
The sky was overcast and it was raining heavily.

"Huh - there should be nothing left out!"

Yang Changhong walked in, wiped the rain from his forehead, and handed the contents of the last airdrop box to Wang Tao.

Everyone began to classify these airdrop items.

There were 10 airdrops in total, and several people took back the contents of the airdrops.

"Suppressants, compressed food, medical kits..."

The contents of the airdrop are still the same as before, and there are no special items like mechanical arms.

But these things are also very precious. Especially inhibitors, which can currently only be picked up from airdrops.

In fact, what Wang Tao wants to see most is the zombie illustrated book and news from the military base, but unfortunately there is neither - the zombie illustrated book does exist, but it is a previous version and has not been updated for a long time.

"Put it all away and let's continue on our way!"


Wang Tao now has two cars, which can hold a lot of things. There is naturally a place for these supplies.

After everything was packed up, Wang Tao and his party continued on their way.

Wang Tao knew the location of the military base. Although it was not marked on the map, the specific location of the military base was written on the first airdrop he picked up.

But knowing this location doesn't mean you can find it just by looking. It requires a lot of reference objects.

Wang Tao probably knows which area it is in. After approaching the urban area of ​​Wuyang City, he can judge where the military base is based on those reference objects.

“Is downtown really as dangerous as they say?”

In the car, Yang Changhong asked with some uncertainty.

Before coming, she heard many people saying that the urban area of ​​Wuyang City and even the entire Wuyang City were very dangerous, and that if you come here, you will die.

But now they have arrived in Wuyang City, and the distance from the city is not very far. Not to mention it was very peaceful along the way, but we did not encounter any danger...

"The danger is certain. Don't forget, Wuyang City has a population of 10 million!"

Wang Tao has no doubts about this.

After the end of the world, he traveled to many places. A place with few people may not be safe, but a place with many people will definitely be dangerous. This is his experience.

"That's right, after all, a city with such a large population..."

Yang Changhong felt that he might have become a little inflated after his strength increased, and he dared to question the dangers of Wuyang City.

Wang Tao then said again:

"But don't worry too much. As long as there is no large-scale zombie wave or level 4 zombies, we can deal with them."

Wang Tao is not arrogant, but confident in his own strength. After all, he already has 110,000 blood. Even if it is a third-level lord zombie with 100,000 blood, he feels that he can fight it!

Of course, if it is a fourth-level zombie, it can only run away.

He doesn't know much about the fourth level yet. The only fourth level he has seen is the illusion monster... The information in his hand is limited, and he cannot accurately estimate how strong the fourth level's combat power is.


Yang Changhong nodded. She is very lucky to be with Wang Tao, otherwise it is not certain whether she would be able to come here...

"There is a third-level zombie ahead."

Wang Tao said suddenly.


Yang Changhong immediately became vigilant.

"In that abandoned car is a relatively weak third-level elite zombie."

Yang Changhong looked in the direction pointed by Wang Tao and immediately said:

"I'll deal with it! Don't interfere, I want to test my strength."


Wang Tao nodded, and then asked Xu Xiaojun to stop the car through the intercom.

It's still raining heavily outside. Although it is corrosive acid rain, as long as humans don't get exposed to too much rain, there will still be no problem. Especially for those with high HP, they can stay in the corrosive acid rain for a long time.

Yang Changhong came to the car with the standard hand ax given to her by Wang Tao.


A zombie suddenly opened the car door and rushed towards Yang Changhong.

Yang Changhong, who was well prepared, immediately dodged, and then her ax with high-frequency vibration hit the zombie's hand directly.


This zombie's hand was cut off directly!

Yang Changhong's method of cutting off the zombie's limbs first is a habit of most survivors. Although this won't kill zombies quickly, it can cripple them. Unless some zombies have special abilities, it will be easy to deal with them after their limbs are chopped off.

Wang Tao doesn't have this habit. He always goes straight for the opponent's head. There’s no other meaning, it’s just that he does high damage. He can kill instantly, so there's no need to follow the zombie ink.

This third-level elite zombie only has 30,000 health and has no special abilities, but its defense is slightly higher. After having his hands chopped off by Yang Changhong, he persisted for a while before being killed by Yang Changhong.

"A defensive crystal core, I wonder why it is so hard!"

After Yang Changhong got in the car, he consciously gave the crystal core to Wang Tao.

"Let's continue on our way." Wang Tao notified Xu Xiaojun through the intercom, and then asked Yang Changhong, "How do you feel?"

"It's great! I've never felt so strong!"

Yang Changhong felt a little emotional.

She now has more than 50,000 health and four superpowers. It is not difficult to kill this third-level elite zombie with 30,000 health.

"Thank you very much. If it weren't for you, I don't know if I would have the chance to advance to the third level in my life..."

Yang Changhong looked at Wang Taotao sincerely.

"Then help me kill more zombies and earn crystal cores. By the way, warm the bed..."

Wang Tao said with a smile.


Yang Changhong rolled his eyes at him.

Everyone continued on their way.

Not long after walking, Wang Tao stopped the car again.

"Another third-level zombie has appeared, three second-level elite zombies, and one third-level elite zombie..."

Yang Changhong has already tested his strength with more than 50,000 HP, so there is no need to fight zombies alone. She got out of the car with Xu Xiaojun and Nie Siyan and easily dispatched these zombies.

Once that's done, continue on your way.

About an hour later, I encountered a third-level zombie again. This time it was three level three elite zombies.

It was still Yang Changhong and three others who got out of the car to deal with it.

"The further we go towards Wuyang City, the more high-level zombies we encounter!"

According to the previous situation, unless there are mother zombies nearby, it is rare to encounter third-level elite zombies.

But now I often encounter that there are not many zombies on the road Wang Tao picked, especially since it is still raining and many zombies are not moving much. This can only mean one thing - the overall level of zombies here in Wuyang City is relatively high!

After that, I encountered zombies several times. Although there was no danger, it still affected my speed to some extent.

Before dark, Wang Tao stopped at the door of a small roadside hotel. After getting off the car, Wang Tao scanned the hotel with his senses and suddenly raised his eyebrows.

"There are three third-level elites and one third-level lord zombie here..."

"Third-level lord!"

Everyone was a little surprised.

The combat power of lord zombies is much higher than that of elite zombies. Although they are already at level three, they may not be able to defeat them.

"Go in and have a look."

Wang Tao felt that this lord zombie was not very strong, but he still took out the bone knife more cautiously. But he didn't activate the entangled tree roots, mainly because the height of this roadside hotel is not high. After he activated the entangled tree roots, it was two and a half meters tall. He couldn't even enter the door unless the door was destroyed, but this was not the case. What a sneak attack...

Several people quietly entered the hotel.

Perhaps it was because Wang Tao and the others were caught in the rain, which somewhat concealed their smell. As a result, the zombies in these hotels did not notice their arrival immediately.

So, Wang Tao and others had a rare sneak attack on zombies - zombies had always attacked them in the past, but this time with the help of sensory abilities, they could also sneak attack on zombies!

[HP: 40000/40000]

[Blue amount: 15000/15000]

[Level: Level 3·Lord]

This is a third-level lord zombie with 50,000 blood, wearing a shabby suit and a bit fat.

It is sitting on the bed in a room, as if thinking about life.

When Wang Tao and others rushed in, it didn't even react, and was hit in the face by various attacks.





"The defense is not high, so fight quickly!"

Except for Jiang Shixue, Wang Tao and others are all third-level psychics with third-level weapons. Although Jiang Shixue is not third-level, her attack is not low.

So under the sudden attack by Wang Tao and his group, the zombie in a suit only lasted for two seconds before being attacked and killed. It may be regarded as the third-level lord zombie that died the most painful death.

Wang Tao took back the bone knife that chopped the zombie's head.

The zombies in suits only added 4800 special energy to Wang Tao, which was a bit low. It was not as much as the third-level elite Night Demon added to him before.

However, it is understandable that this zombie in a suit should be the weaker third-level lord zombie that Wang Tao has encountered so far.

The crystal core in its head is [Third-order Crystal Core·Defense], and the crystal core gift pack it explodes only contains one crystal core [Third-order Crystal Core·Running].

Forget it if you don’t have an all-powerful crystal core, you don’t even have a promotion crystal core.

Wang Tao cursed inwardly, then looked at the other two trophy packages.

The second loot package contains a potion.

[Obtain: Strength Potion (Small)*20]

[Obtain: Running Potion (Medium)*20]

There are 40 bottles of potions in total, which is pretty good.

But speaking of it, this zombie in a suit was killed without even using its running ability, which was quite unlucky.

The third loot package contains clothes.

[Obtain: Black combat suit*1]

[Black combat suit: durability +10, tear resistance +10]

This outfit seems pretty good, and Wang Tao can wear it too. However, he still has the sweatshirt suit he got before, and it still has a lot of durability left. If these clothes don't wear out, he doesn't need to change them.

After killing this third-level lord zombie, everyone took care of the other elite zombies in the hotel.

After confirming that there was no danger, Wang Tao opened the map.

"Looking from the map, we should be able to reach the city tomorrow..."

Hearing this, Nie Siyan and others were a little excited and anxious.

I am excited because I have finally reached the urban area of ​​Wuyang City, which should not be far from the military base. The worry is that no one knows what the urban area is like. If it is dangerous, it will be troublesome.

"Have a good night's rest today and be in the best fighting condition tomorrow!"


The next day.



The heavy rain didn't stop, and it even started to thunder.

Wang Tao opened the window.

"This kind of weather looks quite scary, but the zombies' senses will definitely be disturbed to the maximum extent. It's a good day to go out!"

After everyone had a quick bite to eat, they continued on their way.

As soon as he went out, Wang Tao felt that today was different from yesterday.

Although it rained heavily yesterday, there were still many zombies on the road. Those zombies are basically in a daze on the road. They can only sense someone coming when they get close. They will be killed by Xu Xiaojun and the others before they turn around.

Today, there are many fewer zombies on the road, and the remaining zombies are not in a daze, but running around.

Especially when thunder starts, they run around like crazy.

Moreover, Wang Tao also saw a lot of crazy zombies, and these crazy zombies were also running around in the rain crazily.

Even when vehicles passed near them, they didn't even look at them.

"It seems that the impact of thunder on the zombies is greater than I expected... If this is the case, maybe we will come to the city earlier."

Wang Tao was a little surprised.

He originally arrived at the urban area of ​​Wuyang City in the evening according to the calculated time. But judging from the current situation, it may arrive in the afternoon.

In fact, it was exactly as Wang Tao guessed.

I didn't encounter any trouble along the way, I didn't encounter too many elite zombies, and I didn't encounter any lord zombies.

At about four o'clock in the afternoon, Wang Tao saw a road sign that said it was still 3 kilometers away from the urban area of ​​Wuyang City. However, due to heavy rain and some fog, Wang Tao could not see clearly what was happening in the urban area.

"Cheer up, we're almost there!"

Wang Tao said to everyone.


In the last 3 kilometers, Wang Tao was extremely cautious.

After spending some time, Wang Tao finally saw the tall buildings in the distance.

The urban area of ​​Wuyang City...has arrived.

At this time, a bolt of lightning suddenly appeared, instantly lighting up the gray sky, lighting up the urban area, and also lighting up a huge and terrifying figure.


Wang Tao subconsciously cursed.

I saw a huge humanoid zombie about the same height next to a twenty-story building in the distance!

It is using its red eyes to get close to the exterior glass of the building, as if it is looking at the situation inside the building!

Then it thrust its hand into the building and dug inside. It seemed that he had found something, grabbed it out and stuffed it into his mouth.


"What is that! It's so scary!"

After Yang Changhong and others saw it, their faces were a little frightened.

Even Jiang Shixue, who had always been fearless, subconsciously grabbed Wang Tao's hand, with a serious look on her face.


Then thunder sounded, lightning flashed away, the sky fell into darkness again, and everyone lost sight of the huge zombie.

"That's a zombie, a... fourth-order lord zombie!"

Wang Tao took a deep breath and said.

[HP: 300000/300000]

[Blue amount: 200000/200000]

[Level: Level 4·Lord]

[Awakening: Giant]

[Giant: Unlimited growth in size, all basic attributes improved in all aspects. The bigger the body, the stronger the strength]

Although he had only seen it for a moment, he still saw the attributes of the zombie.

300,000 blood!

200,000 blue!

But this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that after Wang Tao is promoted to the third level, he can see the awakening attribute!

The awakening of this giant zombie is [Giant]. The introduction of its attributes is very simple and the specific values ​​are not revealed, but even a fool can see that it is very powerful——

Unlimited growth in size!

All basic attributes are improved in all aspects!

The bigger you are, the stronger you are!

"Is this the 'awakening' after the fourth level..."

Wang Tao muttered to himself, but now was not the time to think about the fourth level, so he immediately called for everyone to retreat.

"Come on, we can't afford to offend this zombie!"

Wang Tao felt that the strength of a zombie of this size should not be measured purely by blood volume.

He now has 110,000 blood, plus the 100,000 blood wrapped around the tree roots, then this is 210,000 blood. It seems that there is not much difference from the 300,000 blood, but Wang Tao feels that he has no chance of winning!

Because this is no longer a matter of blood volume! If nothing else, the zombie's weak point is its head, but this zombie is fifty meters tall according to visual inspection, and Wang Tao's attack can't even reach its head!

And it looks rough and thick-skinned. Even if Wang Tao could hit its head, he probably wouldn't be able to draw much blood...


The two cars stepped on the accelerator and immediately moved away from the road.

Wang Tao's goal was not to enter the city, but to find a military base. The approximate location of the military base needs to pass through half of the city, but if the city is too dangerous, then you definitely can't leave the city, but have to take a detour.

After the two cars left here, Wang Tao opened the map and pointed to a location.

"Go here..."


The car soon moved away from the road and began to prepare to go around the city. However, the detour was farther than Wang Tao imagined, and there were many abandoned vehicles blocking the road.

"We won't be able to get through before dark. Let's find a place to rest for the night. You all should pay attention to see if there is any suitable place..."

Wang Tao said to everyone.


Everyone responded.


Suddenly, Wang Tao's ears twitched and he looked at Yang Changhong beside him.

"Did you hear anything?"

"Besides the rain, there seems to be no other sound..."

Yang Changhong shook his head.

Wang Tao looked at Jiang Shixue again, and Jiang Shixue nodded.

"It seemed like... gunshots?"

A rusty, abandoned car was parked on the wide asphalt road, with two figures sitting in the car.

The co-pilot was an old man wearing an old military uniform, a telescope hanging on his chest, a knitted hat on his head, and a white beard.

He pulled out a yellowed photo from the glove box, showing a little girl with a bright smile.

Seeing the little girl's smile, the old man also grinned.

"I have a granddaughter who is as cute as the one in your photo. She always likes to pester me to tell her bedtime stories..."

As the old man spoke, he handed the photo to the driver.

"Ho ho..."

The driver's figure suddenly raised his head, revealing a rotten and ferocious face!

But its jaw is missing and both arms are broken!

It struggled to get closer to the old man, but was tied tightly by the seat belt and could not move.

The old man didn't look at the ferocious-looking zombie and continued to look at the photo.

"A few months ago, she said to me, Grandpa, are you old?"

"I said, yes, I am old. One day, you will be as old as me, haha!"

"She said again, Grandpa, will you die?"

"I said, of course I'm going to die."

"Finally she asked me, Grandpa, will I die?"

"I looked at the wound on her arm that was full of black blood vessels. For the first time, I didn't know how to answer her question..."

The old man raised his head and looked at the zombie piloted by the driver.

"Have you ever explained the problem to the child? I'm very ashamed. She left before I could explain it clearly - not dead, but escaped."

The old man picked up a police revolver from behind his waist and pointed it at the zombie driver's forehead.

"I'll find her, I promise."


The plot at the end of this chapter refers to the CG of the game "Overkill: The Walking Dead"

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