Doomsday: I can see the health bar, kill monsters and drop treasure

Chapter 220 Killing the blue-skinned night devil

"Protection fees?"

Several people were stunned for a moment, not knowing how to complain.

Where do the generals and the others have protection now? Could it be that he was being protected by a group of zombies?

Of course, now everyone can rescue them. If they can be rescued, it can also be said to be a kind of protection, so... charging protection fees is also very reasonable.

"What? You don't think protection fees sound good? Then let's change the term and call it 'rescue operation funds'. How about we risk it to rescue them, so it's reasonable to charge a fee."

Everyone nodded subconsciously.

"Okay, that's it. Everyone, get ready..."

Wang Tao took out a set of third-level iron tree armor and put it on Nie Siyan.

Lan Yulian and Lu Yingfeng haven't taken off their armor yet, Xu Xiaojun has his own armor, Wang Tao and Jiang Shixue don't need they just need to let Nie Siyan be well armed. Moreover, Nie Siyan was the main force in this operation to collect protection fees. Wang Tao asked Nie Siyan to fuse a jumping crystal core, which can be used now.

It was already dark at this time, and there was some starlight outside, so it was not difficult to see the road clearly.

Lan Yulian arranged for the others to stay in the building and not go out no matter what happened.

Then she looked at Jiang Shixue behind Wang Tao and frowned.

"Wang Tao, Xiaoxue will also follow?"



In the eyes of Lan Yulian and Lu Yingfeng, Jiang Shixue is just an ordinary little girl. Of course, Jiang Shixue had followed everyone all the way up to now, and was obviously not ordinary anymore. She might have some other abilities, but she was still a little worried.

However, the two women didn't say much. They just thought that if any danger happened, they had to protect Jiang Shixue...

Wang Tao took several people downstairs.

In the apocalypse, there is a saying that night is the real apocalypse, and daytime is just an appetizer.

In fact, this is indeed the case.

During the day, there were actually no zombies around the building, so it seemed relatively safe.

But now after nightfall, I see zombies passing by the building from time to time.

When everyone was upstairs, they saw only three or two zombies in the square downstairs. After waiting down, I found that seven or eight of them had gathered. Not to mention there are some terrifying roars from all directions.

Lan Yulian was a little nervous. She almost never came out at night.

Lu Yingfeng next to her held her hand and relieved some of her nervousness.

Wang Tao winked at Nie Siyan.

Nie Siyan immediately walked over with two sharpened steel bars.

After the zombie discovered Nie Siyan, he immediately shook his body and walked towards Nie Siyan.

Nie Siyan held the steel bar in her hand. She did not throw it or stab it. Instead, she used the steel bar as a stick and aimed it at the heads of the two zombies.


Two zombies were directly headshot, and their entire heads, necks, and chests were split open!


Two zombies fell to the ground one after another.


Lu Yingfeng whispered.

Wang Tao also nodded with satisfaction.

Nie Siyan is not a power user, but she can kill these ordinary zombies so brutally and instantly by relying solely on brute force! It has to be said that after reaching the third level, her physical fitness has improved a lot!

Nie Siyan rushed into the zombies like a sheep entering a tiger's mouth. With a few sticks, they'll all be killed instantly. Even if there was a second-level elite zombie among them, it still couldn't withstand Nie Siyan's three sticks.

After settling the battle, Nie Siyan quickly ran to Wang Tao's side.

"Brother Wang!"

She was very excited, she never thought she could be so strong!

She felt that she could quickly deal with any second-level zombies she faced now! She can easily deal with even third-level zombies!

"Let's go."

Wang Tao patted Nie Siyan on the shoulder to signal her to calm down.

Soon they encountered another wave of zombies, and this time Xu Xiaojun took action.

Now in terms of combat strength alone, it's hard to say who is stronger or weaker between Xu Xiaojun and Nie Siyan. But in terms of strength alone, none of the three Nie Siyans were any match for Xu Xiaojun.

Especially when wearing a mechanical right arm, the zombies he encountered had only one consequence - to be blown up. Literally blasted.

He can defeat these zombies with just brute force. If the shock wave is added, the power will not be weaker than Wang Tao.

"His strength... is really abnormal!"

Lu Yingfeng sighed.

She felt that if she resisted Xu Xiaojun's axe, she would probably be half disabled even if she didn't die...

"You will be so strong!"

Lan Yulian cheered her up.

"I hope..."

Lu Yingfeng was a little troubled. Since Wang Tao gave her a [High Frequency Vibration] power that she liked very much, she had to increase this power to the full level in order to advance to the third level. But this ability is too rare, and I don’t know when it will reach the full level...

There are many zombies along the way to the diving hall. But it was all done by Nie Siyan and Xu Xiaojun.

Wang Tao wanted to judge the strength of the third-level superpowers.

After his observation, he can roughly draw a conclusion - in terms of fighting zombies, Xu Xiaojun has about 80-90% of his combat power, and Nie Siyan has about 70-80% of his combat power.

As for the question of who is stronger and how much stronger if they fight each other. This is really hard to say. After all, their attributes are not much different. Without fighting in person, there is no way to tell who is stronger. Only after actual combat can you know who is stronger and who is weaker.

However, if there is actual combat, Wang Tao feels that his winning rate will be much higher. After all, he is fully developed and basically has no shortcomings...

"There is a night devil! Brother Wang, do you want to take action?"

Nie Siyan was a little excited when she saw a few night demons appearing in front of her.

Before Wang Tao came, she encountered a night demon once and was almost killed. She holds a grudge!

Wang Tao took a look and saw that there were about three night demons nearby, but there were about ten more in the distance.

"Forget it, let's go around. We'll talk about it later when we finish the business."

Night demons are social creatures. If they cannot be killed quickly, they will definitely attract a large number of night demons. No matter whether everyone can solve them or not, it will definitely delay the business. There is no need to add extraneous details. If you really want to kill the Night Demon, wait until the matter is done.

But speaking of Night Demon, Wang Tao suddenly remembered something.

"There is a good thing in the Night Demon's Lair that can explode the [stripping] crystal core. It's night now, and there are a lot of Night Demons outside. Are there any Night Demons in the Night Demon's Lair?"

Wang Tao is ready to observe carefully. If he can really find the Night Demon's lair, he can take a look...

After spending some time, everyone arrived near the diving hall. Then Wang Tao took a few people to the roof of the building where he stayed during the day. You can see the diving hall from here.

"Huh? It seems like there are fewer zombies around the diving hall?"

Lan Yulian said a little unsure.

There were only a few stars tonight, so she couldn't see clearly from a distance, but she felt like there were fewer zombies.

"It's really less!"

Wang Tao nodded.

He had observed the number of zombies here during the day, and now it was obviously much less.

Several people observed for a while, and then Wang Tao discovered the problem.

"I roughly understand that zombies are more active at night. They may be wandering around, but they may not always be here. And during the day, they are attracted by the popularity of the diving hall, and they gather around again..."

"In other words, if they rush out at night, maybe they can get out?"

Nie Siyan said curiously.

Wang Tao shook his head.

"That's not true. Although there are fewer zombies surrounding the diving hall, it does not mean that these zombies are dead. If they rush out at this time, they will definitely cause some noise and attract those zombies again. And there are still so many nights at night. Demon...if these people don't have outside help, it will still be difficult for them to escape from danger."

After hearing Wang Tao's words, everyone fell silent for a moment. After all, no matter what, there are human survivors inside. If they all die, it will be a big loss to Bauhinia City.

"I'll think of a way to attract some of the zombies on the outside in the north direction later, and then we'll see how you perform."

Wang Tao looked at Nie Siyan and said.


Nie Siyan was a little nervous and excited.

She learned a jumping power that allows her to jump very high. Especially now that it's level three, you can even jump between buildings!

Her mission was to jump into the diving hall and show off the aura of a third-level superpower so that they would not dare to act rashly. Finally, he said that he would find a way to rescue them. Of course, by the way, take the "funds" from the hands of the general and others.

As for the general's previous request for Lan Yulian to return to Bauhinia Base to move reinforcements, Wang Tao vetoed it.

It's not that he doesn't want to save them, but his reinforcements are all fully armed soldiers. When they fight, the noise becomes louder. There are too many zombies in the sports center now, and there may be a fourth-level mother zombie. If they are all alerted... let alone they can't survive, even the reinforcements can't survive.

After everyone waited on the roof for a while, Wang Tao felt that the time was almost up, so he said to Nie Siyan:

"I'll go to the north to create noise. If you see some zombies leaving, go there. As for the others, prepare for battle and prevent emergencies."


Everyone nodded.

After Wang Tao went downstairs, he ran directly to the north.

The movement he created was naturally based on self-exploding bombs.

But there are too many zombies here, so Wang Tao and Wang Tao have to run farther away. If he was surrounded, he wouldn't be able to handle it.

As for whether it is possible to attract all the zombies around the diving hall... Wang Tao thinks it is impossible. After all, many zombies are attracted by the human atmosphere inside and will not be easily distracted.

Wang Tao ran dodging and dodging for more than ten minutes. No one else was holding him back. He ran very fast and had already run out of the sports center.

This is a small park, and there are no zombies, so it is relatively quiet.

“This place is great!”

Wang Tao used plant affinity to sense it, and after confirming that there was nothing wrong with it, he took out a few self-exploding bombs.

Boom, boom——

As soon as the heart-shaped self-exploding bomb was taken out, it began to beat rhythmically.

After Wang Tao carefully placed the bomb, he quickly ran out of the park and reached the roof of a four-story building.

It took out the bone hand crossbow, shot an arrow at a self-exploding bomb left at the entrance of the park, and then ran away without looking back.

call out--


The self-explosive bomb explodes instantly after being hit.

This was followed by the explosion of several other bombs.


All the bombs exploded, and the ground seemed to shake.

After the explosion, various roars sounded, and the surrounding zombies were attracted!

Wang Tao had already run away at this time.

But when he was rushing back, his eyes suddenly lit up. He saw three night devils running out of a building, one of them was a blue-skinned night devil.

"Huh? Is there a night devil's lair here?"

Wang Tao quickly picked up the walkie-talkie.

"I'll go back later and you can adapt accordingly."

"Ah good!"

Lan Yulian opposite was a little surprised, but she didn't ask any more questions.

Wang Tao quietly came outside the building.

This is a small building that looks relatively retro. Judging from the rusty sign above, it should be a small hotel.

Wang Tao sensed it for a while and walked in after confirming that there was no danger.


Wang Tao discovered that there was an underground parking lot here. He couldn't sense the things in the parking lot because there were no plants in it.

This is obviously abnormal. This underground parking lot is not closed, so there is no way there won’t be grass growing inside.

Wang Tao directly activated the entangled tree roots and took out the bone knife. After walking inside for a while, I saw something that looked like flesh and blood.

"Haha! It is indeed the Night Devil's lair! And it seems that there are no Night Devils! They are all out!"

Wang Tao was immediately overjoyed.

Looking at the flesh and blood with 100,000 health bars and some night demons that had not yet hatched, Wang Tao was not polite and picked up the knife to chop.

With its current power, cutting down these things is like cutting wheat, with no difficulty at all.

The unhatched Night Demon explodes with an [Almighty] crystal core, and the hatched flesh explodes with a [Stripping] crystal core.

Both of these are good things, and Wang Tao does not want too little.

So, Wang Tao went on a killing spree in this underground parking lot.

He didn't know how long he had been chopping. After Wang Tao found that there were no more living hatched flesh and unhatched Night Demons, Wang Tao took a deep breath.

This night devil's lair was huge, much larger than what he had encountered before! There were a lot of things inside, and his arms were a little sore from cutting them.

"go back!"

After Wang Tao made sure that nothing was missing, he was about to go out.

Suddenly, a blue shadow came in from the entrance of the underground parking lot. Wang Tao happened to meet it face to face.

Both seemed stunned for a moment.

Wang Tao didn't expect to encounter a blue-skinned night devil when he came out.

The blue-skinned night devil probably didn't expect that there would be a human in his lair!

[HP: 50000/50000]

[Blue amount: 30000/30000]

[Level: Level 3·Lord]

Humans and zombies are mortal enemies.

There’s nothing to say, just do it when we meet!

Especially when the blue-skinned night devil saw that all the hatchlings and flesh were dead in its lair, it roared, as if it was very angry.


Wang Tao felt his eyes flash as this blue-skinned night devil appeared in front of him.


Wang Tao was knocked down directly.

"Fuck! So fast!"

The blue-skinned night devil opened its terrifying mouth and was about to eat Wang Tao.

This move can kill many survivors instantly!

But unfortunately, Wang Tao had armor made of entwined tree roots, and the blue-skinned night devil took a mouthful of sawdust.


Wang Tao kicked the blue-skinned night devil and kicked it away.

Then he quickly climbed up and looked at the blue-skinned night devil with caution.

He was knocked down before he could even see clearly!

He lost "528" of blood when he fell down!

He lost "1024" of blood when he was bitten!

Its attack is not low!

However, these injuries were blocked by the entangled tree roots, and Wang Tao himself was not injured.


The blue-skinned night devil was kicked away and landed on the ground. After stabilizing his body, he rushed towards Wang Tao again.

Wang Tao still couldn't see its movements clearly. In Wang Tao's eyes, this blue-skinned night devil was just a series of afterimages.

But Wang Tao still slashed the air in front of him.


There was clearly nothing in front of Wang Tao, but when Wang Tao struck out with the knife, the blue-skinned night devil seemed to bump into him automatically and ate Wang Tao's knife.


One sword only does 2,000 damage, and the blue-skinned night devil has a very high defense!

Moreover, the blue-skinned night demon is also very strong, and this knife only made it take a step back. But this is an opportunity for Wang Tao.

He charged directly at close range and instantly knocked the blue-skinned night devil into the concrete wall. The blue-skinned night devil was two meters tall, and Wang Tao was two and a half meters tall after activating the entangled tree roots. After he knocked the blue-skinned night devil into the wall, it was like a wall-dong.

Wang Tao grabbed the blue-skinned night devil's neck with one hand, and with the bone knife in the other hand, he slashed at it four times.





Night Demon roared and was about to break free from Wang Tao's restraints.

But Wang Tao held on to it tightly. Even if it pushed Wang Tao back and hit another wall, causing the entangled tree roots to lose a lot of blood, Wang Tao still didn't let go!

After Wang Tao saw that he was not as fast as the blue-skinned night devil, he had already made up his mind - as long as he could seize the opportunity, he would fight it to the end!

After all, Wang Tao is not as fast as him. If he doesn't find a way to stick to him, he may be in trouble.


The blue-skinned night devil roared and clawed at Wang Tao's chest frantically, as if it wanted to disembowel him.

But Wang Tao has entangled tree roots. As long as the 20,000 blood points wrapped around the tree roots are not deducted, he can basically ignore the Night Demon's attack.






The blue-skinned night devil directly dragged Wang Tao's body and bumped into the night devil's lair.

But Wang Tao refused to let go, and continued to fight with it at close range.

It is estimated that this blue-skinned night devil has never fought such a speechless battle since its birth.



Wang Tao split open the head of the blue-skinned night devil with a knife.


The Night Devil has no crystal core, but the claws of this blue-skinned Night Devil have names!

[Night Devil’s Claw*2]

Wang Tao immediately put away the Night Devil's claws and the package of loot and ran away.

The battle with the blue-skinned night devil just made too much noise, and he was afraid of attracting other night devils.

After running until he was sure there was no danger behind him, Wang Tao breathed a sigh of relief. Then he looked at the damaged entangled tree root on his body and its "2384" health bar.

"Good guy, the entangled tree root has never been so seriously injured since I came to me..."

Wang Tao quickly untied the tree roots and then took out a bunch of crystal nuclei to feed it.

"Thank you for your hard work today, eat more..."

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