
Nie Siyan spoke subconsciously.

"They have all turned into zombies. Why do they carry airdrops and fly planes? They even took the initiative to airdrop you after hearing what you said, Brother Wang..."

Nie Siyan was a little confused.

After becoming a zombie, don’t you have no consciousness? how come……

After hearing Nie Siyan's words, Wang Tao said nothing.

He thought of Huang Mao Wu Fei from before. He saved Wu Fei's life, and Wu Fei said he would repay him. So after Wu Fei turned into a zombie, he exchanged his own life for the life of an orangutan zombie. Wu Fei repaid Wang Tao.

There was also Jiang Shixue beside her. Jiang Shixue was in a state that was almost equivalent to that of a zombie, a little confused. Wang Tao threatened her to help him, and she did. Of course, she was actually trying to help her mother.

What these two people have in common is that they still have some consciousness and have their own obsessions. And now this Luo Guozhonghe...

"They have their own beliefs."

He Jijun suddenly spoke.

"This belief is engraved in their bones, so even if they die, their belief will last forever!"

"Do you believe..."

Nie Siyan murmured to herself, she still didn't quite understand. But looking at the figures in the surveillance camera who were repeatedly loading and unloading goods, she seemed to understand something.

Wang Tao continued to check the surveillance.

There are several surveillance cameras in this hangar, from all angles.

"There are not many airdrops left...eh? There is still one more plane!"

Wang Tao took a look and saw that there were no more airdrop boxes, but there was still a camouflage helicopter.

This made him raise his eyebrows.

Wang Tao originally planned to come to the military base to see the situation. If there were still troops here, he might stay here. If this place fell, he would definitely not stay.

The current situation is that although the military base has not fallen, there are no soldiers and only a few of them are left.

If there is a large-scale zombie siege, how many of them can defend this huge military base? Wang Tao felt bad.

Moreover, humans are social creatures. Although Wang Tao spends most of his time in small groups, this does not mean that he is unwilling to contact other survivors. If a few of them stayed here for a lifetime, Wang Tao would definitely go crazy.

And most importantly, is this military base really safe? If it had been before, Wang Tao felt it would have been safe. But after he saw the fourth-level giant zombie with 300,000 blood, he didn't think so. After all, with the size of that zombie, the wall and the electric fence, the zombies could step in in one step...

Therefore, there is no telling whether I can stay at the military base for a long time.

If you leave, it would be better if you can leave by plane. The transport plane should still be able to fly, but it's not easy to park. Helicopters are much more convenient...

Wang Tao looked at He Jijun.

"Lao He, can you fly this helicopter?"

He Jijun took a look and said:

"This is the latest model of aircraft. I have flown old models. But the problem is not big. I will get it after a little trial and error. I can fly even that transport plane! The premise is that the two planes are not broken. Of course, if something happens, Even if it’s a small problem, I can fix it.”

After hearing He Jijun's affirmative answer, Wang Tao suddenly smiled on his face.

"Then you may need to drive later!"

Thank you for meeting He Jijun!

Otherwise, even if he gets the plane, he won't be able to use it. This thing is not about driving. You can master it if you try it, otherwise you will die if you try it.

"No problem!" He Jijun nodded first, and then said, "But what are you going to do with these people?"

The "people" he was talking about were naturally the four zombies in the hangar.

"What do you think, Lao He?"

Wang Tao looked at He Jijun with some confusion.

"Oh, help them get out..."

He Jijun sighed.

Judging from the situation on the surveillance screen, there are not many airdrops left here. If it hadn't rained, they might have completed the airdrop in two trips. Although their spirit is valuable, to be honest, they are no longer useful...and whether they can still fly a plane is also a question.

So rather than letting their corpses remain in such a state of confusion, it would be better to free them.

He Jijun thought about it from his perspective. If he became a zombie, he would also like someone to help him escape.

"Kill them..."

Wang Tao couldn't bear it.

"No, they're dead. You just helped them out."

He Jijun said with a serious expression.

"Sigh... I'll think about it again."

Wang Tao sighed.

He is different from others in that he can explode things when he kills monsters. What if a potion is released that can remove the zombie virus and restore people to their original appearance... This is impossible to say.

He Jijun felt relieved when he saw the hesitation in Wang Tao's eyes.

He could see that Wang Tao was not a cold and heartless person, and he admired all Luo Guozhong. Wang Tao may even be naively thinking about whether he can rescue Luo Guozhong and others...

But unfortunately, there is no hope of becoming a zombie... For these four people, relief is the only way to respect them.

However, He Jijun will not interfere with Wang Tao's decision. It all depends on Wang Tao himself.

"Forget it, we still have time anyway, let's look at other situations first. We'll talk about this later."

Wang Tao shook his head.

Zombie Luo Guozhong and others were unable to get out of the hangar. He had time to think about it.

Soon, several people looked at all the surveillance cameras. Some of the surveillance cameras were broken, but most of them could still be viewed.

There were many things that Wang Tao and others didn't understand, but fortunately He Jijun answered them.

The energy and supplies here have basically been exhausted, some solar power generation devices have all corroded, and there is not much food, weapons, etc. Even if Wang Tao and others stay here, energy supplies will be a big problem.

But the good news is that there are still some supplies. Especially in terms of weapons and ammunition, the defense facilities He Jijun mentioned before can still be used. If it is activated, this military base will be like a hedgehog in an instant, and whoever comes will die.

Of course, since there isn't much ammunition, it won't last long. And if there is too much movement, it will definitely attract a large number of zombies.

Then Wang Tao asked He Jijun to look for the battle log, and several people read it carefully.

After reading it, Wang Tao finally knew the general situation of this military base.

When the doomsday comes, the whole world is in chaos, and Wuyang Military Base is no exception.

However, Wuyang Military Base had better luck and quickly brought it under control. Although a large number of manpower was lost, the virus was not allowed to spread within the base.

After that, the base responded to the call from its superiors and tried to save as many survivors as possible while thinking of ways to protect itself.

Wuyang City is naturally preparing to build a survivor base. Since there is a military base itself, we decided to use this military base as a base to slowly build a survivor base.

However, the situation in Wuyang City is more serious than everyone imagined - there are too many people here!

The urban area alone has a population of tens of millions, and when included in other places, the population must be more than 20,000!

With such a large population, it is basically difficult to prevent the outbreak of this highly contagious zombie virus.

Wuyang City is one of the fastest-falling cities nationwide.

Once Wuyang City fell, the military base became somewhat unsafe.

After all, this military base is next to the urban area of ​​Wuyang City. When you think about the tens of millions of zombies next to your base, who doesn't panic?

As a result, the top management immediately changed their minds and could not transform the Wuyang military base into a survivor base. The survivor base must choose another address.

But building a base is not something that can be done just by talking.

Although a new address has been chosen, let alone construction, whether a large number of survivors can be moved there is a question.

The soldiers at Wuyang Military Base tried several times, but suffered heavy losses every time because the zombies were too strong!

Wang Tao also learned a little knowledge from here——

He previously thought that zombies evolved based on time, because he found that zombies became stronger after a period of time, and then became stronger again after a period of time.

But it's not just that.

According to research at the military base, zombies will indeed become stronger over time, but zombies will also accelerate their evolution!

And this acceleration of zombies... is to eat people!

Zombies that have eaten humans are stronger than zombies that have not, and evolve faster!

So, when Wang Tao was still in the Xingfu Community in Shuize County, he and Ding Yuqin were trying to survive in the apocalypse. Wuyang Military Base has already begun to deal with the second-order lord zombies!

That's right, it's the second-level lord zombie!

When Wang Tao didn't even see the first-level elite zombies, there were second-level lord zombies here in Wuyang City!

One can imagine how difficult the situation here is.

The survivor base that is said to be built cannot be built at all!

If there wasn't a military base here with all kinds of weapons to stop the zombies, it would have been completely destroyed.

However, the military base can only barely compete and cannot kill zombies.

Although these weapons are very powerful, zombies are still flesh and blood. They are not as good as advanced weapons. A heavy machine gun can stop hordes of zombies.

But it's still the same problem as before. Although the military base survived the first wave of infections, most of its manpower was dead, and the manpower was simply not enough.

Moreover, zombie viruses are difficult to prevent. There were no inhibitors at that time. If you were infected, you could only wait to die!

But this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that they discovered a very scary thing during the battle with zombies - if you fight a zombie and fail to kill it completely, the zombie will become Be stronger!

For example, they used artillery shells to kill a large number of zombies before, but occasionally some fish slipped through the net, and those zombies would become more terrifying later.

Another example...the military has used nuclear bombs!

There are no nuclear bombs in the military base here, but they can apply.

I don't know what happened at the time, but suddenly a large number of second-level zombies appeared. If they were not eliminated as soon as possible, they would evolve to the point of leveling the military base sooner or later.

Therefore, the military base applied for a missile to carry out beheading operations, and this missile carried a small-yield nuclear warhead.

As a result...almost all the zombies there were killed, and that area was even razed to the ground.

But...one zombie survived!

This kind of zombie that has survived explosions and nuclear radiation has undergone huge mutations! After that, he turned into a third-level zombie! The military base spent a lot of money to get rid of this third-level zombie.

Therefore, we would not dare to use weapons of mass destruction indiscriminately in the future - of course, under the circumstances at that time, you might not be able to use them even if you wanted to. There are too many fallen places, including these missile launch bases. Coupled with the presence of corrosive acid rain, many equipment are broken...

Therefore, it is difficult to eliminate these zombies in Wuyang City. Survivor bases cannot be built at all. There are not even a few survivors left, and no survivors can be found at the base...

Moreover, communication was completely cut off, and the satellites in the sky fell down for some reason!

Fortunately, there are other communication methods at the military base, such as radio and wired.

Radios are more convenient, but corrosive acid rain has corroded many signal towers, making it impossible to transmit wireless signals too far, so they can generally only be used at short distances.

So the way they communicate with other places is by wire. Those wires are buried underground and have not been damaged for the time being.

They used wires to contact other government agencies, other military forces, and the Hope Research Institute.

Regarding this Hope Research Institute, there is not much information in the log, but it is enough for Wang Tao to get a general idea.

The Hope Research Institute was organized by the government, and its core personnel are surviving technicians, scientists and other talents.

The headquarters of the Hope Research Institute is in the capital. In fact, the Hope Research Institute is not willing to stay in the capital, because the capital is much more dangerous than Wuyang City! The place was small and the population was large...but there was no way, because many scientists were there at the time, and the risk of moving them was greater than the risk of staying where they were. So we can only survive in the cracks.

Fortunately, there are many wartime defense facilities there, so we can barely survive.

Inhibitors, detectors, synthesizers, robotic arms and other items were all developed by the scientists at the Hope Research Institute in such a dangerous environment.

But it’s not enough to just research things out, they have to be delivered to the survivors. This is a big problem.

Planes are fine, but planes are too noisy and can easily attract zombies, and they require various supporting facilities such as airports, aviation fuel, and pilots. If people at the Institute of Hope dare not leave their homes, how can they transport these things by plane to all parts of the country?

Then someone came up with a way to ask the Hope Research Institute to send drawings, formulas, etc. to various military bases, because these military bases have military 3D printers that can 3D print!

I hope that the research institute will find it feasible and send these data to various military bases.

After the Wuyang City Base obtained this data, it started 3D printing. The crystal nucleus synthesizer, energy detector, and robotic arm are all printed in this way.

As for the inhibitor, there is no way to print it. At most, you can print a bottle. But I hope that the research institute will give you a formula and you can make inhibitors according to the formula.

The raw materials for inhibitors are not too rare. Some raw materials are available in Wuyang Military Base, and those that are not available can also be found in the urban area.

So after Wuyang Military Base obtained the formula, it began to organize teams to go to the city to get raw materials.

There are not many soldiers in the base to begin with. If these soldiers are sent to a crisis-ridden urban area, the consequences can be imagined. The inhibitor was produced, but many soldiers also died.

It can be said that these airdropped inhibitors were all obtained with their lives!

Wang Tao saw the formula of the inhibitor, and his heart suddenly felt heavy.

"The formula must be kept well. If there is a chance, I would also like to go to the city to get some raw materials..." Wang Tao thought silently.

Then four months ago, I don’t know if the underground lines were damaged, or if other bases and the Hope Research Institute fell. Wuyang base suddenly lost contact with them.

This turned the Wuyang military base into an isolated island, but there were not many of them left.

After that, they began to shrink their defense line. They did not want to go out to rescue survivors or kill zombies, but began to concentrate on airdrops.

Because these survivors used a lot of inhibitors. They make these inhibitors and they know the side effects. It's nothing more than dying earlier or dying later...

When Colonel Luo Guozhong wrote the letter, they were down to the last four people.

Wang Tao saw the surveillance at that time, and Luo Guozhong and others originally wanted to commit suicide. They don't want to turn into the ugly appearance of zombies, and they don't want to harm others.

But the plan couldn't keep up with the changes, and they mutated faster than they expected. In a very short period of time, all four of them mutated, making it impossible for them to commit suicide.

But Luo Guozhong probably didn't expect that after they turned into zombies, they did not go out to harm people, but still relied on their body's instinct or firm belief to carry out airdrops...


Everyone sighed subconsciously.

I felt pity for Luo Guozhong and the others, but also felt a hint of despair for the future.

When Wang Tao came to the military base, he also wanted to contact the outside world.

After all, the military base can contact the Hope Research Institute, so he also wants to ask what it's like outside, has everything in the country really fallen, are there any other large survivor bases, and has the government organized a large-scale resistance... …

But now, the connection between the military base and the outside world has long been severed. Wang Tao didn't know what it was like outside.

Wang Tao was very curious about the Hope Research Institute and could only understand them from a few words...

"Are we really the only survivors left..."

Yang Changhong murmured to himself.

Although Wang Tao felt a little uncomfortable, he still patted her shoulder and said:

"So what if we are the only ones left? A single spark can start a prairie fire. From now on, we are the hope of mankind! And I think things may not be as bad as we think. Maybe there are other survivors in places we don't know. They’ve all had a good life!”


"Stop it! We still have the most important thing to do - raid the military base!"


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