
After hearing what He Jijun said, Wang Tao called him a good guy.

Spend seven days hunting a zombie?

Wang Tao can only say that this patience is awesome!

And he actually succeeded!

An ordinary person successfully hunted a zombie that was probably a third-level elite!

This even made Yang Changhong and others a little ashamed...


Wang Tao admired him sincerely.

Then he said again:

"Sir, do you know the levels of zombies or superpowers?"

"not very clear……"

He Jijun shook his head.

Wang Tao explained:

"Zombies, superpowers, and some monsters are all divided into first-level, second-level, third-level, and so on. Each level has different types, including ordinary, elite, and lord...the ones you killed A zombie is at least a third-level elite, and your current level is not even a first-level one, you are just an ordinary person..."

"Oh? So, I'm quite powerful? Haha!"

Hearing Wang Tao's explanation, He Jijun raised his eyebrows.

"It's awesome!"

Wang Tao nodded.

But He Jijun shook his head again.


It's a pity that he didn't say anything, but Wang Tao could see regret in his eyes.

Wang Tao didn't ask much about this matter.

He looked at the other nuclei.

Wang Tao has basically seen all types of crystal nuclei. Occasionally, Wang Tao can see the effect at a glance on something he has never seen before.

After looking at it for a while, he raised his head and said to He Jijun:

"Old man, some of the crystal nuclei here are actually very good. For example, charging, jumping, precision shooting, throwing proficiency, self-healing..."

Wang Tao explained the general functions of these crystal nuclei.

He Jijun basically walked alone along the way, but no one told him these things. Now after hearing about the abilities of these crystal nuclei, his eyes suddenly widened.

"This is a superpower..."

No wonder many people want to become superpowers... But He Jijun didn't forget that these superpowers have side effects. He looked at Wang Tao.

"So, what's the price to pay?"

"The price is... the ability to charge will make your limbs stiff, the ability to jump will make you afraid of noise, the ability to shoot accurately will make you blind in one eye, the mastery of throwing will make you irritable, and the self-healing will weaken the sense of touch..."

Hearing what Wang Tao said, He Jijun's face became increasingly ugly.

These side effects... are too big!

"Then I'll think about it again..."

He Jijun was a little confused. These abilities were very powerful, but he didn't want this side effect. If it really doesn't work...he doesn't want superpowers anymore! After all, he didn't have superpowers, so why didn't he come here like this?

"Okay. You can think about it slowly."

Wang Tao didn't say much, he returned all the crystal cores to the other party, and then said.

"By the way, old man, do you know the military base in Wuyang City?"

Wang Tao felt that He Jijun had been a soldier and should know some information.

"I know. Are you going?"

Um? He Jijun really knows?

Wang Tao was suddenly pleasantly surprised. It would be better if someone could lead the way. He said without any concealment:

"Yes, our destination is to go to the military base. When the old man comes to Wuyang City, he should also want to go there, right?"

"Yeah. I've served here before."

He Jijun nodded, with some nostalgia in his eyes.

"Oh? That's a coincidence! How about we come together? Wuyang City is very dangerous. You must have experienced it. If we come together, we can be companions."

Wang Tao said immediately.

"You want me to take you to a military base?"

He Jijun saw through Wang Tao's purpose at a glance.


Wang Tao also admitted it very bachelorly.

He Jijun was silent for a moment, and then said:

"Okay. I just want to go there too."

"Haha, then I wish us a happy cooperation!"

Wang Tao extended his right hand towards him. He Jijun did not refuse this time and shook Wang Tao's hand.

After that, Wang Tao said nothing more and concentrated on cooking.

Then he discovered a small detail. Apart from the first two sips of wine, He Jijun never drank again.

He Jijun saw Wang Tao's doubts and said calmly:

"Drinking too much wine will cause trouble. Once you have tasted it, you will be satisfied."

"The old man has so much self-control!"

When it comes to drinking, He Jijun is quite restrained, but when it comes to eating, He Jijun is not polite.

Anyway, this is what Wang Tao invited him to eat, and if he doesn't eat it, it's free.

Even though he is thin, he has a big appetite and is considered to be a very good eater among ordinary people.

Of course, Wang Tao doesn't mind either, he has enough food.

After the meal, Wang Tao returned the bullets he had unloaded from He Jijun's gun to him. After they chatted for a while, they were ready to rest.

For safety reasons, everyone rests in the same room. Xu Xiaojun and Nie Siyan took turns on duty. They were in the living room outside. Yang Changhong was lying on the sofa, and Wang Tao and Jiang Shixue were sleeping on the bed.

Compared with Wang Tao who found a bed to fall asleep, He Jijun was much more casual. He just held the shotgun, sat in the corner, closed his eyes, and seemed to fall asleep instantly.

But when a zombie came to the door, he was the first to open his eyes.

"Zombies are coming!"

Wang Tao, who had fallen asleep, woke up instantly. He quickly looked at it with his senses and breathed a sigh of relief when he found that it was an ordinary zombie.

He said that if someone was clearly arranged to be on duty in turn, if a powerful zombie came over, he would definitely be called. Why is no one calling now? It turns out to be an ordinary zombie.

However, He Jijun was not familiar with them and didn't know their habits, which was normal.

Wang Tao directly took out a bone hand crossbow, looked out the window with his eyes with a faint green light, and then aimed an arrow somewhere.

call out--



After dealing with this ordinary zombie, Wang Tao turned back to He Jijun in the corner and said:

"Old man, there is no need to be so nervous. Xiaojun and the others are very responsible on duty. If this zombie dares to come over, they will definitely kill it."

Because it was too dark, He Jijun couldn't see Wang Tao's movements clearly. He could only see a pair of eyes glowing green and a pair of eyes glowing red.

But compared to these two pairs of glowing eyes, He Jijun was more interested in Wang Tao's method of killing the zombies just now.

"What did you just use? A crossbow?"

He Jijun asked directly.


Wang Tao suddenly reacted. It was very dark now, there was no thunder or lightning, and there was still the sound of rain outside. How did He Jijun discover the zombies?

"It's just a crossbow, let me show it to you."

Wang Tao directly threw the bone hand crossbow over. Although the environment was completely dark, He Jijun was able to accurately grasp the hand crossbow.

"nice one!"

He Jijun gently touched the bone crossbow in his hand and subconsciously praised it.

He felt that this thing worked better than his gun. He only dared to use a gun in heavy rain. Normally, he would fight zombies in close combat or use traps...

"If the old man likes it, then I will give it to you."

Wang Tao threw him another pack of crossbow arrows.

He Jijun caught it steadily and was a little surprised.

"Give it to me? Don't you use it yourself?"

"I still have it. I don't need this one."

Wang Tao said with a smile.

"Then I won't be polite!"

For He Jijun, this is a life-saving thing. Give it to him and he will take it.


He said thanks.

"You're welcome. By the way, how did the old man tell that I was using a hand crossbow just now? And how did he find the zombies?"

Wang Tao asked curiously.

"I just heard the sound of a bowstring vibrating. As for how I found the zombie... I heard its footsteps - I have heard the footsteps of zombies too many times, and I am very familiar with them."


Did you really rely on what you heard?

Wang Tao was a little surprised. He thought He Jijun had some sixth sense or something. If you really heard it, that would be amazing!

This is not just a matter of hearing, but whether he can hear the footsteps of zombies from the sound of rain. This is a matter of discrimination.

He Jijun seemed to know Wang Tao's surprise. He grinned and said:

"Back then, on the battlefield where artillery fire was raging, I could hear the enemy deliberately pressing their feet and touching them, let alone these zombies with no intelligence!"

He Jijun's tone was very confident, and he was confident.

"Niu beep!"

Wang Tao didn't know how many times he had said "Niubi", but only these two words could express his mood at the moment.

Nothing happened in the second half of the night, and Wang Tao slept until the next morning.

He Jijun was already up and was picking up crossbow arrows outside.

Wang Tao then discovered that there were more than a dozen ordinary zombies lying outside, with many crossbow arrows on their bodies and on the ground next to them.

Wang Tao looked at Xu Xiaojun, who was on duty in the middle of the night.

Xu Xiaojun scratched his head and said:

"These are the results of Mr. He's battle last night. The old man killed all the zombies that came near our house at night. I told him that he didn't need to kill them because the zombies couldn't get in. He said he just wanted to try the hand crossbow..."


How could He Jijun kill zombies with a crossbow in such a dark environment? Although looking at the current situation, many arrows were missed, there were also many arrows that hit the heads of zombies...

Why did Wang Tao suddenly feel an inexplicable sense of security?

"Old man, let's go after eating."

In order to rush on the road quickly, Wang Tao took nutrient solution in the morning.

"What's this?"

He Jijun was a little curious.

Wang Tao explained the nutrient solution, and He Jijun looked surprised.

"Is there such a good thing?"

He Jijun was not polite and drank two bottles in one go.

"I'm actually a little full..."

He Jijun was a little surprised, this thing is simply a doomsday artifact!

After thinking about it, he took out a large cake from his bag and handed it to Wang Tao.

"I can't keep eating your food for free. This is my baked pie. Do you want to try it?"


Wang Tao took it with a smile, then tore it open and gave it to Yang Changhong and others to taste. Apart from being a bit dry and choking, the taste was unexpectedly good.

Seeing the expressions of Wang Tao and others, He Jijun said proudly:

"I worked in the cooking class back then!"


Wang Tao gave a thumbs up. I heard that the cooking class is all about Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. This old man is not simple!

After packing their things, everyone got in the car.

He Jijun suddenly said to Wang Tao:

"I know a shortcut to the military base. If you trust me, you can take a shortcut."

"Okay, then take a shortcut!"

Wang Tao asked Yang Changhong and Xu Xiaojun to follow the route given by He Jijun.

The route given by He Jijun requires walking through some wild woods. If no monsters appear, walking in the wild is definitely safer than walking in the city or on the edge of the city.

It's just that the road is a little difficult to walk, with mud everywhere. Fortunately, both vehicles were off-road vehicles, so other than being slower, there were no major problems.

"Stop the car, there's a group of zombies ahead."

Wang Tao suddenly stopped the two cars.

He Jijun took out his binoculars and took a look, and sure enough he saw a group of zombies in the woods.

He looked at Wang Tao with some surprise.

Although the distance is not very far, these zombies are in the woods, and the heavy rain blocks the view. Wang Tao can actually see them?

Naturally, he didn't know that Wang Tao's plant affinity plus perception was equivalent to radar plus perspective. It was easy to spot these zombies.

There were a lot of zombies, and they were blocking the road at a corner. So we have to clear out these zombies.

Wang Tao and others got out of the car.

"Clean up these zombies."


Everyone took out their weapons.

He Jijun also took out his shotgun, then looked at Wang Tao and said:

"It doesn't matter if I fire a few shots, right?"

If he had been a human being, he would have fired. But after all, we are now a temporary team, and he has to consider the overall situation.

"no problem."

Wang Tao nodded.

Now in the wild, and the rain is very loud, the sound of gunfire will be weakened to the maximum extent. And they didn't stay here long, they left as soon as they finished cleaning up. As long as it can be resolved quickly, it's okay to make some noise.


Just as Wang Tao nodded, he saw He Jijun raise his hand and shoot a zombie directly in the head.

“The old man’s marksmanship is amazing!”

Wang Tao was a little surprised. At this distance of tens of meters, it is not easy to headshot a zombie with a machine gun! If Wang Tao did not use precise shooting, he would not be able to achieve this level.

"Oh, you still think you're an old man and I can't lie to you!"

He Jijun fired another shot while speaking.


The second zombie was headshot.

At this time, the zombies had heard the noise and began to walk towards the crowd.

He Jijun didn't talk to Wang Tao anymore. He continued to aim at the zombies and shot him again in an instant. The third zombie fell to the ground.

While killing zombies, He Jijun also took the opportunity to glance at Wang Tao and others. He wanted to know how strong these superpowers were. Since Wang Tao is not afraid of attracting so many zombies, he probably has a way to reject them. If it was just him, he wouldn't be so reckless. He would most likely change paths and not face these zombies.

On the other side, Xu Xiaojun was carrying a big ax and charging towards the zombies.


Mud was everywhere on the ground, and Xu Xiaojun instantly arrived among the zombies. Many zombies were directly knocked away by it, or even smashed into pieces.

Then he raised his big ax and hit the zombies with a shock wave.


In an instant, dozens of zombies were crushed and turned into minced meat on the ground.

"Is this a superpower..."

Not far away, He Jijun was a little stunned. The combat effectiveness of superpowers is indeed strong! This method of killing zombies on a large scale would be incomparable to him unless he was given a machine gun.

However, He Jijun refused to admit defeat and continued to shoot.


A zombie falls to the ground.


Another zombie fell to the ground.


Two zombies were penetrated by bullets and shot in the head at the same time!

Wang Tao did not go up to fight, he kept observing He Jijun.

He Jijun almost hit every shot, and so far he only missed one shot. However, the reason why this shot was empty was because Xu Xiaojun's shock wave shattered the zombie first.

When the battle was over, Wang Tao calculated and found that the number of zombies killed by He Jijun was almost as much as that of Nie Siyan!

Although He Jijun used a gun, Nie Siyan was a third-level superpower after all!

He Jijun's shooting technique is exactly the same as Wang Tao's [Precision Shooting]!

Everyone was on the road again, and Wang Tao couldn't help but asked:

"What kind of job does the old man do in the army?"

There are also different types of soldiers. He feels that with He Jijun's strength, he should be regarded as a special forces soldier, right?

"If you want to talk about what you do regularly, it's hard to say. Anyway, I've carried guns, fired cannons, driven tanks, and flown airplanes..."

He is actually an all-around talent?

Wang Tao asked quickly:

"...Then what military rank did you hold? You must not have been an ordinary soldier, right?"

Speaking of this, He Jijun was not modest this time. Instead, he said with a proud look on his face:

"Nothing, just a small first-class sergeant major!"


Wang Tao, who knew a little about military ranks, suddenly took a breath of cold air.

The ranks of non-commissioned officers are divided into seven levels, namely corporal, sergeant, staff sergeant, sergeant major 4, sergeant major 3, sergeant major 2, and sergeant major 1.

First class sergeant major is the highest level and enjoys division-level treatment!

It is said that first-class sergeants are rarer than generals. They are leaders in all fields of the army and the true king of soldiers!

Good guy, this old man I bumped into on the road turned out to be a military king!

Wang Tao understood instantly. No wonder He Jijun could come to Wuyang City from such a far away place. No wonder he could kill so many zombies with the body of an ordinary person! No wonder he has such amazing marksmanship without any special powers that he can hit the mark with every shot!

It turns out that he is an old soldier who has been on the battlefield!

Wang Tao was a little in awe.

He was originally thinking about whether to bring He Jijun into his team.

Although He Jijun is older, he has a hidden attribute that keeps him strong and strong. Coupled with a certain amount of combat experience, he is no worse than many people with special abilities.

However, Wang Tao was new to He Jijun after all, so he had to observe and understand more before talking.

But now, this is a hammer!

This is the king of soldiers known as the "Panda Soldier"!

He is definitely the best in both ability and character!

Although he is older, it also means that he has more experience!

He is still so strong in the body of an ordinary person. If he becomes a superpower, how strong will he be?

"Old man, how about I help you become a superpower and you join my team?"

Wang Tao said suddenly.

He Jijun glanced at him.

"Let's not talk about joining you or not, but I haven't thought about the matter of being a superpower! Those side effects are too great!"

Wang Tao immediately said:

"What I said about helping you is to make you, like us, a superpower without any side effects!"


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