"It seems there are still third-level lord zombies! Let's go!"

Wang Tao untied the entangled tree roots, took back the iron tree vines and loot, and then led everyone downstairs quickly.

Fan Peng's location was in the school cafeteria, and he said that the zombie suspected of being a third-order lord was in the cafeteria.

When Wang Tao came over, everyone else happened to be coming over too.

"Mr. Wang!"

Everyone said hello quickly.

Judging from the appearance of these people, they looked a little embarrassed, but their spirits were very high. I think they must have gained a lot during this time.


Wang Tao nodded, then looked at Fan Peng.

Fan Peng said quickly:

"Mr. Wang, that zombie is inside! It's the zombie I saw before! It's very big..."

Hearing this, Wang Tao raised his eyebrows.

Did he really find the wrong zombie?

But regardless of whether you found the right one, the zombies should be killed.

There are a lot of moss, vines and the like in this cafeteria, which block the light and make it a little dark inside.

Wang Tao used plant affinity to sense it, and could vaguely feel that there was a very large guy. There are many smaller zombies around this big guy.

"Let's go in and take a look."

Wang Tao walked in the front, and everyone quickly followed him and entered the cafeteria together.

The school cafeteria has two floors. There were many ordinary second-level zombies on the first floor. When they saw someone coming in, they immediately rushed over with their claws and teeth bared.

The third-level lord zombie is on the second floor.

Xu Xiaojun used several shock waves to clear the way and eliminated all these ordinary zombies in a matter of seconds.

Others looked at it with envy. Although they could kill second-level ordinary zombies, they were definitely not as easy as Xu Xiaojun. They were just like harvesters.

"Huh? It's coming down!"

Wang Tao looked towards the stairs.

Boom, boom, boom——

First, a huge rotten hand stretched out from the top of the stairs, and then a burly figure emerged from the top of the stairs.


Seeing this figure, everyone felt a very terrifying sense of oppression. Some people's legs were even shaking uncontrollably.

This is a zombie with muscles all over his body. He is a head taller than Xu Xiaojun and is estimated to be two and a half meters tall.

It was wearing a shabby chef's uniform, a crooked chef's hat on its head, and holding a hand ax for chopping bones.

This zombie was once a chef?

[HP: 70000/70000]

[Blue amount: 40000/40000]

[Level: Level 3·Lord]

The chef zombie has 10,000 more HP than the ghost-clawed zombie Wang Tao just killed, and it looks even scarier.

But Wang Tao felt that the chef zombie did not put as much pressure on him as the ghost claw zombie.

Generally speaking, the more HP a zombie has, the stronger it is. But this is not 100% applicable, there are always some exceptions.

The chef zombie in front of me is a relatively common zombie, but the ghost claw zombie just killed is a special case.

"This is a third-level lord zombie, you guys stand back."

Wang Tao spoke to everyone without looking back.

When everyone heard this, they immediately started to retreat. The third-level lord zombie was not something they could deal with!

Then everyone discovered that a huge white bone knife appeared in Wang Tao's hand. He held the bone knife and rushed towards the chef zombie.

"So reckless!"

Everyone was a little stunned when they saw this scene.

Although Wang Tao is a third-level superpower, this is a third-level lord zombie after all! Why don't you test the abilities of the zombies remotely first and then formulate a combat plan?

But soon, their eyes widened!

Because while Wang Tao was sprinting, many black tree root-like things suddenly appeared on his body, which surrounded Wang Tao in the blink of an eye, turning Wang Tao into a "monster" more than two meters tall!

Wang Tao rushed to the chef zombie and swung his knife directly.


This knife with high-frequency vibration hit the zombie's head hard.


A figure of nearly five thousand injuries floated out.

Wang Tao grinned under the mask. This is his normal injury!


The chef zombie roared angrily. It waved the hand ax in its hand and struck Wang Tao.

Although Wang Tao has a lot of health, there is no need to fight head-on with it. He immediately took a step back and avoided the attack of the chef zombie. And began to charge up a blow.

"The defense is not high, the speed is not fast, the strength should be great, and the damage is probably not low..."

Wang Tao instantly judged the physical condition of the chef zombie.

Wang Tao likes to encounter zombies with low defense, low speed, or both. He felt that such zombies were easier to deal with.

What he hates most are zombies with high defense, fast speed, or weird abilities. It's not that such zombies are invincible, but that they are difficult to kill. In the apocalypse, wasting time is a "really a waste of life". Maybe because you will be besieged by a large number of zombies if you waste some time, it is most comfortable to be able to fight quickly.

As for this chef zombie, Wang Tao felt that he should be able to defeat him quickly.

Of course, we still have to see if it has any special abilities.


Xu Xiaojun and Nie Siyan launched a charge at the chef zombie at the same time. While bumping into the chef zombie, Xu Xiaojun slashed with an axe, and Nie Siyan poked the steel bar.



Then came Jiang Shixue. She jumped up high, holding two Night Demon blades in her hands, and slashed twice at the chef zombie's face.



Finally, there was Yang Changhong. She held a machete in her hand and slashed at the zombies.


Among the single attacks of several people, Yang Changhong, who had just been promoted to the third level not long ago, did the most damage. But this is normal. After all, Yang Changhong has the power of high-frequency vibration. This is an ultimate attack power. The only drawback is that he must attack at close range.

Xu Xiaojun's attack was basically completed within two or three seconds. The chef zombie is really slow, and it only then reacts and fights back.

But after a few blows, they immediately retreated. No one wants to be attacked by chef zombies.

After the chef zombie's attack failed again, it became very angry and roared.

Wang Tao saw that the blood volume on its body began to increase.


Without saying a word, Wang Tao immediately stepped forward and hit the zombie with a powerful blow that he had just held in for 10 seconds.



A charged blow directly dealt 8,800 damage! And it directly interrupted his self-healing.

This damage made Wang Tao's eyes light up. This was the first time he used a charged blow seriously. Sure enough, the longer it is charged, the higher the damage!

A charged blow can be charged for up to ten seconds. Wang Tao just held it in for 10 seconds, which doubled his damage.

In a single-player battle, it is not easy to charge up a single blow. It can only be charged for a second or two at most. But now that his teammates are restraining him, Wang Tao can use it easily.

The chef zombie seemed to be going crazy after being attacked so many times in a row. But Wang Tao and others are very flexible and not willing to fight. Even though the entire canteen was badly damaged, it still didn't hit Wang Tao and the others very much.

That is to say, the slowest Xu Xiaojun took two axes, but he did not lose any blood because he was protected by armor. However, there are some white marks on his armor, so the armor may have lost a lot of durability.

Others originally wanted to watch the third-level battle, but the noise from Wang Tao's group and the zombie attacks was too great, and it felt like the cafeteria was about to collapse. These people quickly ran over again.

Without these people, Wang Tao doesn't have to worry about hurting innocent people, and he can fight more wildly.

"Does this chef zombie have no active abilities?"

Wang Tao fought for a long time, but he didn't see any special abilities of the chef zombies. He always relied on his strong physical fitness to attack.

If this is the case, then Wang Tao is not afraid.

He resisted an attack from a chef zombie, and then took another charged attack.



The nearly 10,000 blood damage left the chef with only 20,000 blood left in an instant.

At this moment, the body of the chef zombie suddenly began to expand, and its blood volume instantly increased to the full value of 70,000!


The chef is getting bigger and bigger, and the ceiling on the first floor is broken by him!


Wang Tao didn't expect that this chef zombie also had this ability.

In the blink of an eye, this chef zombie turned into a huge two-story zombie with a very scary size.

At this time, the canteen was full of dust and visibility was greatly reduced.

Wang Tao, who was at the feet of the chef zombie, immediately called on several people to retreat. They can't attack the zombie's head anymore, so they have to lure the zombie out.

As soon as Wang Tao and others ran away, they immediately attracted the attention of the chef zombies, and he chased after them with long strides.


I have to say that the destructive power of its size is really strong. When it came out after Wang Tao and the others, the canteen behind it collapsed with a roar!

Even though it was raining heavily outside, the sound of the building collapsing was very obvious.

"We're going to attract crazy zombies, let's fight them quickly!"

Wang Tao threw several shock waves at the chef zombie's head, causing it to pause for a moment. Then the vine in Wang Tao's hand shot out and directly wrapped around one of the chef zombie's legs.

"come together!"

Wang Tao called Xu Xiaojun and several others, and they pulled on the vines at the same time, exerting force suddenly.

The chef zombie who just walked out suddenly staggered, and then, probably because it was too big to maintain balance, he was directly pulled down by Wang Tao and others!


Wang Tao retracted the vine and just tripped the chef zombie. The vine also lost a lot of health, but its mission had been completed.


Wang Tao called on several people to rush towards the chef zombie.

The standing chef zombies are too tall. Although Wang Tao and others also have long-range attack capabilities, the long-range damage is not as high as melee combat. So Wang Tao knocked it down directly, which was much more convenient.

The chef zombie wanted to get up, but the attacks of several people were already directed at his face.

Although the power of rage can improve many attributes, it only reduces defense.

So even though this zombie has become more terrifying, the attack damage of Wang Tao and others is actually much higher.


No one knows how many attacks it suffered, but the chef zombie finally got up with an angry cry.

The vine in Wang Tao's hand had lost a lot of blood, and he was reluctant to use it, so he began to consume it with shock waves. Others also took out long-range weapons and began to consume it.

If we say that in close combat, the chef zombies can still compete with Wang Tao and the others. Then when switching to remote, it really has no choice. Enough but unable to reach, running but unable to run. He was completely treated like a dog! Although the damage is not as high as melee combat, grinding can kill it...

In the end, Wang Tao's last shock wave shattered the head of the chef zombie.


The head of the chef zombie exploded, and its burly figure fell to the ground.

A bunch of loot packages exploded.

Wang Tao put away the loot package, and then saw that the ax in the hands of the zombie chef could be stored in the space backpack.

Wang Tao put the things away without saying a word, and after getting the crystal core of the chef zombie, Wang Tao waved to everyone.

"Go back quickly!"

Wang Tao has already seen many crazy zombies appearing.

Although they were all first- and second-level crazy zombies, there were too many of them, and there was no benefit in killing them, so naturally no one wanted to get involved.

When everyone arrived at the school gate, they found that many crazy zombies had rushed in. But they were all stopped, and what stopped them were plants that would attack people!

"Interesting, let them dog eat dog! Let's change the road!"

Wang Tao led everyone to the other side. Although this side was once a high wall with no door, a big hole was opened by Xu Xiaojun's axe.

Everyone got out one after another and drove away quickly.

Heavy rain affects the perception of zombies. These crazy zombies fell behind after chasing the convoy for a while.

More than ten vehicles returned to the Duzhu Town base smoothly.


After returning to the base, Fan Peng and the others relaxed.

"Fuck! It's so exciting!"

Some people sighed excitedly.

"That's right! I have never participated in such a large-scale battle! Although I am playing soy sauce..."

"The strength of the third level is so strong! Fortunately, Mr. Wang is with us, otherwise we don't know how we would die if we encountered such a zombie!"

"Yes, yes! I have to thank Mr. Wang!"

After everyone got off the bus, they all thanked Wang Tao.

Wang Tao waved his hand, then asked with a smile:

"How was your harvest?"

"Hehe... not bad!"

One look at the looks of these people, Wang Tao knew that they had gained a lot.

However, Wang Tao didn't ask any more questions. He said to Fan Peng:

"We won't leave today. This battle is very exhausting, so we need to rest for a day."

"Okay! Mr. Wang, just rest, I promise no one will disturb you!"

Wang Tao and others returned to the room.

Xu Xiaojun and others took off their armor.

Wang Tao took a look and saw that the durability of several people's armors had lost some, especially Yang Changhong's. The armor she wore was a brand new third-level iron tree armor given to her by Wang Tao. The total durability of 30 dropped by 5 points!

And these 5 points were all caught by that ghost claw zombie.

I have to say that the damage done by Ghost Claw Zombies is really high.

Wang Tao took out the medical kit and nutritional solution and handed them to them.

"Everyone, take a good rest."

A few people were not seriously injured, and the battle ended quickly, so it was considered a quick victory. However, high-intensity fighting is still very tiring, so you need to take a good rest.


While the others were resting, Wang Tao took a look at his health bar.

Just killing this chef zombie gave Wang Tao a maximum health limit of 12,600 and special energy. This improvement is not as much as that given by zombies.

But it's not a lot, Wang Tao's blood volume has reached 67,000!

"After reaching the third level, the blood volume increases so quickly!"

Wang Tao was a little emotional.

Although the higher the level, the more blood is needed for promotion, but the more blood you get from killing high-level zombies. The overall improvement speed is actually faster than before.

Wang Tao felt that if he encountered two or three more zombies like this, he might be able to gain 100,000 health!

Of course, the main reason is that Wang Tao is strong and has the ability to kill by leapfrogging. Moreover, Xu Xiaojun and the others did not compete with Wang Tao for their heads...

Wang Tao looked at the other trophies.

The first thing he looked at was the chef zombie.

The crystal core in the head of the chef zombie is a purple [Level 3 Crystal Core·Self-Healing].

It exploded with four loot packages.

The first crystal core gift pack contains a total of 3 crystal cores. They are the red [Third-order Crystal Core·Promotion], the blue [Third-order Crystal Core·Defense] and the red [Third-order Crystal Core·Fury].

Only then did Wang Tao understand why killing the chef zombie did not give him as much health as the ghost claw zombie. Because the zombie chef has few special powers, only strength, self-healing and rage. The more abilities a zombie has, the higher the upper limit of its health will be.

After receiving the crystal core, Wang Tao looked at the second loot package.

Here is the potion.

[Obtain: Strength Potion (Small)*20]

[Obtain: Violence Potion*20]

"Hey, violent potion?"

Wang Tao had never seen this potion before.

[Violent Potion: After injection, the attributes of the whole body will be improved, lasting for 1 minute, and cooling down for 24 hours]

This violent potion looks very good. Although it lasts only a short minute and has a cooldown time of 24 hours, it is a full attribute improvement. Even if this potion can have one-tenth the effect of the violent ability, it would be great. A critical moment might turn the tide of the battle.

Inside the third loot package was a set of clothes.

[Obtain: Chef uniform set*1]

[Chef suit: durability +10, tear resistance +10]

This is a white chef uniform, including hat, top, pants and shoes. The properties are also very good and very durable.

But Wang Tao felt that wearing a chef's uniform was a bit weird, and it was definitely not as convenient for fighting as his sweatshirt.

"Put it away first."

Wang Tao took a look and found that there were two sets of clothing in his space backpack, namely the pink nurse uniform he got a long time ago and the diving suit he got from killing the zombie fish before.

These three sets of clothes are useless for now, but they might be useful in the future. After all, the explosive rate of clothes is not high, so it’s better to keep them.

The fourth loot package contains blueprints.

[Obtained: Bone-cutting standard hand ax drawing*1]

[Bone-cutting standard hand ax blueprint: After learning it, you can make one standard bone-cutting hand ax at a time. Materials required: any axe, any crystal core*1 (first-order, second-order, and third-order crystal nuclei can be used), iron block*10, sharp edge*10, screw*10, wooden block*10]

"Eh? Standard hand axe!"

After seeing this drawing, Wang Tao was suddenly surprised.

Although standard equipment has slightly lower attributes than non-standard equipment, it can be produced in batches!

Without saying a word, Wang Tao immediately learned the drawings of the bone-cutting standard hand ax.

He originally had the drawings of "Iron Tree Armor" and "Bone Hand Crossbow and Crossbow Arrow", and now he has a Bone-cutting Hand Axe... This is really a complete set of equipment for defense, long-range attack and melee combat!

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