"Are you guys okay?"

Yang Changhong's concerned voice sounded on the car intercom.

Wang Tao told her in advance that he was going to deal with the two second-level zombies. Although she felt that Wang Tao and the others would not be in much danger, she was still a little worried. After all, there were too many zombies.

"It's okay, hurry up and speed up."

Wang Tao looked at the zombies following behind and said.


Yang Changhong nodded and asked the team to accelerate.

Although she didn't stop the convoy just now, she still slowed down a bit to wait for Wang Tao. Now that Wang Tao has caught up, she naturally has to start accelerating to get rid of the tide of corpses as soon as possible.

However, it is difficult to see clearly when walking at night, especially when there are often obstacles on the road. Wang Tao, who was walking at the end, saw that the speed of the convoy could not be increased, so he took the initiative to lead the way from the front.

Under his night vision eyes, these obstacles are naturally nowhere to be seen. The overall speed of the team slowly increased.

Seeing that they were finally getting rid of the corpses, before everyone's tense nerves had time to relax, Wang Tao's voice suddenly sounded from the car intercom:

"Attention everyone! A third-level Night Demon zombie has appeared!"

"Level 3 Night Demon Zombie?!"

Everyone was shocked. It was very difficult for them to deal with the second-level zombies. How were they going to deal with these third-level zombies?

But it’s okay, Wang Tao comforted him again:

"Don't worry too much. The Night Stalkers are not as fast as us. Keep the speed and they won't be able to catch up."

Wang Tao knew that this movement would definitely attract the Night Demon, so he was not surprised to see the Night Demon.

Night Demon was among the zombies at the back. If he hadn't been able to see the health bar and see a few zombies with particularly high blood volume, he might not have noticed it.

But as he said, no matter how fast the Night Demon is, it will not be as fast as a car if the speed is lifted. As long as you maintain a good speed, there will be no problem.

"It's a pity that there are too many zombies, otherwise maybe we could give it a try..."

Wang Tao looked at the ferocious faces of the zombies with a little pity.

His strength has improved a lot now, and he feels that he is now qualified to face the Night Demon zombies.

But now there are too many zombies, and there is more than one Night Stalker, at least ten or more!

In this case, there is no choice but to run away.

Those ordinary zombies were not as fast as the Night Demons. It didn't take long for the ordinary zombies to be seen behind the convoy, but more than a dozen Night Demons were still chasing them relentlessly.

Yang Changhong and the others have never seen the Night Demon, and they have only seen it in the illustrated book. Now when I see those terrifying and ferocious zombies, I feel a lot of pressure. It feels like the pressure on them is greater than the zombie tide!

One of the cars suddenly shook and slowed down.

"Car No. 4, what's going on with you!"

Yang Changhong had been paying attention to the situation of the team. When he saw that No. 4 seemed to be falling behind, he immediately spoke.

"Boss, I didn't notice there was a zombie under the car. It just climbed to the window and scared me. I'm fine!"

The driver of car No. 4 quickly replied.

"Then follow quickly!"


Car No. 4 started to speed up again, but it had just slowed down a lot and fell to the back of the team. It was not easy to speed up.

At this time, the driver of car No. 4 heard a thud, as if something fell on the roof of their car.

"Boss, help me see what's on the roof of my car!"

Driver No. 4 quickly shouted on the intercom.

Yang Changhong took a quick look, and suddenly his heart skipped a beat.

"Night Stalker! There's a Night Stalker on the roof of your car!"


In an instant, everyone heard the sound of driver No. 4 swallowing.

The third-level Night Demon is on the roof of his car!

It’s over!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

After the night devil landed on the roof of the car, it began to knock on the roof of the car crazily. The car was shaken a bit as it was smashed.

Driver No. 4 looked up and saw that the roof of the car was somewhat deformed!

"Boss, I don't want to die!"

He suddenly cried and shouted.

Although he had long expected that such a day would come to him, no one could remain calm when death really came.

Yang Changhong looked ugly. She opened the window and opened her mouth to the night devil on the roof of No. 4 car.

call out--

A nail-like object came out of her mouth and instantly landed on the Night Demon zombie.


After being attacked, Night Demon roared angrily, but did not attack Yang Changhong. He still hit the roof of No. 4 car crazily.

Yang Changhong vomited several times in succession. Although most of them were hit, they still had no effect.

"Isn't this enough to attract its attention..."

Yang Changhong's face looked a little ugly. This was because she had just learned the power of Spit Nail. It takes about a few minutes for her to fuse a new second-level ability.

Now the first attack after the fusion had no effect, which made her feel a little uncomfortable.

She didn't mean to repel the Night Demon Zombie directly, but just wanted to attract the Night Demon Zombie's attention - the convoy was driving at high speed. If the Night Demon Zombie was attracted its attention, she wanted to If you jump onto its car, you will most likely fall directly to the ground.

Unfortunately, I don’t know whether to say that the Night Demon zombie is intelligent or just stupid. It has identified the person in car No. 4.

"Don't panic, wait for me!"

At this time, Wang Tao's voice came from the walkie-talkie.

As the leading car, he slowed down slightly and soon landed in the penultimate position, very close to the Night Demon on the roof of No. 4 car.

Except for those who were concentrating on driving, everyone else was watching what Wang Tao was going to do.

Then they saw the sunroof on Wang Tao's car open, and Wang Tao's sister Jiang Shixue suddenly exposed her upper body.

"Is she also a powerful psychic?"

Everyone couldn't believe it.

However, Jiang Shixue didn't do much. Instead, she suddenly took out a flashlight and shined it on the Night Demon on the roof of No. 4 car.


A rich purple light appeared, covering the Night Demon's body.


The skin on Night Demon's body was instantly burned, and it subconsciously covered its face with its arms. And the moment its arms were separated from the car, it fell directly.


The Night Demon rolled several times on the ground and disappeared from sight.

Jiang Shixue took the ultraviolet flashlight and shined it on the other night demons following behind.

These night demons all made a sizzling sound of burning. Although they didn't lose much blood, they were all blocked. With the convoy driving at full speed, no trace of the Night Demon could be seen after a while.

"Okay, they're all shaken off."

Wang Tao's voice appeared from the intercom.


Yang Changhong and others breathed a sigh of relief.

It was the first time for them to see the Night Demon. Although they did not have a head-on confrontation, the sense of oppression they felt just now was the most powerful zombie they had ever seen!

At that time, they all thought that the person in car No. 4 was dead. Fortunately, Wang Tao took action!

They saw information about night demon zombies in the illustrated book and knew that they were afraid of sunlight. But I didn't expect that the UV flashlight could have such a good effect and stopped the Night Demon zombies directly!

"Thank you, Brother Wang! Thank you, Brother Wang!"

The people in car No. 4 were a little shocked and thanked them profusely.

"Everyone, please be careful. If another Night Demon zombie comes, don't panic, just wait for me."


With Wang Tao here, everyone felt safe.

Yang Changhong also thanked Wang Tao alone. And asked where he got the ultraviolet light. This thing is really useful against night demons.

This was revealed by Wang Tao when he killed the Night Demon zombie. Naturally, he couldn't tell the truth, so he just said it was from an airdrop.

This made Yang Changhong a little helpless. She felt that she was unlucky and did not encounter such an airdrop.

There was no danger nearby for the time being, but the convoy never stopped.

After all, no one knows whether the zombie tide will come from behind, so they have to go further to be safe.

From night to dawn, I watched the sky in the distance turn white, and all the noise at night slowly disappeared. Everyone finally relaxed.

After a tense night, everyone felt a little tired. Yang Changhong suggested:

"Wang Tao, let's take a break? Their mental state is not very good."

After knowing Wang Tao's strength, Yang Changhong would seek Wang Tao's opinion before doing anything.


Wang Tao nodded. It didn't matter to the three of them, especially to him and Jiang Shixue, this level of pursuit was nothing at all.

But it will certainly not work for others, and driving while fatigued is not advisable.

Everyone observed the situation around them. This is a county town, and their current location is in the outer ring.

Everyone entered the county town and found an abandoned old community.

The community is not big, similar to the happy community where Wang Tao lived before, with only a few buildings. Several buildings are blocked. There may be zombies inside, but they can't get out.

Yang Changhong had everyone search it to make sure there was no danger for the time being, and then began to set up camp in the courtyard of the community.

None of their stuff is complicated, just make sure one can make do with it. Of course, defense facilities are an exception, and this cannot be taken lightly.

Wang Tao saw a small supermarket nearby, so he took Jiang Shixue and Xu Xiaojun to have a look inside. Although the supermarket had been ransacked, some items were left behind.

Wang Tao brought all these things back, which was considered a snack.

"Thanks to you this time, otherwise I don't know how many of us would have made it here..."

Yang Changhong said gratefully to Wang Tao.

To be honest, this is the first time she has experienced a major crisis without losing her manpower... Her previous team actually had a lot of people, but they were all reduced in crisis after crisis, and in the end only a dozen people were left.

Without Wang Tao, at least two or three people would have been lost this time, and at most... none of them might be able to escape!

After all, there are more than a dozen third-level night demons in the zombie group.

"You're welcome." Wang Tao shook his head, and then asked, "Has your spit nail crystal core been fused?"


Yang Changhong took the initiative to show it to Wang Tao.

Whatever food she eats, she can store some of it. She didn't know exactly where it was stored, but it was stored in her body. And she can control which foods are stored and which are not.

However, the softness and hardness of these foods will affect the power of her spitting them out.

For example, if she eats something like bread, the power of the hidden weapon she spits out is very average.

So, she thought of a way--eat a nail directly!

Facts have proved...it works!

Wang Tao watched Yang Changhong spit out a nail and nail it directly into the wall. He was a little stunned. This Yang Changhong is really a ruthless person!

I dare to eat nails, but if there are any shortcomings, it will be in trouble... As for now, it is a "real spit nail". One nail at a time!

"Ruthless man!"

Wang Tao gave her a thumbs up.

Yang Changhong shook his head with a wry smile. She had no choice. If she was strong and could ignore these zombies, she would definitely not take such a risk...

Everyone in the convoy caught up on their sleep and rested from morning to noon.

No one has gone deep into this county. After all, their target is Bauhinia City. Even if there are survivors and survivor bases in this small county, they still don't like it.

Wang Tao specially went to the hospital in this county to take a look, but unfortunately he didn't see any zombies that looked like green-eyed zombies.

Feeling that everyone's spirits had recovered, Yang Changhong called on everyone to continue on their way.

Wang Tao asked Xu Xiaojun to drive this time, and he came to test the fusion crystal core.

Yang Changhong said that she could no longer fuse the first-order crystal core, but Wang Tao felt that he could continue to fuse the first-order crystal core, but he had not tested it. After all, he did not have much special energy. If he could synthesize it, then he would have to Extracting it with special energy is a bit of a waste.

There is no danger for the moment when he is on the road, and his special energy has exceeded 10,000, so he is ready to test it.

Wang Tao first took out a first-order epic shock wave crystal core. I put it in my mouth and tried it, but it really didn't blend. Self-healing and copper skin and iron bones will not work either. Wang Tao was not surprised by this result. After all, he had second-order shock waves and barriers.

Then he took out another first-order epic crystal core, which was the full-speed crystal core taken from Yang Changhong.

Yang Changhong gave Wang Tao both the first-order full speed and the first-order high-frequency vibration. There are eight pieces in total, four pieces of each kind.

These three types of crystal cores, including the hidden crystal core, were originally left by her to her sister. Good things must be left to her own family. Because she had fused these two crystal nuclei before, she felt there were no major side effects - she didn't know at the time that this side effect was consuming physical energy and mana.

But now that my sister can’t be found, she’s probably in trouble. She didn't have anything of high value. Seeing that Wang Tao was interested in the crystal core, she gave it all to Wang Tao.

After Wang Tao got it, he naturally synthesized it. There are two epics in his hand at full speed, and two epics vibrating at high frequencies.

Wang Tao put the full-speed crystal core in his mouth, and instantly felt the crystal core vaporize.

"Sure enough, I can synthesize it myself!"

Wang Tao's eyes lit up.

Fusion of first-order crystal nuclei is much faster than second-order crystal nuclei, and the fusion is completed after a while.

Wang Tao quickly looked at his attributes. The amount of mana increased by 100, reaching 5900, and the ability was added [full speed].

"I knew it!"

Wang Tao is very happy. Since he can fuse the first-order crystal core, his previous plan to upgrade the first-order crystal core to the second level can continue.

And it’s okay now——

Wang Tao took out another first-order epic full-speed crystal core for fusion, giving full speed +2!

Although Wang Tao no longer has full-speed crystal cores in his hand, he still has many first-order all-powerful crystal cores.

He now has four powers, three of which are second-level, so this first-level all-powerful crystal core can only give a first-level full speed improvement.

Wang Tao used a first-order all-powerful crystal core.

After a while, the level of the full speed ability was indeed increased by 1!

So, Wang Tao smashed several first-order all-powerful crystal cores down, and soon, Wang Tao's full speed power was +10!

Then, Wang Tao took out another second-level promotion crystal core.

As expected, the promotion crystal core can also be used, and he successfully promoted to the second level at full speed! His mana level has also been increased to 7000!

"Ha ha!"

Looking at his second-level full-speed power, Wang Tao laughed.

This is the same as what he imagined before, he can use the first-order crystal core to upgrade the second-order crystal core!

But it's not over yet. It's true that Wang Tao likes full-speed powers, but he can't tolerate full-speed powers occupying one of his power positions. After all, there are only four positions, and they are precious!

Therefore, Wang Tao looked at his ability to synthesize superpowers!

[Shock Wave + Precision Shot (10%)]

[Shock Wave + Barrier (10%)]

[Shock Wave + Full Speed ​​(15%)]

[Precision shooting + barrier (50%)]

[Precise shooting + full speed (55%)]

[Barrier + Full Speed ​​(90%)]

Seeing this list of synthetic probabilities, Wang Tao secretly thought that it was true.

He had guessed before that the more similar the mechanisms of two powers, the higher the success rate of synthesis.

Barrier is a continuous increase in defense and blood recovery, and full speed is a continuous acceleration. The mechanisms of these abilities are similar, and the probability of success should be quite high. Sure enough, 90% probability!

Although it is not as good as the previous 95% success rate of copper skin, iron bones and self-healing, this 90% probability is obviously worth Wang Tao's gamble.

Wang Tao regards Barrier as the main ability and Full Speed ​​as the secondary ability. Then synthesize it!

In an instant, Wang Tao's special energy was reduced by 5,000, leaving 8,740.

The barrier and full speed power icons on his attribute panel flashed with colorful light.

After that, a brand new - barrier icon appears?

Wang Tao was shocked. The synthesis failed? But after seeing the specific attributes, I immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

The name of the barrier has not changed, but its properties have.

[The fusion is successful and new abilities are obtained: Level 2 1·Barrier]

[Barrier: During the duration, it can enhance defense, speed and slowly recover certain injuries (side effects: none)]

Seeing this attribute, Wang Tao was excited.

Although this looks like one superpower, it actually has three superpower attributes! This directly saved him two ability slots!

Wang Tao couldn't wait to test the new ability.

Since he was in a car, he couldn't test how much speed and defense could be improved, and since he was at full health, his self-healing couldn't be reflected. But the blue consumption can be seen.

When Ziah saw the specific amount of mana consumed, Wang Tao called out to him - 15 mana consumed per second!

One minute consumes 900 mana, so his 7,000 mana is enough to last for seven or eight minutes.

"The mana level is low, we have to find a way to increase the mana level..."

Wang Tao touched his chin and thought.

"Continue to fuse the first-order crystal core? This is a way to increase the amount of mana, but the premise is that the fused ability can be synthesized with other abilities, otherwise it will take up a position - eh? If it takes up a position, I can extract it. ’s... Doesn’t that mean that I can change my abilities anytime and anywhere? Hiss - I seem to have ignored this ability!"

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