?

"What-what do you want to do!"

Li Qiuyu's eyes widened instantly and she looked at Wang Tao in confusion.

"I can't lure this monster away by myself. I need help."

Wang Tao said truthfully.

This black mist monster can affect people's spirits. Wang Tao felt that he might not be able to withstand the monster's mental attack.

But Jiang Shixue should be able to do it. After all, she also has mental abilities, and she also said that she had been close to this black fog monster.

So Wang Tao was going to ask Jiang Shixue for help. Just because he comes out to attract monsters doesn't mean he's going to die. However, Jiang Shixue will definitely not appear easily, and some special methods will have to be used.

As for Jiang Shixue's presence or not, Wang Tao's answer is yes.

Because since he escaped from the base, Wang Tao felt a line of sight staring at him vaguely. This feeling was very familiar, it was Jiang Shixue!

So Wang Tao was ready to take a gamble.

If the bet wins, he still has a chance to survive. If you lose the bet, you have to resign yourself to fate...

"You, you can't involve Xiaoxue, she's already like that..."

Li Qiuyu looked at Wang Taodao in disbelief.

Of course she didn't want to die, but as a mother, she didn't want her daughter to die. If she had a choice, she would rather die for her daughter! This is her selfishness as a mother...

Wang Tao shook his head.

"I'm sorry, that's all I can do."

Wang Tao was not willing to do this, but he had no choice. If the attraction fails, everyone will die!

"no, you can not……"

Li Qiuyu shook his head with somewhat absent-minded eyes.

No one else knew what Wang Tao was doing. Only Han Rui and Ding Yuqin looked at each other in disbelief.

The black fog upstairs was still falling slowly. It didn't seem to be in a hurry to attack everyone, just like playing cat and mouse.

Suddenly, everyone felt a flash in front of their eyes.

A petite figure wearing dirty clothes and a hood with his head lowered appeared not far from Wang Tao and Li Qiuyu.

She raised her head, and everyone only saw a pair of blood-red eyes.

"Let die!"

Jiang Shixue's voice was hoarse and stiff, which made people feel uncomfortable.

Li Qiuyu opened her mouth. She didn't expect that her daughter was actually there! For a moment, she felt very excited and complicated.

Wang Tao grinned and glanced at the black fog monster that was about to fall to the ground. Feeling the increasing pressure, Wang Tao said to Jiang Shixue:

"Do me a favor and lure this monster away with me!"

Jiang Shixue didn't know if she understood Wang Tao's words. She just said in a very stiff tone:

"You...let her go!"

Wang Tao just put his hand on Li Qiuyu's neck without pinching it. Seeing Jiang Shixue like this, he used a little force.


Li Qiuyu instantly felt out of breath, and his face turned red from holding back. She stared at Wang Tao. This was the second time!

"Do me this, and she has a chance to live. If you don't, we'll all die."

Wang Tao looked at Jiang Shixue with an indifferent expression.

"...let him go! I...promise!"

Seeing Jiang Shixue finally relenting, Wang Tao turned around and stuffed Li Qiuyu into the car and closed the door.

Li Qiuyu was inside frantically slapping the car door.

"Wang Tao! I hate you! If you kill Xiaoxue, I will kill you! You must come back safely with Xiaoxue, otherwise I will definitely kill you with my own hands!"

Looking at Li Qiuyu's appearance, Wang Tao smiled and then looked at the others.

"Everyone, take care! I'll find you soon!"

"Wang Tao..."


Wang Tao said no more and ran towards Jiang Shixue. Then he directly grabbed Jiang Shixue's arm and ran towards the black fog monster!

However, while running, a long bow suddenly appeared in Wang Tao's hand.

This is the trophy he got from killing the bow zombies before. This bow is very good and very powerful, but the bow is difficult to operate, so Wang Tao usually uses a crossbow.

However, after Wang Tao's strength improved, the crossbow was not enough, so Wang Tao left the crossbow to Ding Yuqin.

The red light in Jiang Shixue's eyes flashed next to her. She didn't see clearly which bow Wang Tao took out.

Wang Tao ran, bending his bow and setting an arrow.

After activating the ability of precise shooting, his arrow shot directly into the black mist.

But after the arrow entered the black mist, nothing happened, and no damage prompt popped up on the head of the black mist. It was still full of health.


Wang Tao frowned a little.

He quickly shot a few more arrows, all of which shot into the black shadow, but still no damage was caused.


Looking at the black fog getting closer and closer, Wang Tao was a little nervous.

Is this black fog monster so strong? Can you just ignore his attack? !

If he can't cause harm to the black fog monster, then how can he attract the monster...

Suddenly, Wang Tao felt that everything in front of him had changed.

There are no streets, no shadows, no zombies or survivors, and no Jiang Shixue.

He was playing computer games in a familiar air-conditioned room, and a girl next to him brought him iced watermelon cut into pieces, fed him a few pieces, and then silently patted his shoulders and legs...

What a beautiful picture, but it’s too fake—because the girl next to me is a two-dimensional paper doll...

Wang Tao sighed and said:

"I'll give you something, help me hit that monster directly!"

After saying that, a heart the size of a basketball appeared in Wang Tao's hand. This is a self-exploding bomb.

Jiang Shixue said before that the black fog monster hates water and noise, and this thing is noisy enough!

Since the explosive bomb appeared, it began to expand and looked like it was going to explode.

Then Wang Tao discovered that the self-explosion bomb in his hand was missing.

Then, there was a bang.

Wang Tao saw that the scene in front of him suddenly shattered like a mirror - Jiang Shixue was running with him, and they had already crossed the black shadow!

The black fog monster's health bar has changed!


It dropped 5 drops of blood!

For an instant, Wang Tao felt his hair trembling, and the pair of red eyes in the black mist stared at Wang Tao.

Wang Tao felt like it was angry!

It’s good to be angry!

"Let's go!"

Wang Tao directly held Jiang Shixue's arm with his backhand, and then used the charge ability on his equipment.


The two of them moved forward more than thirty meters in an instant.

As soon as they sprinted out with their front legs, the black mist silently appeared where they had just stayed.


Wang Tao didn't see how the other party moved at all. To him, it was like teleportation!

However, this black mist monster, which was comparable to teleportation, only used it once, and then it floated on the ground like a huge black cloud to pursue Wang Tao.

Although this black mist looks light and airy, it is extremely fast. Wang Tao used all his strength, but not only was he unable to distance himself, but he was getting closer and closer.

Wang Tao glanced back and saw Wei Zhenguo's car slowly leaving, which made Wang Tao grin.

His purpose was to attract the black fog monster so that Wei Zhenguo and the others could leave smoothly. The longer the attraction lasts, the greater the chance they will leave.

Wang Tao has completed one-third of his goal, and now there are two tasks left - attracting it for long enough and finding a way to get rid of the black fog monster!

Wang Tao discovered that Jiang Shixue could run better than him.

It was Wang Tao who dragged Jiang Shixue away before, but when he started to gasp for breath, it was Jiang Shixue who took him away. And Jiang Shixue ran faster than him without even taking a breath! If it weren't for Jiang Shixue, maybe he would have been caught up!

Feeling the cold temperature of Jiang Shixue's palms, Wang Tao knew that she might soon turn into a zombie...

After the black fog monster and Wang Tao got closer again, Wang Tao's eyes were blurred. He found himself at the filming scene, and the director asked him to prepare and go on stage immediately. It's a pity that this director has no head.

Without saying a word, Wang Tao took out a self-exploding bomb again.

"Blow it up!"

The bomb disappeared instantly.


There was a loud noise, the scene was shattered, and Wang Tao returned to reality.

At the same time, Wang Tao felt a strong murderous aura that seemed to be real!

He quickly looked back and saw that the black fog monster had lost another 5 drops of blood.

"This defense is really strong!"

Wang Tao complained in his heart that this kind of self-explosion bomb, which can maim or even kill second-level zombies, can only cause 5 drops of blood damage to it...

However, after being blown up by a bomb, the Black Mist Monster slowed down a lot and was temporarily unable to catch up with Wang Tao and the other two.

After persisting for a while, Wang Tao felt that Wei Zhenguo and the others should have gone far away. Then a self-exploding bomb appeared in his hand and he threw it away.


At the same time as the bomb exploded, another one appeared in Wang Tao's hand.



Countless self-exploding bombs were thrown by Wang Tao, and the explosions almost alerted the zombies in the entire county.

Jiang Shixue turned her head and stared at Wang Tao with her glowing red eyes. Wang Tao seemed to be able to read an emotion called anger and irritability from her eyes.

Zombies are very sensitive to sounds, and Jiang Shixue's current state is probably similar to that of a zombie. Wang Tao could feel that she seemed to be holding back her anger.

"There is no way, who makes this monster hate noise? If we don't create chaos, we can't escape."

Wang Tao explained while continuing to throw bombs.



I don’t know how long they ran, but the two of them ran back to the Mizusawa base.

Seeing the big river behind the Shuize Base, Wang Tao's face showed joy. He was about to speak, but suddenly his eyesight went dark, and a black mist appeared in front of him!

Wang Tao suddenly felt his scalp numb. Because he could see clearly that this time it was not an illusion, but that they had bumped into the black fog monster!

In the past, Wang Tao would hallucinate whenever he was approached by a monster. Jiang Shixue would not be affected by hallucinations, so he asked Jiang Shixue to throw the bomb. Only the black fog monster was affected, and Wang Tao was able to recover from the hallucinations.

Therefore, as long as Wang Tao feels that he is entering a hallucination, he will know that the black fog monster is chasing him.

But now, this monster no longer used illusions, but directly used the teleportation-like ability to instantly appear directly in front of Wang Tao and Jiang Shixue. Neither of them reacted, so they ran into it.

Wang Tao's eyes were completely dark. Even if his eyes emitted green light, he still couldn't see anything!

Not only was he unable to see, Wang Tao also felt difficulty breathing, his body was stiff, and even his consciousness began to blur!


Wang Tao was a little scared. He felt like there was a revolving door in his mind.


Suddenly, Wang Tao felt as if he had been kicked hard, and there was a heartbreaking pain in his stomach. Then I felt my eyes light up - he came out of the black mist!

And the black mist surged, as if Jiang Shixue and the monster were fighting inside!

"Jiang Shixue..."

Wang Tao felt a little complicated, but he also knew that Jiang Shixue would not save him if it were not for Li Qiuyu's sake.

Without any hesitation, Wang Tao ran directly to the west along the direction of the river, using a bottle of concealment potion by the way. After all, the zombies in the county are boiling. If he doesn't use the concealment potion, he will definitely be entangled.

As for the direction in which Wang Tao fled, it was naturally opposite to the direction in which Wei Zhenguo and the others left.

He didn't know how long Jiang Shixue could be entangled, but it probably wouldn't be long. After all, the gap between the second level and the third level was still too big. If the monster catches up again, Wang Tao definitely doesn't want the monster to chase Wei Zhenguo and the others, otherwise their work will be in vain.

At this time, Wang Tao suddenly heard a buzzing sound from the sky.


Wang Tao looked up, and the light rain fell on his face. He saw a black shadow in the sky and was stunned.

"Airdrop? It's time for airdrop..."

Wang Tao was a little greedy for the things inside the airdrop, but he didn't dare to pick it up. At this time, it was definitely important to save his life.

But what surprised Wang Tao was that the black fog monster behind him seemed to be suddenly attracted after hearing the sound of the plane, and then chased it directly towards the flight path of the plane!

Wei Zhenguo and the others ran to the east, Wang Tao ran to the west, the plane probably flew from south to north, and this black fog monster chased the plane to the north!

Seeing this scene, Wang Tao was a little surprised at first, and then a little confused.

But he finally gritted his teeth and ran back.

Arriving at the place where Jiang Shixue and the black shadow fought just now, the place was in a mess, but there was no figure of Jiang Shixue and no body.

Became a zombie? Or was it torn apart by monsters or eaten? Wang Tao didn't know, but he had a dangerous feeling. The black fog monster seemed to be coming back!

Wang Tao did not dare to delay and immediately continued running westward along the river.

But just a few minutes later, Wang Tao felt that vague sense of peeping coming again!


Wang Tao was so cruel that he jumped directly into the river!

When he came out to attract this monster, he planned to escape from the water. After all, Jiang Shixue said before that this monster hates water. But Wang Tao is not sure if there are other monsters or zombies in the water. If there are, he will be finished!

But now, he has no choice.

Wang Tao jumped into the water with a splash and disappeared.

About ten seconds later, a burst of black mist suddenly appeared where Wang Tao jumped into the river. The pair of bright red eyes in the black mist stared at the river, as if very angry.

In the end it floated away.



The rain fell on the river, causing ripples in circles.

Gulu gulu~

Suddenly, some bubbles appeared on the river, and then a burly figure suddenly emerged.

"Ugh—cough cough—huh—"

Wang Tao looked at the gloomy sky and saw that there were no monsters on the shore. He grinned and climbed to the shore with difficulty.

He didn't know how long he had been in the water, and he didn't know where he was. He only knew that if he didn't come out, he would really suffocate to death.

Wang Tao took a look at his blood volume and saw that there was less than a thousand blood left. He quickly used all the powers and medicines he could use.

After a while, Wang Tao, who was lying in the mud by the river bank, breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that his blood had finally returned.

Wang Tao endured the pain in his body and got up. He found that this was an abandoned small village where no one lived, and he didn't know if there were any zombies.

Looking at the increasingly heavy rain, Wang Tao knew that he would not be able to leave today, and he planned to rest in this village for a night.

But just when Wang Tao was about to go to the village to see if there was any danger, a corpse floated on the river and caught his sight - no, it was not a corpse, it was a zombie, a dying zombie!

Of course, this is not the point. The point is, it is Jiang Shixue!

[HP: 66/18000]

[Blue amount: 4235/16000]

[Level: Second Level·Lord]

[Hidden attribute: Eye of Contract]

Without saying a word, Wang Tao dived into the river again, and then spent nearly half an hour dragging a thin body ashore.


Wang Tao had thought before that if Jiang Shixue completely turned into a zombie, she would definitely be a very powerful zombie.

as expected! After she became a zombie, her blood volume and mana volume doubled, and her level directly reached the lord level.

Of course, it has residual health now, and with this amount of health, it will die if touched.

However, although it was still alive, it was still a zombie. The reason why Wang Tao spent so long was to subdue it.

"Ho ho..."

At this time, the zombie Jiang Shixue's hands and feet had been tied up by Wang Tao. It stared at Wang Tao with its red eyes and roared loudly from its mouth.

Wang Tao ignored it and continued to drag its legs into this rundown little village.

After a brief walk around, Wang Tao found that there was no one and no zombies here. So he pried open the door of one of the houses and dragged Jiang Shixue in.

He blocked the door to make sure zombies couldn't get in, and then Wang Tao took out a few bottles of nutrient solution.


After drinking several bottles in one breath, Wang Tao felt much better.

"It is said that those who survive a catastrophe will be blessed later. I hope that life in the apocalypse will be smoother in the future..."

After muttering something, Wang Tao looked at Jiang Shixue.

"Ho ho..."

Jiang Shixue still stared at Wang Tao, as if she wanted to eat him.

Wang Tao took off Jiang Shixue's hat and mask, revealing a terrifying face.

"No wonder she keeps wearing a hat and a mask..."

As a girl, it must be very uncomfortable to be transformed into a human being and a ghost. It is understandable if she doesn't want to show her true colors.

However, Wang Tao has seen all kinds of ugly zombies, so he is naturally immune to Jiang Shixue's face.

And Jiang Shixue’s eyes are very beautiful.

Generally, zombies' eyes are white, like cataracts, and the whites of their eyes are filled with black blood... They look very scary.

But Jiang Shixue was different. Her pupils were fiery red and glowing, as beautiful as rubies. Just like Wang Tao's green eyes.

If you kill it, will these eyes pop out?

Wang Tao suddenly had a small evil thought in his mind, but he quickly shook his head. If he wanted to kill Jiang Shixue, he would have done it long ago and would not wait until now.

He felt that Jiang Shixue could still be saved, and there was a 50% chance that she could recover as an adult!

Wang Tao took out a bottle of medicine from his space backpack.

[Purification agent (experimental type): Used on zombies that have been infected and mutated for no more than 3 days, there is a certain probability that they will purify the virus in their bodies, and there is a certain probability that they will self-immolate. It is invalid for use on zombies that have been infected and mutated for more than 3 days (note: this medicine is an experimental version and has certain unknown side effects)]

This is what was revealed by killing the green-eyed zombie in the hospital before.

Jiang Shixue's infection and mutation must not have lasted more than three days, so she meets the conditions for use.

But the probability is only 50%, and the other 50% probability is self-immolation!

Either become human or die.

With Jiang Shixue's current situation, it had no choice but to take a gamble.

But before preparing to use medicine on it, Wang Tao saw the zombie culture fluid in the space backpack.

He has never found a use for this thing, but it would be a waste to lose it, so he keeps it. I just saw it when I was getting the purification potion.

Is there a possibility now to cultivate Jiang Shixue first and then use the purification potion?

Wang Tao thinks he can give it a try!

So, Wang Tao went to the village to find various steel pipes, chains and other things, and wrapped Jiang Shixue's whole body around her, locking her tightly.

Then Wang Tao took out a bottle of zombie culture fluid with his left hand and a purification potion with his right hand.

The zombie culture solution was similar to the nutrient solution he consumed, but it had very obvious yellow-black biochemical signs on it.

Wang Tao has a total of 1,000 copies of zombie culture fluid, and this bottle is one.

He first held an iron hoop, opened Jiang Shixue's mouth, and then poured the zombie culture solution into it.


Jiang Shixue drank it uncontrollably. Then it froze and looked at Wang Tao blankly, the fierce light in its eyes seemed to be gone.

Wang Tao looked at Jiang Shixue's health bar. There were two lines of status below.

[Cultivation: 1% of total amount (99% can also be added). Remaining time: 59 minutes and 59 seconds]

[Weak: All attributes are reduced by 99%, and the remaining time is 59 minutes and 59 seconds]

Jiang Shixue, who is in a state of cultivation, has a negative state that is 99% weak!

Seeing this situation, Wang Tao was immediately relieved. He was afraid that Jiang Shixue's blood volume would suddenly recover, which would put him in danger.

So, Wang Tao directly took 99 more portions of the culture solution and poured them all into Jiang Shixue's mouth. The total amount of culture has become 100%, and the time has not changed, it is still 1 hour.

After Wang Tao once again confirmed that Jiang Shixue was not a threat for the time being, he leaned next to him and closed his eyes to rest.

However, Wang Tao did not fall asleep, but looked at his attributes and backpack.

He had communicated with Wei Zhenguo before and found that after being promoted to the second-level superpower, in addition to all-round physical fitness and a significant increase in strength, there is another benefit - fewer impurities in the body!

The impurities in his body were originally 2%, but after being promoted to the second level, they became 1%!

After comparing and analyzing the number of fused crystal nuclei and the amount of impurities in the body, the two came to a conclusion - after being promoted to the second level, half of the impurities in the body were eliminated!

To be precise, Wang Tao's body impurities are 2.2%, and now after being promoted to the second level, it is 1.1%!

Wang Tao has 5 bottles of cleaning agents in his hand, each bottle can remove 1% of the impurities in the body. But now the impurities in his body are 1.1%... one bottle is not enough and two bottles are wasted.

So Wang Tao planned to see if he could fuse a few more second-order crystal nuclei, pile up the impurities to close to 2%, and then use two bottles of cleaning agents.

There is no way, Wang Tao has been poor since he was a child and has developed a good habit of thrift.

The last time he killed the second-level toad zombies and two second-level poisonous fog zombies, he got a total of three crystal cores and four packages!

The crystal core inside the zombie toad's body is a second-level weak poison mist crystal core.

[Second-order crystal core·Weak poisonous mist]

[Quality: Excellent (60%)]

[Purity: 45% (Side Effect: Body Discharge)]

[Weak Poison Mist: It can continuously release green poisonous mist that makes people weak, cough, have reduced immunity, and intermittent blood loss, lasting 3 seconds]

The other two second-level zombies also had weak poisonous mist crystal cores inside them. One is excellent (40%) and one is average (20%). Just enough to synthesize a golden epic crystal core.

However, Wang Tao has no interest in this weak poisonous mist. He can only fuse one more kind of crystal core at present. Not only does he have to choose a crystal core that suits him, but he also has to choose a crystal core that can be easily integrated with other powers in the future - Wang Tao feels that it should The more similar the types of abilities are, the higher the probability of successful fusion!

For example, the combination of his self-healing and copper skin and iron bones has a much higher probability of successful fusion than other combinations...

Then there are four packages, one of which is a crystal core gift package, and the other three packages contain 15 weak poisonous fog grenades, and 3 blueprints that can make 10 grenades each.

The effect of the weak poison mist grenade is the same as the superpower, but the superpower is "as long as the mana amount is enough, it can keep releasing poison". The effect of the grenade lasts for three minutes.

[Weak Poison Mist Grenade: Continuously releases a green poisonous mist that makes people weak, cough, have reduced immunity, and intermittent blood loss, lasting 3 minutes]

As for the materials required for the drawings, they are not rare and Wang Tao can produce them quickly.

Finally, there is the crystal core gift package.

There are 5 crystal nuclei inside, all of which are second-order.

One for promotion, one for jumping, one for long tongue, one for debilitating poisonous mist, and one for mental interference.

Wang Tao left the promotion crystal core to Wei Zhenguo and the others, and Wang Tao kept the remaining second-order crystal core for himself.

Wang Tao has seen jumping, long tongue and weak poisonous fog crystal core before, but this is the first time he has seen mental interference.

[Second-order crystal core·Mental interference]

[Quality: Excellent (80%)]

[Purity: 45% (Side Effect: The head will become bigger and bigger)]

[Mental interference: Can slightly affect the spirit of creatures]

This ability seems good, because the toad zombies seem to use this ability to lead other ordinary poisonous fog zombies.

However, there is currently only one crystal core and there is no way to eliminate the side effects. Naturally, it was not Wang Tao’s first choice.

It seems that the second-order crystal cores that Wang Tao can fuse now can only fuse powerful, self-destructive and omnipotent. The side effect of Dali is that strength is related to body size, which has little effect on him. Self-destruction and omnipotence have no side effects.

As for other crystal nuclei, they are either inappropriate or have terrible side effects...

"Forget it, bear with it a little longer and see if you can get more second-order crystal cores in the future, or you can have good first-order crystal cores... If that doesn't work, then you can only fuse the all-powerful crystal cores..."

While Wang Tao was thinking, one hour came quickly.

The training of zombie Jiang Shixue has ended, and her upper limit of blood volume has increased by 1,000, reaching 19,000.

At the same time, not only is its weak state over, it is also full of health!


Zombie Jiang Shixue opened her eyes, and her red eyes revealed a bloodthirsty, crazy, and violent look.

Wang Tao's hair trembled, his sixth sense told him that he was definitely no match for the zombie Jiang Shixue!

So without saying a word, Wang Tao immediately injected the purification medicine prepared in advance into Jiang Shixue's body.


In an instant, Jiang Shixue's body softened and she closed her eyes again.

"You saved my life, so I will try my best to save yours. As for whether you can survive, it depends on your luck... I wish you good luck."

The end of the first volume of "The End of the World"~

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