Wuyang City, Duzhu Town.

This is a small town in the east of Wuyang City, adjacent to Zijing City.

Although it is at the junction of the two cities, this has not brought any benefits to Duzhu Town. On the contrary, it has made Duzhu Town even poorer.

Because the young people in the town either go to work in Zijing City or Wuyang City. They even buy houses and settle down in these two cities. This has also led to a large outflow of the young population in Duzhu Town, and there are not many people who have lived in Duzhu Town for a long time.

Of course, it’s not just Duzhu Town, but also many other small places. It's just that Duzhu Town is relatively more serious.

However, a small population also has its advantages. For example, when a zombie virus breaks out, the smaller the population, the less dangerous it is.

Duzhu Town is relatively lucky in this regard. After the first round of virus outbreak, due to the small population and the lack of zombies, many people in Duzhu Town survived. Later, these survivors united and established a small survivor base in Duzhu Town, which they have maintained until now.

However, recently, many unfamiliar faces have come to Duzhu Town, making the relatively deserted Duzhu Town a lot more lively...

There are no tall buildings in Duzhu Town, and Wang Tao has good eyesight. He found survivors here even from a distance. He originally planned to find a place to rest, but since there was a survivor base, he naturally had to check it out.

At this time, several modified cars were parked at the entrance of the survivor camp in Duzhu Town, and they were queuing up to get in.

When Xu Xiaojun drove here, Wang Tao found a car in front of him that seemed a bit familiar. When checking, Wang Tao was surprised when the car window opened to reveal the person inside.

"Yang Changhong? She is actually here?"

Wang Tao didn't expect to meet Yang Changhong here.

Wang Tao heard from Lan Yulian that she met Yang Changhong in Zijing City and invited Yang Changhong to their club. But Yang Changhong refused, saying that Yang Changhong saw traces of her sister and went to find her. Has she found her sister? Or is my sister here?

Wang Tao and Yang Changhong have not been in contact for a long time, but they have already had in-depth exchanges. Wang Tao also has her shadow in his heart - well, it can be said that he is greedy for her body. Anyway, it all means the same thing.

Wang Tao was quite happy to meet again.

But Wang Tao looked at the cars behind Yang Changhong, and they didn't seem to belong to her team.

Has the team changed cars? Or something happened?

Wang Tao was a little curious, but he didn't call her for the time being.

The off-road vehicle came behind the last vehicle and began to line up to enter the survivor base in Duzhu Town.

There is no comparison between the Duzhu Town Base and the Bauhinia Base, but it is still a serious base. There are high walls, barbed wire, security checks, and several guards with pistols.

However, seeing that the pistols in their hands were all rusty, Wang Tao doubted whether they could still shoot.

"Please take off your glasses and cooperate with our inspection... everyone's eyes must be looked at, please don't hide anyone..."

Wang Tao discovered that the inspections of these people were similar to those at the Shuize base, in that they were checking whether their eyes were white. There are no energy detectors here. And there was no deliberate search of the car... Generally speaking, it was not as rigorous as the Mizusawa base.

But it’s understandable. After all, the people checking at the door are all first-level superpowers, so it is estimated that the strength of other people in this base is not too high. And the people in these foreign vehicles are all second-level superpowers. Facing the strong, they dare not be too strong.

When Wang Tao's car arrived, Yang Changhong's car had already been checked and entered. Wang Tao saw that she was the only one in the car.

After spending some time, it was finally Wang Tao's turn.

Wang Tao could hear them muttering quietly before the inspectors arrived.

"What's going on recently? Why do people keep coming to our base..."

"I heard that many people came here as refugees..."

"Escape? What difficulty?"

"Check quickly, and then we'll talk after checking..."

Two inspectors came to Wang Tao's car and knocked on the window.

These were two middle-aged men in their forties, their whole bodies wrapped tightly, and they were holding a large and thick oil-paper umbrella in their hands, which looked very heavy. However, with the strength of their first-level superpowers, it is not difficult to hold it.

"Hello, sir! If you want to enter our Duzhu Town base, please undergo inspection. We will only check the pupils of everyone in your car..."

Wang Tao and others rolled down their windows.

The two inspectors were a little surprised when they saw the four faces in the car. Surprised by their state of mind.

They have checked many foreign survivors recently. Regardless of their strength, these survivors basically look tired. Unlike the four people in Wang Tao's car, they looked relaxed and in good spirits, as if they were traveling!

And there are two beauties, one big and one small!

In the apocalypse, everyone is struggling to survive, so how can they think about dressing up?

According to their experience, beauties in the apocalypse are either bosses or vases kept by bosses - they cannot be offended!

As for how powerful the four people in the car were...the two inspectors couldn't tell!

There is some mutual induction between superpowers, and they can probably feel what level the other person is. However, there is a prerequisite for this. Either the level difference between the two parties is not too big, or the other party is proficient in supernatural powers and can hide his own aura.

For example, a first-level superpower can see a second-level superpower, but if a first-level superpower encounters a third-level superpower, he may not be able to see it.

Now the two inspectors here can't feel what level of superpowers Wang Tao and the four are. They feel that Wang Tao and the others are just like ordinary people. But where are the ordinary people who dare to go out at this time?

Could it be a third-level superpower?

Are there now level three superpowers?

Or is it that they have perfect control over their own abilities and can hide their aura?

But no matter which one they are, there is no doubt that these four people are very powerful, so try not to offend them! I have to remind other people in the base when I turn around to ask them to pay attention!

After a while.

Both inspectors made a sign of invitation.

"Mr. Wang, please!"

You need to register to enter this base, just register one person's name. Although I don’t have an ID card now, so I can’t prove whether it’s your real name, but the purpose of this base is not to check your household registration, but if something happens in the future, you must have a name.

"I just heard you say that there have been many outsiders coming to your base recently? Can you tell me what this is?"

After hearing Wang Tao's words, the person who just spoke did not hesitate and immediately said:

"It's like this. In the past two months, some outsiders have indeed passed by our Duzhu Town. I heard them say that many of them encountered a zombie wave, their camps were destroyed, and they had no choice but to flee for their lives. We in Wuyang The military base in the city is relatively famous, and many people know it, so they want to come here to try their luck and see if they can go to the military base..."

Wang Tao suddenly understood.

It turns out to be a zombie wave. He had experienced a zombie wave before when he was with Yang Changhong. It's so terrifying that not many bases can stop it.

However, there have been frequent zombie waves recently? Is there something going on? Or is there any omen?

Wang Tao doesn't know, but the frequent appearance of zombie waves is obviously not a good thing.


Wang Tao casually took out a first-order white garbage crystal core and threw it to the man.

The man took it subconsciously, and when he saw what was in his hand, he immediately stared.

Good guy! What does it mean? tip? Take the crystal core as a tip? How proud!

"Mr. Wang is so polite, so polite!"

Although this man was smiling just now, he had a professional fake smile on his face. But now, he suddenly smiled as brightly as a chrysanthemum.

Then he seemed to have thought of something, and quickly said to Wang Tao:

"By the way, Mr. Wang, you are going to the military base when you pass by here? I have to make it clear to you. I don't know what the specific situation is at the military base, but I know it is very dangerous there! Not only the military The base, including the entire urban area of ​​Wuyang City, is very dangerous! In the past few months, many people have passed by us and wanted to go to the urban area of ​​Wuyang City or the military base, but basically there was no news... At that time , I thought they were safe, but then a few people escaped back. They said it was too dangerous and there was no chance of death! These few people who escaped turned into zombies after a long time, and they gave us the base at that time It caused chaos..."

This news was similar to what Wang Tao had received. He nodded slightly:

"Thank you, this information is very important to me. So that means there are basically no living people in the urban area of ​​Wuyang City?"

"Yes, there are basically no living people! There may be one or two, no one can tell. But overall, there are basically no people. It is equivalent to hell on earth for living people!"

The man looked scared, as if he had seen it with his own eyes.

"Okay, I will think it over carefully. Then I will go in first."

"Hey, please!"

The man immediately bent down.

Wang Tao’s car was last in line. After he entered, no one was there for the time being.

After watching Wang Tao's car enter, the man straightened up instantly.

His companion looked at him with envy.

"Damn it, what kind of shitty luck are you doing! Can you get a crystal core here?"

"Hey! Are you envious? Learn from it in the future! If another rich man comes over, you might be lucky!"

"That makes sense..."

After passing the inspection and entering the Duzhu Town camp, you can see several guards behind the gate. However, except for two of these guards who held rusty pistols in their hands, the others all held long knives, spears, etc. These guards are also first-level superpowers. Obviously the defense here is not too strong.

But it only needs to be able to block zombies. There are not many zombies in Duzhu Town, and there are no powerful zombies. The defense of this base is obviously sufficient.

"These buildings should be quite old. If it were peacetime, it might be nice to stay here for a few days..."

Nie Siyan sighed when she saw the scenery outside.

There is corrosive acid rain now, and people cannot stay in the rain for long. There is no one on the streets of the base. However, there is a sign here very thoughtfully with arrow directions on it.

"There's a parking lot just a step ahead. There's also a trading floor, residences, etc., so just go there."

Wang Tao said to Xu Xiaojun.


Not long after, Wang Tao's car arrived at the parking lot.

The parking lot was converted from an abandoned building. It has no doors, but has walls and a roof to protect it from corrosive acid rain.

At the entrance of the parking lot, there was a bald middle-aged man in his fifties who was registering with a small notebook.

Wang Tao parked his car next to Yang Changhong's car. Then register your name and car.

"Mr. Wang, don't worry, our parking lot is guarded. As long as you lock the door, we guarantee that you won't lose anything!"

The bald middle-aged man patted his chest and said.


Wang Tao nodded.

He was fully armed this time, so it was impossible to pry open the door unless he broke it.

He casually threw this man a white first-order garbage crystal core.

"sorry to bother you."

The bald middle-aged man, like the previous testers, was stunned for a moment and subconsciously took the crystal core. After seeing that the thing in his hand turned out to be a first-order crystal core, his eyes widened, and then he stammered and said:

"Mr. Wang? I, our parking lot does not charge..."

In fact, when it comes to whether to charge or not, at the beginning, the boss of their base was inclined to charge. After all, it is important to make some money. But it was later cancelled.

As for why it was cancelled, the reason is simple - the people who can drive the car here and stop it are basically second-level superpowers. And in their base, there is only one second-level superpower, their boss...

In the absence of legal provisions, fists are the last word. No one has a big fist, so you still want to charge? That is seeking death!

As we all know, many people, especially those who did not live a satisfactory life before the end of the world, are prone to expansion and even psychological distortion after they gain strength in the end of the world.

Even though the fees they charge are not high, in the eyes of some grumpy people, this may mean they are looking down on him! If someone is unhappy and directly conflicts with the base, wouldn't that be bad luck?

Of course, although there is no charge, some people will tip. These tips are considered as extra money for them. Not much, but something is better than nothing.

"No charge? That's your tip."

Wang Tao waved his hand indifferently.


In the apocalypse, there are probably only a few types of valuable things: food, weapons, vehicles, and the most valuable crystal nuclei.

He didn't expect that Wang Tao would directly give him a crystal core as a tip!

Although it is the worst first-order white crystal nucleus, it is still a crystal nucleus! This can be exchanged for a lot of food on the trading floor!

After being stunned for a moment, the man immediately stood at attention.

"Yes! Don't worry, Mr. Wang, I will definitely take good care of your car! I guarantee there won't be any problems!"


Wang Tao nodded and was about to leave.

The man immediately took out four heavy-looking oil-paper umbrellas from the corner and handed them to Wang Tao.

"Mr. Wang, this is the umbrella we made here, specially designed to protect against acid rain! This umbrella can withstand at least three hours of corrosion!"

"Oh? It's interesting."

Wang Tao took it and gave it to Xu Xiaojun and the others. Then he walked to the trading floor.

After Wang Tao left, the bald middle-aged man immediately shouted.

"Brothers, get some water and let's give Mr. Wang's car a good wash!"

The trading hall is the largest building in the Duzhu Town base, with a total of three floors. It seems to have been transformed from a small shopping mall.

The first floor is the trading hall, which provides a place for transactions and a place where some bounty tasks are issued.

The second floor is a residence specially prepared for outsiders. Of course, if you don’t want to live here, you can live elsewhere, it’s very free.

The third floor is where the leaders of the Duzhu Town base live and handle daily affairs.

The trading floor is right next to the parking lot, just a short walk away.

When we arrived at the trading floor, it was busier than Wang Tao imagined. At first glance, it was full of people.

The entry of Wang Tao and four others immediately attracted the attention of many people.

There is no way, Xu Xiaojun and Wang Tao's body shapes are too exaggerated. One is two meters tall and the other is two meters tall. The two of them could block the light by standing at the door.

As for the two beauties beside Wang Tao, they didn't attract much attention.

After all, Wang Tao and his group are not easy to mess with at first glance. Maybe this beauty is their favorite, so there is no need to ask for trouble.

Among the outsiders, two of them were a little surprised after seeing Wang Tao and his party.

"Third, third level? Real or fake?"

They could faintly feel an oppressive aura from Xu Xiaojun and Nie Siyan that was different from the first and second level zombies, but it was not as obvious as the third level zombies...

Wang Tao ignored the gazes of others and glanced around, but did not find Yang Changhong.

"Sir, my name is Zheng Hai. How can I help you?"

At this time, a short, fat middle-aged man with only a few hundred blood came over. He nodded and bowed to Wang Tao.

"I'm looking for someone. A foreign woman, quite beautiful..."

Wang Tao briefly described it.

Zheng Hai thought for a moment, then asked cautiously:

"I know who you are looking for. May I ask, what is your relationship with this lady..."

Their base is most afraid of something like seeking revenge. After all, they can't afford to offend anyone in a fight. However, Wang Tao and others didn't look like they were seeking revenge, so he dared to ask.

Of course, the most important thing is that his good brother, the inspector, just spoke to him through the walkie-talkie, saying that a group of very generous bosses have come...

"good friend."

Wang Tao answered.

"Okay, please wait a moment, I'll inform -"

Before Zheng Hai finished speaking, Wang Tao threw him a white crystal core.

"Take me to him."

Wang Tao said lightly.

Looking at the crystal core in his hand, Zheng Hai suppressed his excitement and said:

"Please come with me!"

He led Wang Tao and his group to the door of a room on the second floor.

Wang Tao knocked directly on the door.

Dong dong dong——


A wary female voice came from inside.

This voice was very familiar to Wang Tao. It was Yang Changhong.

"it's me."

Wang Tao deliberately lowered his voice.


The door opened a crack, and Yang Changhong's haggard face was revealed.

After seeing Wang Tao on the facade, she was stunned. Then reach out subconsciously.

"Am I... dreaming again..."

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