Yang Changhong was originally unwilling to travel at night, but he had no choice but the night devil appeared.

Although Wang Tao showed great power and solved a night devil. But everyone knows that Night Stalkers are gregarious zombies. One night devil appears, and there is a high probability that there will be other night devils later.

Although Wang Tao seemed to be very relaxed in dealing with this night devil, since Wang Tao had already let him go, she naturally could not ask Wang Tao to deal with the other night devils. It is estimated that Wang Tao's ability to transform into a monster is limited, and it is not as easy as it seems...

"Wang Tao, are you all okay?"

Yang Changhong's caring words rang out from the car intercom.


"As long as it's okay..."

Since she was running for her life, Yang Changhong didn't talk much, although she had something to ask.

The convoy soon left the town and headed towards its next destination.

In the car, Wang Tao looked at the tree roots wrapped around his wrist and grinned.

This is his first time fighting with entangled tree roots. I can only say that this third-level weapon is really awesome!

Since Wang Tao's mana and abilities have not improved much, his current strength has not reached his personal peak, but his overall strength should be considered the top among the second level. Therefore, he felt that with his own strength, he could probably deal with the third-level night demon. But it’s certainly not as easy as using entangled tree roots!

Without the use of entangled tree roots, he could at best be considered to be at the peak of the second level of strength, and might be able to defeat the third level elite Night Demon in a single combat.

And using the entangled tree roots, he directly reaches the third level of strength! You can suppress the Night Demon throughout the whole process!

No wonder the tree root entangled is called a third-level weapon. It turns out that it can exert third-level strength!

However, it is not enough to wrap around the tree roots. It also needs the strength of the person wearing it. If a person is not good, then he will definitely not be able to exert his third level strength. After all, the amount of blood wrapped around the tree roots is limited. If it continues to be consumed, it will definitely be consumed to death.

Speaking of the defensive power of this entangled tree root, it is indeed powerful. The Night Demon's attack only deducted more than a hundred blood points when it hit it. This is nothing to its ten thousand blood.

As for the attack bonus, let alone that. Fighting against the third-level elite Night Demon, one punch can hit more than 3,000 blood! It takes less than ten punches to kill a Night Stalker! This is definitely the most damaging moment for Wang Tao so far!

And Wang Tao knows very well that this is not the upper limit of the entangled tree root, it can increase to 100,000 blood!

At that time, Wang Tao attacked the entangled tree roots with a hundred thousand blood, but he couldn't hit them at all...

At this time, the blood wrapped around the tree roots was full.

But this is not the blood it returned by itself, but Wang Tao transferred his own blood to it.

The entangled tree roots seem to have no ability to restore blood, or the blood recovery is very slow. After Wang Tao saw that its health bar had not moved much, he nourished it with his own blood bar.

It lost more than 200 blood in total. Wang Tao replenished its blood with a little nourishment. As for the price, Wang Tao spent the same amount of blood. But this was not a problem. Wang Tao used the barrier ability again to restore his health to full.

So this is equivalent to a battle that only consumes some of Wang Tao's physical strength and mana - oh, no! There is one more thing I forgot.

Wang Tao took a look at the fit of the entangled tree roots. After this not fierce battle, the fit from 100% became 90%!

In other words, the price he paid for killing this night devil was a second-order crystal core? After all, the second-order crystal core can increase the fit by 10%...

This price is affordable for Wang Tao. Although Night Demon has no crystal core in his mind, Wang Tao will definitely not lose money if there is a package of loot.

Wang Tao studied the entangled tree roots again and tried to use his own blood to restore the fit. Then he discovered that using his own blood to restore compatibility was a bit slow, and the blood consumption was not low. 10% of his 1,000 blood was used. He hadn't consumed so much blood in killing Night Demon...

But this also gave Wang Tao some detailed information about the entangled tree roots——

The entangled tree root now has 10,000 blood. If Wang Tao uses his own blood to nourish it, the ratio is 1:1. Whatever blood the entangled tree root lacks, Wang Tao can use the same amount of his own blood to replenish it.

This blood replenishment can be replaced by crystal nuclei. Wang Tao tried it. The first-order crystal core can replenish 100 blood, then the second-order crystal core should be 1,000 blood, and the third-order crystal core should be 10,000 blood.

Then there is the fit, 100% fit. If you use crystal cores to improve it, you need 1 third-order crystal core, or 10 second-order crystal cores, or 100 first-order crystal cores.

Of course, this can also be replaced by his own blood volume. Wang Tao tried it. Every 1% improvement in fitness requires 100 of Wang Tao's blood volume. Then 100% compatibility is 10,000 HP...

Wang Tao suddenly felt that if he used the crystal core to improve the fit, was he at a loss? After all, he can recover his own blood...

But after thinking about it carefully, it’s not a bad idea.

Because the recovery of fitness using one's own blood volume is relatively slow, it is best to have a safe environment. And if you let it swallow the crystal core, it will be full soon.

And the blood volume is Wang Tao's life. Although Wang Tao has nearly 30,000 blood volume, if he loses 10,000 blood volume, he will definitely feel very uncomfortable even if there are no wounds on his body...

So the conclusion he drew comprehensively is -

But if the entangled tree roots lose a lot of blood and fit, it would be more appropriate to use crystal cores to supplement them.

If the blood lost by the entangled tree roots is small and the compatibility is small, you can use your own blood to replenish it, provided that he has the ability to restore blood. If you are a person who does not have the ability to restore blood, you should just use the crystal core...

After Wang Tao increased the fit of the entangled tree roots to 100% and replenished his health to 10,000, Wang Tao finally had time to look at his loot.

The Night Demon zombie he killed this time had 30,000 blood, so his gain was similar to the Night Demon zombie he killed before.

His blood volume has not increased because it has reached the upper limit. But the special energy has increased by 6000! I only used 5,000 before, so I just made up for it.

Then there are the loot packages, three packages in total.

The first one is the crystal core gift pack, which contains four crystal nuclei, and this crystal core is basically the same as the third-level elite night demon that was killed before, but the quality is slightly different.

[Level 3 Crystal Core·Promotion]

[Quality: Excellent (60%)]

[Purity: 40% (Side Effects: None)]

The first one is the promotion core. Counting this, he has three third-level promotion cores, but the probability of this core is a bit lower. If you want to be promoted more securely, you still have to improve your quality...

[Third-order crystal core·Energy boost]

[Quality: Excellent (40%)]

[Purity: 40% (Side Effects: None)]

[Energy boost: Increase the upper limit of blue energy by 1000]

The second one is an energy-boosting crystal core. Last time it was of excellent quality, this time it is of fine quality.

[Level 3 crystal core·increased blood volume]

[Quality: Excellent (60%)]

[Purity: 40% (Side Effects: None)]

[HP increase: Increase the upper limit of HP by 1000]

The third core is a health-increasing core. This time the quality is higher than last time.

[Third-order crystal core·Physique improvement]

[Quality: Excellent (80%)]

[Purity: 40% (Side Effects: None)]

[Physique improvement: Physical fitness is improved in all aspects]

The fourth one is a physical improvement crystal core. Last time the physical improvement was epic, this time it is outstanding.

Except for the promotion core, the other three cores all have passive abilities. Wang Tao had thought before that since they are similar to passive abilities, the probability of synthesis should be quite high. If these three abilities could be combined into one, it would definitely be a very powerful ability!

However, Wang Tao doesn't have much special energy right now, so he can't get it for the time being. After all, the synthesis of a third-level superpower requires 20,000 special energy...

The second loot package contains a potion.

[Strength Growth Potion*5]

[Agility Growth Potion*5]

[Spiritual Growth Potion*5]

Also the same as last time, there are a total of 15 bottles of potions that permanently increase attributes.

[Strength growth potion: After injection, your strength will be permanently increased to a certain extent]

[Agility Growth Potion: After injection, agility will be permanently increased to a certain extent]

[Spiritual Growth Potion: After injection, your spirit will gain a certain degree of permanent increase]

Without saying anything, Wang Tao took out these medicines and injected himself. After a while, Wang Tao felt stronger again!

Then Wang Tao looked at the third package.

[High-power UV flashlight*1]

[Small UV Flares*20]

Still the same as last time, a flashlight and 20 rounds of flares.

After seeing these trophies, Wang Tao suddenly had an idea.

With his current strength, there is basically no problem in dealing with a single Night Demon. If Jiang Shixue and Xu Xiaojun are added to the mix, then there is probably a chance to deal with the two night demons.

The Night Demon is a third-level zombie, and the reward for killing it is tripled! Whether it's special energy, crystal nuclei, or potions, these are all things Wang Tao wants very much!

Then if Wang Tao deliberately controlled himself at the second level and did not upgrade to the third level for the time being, and then went to hunt the third level night demons crazily and get three times the reward, wouldn't he be able to get a lot of crystal cores and potions? !

Wang Tao felt that this plan... seemed feasible!

Of course, he doesn't need to control it now. He has no way to reach the third level in the first place. As for hunting the Night Demons... The difficult thing for him now is not how to kill the Night Demons, but how to find the lone Night Demons! In other words, how to seduce the Night Demon... This is something he will have to study carefully in the future.

The next day, early morning.

The convoy stopped by a lake.

"After running around all night, everyone is not in good spirits. We need to rest..."

Yang Changhong said to Wang Tao on the intercom.

This lake is next to the national highway. If anything happens, the car can run directly on the national highway.


Wang Tao naturally has no problem.

After everyone simply arranged the defense facilities, they quickly started to catch up on their sleep.

The energy of the second-level superpowers was relatively strong, and Wang Tao, Yang Changhong and the other three were in good spirits, so they came to take charge.

Yang Changhong looked at Wang Tao, hesitant to speak.

"What's wrong?"

"It's nothing, I just think you are... very powerful!"

Yang Changhong originally wanted to ask Wang Tao, what was the power that turned him into a monster last night, and why he, a second-level superpower, could defeat the second-level night demon without the ability to fight back... But after thinking about it, she decided I don’t want to ask anymore.

So what if she knew? Can't compare, just can't compare.

Yang Changhong has always been a proud person, and she does have the capital to be proud. Regardless of whether it was before the end of the world, she seized the opportunity in business and soared into the sky. After the apocalypse, she led many employees to successfully escape... which could kill countless people instantly.

But since she met Wang Tao, she found that her pride was almost destroyed.

Having such a strong teammate makes her feel at ease. Wang Tao did save them many times.

But she was still a little confused. She felt that only strong people like Wang Tao could survive in the apocalypse, while ordinary people like her would one day die at the hands of zombies.

Since we are destined to die, what's the point of struggling to live?

Wang Tao looked at Yang Changhong, whose eyes were getting confused, and suddenly frowned.

"What's wrong with you?"

"It's nothing, I just feel...so weak."

Yang Changhong smiled bitterly.


Wang Tao didn't know that she had been hit by him. After all, how could a normal person have the time to think about these things? It would be great to be alive safely!

Wang Tao guessed that Yang Changhong probably felt powerless after seeing Night Demon's strength.

He reached out and patted Yang Changhong on the shoulder.

"Don't be discouraged. Although zombies are very strong, we humans are not weak either. We are smart. Didn't you see those inhibitors, mechanical arms and so on? Even if it is the end of the world, we humans still have not given up. I believe that we will win in the end. It definitely belongs to us!”

Wang Tao's words are not nonsense. He really thinks that human beings have the possibility of victory. Judging from the contents of the airdrop, everyone has never given up and is even making progress.

For example, Xu Xiaojun's mechanical arm, with this thing, he can basically defeat most second-level zombies.

If there are more similar things in the future, and even a drug to remove zombie viruses is developed, then what if the zombies evolve quickly? Humans are not without the power to fight!

"Well, you're right."

Although Wang Tao's comfort was not enough, Yang Changhong still felt very warm. Her decadent mood also improved a lot.

Then she suddenly smiled and said:

"Then when do you think I will be as strong as you?"

"As strong as me?" Wang Tao thought about it seriously, and then said, "At least until I am ten or twenty times stronger than myself now."

"...I'm sleepy, I want to sleep for a while. Please look after everyone, thank you!"

Yang Changhong didn't want to talk to Wang Tao. After she finished speaking, she didn't wait for Wang Tao's reply and immediately lay down on the grass like a salted fish.

Wang Tao was speechless. He was not sleepy just now, but now he is sleepy again. This woman is not telling the truth.

After shaking his head, Wang Tao came to Jiang Shixue.

"Xiaoxue, let's go fishing."


Wang Tao still has the fishing tools he used before. Although there is still a fishing rod missing, it is not a big problem. There are some steel pipes for making defense facilities in Yang Changhong's fleet, which can be used.

Wang Tao and Jiang Shixue quickly finished the fishing rod.

Then he sat by the lake and officially started fishing. Not long after, he felt something bite the hook.

Wang Tao found the opportunity and pulled it quickly.

A huge black shadow was pulled out of the water by him.

“Haha, there’s a big guy—fuck!”

Wang Tao was very happy at first, but when he saw the specific appearance of the fish, his face suddenly darkened.

What a zombie fish!

[HP: 6000/6000]

[Blue amount: 2000/2000]

[Level: Level 2·Elite]

[Status: 90% weak without water source]

He is also a second-level elite!

Looking at this zombie fish that was the size of a human, with its whole body rotten and a strange light flashing in its eyes, Wang Tao picked up the fire ax at his waist without saying a word, and there were two axes.

The zombie fish's health bar was instantly cleared, and it died suddenly. At the same time, a loot package exploded.

Xu Xiaojun, who was on alert not far away, noticed the movement here and ran over quickly. He thought Wang Tao had caught a big fish, but when he saw it, he looked a little confused.

"Ah this..."

This was the first time he saw a zombie fish.

"It's a zombie fish, and it's a second-level fish..."

This was also the first time I met Wang Tao. He quickly smashed the fish head open and saw a white crystal core inside.

[Second-order crystal nucleus·breathing in water]

[Quality: Ordinary (20%)]

[Purity: 45% (Side Effect: Some parts of the body will grow fish scales)]

[Water breathing: Passive ability, evolved gills, can breathe freely in the water]

When Wang Tao first saw the ability of this crystal core, he thought it was awesome. Breathe in the water! Evolved directly from land animals to amphibians!

But after seeing this side effect and the specific ability, Wang Tao was immediately speechless.

The side effect is that the body will grow fish scales, which is very difficult to accept. But he can get rid of the side effects by synthesizing crystal nuclei.

But the ability to breathe in water requires the growth of gills. This is not a side effect and he cannot get rid of it.

He didn't want to become a monster with gills, so this crystal core was destined to miss Wang Tao.

As for the package that the zombie fish exploded from, it was a medicine that had never been seen before.

[Obtain: Breath-holding Potion*5]

[Breathing potion: can hold one's breath in water for ten minutes, cooling time is 1 hour]

The potion is not bad. You can run into the water to hide from zombies at critical moments, provided there are no zombies in the water.

"Xiaojun, come fishing. If you catch a fish, kill it yourself. The strength of these fish will be greatly reduced after they land. Killing them is very simple."

Xu Xiaojun's blood will increase when he kills the zombie fish. Wang Tao's blood is already full, so this opportunity is given to Xu Xiaojun.


Xu Xiaojun was a little excited, this was a rare opportunity!

Wang Tao went to Yang Changhong again, and he found that Yang Changhong was really asleep. So he patted her face.


Yang Changhong woke up in a daze.

She is an out-and-out beauty. Although her skin is a bit rough now, her facial features are all beautifully proportioned. This confused look is very different from her previous image of a big sister, but it has a different flavor.

"Don't you want to be as strong as me? The opportunity has come."

There are so many fish here that Xu Xiaojun will definitely not be able to catch them all by himself. We have to call others to come together, we can’t waste it.


After Yang Changhong saw the specific situation, he finally realized the meaning of an old saying - a blessing in disguise is a blessing in disguise!

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