The flames on Wang Tao's body have disappeared, but this floor of the building is full of fire - when he just fought, he set everything in the building on fire.

"Hurry up, take the loot and run away!"

There are still some night demons around who have not been cleaned up. Many of the night demons were set on fire and their blood volume dropped wildly.

Wang Tao took the bone knife and easily dispatched these night demons, picked up the trophies and ran away.

When Wang Tao and others rushed out of the building, they saw thick smoke rising from the floor where he was just now.

If this was left in peacetime, Wang Tao would probably be in jail.

Wang Tao and Yang Changhong looked at him strangely, and Wang Tao shrugged.

"I said I didn't set the fire intentionally. Do you believe me?"

"Trust, trust, trust!"

Yang Changhong nodded very perfunctorily.

"Let's go, let's go!"

Wang Tao's goal had been achieved. Several people rushed out of the zombie group and boarded the helicopter.


After the helicopter took off, you could clearly see the fire scene in the building opposite.

However, it is raining heavily today, so it is estimated that the fire in this building will not spread.

Inside the helicopter.

He Jijun concentrated on flying the plane.

Yang Changhong held Wang Tao's arm and studied it curiously. She exclaimed with an expression on her face:

"There are no burns on your skin, clothes, or even hair, but the flames on your body almost set the entire building on fire... How did you do this!"

"Brother, you are so awesome!"

Jiang Shixue also looked at Wang Tao with bright eyes.

"Haha, gay!"

Wang Tao laughed.

In fact, to be honest, he himself was a little confused. This Catching Fire Awakening was different from what he imagined.

Wang Tao originally thought that this was an awakening similar to a status-type power. At most, there would be some changes in skin color, just like the previous copper skin and iron bone power that would darken the skin.

But he didn't expect that this awakening would directly cause him to burn and turn into a flame man!

After he "spontaneously combusts", not to mention fighting, just by standing there, he can cause a lot of damage!

The flames on his body didn't seem to be ordinary flames. Those third-level night demons couldn't withstand the burning of his flames. Even the fourth-level lord night demon was burned to the point of death by Wang Tao.

And not only did he turn into a flame man, but his various attacks also carried flames!

Especially for a large-scale attack like shock wave, a shock wave is like a sea of ​​fire!

After he used Awakening, he only fought the black-skinned night demon for a few seconds, but it set the whole floor on fire!

Wang Tao can only say that the awakening of Catching Fire is really powerful!

But it consumes a lot of money!

To use Awakening, you must have at least 100 Awakening Energy. But Catching Fire does not deduct energy at once, but deducts 10 points every second. 100 awakening energy is only enough for ten seconds!

Wang Tao's awakening energy exceeded 100 at that time, and he could choose whether to continue using awakening.

In other words, the minimum duration of this Catching Fire awakening is 10 seconds, and the maximum duration depends on how much awakening energy he has.

Wang Tao had recovered some awakening energy before, and before he came, he exchanged 1 high-level special energy for 100 awakening energy, so he had 150 awakening energy. Therefore, he only used Awakening for 15 seconds... This consumes too much!

But if you just want to kill this fourth-level lord night demon, these 15 seconds are completely enough.

The reason why Wang Tao used up these 15 seconds was because he wasted some time on observing his own state and becoming familiar with the power within his body. The actual time he spent fighting the fourth-level lord Night Demon was not long, probably only about ten seconds.

Anyway, the awakening of Catching Fire is very strong. With the awakening activated, Wang Tao can quickly kill the fourth-level lord Night Demon. But this awakening also consumes a lot of energy, and the energy is exhausted in the blink of an eye.

When using Awakening in the future, you must find a good time.

After Wang Tao communicated with the two girls for a while, he looked at the loot this time.

Not to mention the trophies given by ordinary night demons, hatching flesh and blood, etc., they are all the same as before. I also got a lot of Almighty Cores and Peeling Cores, but unfortunately they were all second-order. It would have been better if they were third-order or above.

Mainly the trophies of this fourth-level lord night demon.

Wang Tao's killing of the fourth-level lord was regarded as a leapfrog kill. The Night Demon increased Wang Tao's health by more than 20,000.

The more than fifty night demons before were basically killed by Wang Tao, which added a lot of health. In addition, Wang Tao killed many other zombies, so Wang Tao's blood volume returned to 110,000 again.

But Wang Tao was not too happy. Because his blood volume did not increase after reaching 110,000.

It’s the same as the blood volume reaching the third level upper limit!

But the problem is that Wang Tao is already at level four.

Wang Tao recalled something he was confused about when he had 100,000 blood. The upper limit of the first-level blood volume was 4999. If it exceeded it, it would be the second level. The second level is 29999, and anything beyond that is the third level. But the third level has a full blood volume of 100,000. There are third-level ones with 100,000 health, and there are fourth-level ones with 100,000 health.

Wang Tao was still a little confused about what was going on before, but now it seems that he understands - after killing zombies beyond the third level, even the fourth level lord zombies will not get an increase in health, at most they can only increase to 100,000 blood.

The reason why Wang Tao has 110,000 health is because 10,000 of them are extra health... From this point of view, he will have to find a way to get extra health from other places in the future!

110,000 health is not a small amount, but Wang Tao has seen the giant zombie with 400,000 health, so he still needs to improve!

In addition to blood volume, Wang Tao also received 1 high-level special energy, which can be equivalent to 100 awakening energy.

After killing this fourth-level lord night demon, Wang Tao was replenished with 100 awakening energy, which is equivalent to Wang Tao getting 200 awakening energy, and he consumed 150... He earned 50 from blood!

Then there is the Awakening Secret Key. Wang Tao also obtained an Awakening Secret Key by killing it, and now he has 3 Awakening Secret Keys again.

Finally, there is the loot that drops.

This fourth-level lord night devil dropped a crystal core, a pair of claws, a heart and 5 loot packages.

[Obtain: Fourth-order crystal core·Dali*1]

[Obtain: Level 4·Night Devil’s Claw*2]

[Obtain: Fourth-level weapon·Night Demon Type I]

I actually got another [Night Demon Type I].

Night Demon Type I can only be used at night or in places without a lot of ultraviolet rays, which is embarrassing. Moreover, it would cost a lot to increase its HP, and Wang Tao's current financial resources were simply not enough. But if the blood volume is not increased, 10,000 blood is too little...

But no matter what, the stuff was good stuff, so Wang Tao naturally accepted it without ceremony. Maybe he could form a Night Demon Type I team or something in the future.

Among the loot packages, the first crystal core gift package contains 5 crystal cores. They are red [Level 4 Crystal Core·Awakening], red [Level 4 Crystal Core·Promotion], purple [Level 4 Crystal Core·Almighty], blue [Level 4 Crystal Core·Energy Boost] and purple [Level 4 Crystal Core·Energy Boost]. Fourth-level crystal core·increased blood volume】

There is awakening and promotion, which is great!

The second loot package contains a potion.

[Obtain: Strength Potion (Medium)*10]

[Obtain: Strength Potion (Small)*10]

Two strength potions, but unfortunately there is no potion that increases permanent attributes.

The third loot package contains the UV suit.

[Obtain: High-power UV flashlight*1]

[Obtain: Small UV Flare*100]

[Get: Strip UV Lighting Lamp*20]

[Obtain: Large UV Flare*5]

This is exactly the same thing as what was dropped by the fourth-level lord Night Demon that I killed before. They are also good things to deal with the Night Demon.

The fourth loot package contains energy beads.

[Obtain: Awakening Energy Bead*1]

The explosion rate of this awakening energy bead is indeed very low. Wang Tao has also killed 4 level 4 lord zombies, but only one of the level 4 lord zombies has fallen. The other two were exploded from the loot package. from.

Wang Tao looked at the last trophy package and grinned when he saw what was inside. There were two drawings inside.

[Obtained: Night Demon Breastplate Production Drawing*1]

[Obtained: Night Devil Boots Production Drawing*1]

[Drawings for making Night Demon Breastplate: You can make a Night Demon Breastplate. Materials required: Night Demon Lord bone*10kg, fourth-order crystal core*1, iron block*20, steel wire*20, nails*20, screws*20, rubber*20]

[Night Demon Breastplate: Unknown attributes]

[Drawings for making Night Devil boots: You can make a pair of Night Devil boots. Materials required: Level 4·Night Devil Claw*2, Level 4 Crystal Core*1, Iron Block*20, Steel Wire*20, Rubber*20, Screw*20, Gauze*20]

[Dark Demon Boots: Unknown attributes]

Wang Tao's previous Night Demon breastplate and leg armor were damaged, and now he only had two pieces of Night Demon equipment left on him. He just wanted to break out the Night Demon equipment again.

He had already obtained the bones of the Night Demon Lord in advance, which was just in time for production. After a burst of colorful light flashed, the two pieces of equipment were completed.

【Night Demon Breastplate】

[Level 4 (Excellent)]

[Durability +75, Defense +75]

【Dark Devil Boots】

[Level 4 (Excellent)]

[Durability +70, Defense +70]

With the two pieces of Night Demon equipment, plus the previous Night Demon Belt and Night Demon Gloves, he has four pieces of Night Demon equipment.

Wang Tao directly put on these two pieces of Night Demon equipment, and the Night Demon suit prompt that appeared before appeared again.

[Night Devil Suit: All basic attributes are improved (attributes are not activated, activation requires awakening energy)]

Before, Wang Tao couldn't activate it because he didn't have awakening energy. Now that he had awakening energy, he tried it immediately.

After activating the silent chant in his heart, Wang Tao saw that his awakening energy was reduced by 1 point.

[Night Devil Suit: All basic attributes are improved (activated, consumes 1 awakening energy per day. Binds the user after activation, and rebinds after substitution)]

"Huh? Consume 1 awakening energy every day? Still bound?"

Wang Tao studied it for a while and probably understood what it meant.

This suit ability was activated by him, which is equivalent to being bound to him. If he wanted to give this set of equipment to Jiang Shixue, the effect of the set would be gone and Jiang Shixue would need to be reactivated and bound. Jiang Shixue has not awakened and has no awakened energy, so she cannot activate or use the set ability.

To put it simply, only awakened people can use the set ability, and non-awakened people cannot use it.

As for consuming 1 awakening energy every day, this is a trivial matter. After all, it can automatically restore 100 awakening energy every day, so there is no need to worry about this consumption.

Wang Tao tried it on himself, and it was quite obvious that "all basic attributes of this Night Demon suit have been improved." He felt that he was one step closer to the physical fitness of the fourth-level lord Night Demon.

And when it came to activating attributes, Wang Tao remembered that he still had a few pieces of equipment.

The first is the black stone armor jacket and pants he is wearing. These two pieces of equipment can be embedded with crystal nuclei and require awakening energy to activate.

However, Wang Tao didn't have many fourth-order crystal nuclei in his hands, and there was nothing suitable for the time being, so he didn't set them.

Then there are the anti-riot batons and shields he got before. These two pieces of equipment are quite good, but they also require awakening energy to activate.

Wang Tao spent 2 points of awakening energy and successfully activated these two pieces of equipment.

[Mutation explosion-proof baton]

[Level 4 (Excellent)]

[Durability +80, attack power +60, with electric shock effect (activated, consumes 1 awakening energy per day. Binds the user after activation, and rebinds after substitution)]

[Mutation explosion-proof electric shield]

[Level 4 (Excellent)]

[Durability +100, defense +100, with electric shock effect (activated, consumes 1 awakening energy per day. Binds the user after activation, and rebinds after substitution)]

After activation, these two pieces of equipment are the same as the Night Demon suit, consuming 1 awakening energy per day and binding themselves.

From this point of view, equipment with some special attributes above level 4 is the same as suits, and only the awakened ones can exert their full strength.

Wang Tao briefly used these two pieces of equipment. The electric shield is hard to say. You have to hit zombies or let zombies hit the shield before you can get electricity.

The baton is simpler, and you can see the electricity when you swing it. Wang Tao doesn't know the specific power for the time being, and he plans to test it.

After a while, the helicopter flew back to the military base.

Many zombies were attracted by the sound of the helicopter, and Wang Tao just used them to test the effects of these two pieces of equipment.

"Ho ho..."

A group of zombies saw Wang Tao walking out of the base and immediately walked towards him quickly.

Wang Tao was holding a [mutated explosion-proof baton] in his hand. When the zombies approached, he hit the zombie at the front with a stick.



This ordinary zombie was directly shot in the head by Wang Tao, and an electric arc flashed at the same time.

But what surprised Wang Tao was that the arc not only appeared on the zombie whose head was shot, but also spread to other zombies around him.

At this moment, the electric arc struck a dozen zombies around, and several zombies were directly scorched to death by the electricity. Although the other zombies were not dead, their bodies were so stiff that they were unable to move.

"Good guy!"

Wang Tao was very surprised when he saw this scene.

He originally thought that the electric shock effect of this mutant explosion-proof baton should be similar to that of an ordinary electric baton, and it would not kill anyone.

But this power is much stronger than Wang Tao imagined. Not only can it directly electrocute some zombies, but it can also electrocute other zombies.

Especially in a group of zombies, waving a baton at one of the zombies can instantly knock out a whole group of zombies!

Wang Tao feels that this baton can be directly regarded as a high-damage range attack ability, but there is one certainty, that is, it may shock himself, so he must be careful when using it.

Wang Tao tried the electric shield again. The effect of the electric shield is the same as that of the baton, but it is safer than the baton. You can hide behind the shield and don't have to worry about electrocuting yourself.

It's a pity that these two pieces of equipment cannot be used by others, otherwise it would be more suitable for others to use...

Wang Tao returned to the base again.

When they heard that Wang Tao went to the Night Demon's lair and killed a fourth-level Lord Night Demon, the newcomers were stunned.

Run to the Night Demon's lair and kill their fourth-level lord Night Demon? !

This is Wang Tao’s strength!

Wang Tao called Ding Yuqin and the others and talked about the fourth-order night demon. Only when you know yourself and your enemy can you fight without danger. If they encounter the fourth-level lord Night Demon in the future, they will have ways to deal with it.

Wang Tao instantly took out the two Night Demon Type I and displayed them.

This thing is quite scary. You have to let them know in advance that it is Wang Tao's weapon. It will be embarrassing if they are attacked as a night devil.

Wang Tao took out a lot of ultraviolet flares and distributed them to everyone. These are good life-saving things.

In the evening, Lan Yulian suddenly contacted Wang Tao.

After Wang Tao connected, he found that her voice was a little nervous.

"Wang Tao, I seem to have discovered a fourth-level zombie..."

"Huh? Tell me carefully!"

Wang Tao frowned.

"There are more and more zombies in Bauhinia City in the past few days, and there are also many third-level lord zombies among them. But I suddenly discovered that several third-level lord zombies that we were paying attention to were killed! But except for us in Bauhinia City , there were no other survivors! And it looked like they were all tortured and killed at the same time, so we all suspected that a fourth-level zombie appeared..."

Generally speaking, zombies are relatively peaceful among themselves, but there are exceptions.

Some zombies are more violent and like to hunt zombies of the same kind; some are large zombies and do not avoid the same kind of zombies when walking, causing many zombies to be trampled to death; there are also conflicts between zombies - the more powerful they are. Zombies are more intelligent. Conflicts are also there are also killings between zombies.

The situation Lan Yulian mentioned is indeed very similar to a fourth-level zombie. After all, if you want to kill several third-level lord zombies at the same time, and still kill them brutally, you will most likely need to be at the fourth level to do it.

Wang Tao had told Lan Yulian before that if a fourth-level zombie appeared, she must contact him. So Lan Yulian contacted Wang Tao immediately.

"Okay, I'll go over there tomorrow and see what's going on."

Wang Tao said to Lan Yulian.

If it was a weaker fourth-level zombie, he would find a way to deal with it. If it is relatively strong, then consider the long term. If it is very strong, like a giant zombie... Wang Tao plans to take Lan Yulian and Lu Yingfeng directly back to the military base.

"Are you going to come here in person? Then be careful on the road!"

Lan Yulian was a little worried.

"Don't worry, I'll go by plane."

After ending the call, Wang Tao said to He Jijun:

"Old He, let's go to Bauhinia City tomorrow. There may be level 4 zombies appearing."


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