Doomsday: I can see the health bar, kill monsters and drop treasure

Chapter 292 The Torrent of Steel (two chapters in one)

Flames were blazing outside the Bauhinia base, and the survivors inside the base could only hear the roars of giant zombies and the sounds of fighting. After all, Wang Tao lured the giant zombie away, and no one could see clearly what was going on.

At this time, everyone vaguely heard a "bang", and the ground seemed to tremble.

The roar of the giant zombie seemed to suddenly disappear.

Everyone's hearts suddenly became tense.

Did Wang Tao win? Or... lost?

Those survivors who did not participate in the battle did not dare to take a breath, as if they were afraid that one more breath would affect the outcome of the battle.

Many people were even praying to Wang Tao with their eyes closed.

Ding Yuqin and the others also clenched their fists nervously. If it weren't for the huge fire outside, they would have really wanted to rush out.

Boom, boom——

At this time, a loud sound of footsteps sounded from a distance.

Everyone's heart skipped a beat. Is the giant zombie not dead? !

But soon, surprise appeared on their faces.

Because in the midst of the raging fire, a huge figure burning like the scorching sun appeared.

"Wang Tao!"

"It's Wang Tao!"

Wang Tao successfully killed the giant zombie.

However, his violent state has not disappeared. The violent state can last for an hour. He plans to take advantage of this state to quickly kill more zombies.

After all, the giant zombie is dead, but the zombie tide outside is not over yet.

Wang Tao did not return to the base, but rushed directly into the tide of corpses outside the gap in the west wall.

He held a bloody chainsaw in one hand and a fanged knife in the other, killing zombies crazily.

This time, the giant zombie can be killed, and the bloody chainsaw makes the first contribution.

If it weren't for the bloody chainsaw that can directly attack the opponent's vitality, then with the height difference between him and the opponent, he would not be able to cause much damage to the giant zombie.

The bloody chainsaw will lose blood when used, and it even loses blood faster than the giant zombie.

According to the situation at that time, the bloody chainsaw might have bled to death before killing the giant zombie.

Fortunately, there are a lot of zombies around.

While Wang Tao was fighting giant zombies, he also found time to kill the third-level zombies around him. Only in this way can the blood volume of the bloody chainsaw be kept at half health, and the giant zombie can be successfully consumed!

The bloody chainsaw now has residual health just like Wang Tao, so it needs to be restored to its health quickly.

Wang Tao is now in a post-violent amplification state, and is wearing dark iron heavy armor with ridiculously high defense. He rushes into the zombies like a tiger into a flock of sheep. No zombie could survive three seconds in front of him, and no zombie could hurt him.

But there are still too many zombies after all. No matter how strong Wang Tao is, he is only one person. His physical strength and spirit are limited. He can temporarily block the zombies' attack, but it is impossible to kill them all.

Although there are no fourth-level lord zombies now, the attack of the zombie tide is very chaotic. But there is also a big hole missing in the west wall of the Bauhinia base. The zombies don't need any tactics, they just charge here desperately.

After Wang Tao saw that the blood volume of the bloody chainsaw had returned to full value, he put away the long knife and chainsaw, and a thick metal rod appeared in his hand.

While smashing countless zombies with one stick, he retreated to the gap in the high wall.

Wang Tao stood in the gap, holding a huge black iron rod. With one strike of the stick, he could kill a large number of zombies even without a shock wave.

If he stops here, no zombies can get through it!

The survivors in the base all saw this tall figure, and they were excited and their eyes were wet.

"Mr. Wang Tao is not dead! He is still protecting us!"

"Mr. Wang Tao...wuwu..."

"I hate that I am incompetent and can't fight with Mr. Wang Tao!"

"Is this because our prayers to the gods have worked?"

"What a bullshit god! Mr. Wang Tao is the patron saint of our base! The only true god!"

"……you're right!"


Ding Yuqin and others rushed to Wang Tao's side, and Lan Yulian even tried desperately to treat Wang Tao.

Wang Tao's blood volume began to slowly increase.

"Woof! Woo~"

Lightning also whimpered anxiously at Wang Tao.

"Are you all okay?"

While Wang Tao killed a large number of zombies, he took the opportunity to rub Lightning's head hard, and then he did not forget to show concern to everyone.

"We are all fine! Thanks to Yulian and her treatment, none of us died!"

Ding Yuqin quickly replied.

In fact, they were also miserable. When Wang Tao went to attack the rock-armored zombies, deformed zombies came to attack them. The poisonous gas released by the deformed zombies almost wiped out their group. Fortunately, Lan Yulian's ability to increase blood and Wang Tao's timely response resolved their crisis.

Later, when Wang Tao went to fight the lord zombies again, countless zombies began to attack the base. They struggled to defend with residual health...

However, compared with Wang Tao, these things about them have nothing to say. If it weren't for Wang Tao, the base would have been destroyed countless times.

So no one mentioned how hard they worked, because they were not as hard as Wang Tao!

Even when the giant zombies appeared, Lan Yulian told everyone that they should let Wang Tao come back, abandon the base, and let everyone leave together - she was the one who wanted to save the base the most before, but now she wants to leave the most because she really didn't want Wang Tao to die.

But fortunately, everyone chose to believe Wang Tao. As long as Wang Tao didn't say leaving, he would definitely have a way to solve it. Facts have proved that Wang Tao really killed the giant zombie!

Wang Tao glanced at everyone. Although they were all still alive, their lives were indeed not in danger. He nodded.

"It's good that everyone is okay. Daybreak is coming, and after dawn, the zombie attacks will definitely not be as violent as they are now. Let's hold on and try our best to defend until dawn!"


All the fourth-level zombies have been killed, as have the giant zombies. As long as they can withstand the impact of the zombie tide, there is still a high probability that the base will survive.

As for the reinforcements... To be honest, Ding Yuqin and others didn't have high hopes.

After living in the apocalypse for a long time, they have basically developed the habit of trusting themselves, their companions, and Wang Tao.

They think it would be best for those unfamiliar reinforcements to come. If they cannot come, they will definitely be disappointed, but they will not be desperate.

However, Wang Tao had different ideas from them. He felt that reinforcements should come. Because Wang Tao has met Colonel Luo Guozhong at the military base and knows that they are trustworthy people!

After killing an unknown number of zombies, the sky turned white, and Wang Tao felt that his violent state was about to end.

Looking at the endless tide of corpses outside, Wang Tao took a deep breath and rushed out.

The moment he rushed out, his body burst into flames.

He wants to kill as many zombies as possible before the frenzy ends, so that the sea of ​​​​fire will continue to burn and the zombie tide will be blocked from the base.


One after another flame shock waves flew out of Wang Tao's hands, and countless zombies were crushed and set ablaze.

Catching Fire once again demonstrated its terrifying power, turning the outside of the base into a sea of ​​flames that seemed to never be extinguished.

The survivors of the base saw the sky illuminated by fire again, and saw the figure blooming like the sun in the tide of corpses. Everyone had tears in their eyes.

In the sea of ​​fire, Wang Tao's ears twitched, as if he heard something. He suddenly turned his head and looked into the distance.

"No! Is there another accident?"

Bang-dang... Bang-dang...


At night, in the heavy rain, a harsh brake sound sounded. A long black dragon slowed down slowly until it stopped.

This is a ferocious train.

The body of the car is loaded with various sharp weapons and artillery, and there is a huge steel front shovel in front of the front of the car. These sharp weapons and the severed limbs on the front shovel tell the story of the ups and downs along the way.

The train stopped and a large number of zombies surrounded it.

Da da da--

There was a brief but rapid sound of gunfire, and the surrounding zombies fell to the ground in pieces like cut wheat.

After the surrounding zombies were temporarily cleared, the doors of the train cars opened one after another.


One after another, the tracked and wheeled steel monsters quickly drove out of the carriage. The black muzzle and heavy machine gun were pointed in the direction of the Bauhinia base at the same time.

Qianguo Type 400 main battle tank!

Qianguo 400 wheeled combat vehicle!

Buzz buzz——

The sound of propellers sounded, and four black ghosts flew over at low altitude. The black six-barrel miniguns and densely packed rocket nests on their bodies seemed to be flashing with cold light.

Qianguo’s latest generation armed helicopter-400!


Several tall, burly, three-meter-tall humanoid figures walked out of the carriage. They were covered in thick metal from head to toe. There are all kinds of weapons hanging on the legs, shoulders, and back. And in their hands, they held a six-barrel minigun!


Two faint icy blue lights lit up on the sci-fi helmet of the metal humanoid figure, as if it were an emotionless killing machine.

Hope Research Institute mass-produces the product - Powered Armor D-100!

"Hurry up!"

Finally, there were large modified military trucks, and a group of heavily armed camouflage figures wearing black mechanical exoskeletons and night vision goggles.

"There is fire in the is in the direction of the Bauhinia Base! The first team, the second team, and the third team are heading towards the Bauhinia Base! The air team coordinates to support! The four teams guard the debris removal train!"

A calm male voice sounded from inside one of the powered armors.

"Yes! Captain!"

The soldiers responded.

They used infantry and tank coordination tactics to quickly advance towards the Bauhinia base.

On the road, the zombies in the zombie wave were attracted by the movement caused by these people and quickly surrounded them.



Several main battle tanks that opened the way ahead ruthlessly crushed the zombies rushing towards them. And blast a large number of zombies into pieces with one shot!

Da da da--

On the infantry fighting vehicle, countless bullets and machine-gun shells poured towards the zombies.

Puff puff--

The six-barrel minigun in the power armor's hand sprayed out a long red tongue of flame, tearing apart a large number of zombies in an instant!

Under such ferocious firepower, the zombie tide seemed to be much more fragile.

The closer we get to the Bauhinia Base, the brighter the fire becomes.

When he saw the fire that dyed half the sky red, the captain in the power armor didn't look very good.

"Are you still late..."

But his gaze remained firm.

"Even if there is only one person left, we have to take you back!"

"keep going!"


The army continues to advance, they are like a large bulldozer, any monsters and monsters that stand in front of the team will be crushed!

After spending some time, the team finally advanced to the west wall of the Bauhinia base.

The zombies here are like a black tide, boundless as far as the eye can see.

Amidst the tide of corpses, there stood a dilapidated base.

And outside this dilapidated base, there was a sea of ​​red fire. Countless zombies roared, burned, and were annihilated in the sea of ​​fire.

"It's not a fire inside the base? But outside the base?"

The captain was a little surprised, and then very pleasantly surprised.

"Are there still many survivors?!"

"Warning! Unidentified creatures are found ahead!"

Suddenly, a warning sound sounded in the captain's ears. A real-time screen suddenly popped up in front of him.

This is a bird's-eye view, with a sea of ​​fire in the picture.

In this sea of ​​​​fire, there is a giant who is more than five meters tall, wearing heavy armor, and the flames on his body are as dazzling as the scorching sun.

When he saw the flame giant, the giant also raised his head. Those flaming eyes seemed to be staring at him!

The captain was shocked.

"This is a monster of several levels! It's so powerful!"

Even through the screen, he felt short of breath and his heartbeat accelerated!

"The energy level emitted by the flame giant has reached level four! But..."

The Wuzhi pilot's tone suddenly felt strange.

"What's wrong?"

the captain asked.

"But... he seems to be human?"


The captain was stunned for a moment, but after thinking that superpowers had some weird abilities, he quickly said:

"Don't attack him! Let's clean up the zombies around the base first and try to contact them via radio! We'll be there soon!"


The Wuzhi pilot immediately aimed at the zombies on fire overseas. He turned on the safety switch in his hand and pressed a red button.

Whoosh whoosh——

The rockets mounted on the wings of the aircraft were activated and poured out one after another towards the zombies on the ground!

on the ground.

Wang Tao's face inside the helmet was not very pretty.

He just felt some movement in the west, as if another large creature was walking towards the base.

This distance is a bit far, beyond the range of his perception. In addition, almost all the surrounding plants were burned to death, so he couldn't use plant affinity.

But his feeling is definitely not wrong, there must be some large creature coming!

According to Wang Tao's experience in contact with zombies for so long, it should not be a giant zombie - this is the only good news.

He immediately walked to the base and quickly informed the others.

"An unknown creature is coming, so be ready to fight at any time!"

Suddenly, Wang Tao felt like he was being spied on. He turned his head instantly and looked into the sky.


He saw a black thing hovering high in the sky in the distance. Then he heard a buzzing sound.

This kind of buzzing sound... Wang Tao is too familiar with it!

Whoosh whoosh——

But before Wang Tao could say anything, streaks of fire appeared in the air, and then fell one after another among the waves of corpses outside the fire sea.

Boom boom boom!

A violent explosion sounded, and countless zombies were instantly torn to pieces and melted!

The survivors in the base were all startled by this movement, but when they saw that Wang Tao was still there, they quickly calmed down.

Ding Yuqin and others asked quickly.

"Wang Tao, what's going on outside!"

They were blocked by the sea of ​​fire and couldn't see what was going on outside. They just heard a series of explosions.

Before Wang Tao spoke, He Jijun's voice sounded in everyone's headsets.

"Haha! Fire Snake-200-A!"

This statement baffles most people and they don’t know what it means.

But Wei Zhenguo, Xiang Hongbin and Lu Gang were a little in disbelief at first, and then said with excited faces:

"Fire Snake-200-A rocket? Wuzhi-400? Could it be..."

When they were in the base, both their sound and sight were blocked. There were various roaring zombies outside, but He Jijun could not hear them clearly as he was flying in the air.

"That's right! Our reinforcements... are here!"

He Jijun said loudly.


Hearing this, everyone was stunned.

As if to prove He Jijun's words, everyone suddenly felt the ground shaking slightly.





Da da da--

Puff puff--

Violent explosions sounded one after another, and the sounds of various gunfire were heard endlessly.

This time everyone heard clearly, there was gunfire! There is gunfire!

Reinforcements are really coming!

In the sea of ​​fire, Wang Tao's body began to slowly become smaller, and the flames on his body gradually extinguished.

He quickly walked out of the sea of ​​​​fire and met Ding Yuqin and others.

"Wang Tao! It's reinforcements!"

Everyone looked at Wang Tao excitedly.

"Well, it's reinforcements!"

Wang Tao looked at the tide of corpses not far away.

Suddenly, a red light flashed, and with the sound of "Puff, Puff, Puff", the dense tide of corpses was suddenly torn open. Broken limbs and arms, flesh and blood flying everywhere!

And among the pieces of broken flesh and blood, a burly figure with a metallic luster all over his body and holding a six-barreled minigun appeared.

"what is that?!"

Then the second, the third...six in total!

Puff puff--

Wherever the power armor goes, not a blade of grass grows.


Looking at the power armors held by those holding Gatling, which looked like they came out of a movie, and then looking at the axes, long knives, whips, and daggers held by his group... Wang Tao suddenly fell silent.

This style of painting...why is it a little different?

Why do you feel like a primitive person?

And technology is so advanced now? Even this kind of sci-fi powered armor is out? Wang Tao silently took back his black iron heavy armor and revealed his true colors.

Not only him, but also retired and active military personnel, including He Jijun and Wei Zhenguo, were confused after seeing these powered armors.

They didn't have anything like this when they were serving!


At this time, there was a violent explosion in the distance, and the ground was shaken.


Then there was a loud sound of engines, and in the smoke and dust, a thick gun barrel that was still smoking slowly appeared.

This is a mighty and domineering camouflage tank, with a red flag swaying in the wind at the rear of the tank!

"Type 400 main battle tank!"

Finally seeing something he recognized, Wei Zhenguo quickly spoke loudly.

One, two, three... ten main battle tanks in total!

Along with the appearance of main battle tanks, there are more than ten wheeled infantry fighting vehicles equipped with machine guns!

"Type 400 wheeled infantry fighting vehicle"

Interspersed among the tanks and infantry fighting vehicles were a group of well-trained, heavily armed soldiers wearing mechanical exoskeletons.

The mechanical exoskeleton on them is somewhat similar to the mechanical arm on Xu Xiaojun, but it looks lighter and more sophisticated than the mechanical arm.

Buzz buzz——

At this time, a familiar sound of propellers came.

Everyone looked up subconsciously.

I found that at some point, four figures as black as ink, hung with multiple machine guns and rockets, appeared in the fiery red sky.



Da da da!

Puff puff!

Boom boom boom!

The sound of gunfire, artillery, and the roar of engines directly numbed the survivors in the base.

Only then did they know that reinforcements were coming!

The survivors cried with joy. The reinforcements had really arrived, and they had arrived ahead of schedule!

Under the crushing force of the steel torrent, the zombies outside the west wall were directly cleared away!

What Wang Tao couldn't do before was quickly accomplished by this army!

Of course, the army only cleared the zombies in this area outside the sea of ​​​​fire on the Western Wall. The tide of corpses has not disappeared!

Although it was already dawn and the zombie attacks were not as violent as before, there were still a steady stream of zombies coming here from a distance.

However, these zombies were blocked by the powerful firepower and were temporarily unable to enter the base.


At this time, several blue flames spurted out from behind and under one of the powered armors. He seemed to be gliding quickly on the ground, passing through the edge of the sea of ​​​​fire and arriving in front of Wang Tao and the others.

From a close distance, it can be seen that the appearance of the power armor is a bit rough and not as delicate as Wang Tao imagined, but this is more in line with the current actual situation.



The mask of the power armor opened, revealing a face with thick eyebrows and big eyes.

"Hello, comrade! I am Duan Xuchang, captain of the fourth squadron of the second brigade of the third army in Changhe Base City. I'm here to take you home!"

After hearing Duan Xuchang's words, everyone suddenly felt an unspeakable emotion surge in their hearts. Unknowingly, the corners of many people's eyes were moist.

Wang Tao took a deep breath.

"My name is Wang Tao! Thank you for traveling thousands of miles to rescue! The 20,000 survivors at Bauhinia Base are on standby and can be evacuated at any time!"

After confirming that Changhe Base City sent people to rescue, Lan Yulian was ready to retreat.

All the supplies that could be taken away were taken away, and those that could not be taken away were sealed underground with signage. In case there are latecomers, we can also respond to emergencies.

Although it is indeed a pity to throw away many things, for the sake of life, we can only give up some things.

So now they travel lightly and can evacuate just by grabbing their belongings.

"Very good, let's leave now! The tide of corpses can't be killed, and we can't stop it forever. Take advantage of the opportunity and retreat as soon as possible!"

Duan Xuchang nodded with satisfaction.

What he was most worried about was that these survivors would be chattering and delaying the evacuation time. They are now in the midst of a zombie wave, and every minute they stay is one more minute of danger. After all, their supplies and ammunition are limited.

While Duan Xuchang was talking, many large modified military trucks had already driven over.

Wang Tao felt a little strange when he saw these trucks.

Is this how they come in trucks, planes and tanks? Can this go this far?

Duan Xuchang seemed to see Wang Tao's doubts, and he explained:

"We all came by train. Everyone will also evacuate by train later!"

Wang Tao suddenly understood. No wonder, he said that if this tank or something were to drive such a long distance, let alone whether it could be driven, the fuel consumption would be unbearable...

"I'm going to see how everyone in the base is evacuating!"

Lan Yulian had just arranged for the survivors to evacuate through the radio, but she was a little worried and planned to go and see for herself.

Duan Xuchang waved immediately.


Two power armors came over with a mechanical exoskeleton power team.

"I'll let them assist you."

He was afraid that the survivors would have concerns, and these soldiers could dispel their concerns very well.

"Thank you!"

Lan Yulian led this group of people into the base.

Duan Xuchang didn't go in himself, so he had to direct outside to prevent the tide of corpses from rushing in.

Wei Zhenguo and Xiang Hongbin walked around Duan Xuchang curiously and excitedly.

"Captain Duan, are you... powered armor?"

Wei Zhenguo asked curiously. He wanted to touch it, but he didn't have the nerve to do so.

Duan Xuchang nodded.

"That's right. This is the mass-produced product D-100 developed by the Hope Research Institute."

"Hiss! It's all mass-produced!"

Everyone exclaimed.

If it were a customized product, although they would be surprised, they would not be so shocked. But this is actually mass-produced! This concept is different!

"When I was serving before the end of the world, there was no such thing! Are we old guys out of touch with the world..."

Xiang Hongbin muttered to himself.

Duan Xuchang looked at this middle-aged man in military uniform with a large body disability, and he was a little awe-struck.

"Comrade, these are all developed after the apocalypse. There was none before the apocalypse - no, it cannot be said that there is no such thing. It can only be said that there were relevant designs before the apocalypse, but there are many difficulties that cannot be solved. So let alone mass production. We can’t even make custom ones.”

"I see. So what is the energy source for your power armor? Gasoline? But I don't smell oil... Could it be electricity? But are there such large-capacity batteries now? Could it be the legendary nuclear power? Battery? How is its battery life? Is it effective in actual combat? Is it expensive? When we go to the base city, can we also get one?"

Lu Gang immediately asked a lot of questions.

Wei Zhenguo and the others were okay. After all, they were relatively calm at their age. And young people like Lu Gang have almost zero resistance to this kind of war machine.

" something you've all seen!"

Duan Xuchang deliberately let it slip.

"Crystal core?"

Wang Tao, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly spoke.

Duan Xuchang glanced at Wang Tao in surprise.

"Yes, it's the crystal core! The Hope Research Institute has developed other functions of the crystal core, including providing energy supply for power armor."

Wang Tao nodded secretly.

I hope the Research Institute has developed a lot of things before, such as crystal nucleation synthesizers and energy detectors. They are now focusing on researching crystal nuclei. If they can really develop other uses for crystal nuclei, it would be very reasonable.


Give Hong Bin a thumbs up.

"They are indeed very powerful!"

Duan Xuchang nodded first, then looked at Xiang Hongbin and the others.

"But you are also very powerful! To be honest, when we saw the scale of the zombie tide, we were already prepared to return without success. But I didn't expect that more than 20,000 of you survivors actually persisted!"

Duan Xuchang's words were not polite, he was really impressed.

Only those who have experienced the terror of this zombie tide can understand how difficult it is for the Bauhinia Base.

When Wei Zhenguo and others heard this, they all looked at Wang Tao.

"If it weren't for Wang Tao, our base would have fallen long ago!"

Wang Tao immediately smiled and shook his head.

"These are the results of our joint efforts, and nothing will work without anyone."

Duan Xuchang looked at Wang Tao curiously.

"Is Comrade Wang Tao an awakened person, that is, a fourth-level superpower?"


Wang Tao didn't hide anything and nodded directly.


Duan Xuchang's expression was filled with admiration and respect. Anyone who can become a fourth-level superpower is the best among people! Especially for Wang Tao to become a fourth-level superpower in a place like this, he has to pay much more than others!

Wang Tao felt keenly that Duan Xuchang was not shocked after he was confirmed to be a fourth-level superpower.

This probably explains one thing - he has seen other fourth-level superpowers!

Wang Tao was not surprised.

As the saying goes, you can see the leopard through the pipe. After seeing the strength of this army, you know that the strength of Changhe Base City is very strong!

There is no doubt that they can definitely kill level four zombies. Therefore, it is normal for fourth-level superpowers to be born.

Not to mention that Duan Xuchang can be considered a top level third-level superpower user.

[HP: 100000/100000]

[Blue amount: 18500/28000]

[Level: Level 3]

[Impurities in the body: 30%]

What Wang Tao is now more curious about is how strong is this kind of power armor? If superpowers and power armor are added together, can there be an effect of 1+1\u003e2... But this is other people's privacy, and Wang Tao didn't ask much.

Lan Yulian's efficiency was quite high, or it could be said that the survivors in the base were well prepared. After she explained the situation, the survivors immediately lined up and left in an orderly manner. Pregnant women and children are in the front, those with relatively weak bodies are in the middle, and those with strong physical strength are at the end.

Duan Xuchang and the others have ten trucks, but these trucks obviously cannot hold more than 20,000 people. In addition to the women, children, and supplies in the car, other survivors walked below.

Those who can survive until now, even if they are weak, are not too weak. Under the heavy protection of the army, it is absolutely no problem to follow the team.

Looking at the 20,000 excited faces, other soldiers including Duan Xuchang were also a little excited.

The survivors were naturally excited because reinforcements came to rescue them and they had a new home.

Duan Xuchang and others are excited because half of their mission has been completed - saving one life is a very fulfilling thing, let alone more than 20,000 lives!

The quality of the survivors at Bauhinia Base is relatively high. They all lined up obediently and accepted military inspections.

This is a round trip of thousands of miles, and the army cannot allow any accidents to happen. If there are infected people, it will be very troublesome. So have to do a quick check first. Of course, even if there are infected people, they will not give up, they will just inject inhibitors.

Soon, the survivors completed their inspection and were ready to go.

"Attention everyone, advance slowly!"

Duan Xuchang closed his mask and gave the team a retreat order.


The main battle tanks opened the way in front, and the wheeled infantry fighting vehicles and soldiers protected the outermost perimeter. Two Wuzhi had already left early to explore the road, and the other two followed the team.

As for the power armor, they are used as firefighters and go wherever there is danger.

Everyone took one last look at the Redbud base. Lan Yulian and others are still a little reluctant to leave. After all, this is the place where they have lived for a long time. But there was no way, more than 20,000 of them could not stop the tide of corpses, they could only go to a safer place.

There were still a large number of zombies outside, and the survivors were a little scared, but this army gave everyone a strong sense of security, so there was no trouble.

With anxiety and excitement, the survivors slowly advanced towards the location of the train under the protection of the army.

It's completely bright now, so there's no need to worry about not being able to see the road clearly.

At this time, an exclamation suddenly came from Duan Xuchang's headset.

"Captain! Found a giant zombie——"


Duan Xuchang's face turned solemn. When they walked along, they checked carefully and found that there were no giant zombies. Did it come from somewhere else? If there were giant zombies, it might be a bit troublesome for him to take those 20,000 people back intact!

"Uh... it's not the captain, it's the corpse of a giant zombie!"


After Duan Xuchang asked about the location, he quickly went over to take a look.

"It's really a burnt corpse of a giant zombie! But this giant zombie is much smaller..."

But no matter how small they are, they are still giant zombies. Their physical fitness is the strongest among the zombies discovered so far, bar none!

If you want to kill such zombies, even a fully armed army like them will have trouble. If they were still on a protection mission, as they are now, there would probably be casualties.

Fortunately, this giant zombie is dead.

After making sure there was no danger around him, Duan Xuchang returned to the team.

"Comrade Wang Tao, you...killed a giant zombie?"

"Well, I killed it before you guys came. It was just a small giant zombie. Compared with those large giant zombies, its strength should be much worse."

Wang Tao explained.

When he was fighting giant zombies, his movement range was relatively large. Moreover, Wang Tao deliberately lured the giant zombies into the zombie tide in the distance, so when Duan Xuchang and others came, they didn't notice them at the first time.


Duan Xuchang sighed in admiration.

Anyway, this is a serious giant zombie. It's very strong if you can kill one. And judging from the appearance of Wang Tao and his party, they didn't seem to have paid a high price.

This group of survivors...are really strong!

What Duan Xuchang didn't know was that this giant zombie was actually killed by Wang Tao alone. And before Wang Tao killed the giant zombie, he also killed 5 fourth-level lord zombies!


Da da da--

Amid the sound of gunfire and gunfire, the team advanced slowly but surely.

With so many survivors, it really slows down the team's progress. However, the army's firepower is fierce and its defenses are also strong. These are still zombies of flesh and blood, and they cannot stop everyone from moving forward.

"This sense of security... was something I couldn't even imagine before!"

In the middle of the team, Wang Tao and his group were all sighing.


Wang Tao nodded.

He used to protect others, but this time I felt the feeling of being protected, which was really refreshing.

Of course, he did not relax his vigilance and was always observing the surrounding situation. Before arriving at Changhe Base City, any accident may happen, so don't be happy too early.

Suddenly, Wang Tao turned his head and looked into the distance.

I saw countless crazy figures rushing towards the team!

"A large number of crazy zombies are coming!"

A soldier reminded loudly.

This was obviously meant for Wang Tao and the others, after all, there was a radio between them.

The team temporarily stopped advancing and defended on the spot.

If it were just members of their own army, they would have crushed them all the way. But after all, there are still more than 20,000 people protected now, and the team is not as compact as before, so there are gaps. They have to consider the safety of these survivors.




The tank turned its muzzle and blasted at these crazy zombies.

For a time, the earth shook.

The power of the tank's main gun is undeniable. Under its bombardment, not a single corpse will be left within the explosion range.

But there are too many zombies now! This group of crazy zombies were interspersed among the ordinary zombies. Although the tank fire killed a large number of zombies, some of the crazy zombies still rushed over.


At this time, the artillery fire stopped, and several powered armors came over.

A faint blue light emitted from their backs and legs, and then they rushed towards the group of demon-sealed zombies as if they had pressed an accelerator button.

There are many weapons mounted on the power armor. In addition to the Gatling gun, there are also other firearms and cold weapons.

After they rushed into the zombie group, they took out machetes, spears, double knives...their weapons were all different in style, but these weapons all flashed with arcs of electricity.


Wang Tao was a little surprised. He didn't expect these power armor weapons to be electrified.

Relying on their high defense, these powered armors do not need to take any defensive measures after entering the zombie group. No zombies can break through their defense, they only need to attack.

For a time, various arcs flashed.

This is a one-sided massacre.

After a while, all these crazy monsters were dealt with, and several powered armors came back intact.

"keep going!"

Duan Xuchang waved his hand, and the team continued to move forward in an orderly manner.

"These powered armors are so powerful! I really want to get one!"

Looking at those powered armors, Xiang Hongbin almost drooled.

This powered armor can attack from a distance, can fight at close range, has high defense, and can even walk without lifting your legs! And depending on their situation, they may have various functions such as fire prevention, virus prevention, noise prevention, etc.!

Drilling into this power armor is much better than those miserable superpowers like them!

"It's really strong!"

Wang Tao nodded, and then whispered.

"After we safely arrive at Changhe Base City, I'll see if I can get two!"

Wang Tao has no power to resist such a big toy.

Didn't Duan Xuchang say that this is mass-produced power armor? Without a certain amount of output, it is not mass production. As long as there is a certain amount, there must be a way to get it, it's just a matter of the price to pay.

"Haha, okay! We are just waiting for your good news!"

Several people communicated in low voices.

The next section of the road went smoothly. Soon, the sound of the cannons gradually died down, and everyone saw the "long black dragon" lying on the railway track in the distance.

"I'll go! Is this the train they were talking about? It's so big!"

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