This is a small, rundown village.

A few skinny zombies were sitting at the entrance of the village. The afterglow of the setting sun shone on these zombies, motionless as if they were dead.

Suddenly, there was a buzzing engine sound, and a number of cars slowly appeared.

The zombie raised its head, roared, stood up, and moved towards the sound.

A tall figure suddenly jumped out of the car. He swung his giant ax and threw out a shock wave.


All these zombies were crushed.

Several cars dispersed instantly.

"Everyone, go check it out! See if there are any zombies left!"

Yang Changhong's voice appeared on the intercom.


Everyone got out of the car in response and went door to door with weapons in hand.

Wang Tao and the other three also got out of the car and quickly checked around.

"I have no problem here!"

"I don't have a problem here either!"

"No problem..."

The inspection ended quickly, and everyone gathered again in the square in the middle of the village.

Yang Changhong called on everyone to set up camp and set up defensive measures.

By the time everything was ready, it was already dark.

Everyone gathered together, and after eating something simple, they looked longingly at the five airdrop boxes in the middle.

Before starting the airdrop, Yang Changhong whispered beside Wang Tao:

"How did you know there was an airdrop today?"

"I can tell fortunes."

Wang Tao said with a smile.

He wasn't going to tell anyone about his contact with Colonel Luo, he had to keep some secrets.

Seeing that Wang Tao didn't want to talk, Yang Changhong gave Wang Tao a charming look, and she didn't ask any more questions.

Then she coughed and waved to everyone with an expectant and excited face.

"Open the airdrop box."

Like previous airdrop boxes, a password is required to open it, but this password is a simple arithmetic problem that anyone who can read can know.

Wang Tao was not too excited. He was still recalling what happened this afternoon when he contacted the pilot of the airdrop plane. He felt that he should pay more attention to the next plane in the future and try to contact him more often...


Under the attention of everyone, the first airdrop box was opened.

Looking at the five large boxes of inhibitors inside, everyone almost jumped with joy.

There are 20 bottles of inhibitors in one box, and five boxes are 100 bottles!

100 bottles of inhibitors! This is enough to save many lives!

With these things, everyone no longer has to worry as much as before!

Yang Changhong took out all these inhibitors and distributed them to everyone. There are 13 of them, plus 3 Wang Tao, for a total of 16 people.

Including Wang Tao, each of them received 5 bottles, and the remaining 20 bottles were kept by Yang Changhong, which meant that Yang Changhong took 25 bottles alone.

Wang Tao was a little surprised. He didn't expect the three of them to participate. After all, as agreed before, whoever gets it first will get it.

As for Yang Changhong getting the most, that's normal. The boss must take more.

It cannot be said that it is meaningless to achieve equal distribution of materials and equality for everyone in the last days, it can only be said that it is very difficult. It would be more appropriate to concentrate resources on the head and create a powerful boss.

This airdrop also contained a monster illustration. Yang Changhong took a look at it and found that it was the same as what Wang Tao had shown her, so she didn't read more and passed the illustration to others. 【6】【9】【s】【h】【u】【x】【.】【c】【o】【m】

Then she opened the second airdrop.

Inside the second airdrop is an instrument.

"What is this? A crystal nucleus synthesizer?"

Everyone was a little curious. They had only seen a crystal nucleus synthesizer, but this thing didn't look like it.

"This is an energy detector. After being put into the blood, it can check whether humans are infected with the virus, how many impurities are in the body, and what the energy level is..."

Wang Tao explained aloud.

The Mizuze Base had received an energy detector before, but its appearance was a little different from this one. This one should be an improved version.

"Energy detector!"

Yang Changhong's eyes lit up.

She searched quickly and found an instruction manual inside.

Sure enough, it is similar to what Wang Tao said, this is an energy detector.

However, this does not require putting in blood, but just put in any body tissue, such as hair, nails, skin debris, etc. This is much safer and easier than putting out blood. However, it says that the human tissue that is put in must be dropped within a few hours, and it will not be allowed for a long time.

This is much easier than before. But the energy problem has not been solved, and a large amount of electricity is still needed.

Of course, compared to the crystal nucleation synthesizer, this energy checker consumes much less power.

Yang Changhong was ready to give it a try. She couldn't afford the power consumption of the crystal nucleus synthesizer, but the power consumption of this energy checker could still be used.

So, Yang Changhong immediately took the wire and started the energy detector.


The detector vibrates slightly, and the green indicator light on it lights up, indicating that it is ready for use.

Yang Changhong pulled out a piece of his own hair and put it into the testing port of the instrument.

After a while, the small LED screen on the instrument displayed information.

[Energy: Level 2]

[Impurities: Level 2]

"……That's it?"

Yang Changhong was a little disappointed. She thought she could detect a lot of data, but she ended up with a second-order energy and a second-order impurity.

Regarding these levels of impurities, she has also read the instructions. Level 2 is still within the safe range, level 3 is slightly dangerous, level 4 is somewhat dangerous, and level 5 is extremely dangerous!

"Wang Tao, don't you give it a try? Don't worry, you won't be charged for electricity!"

Yang Changhong suddenly looked at Wang Tao and said.

Wang Tao shrugged and did not refuse. He pulled out a piece of hair and tried it.

[Energy: Level 2]

[Impurities: Level 1]

The energy is also level 2, but there are fewer impurities in the body than Yang Changhong.

Yang Changhong had already told his teammates about Wang Tao's second-level strength, so everyone was not too shocked.

But Wang Tao's body impurities were only level one, which made everyone curious. Although they are both second-level superpowers, why are the impurities in Wang Tao's body lower than those of Yang Changhong?

Then Wang Tao asked Xu Xiaojun to try it again. Like Wang Tao, he also had second-level energy and first-level impurities.

When Yang Changhong saw this scene, he opened his mouth silently.

Even if Wang Tao has few impurities in his body, Xu Xiaojun’s body has so few impurities? This is unscientific! She was very cautious when fusing the crystal core herself. So much impurities have accumulated...

Then there is only one possibility. Wang Tao is very lucky, or they got a lot of crystal nuclei! They are all synthesized with crystal nuclei above purple, and the failure rate is very low!

Yang Changhong was a little envious. Impurities in the body cannot be eliminated, just like a time bomb. If there are too many impurities, you might turn into a zombie at some point...

Wang Tao didn't know what she was thinking. He looked at Jiang Shixue who was a little eager to give it a try and quickly pulled her back.

Wang Tao is not worried about Jiang Shixue exposing her strength, he is worried that Jiang Shixue's impurities in her body will scare her opponent.

After all, she is 100% full of impurities in her body. If it shows up to level 5, everyone will probably not be able to sleep well tonight.

Yang Changhong asked others to test it again. They were basically all first-level superpowers, so there were not many impurities. They were all level 1 and within the tolerable range.

Yang Changhong asked someone to keep the instrument, and she opened the third airdrop box.

Inside this airdrop box are various medical drugs.

The distribution is still the same as before, everyone got some. She kept slightly more for herself.

The fourth airdrop box is full of all kinds of food, such as compressed biscuits and energy bars.

Looking at these foods, Wang Tao's eyes lit up.

You will definitely feel tired if you eat these things often, but it is still very good to eat them occasionally, just to improve the taste.

The fifth airdrop box, this is also the airdrop box Wang Tao got.

According to the previous agreement, whoever gets it belongs to whom. The first four belong to Yang Changhong, and this one belongs to Wang Tao.

However, Wang Tao is not a stingy person. If it contains food or medicine, he doesn't mind sharing some.

He asked Xu Xiaojun to open the box, but everyone was stunned when they saw what was inside.

"Huh? What is this?"

Inside the box is a... black mechanical arm?

To be precise, this should be a mechanical exoskeleton arm!

However, this robotic arm was larger than Wang Tao expected, because not only did it need to be tied to the arm, but part of it also needed to be tied to the shoulders and waist. Otherwise, one arm alone will not be able to exert force.

Wang Tao read the manual.

Sure enough, this is a product of the Hope Research Institute. They said it is a mechanical exoskeleton left arm powered by electrical energy.

This robotic arm can increase the user's strength a lot, which is great for close combat or carrying goods.

But there is a flaw, that is, the energy consumption is relatively high. With the current battery condition, the battery life is only one hour at most... Moreover, the manual says that this is a semi-finished product.

After research, the Hope Research Institute found that the energy in the crystal core is very abundant, and they want to create a mechanical exoskeleton that can use the crystal core as energy.

But unfortunately, they haven't made much progress in crystalline energy yet.

The complete version of their plan is a full-body exoskeleton that uses crystal core energy.

So now this exoskeleton that uses conventional electricity and only has one arm is a semi-finished product.

The reason why there is only one arm is not that it cannot be made, but because this thing consumes a lot of energy. It saves effort when there is electricity, but becomes a burden when there is no electricity. If you get a full-body exoskeleton, you won't be able to walk without power.

Wang Tao tried it on and was speechless.

This thing is still very useful to others, but to's useless.

First of all, this thing will affect his flexibility, which is far worse than entangled tree roots.

Secondly, although there is indeed a strength bonus, this strength bonus does not mean directly adding a certain amount of strength to you, but requires the cooperation of the muscles of the whole body in order to exert this power.

The greater your strength and the better your physical fitness, the easier it is to use.

If the strength is small and the physical fitness is not good enough, then the user may punch with great force, but the user may stumble.

Although Wang Tao's physical fitness is very good, using this exoskeleton arm to fight will seriously affect his speed. Although his strength has increased, his speed has decreased, which is actually a negative improvement for him.

Finally, of course, the battery life is restored.

After the robotic arm started, I didn't feel uncomfortable at all. But as soon as he turned off the power, Wang Tao instantly felt like he was carrying something on his shoulders. Although the weight didn't hurt him, it was certainly uncomfortable.

And when he wanted to move his arms, he felt jerky, like a robot, and a little uncomfortable...

Of course, that doesn’t mean that this mechanical left arm is useless.

The first is this material. I don’t know what kind of metal it is. Although it is a bit heavy, it not only has high hardness, but also has a certain degree of toughness! It is too rigid and easy to break. This material has both hardness and toughness. It is simply made for fighting.

Then there is the battery. I don’t know what kind of black technology is used. This battery is not big. Portability is pretty good.

Finally, there is the charging method of this mechanical right arm - as long as it moves, it can be charged. Normal walking and running can fully charge the battery. Of course, it can also be plugged in and charged normally. Therefore, it is quite convenient in terms of replenishing electric energy.

"Xiaojun, come and give it a try."

Wang Tao took off the mechanical left arm and let Xu Xiaojun try it out.

Unexpectedly, Xu Xiaojun used something that Wang Tao was not used to with ease.

As the saying goes, one force can defeat all evils. Xu Xiaojun is in this situation now. He is physically large and has powerful abilities. So his power is greater than Wang Tao.

As long as you are strong enough and weigh a lot, the side effects of wearing this robotic arm will be minimal, or even not affected at all.

Moreover, Xu Xiaojun is not a speed user, so this will not affect his flexibility and speed - because he is not fast to begin with.

"Since you have no problem using it, I'll give it to you."

Wang Tao shook his head and said.

He was not used to this thing, and Jiang Shixue was even less able. With her small body, it would be very difficult to fix this exoskeleton. So only Xu Xiaojun is more suitable.


Xu Xiaojun was not polite this time, because he could also see that Wang Tao was really uncomfortable using this thing, and he himself was very comfortable using it.

Wang Tao told Yang Changhong and others about the use experience, advantages and disadvantages of this mechanical right arm. Although it is impossible to give this thing to them, it is still possible to tell them some information.

Everyone was envious at first, after all, this is a thing that can enhance combat power, but after hearing Wang Tao's experience of using it, they suddenly stopped being envious - they don't have Xu Xiaojun's physique, and if this thing is on them, there is a high probability that it will become a burden.

Wang Tao also specifically asked Yang Changhong to give it a try. Everyone saw with their own eyes that Yang Changhong's expression slowly changed from curious and excited to hopeless.

"No, I'm really not suitable..."

Yang Changhong quickly returned the things to Xu Xiaojun.

She's not good at strength, she's good at speed. Wearing this mechanical arm on her body would seriously weaken her.

"It would be nice to have a full-body mechanical exoskeleton... But energy is a big problem... But it's good to be able to do it now. I hope we can really figure out how to use the energy in the crystal core in the future!"

Wang Tao looked at the mechanical right arm that Xu Xiaojun put on again, he touched his chin and muttered to himself.

After all the airdrops were processed, Wang Tao chatted with Yang Changhong alone about supernatural powers. After all, Wang Tao promised to give Yang Changhong a crystal core, but he had to first understand what her abilities were.

"I have three superpowers. In fact, I originally fused four, but I passed on one superpower to others..."

Yang Changhong's words made Wang Tao suddenly curious.

"Is it passed on to others? Can you tell me specifically how it was passed on?"

Wang Tao knew that superpowers could be passed down when promoted, but he had not seen the inheritance yet. Yang Changhong was the first one he saw, so he wanted to know the specific situation.

"I can't tell you clearly. Anyway, at that time, I felt that I could pass it on, and then I held the other person's hand and passed on the superpower... After the power was passed on, I suddenly felt a lot more comfortable..."

Yang Changhong frowned and explained to Wang Tao.

After Wang Tao listened, he thought silently.

According to Yang Changhong, she integrated 4 abilities, and each ability was fused to +10, but only one ability used the promotion crystal core. Just like Wei Zhenguo before.

It was dangerous at that time, and she didn't have time to wait for the second promotion core, so she directly used one crystal core to promote.

After being promoted, she felt that she could pass on the second-level ability to others, and she passed it on directly.

After the inheritance, she felt that the energy in her body seemed to be less. The exact amount was not clear, but it was definitely less. Moreover, her strength has also been reduced a lot. After all, she has lost a second-level superpower. But she felt very comfortable...

Wang Tao observed that after she inherited it, she should have lost 1,000 mana, because she now has 3,200 mana. If her abilities are all +10, then this mana amount would be right. As for her feeling comfortable, it is naturally because some impurities in her body have been eliminated.

But after the inheritance, there was something that made her uncomfortable - she found that she could no longer integrate the first-level powers!

This is also the reason why, although she has many first-order crystal nuclei, she has not continued to integrate new abilities.

"Second-level superpowers can't fuse first-level crystal cores?"

Wang Tao frowned.

Because he feels that he can continue to fuse the first-order crystal core? Could it be that his fusion crystal core is also different from others?

But he hasn't tried it yet and isn't 100% sure.

"I'll have to try it later and see..."

After all, whether he can fuse the first-order crystal core is related to his ability upgrade plan.

"By the way, who did you pass your superpower to?"

Wang Tao was a little curious. She actually passed on her only second-level power... This is true love!

" sister."

Yang Changhong spoke with some melancholy.

"You have a sister? Then she..."

Wang Tao raised his eyebrows.

"Missing... When we were in danger before, I went to lure the zombies away so that she could run away first. But when I escaped from the danger and went back to look for her, she was no longer there. I searched for a long time, but she was nowhere to be found. I can find it. Later I met a group of survivors, and they suggested that I go to Bauhinia City to have a look. Because the survivors nearby are trying to go to Bauhinia City as much as possible, and I heard that there is a survivor base there..."

Yang Changhong looked very sad.

In the last days, missing is almost equal to death.

However, her sister is a superpower after all, and she is a superpower who has received the inheritance of a second-level superpower. It is hard to say whether she is dead or not.

"She's definitely going to be lucky."

Wang Tao comforted him.

"I'd like to lend you some good words..."

Yang Changhong smiled bitterly.

"Tell me more about your powers."

Wang Tao said again.

"I have three abilities now. The first is to increase a certain speed within the duration; the second is to hide my own aura, making it difficult for zombies to find me; and the third is to allow the weapon in my hand to be High frequency vibration..."

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