"There is a fourth-level lord Night Demon!"

Wang Tao immediately reminded him.

Hearing this, everyone became alert.

Lan Yulian immediately put on the flame gauze that Wang Tao gave him, instantly lighting up the nest.

Wang Tao told her before that this kind of equipment has durability. If the durability is gone, the equipment will be damaged. Lan Yulian couldn't bear to let this gauze garment get damaged, so she usually didn't wear it. Anyway, this dress is very thin, so you can just put it in your bag and put it on again when needed.

Others immediately took out ultraviolet flares, and Wang Tao gave them a lot of flares so that they didn't have to save anything.

Under the light of the flame gauze and ultraviolet flares, it can be seen that most of the night devils seem to be outside, and there is not a single ordinary night devil in the lair.

But Wang Tao could clearly sense that there were three energetic figures deep in the lair!

Three fourth-order lords!

If it were before, Wang Tao might still hesitate to go down. But now that his strength has increased a lot, it is naturally impossible for him to hesitate.

After all, Night Stalker has a fatal weakness of being afraid of ultraviolet rays. As long as they ensure that there are no problems with ultraviolet rays, they will basically be invincible.

However, as a side effect of Wang Tao's previous ability to fuse fireballs, he now only has 10,000 health. To be on the safe side, Wang Tao activated the entangled tree roots.

I don’t know if those three figures noticed Wang Tao and his group, but they never came up anyway.

In this case, Wang Tao is not in a hurry to go down. He wants to kill these hatched flesh and blood and unformed night demons first.

Because Duan Xuchang and others will definitely come down after cleaning up the night demons outside. They will never show mercy when they see these hatchlings of flesh and blood. But they can't explode loot, so killing these things is a waste. So it is better to let Wang Tao solve these things first.

Wang Tao is naturally very fast in killing these creatures that cannot resist. Especially after he learned the power of fireballs, large swaths of flames followed him, and the hatched flesh and unformed night demons were quickly burned to death.

"The third-order peeling crystal core, the third-order all-powerful crystal core... Not bad, not bad!"

The overall strength of this Night Demon lair is stronger than what Wang Tao has seen before, and the things it explodes are also better. They were all second-order crystal nuclei before, but this time they were all third-order!

As these large pieces of flesh and blood died, Wang Tao and his party quickly advanced to the depths of the lair, and then they saw two ferocious figures.

[HP: 120000/120000]

[Blue amount: 100000/100000]

[Level: Level 4·Lord]

[Awakening: Strong]

The attributes of these two black-skinned night demons are exactly the same, both are fourth-level lords with 120,000 blood.

But that's not the point. The point is that behind them, there is a very fat black night devil!

[HP: 150000/150000]

[Blue amount: 150000/150000]

[Level: Level 4·Lord]

[Awakening: Strong]

This night devil was so fat that it even felt like it was stuck in the cave and couldn't get out.


The two black-skinned night devils in front roared when they noticed the arrival of Wang Tao and his party, but did not come over. Instead, they guarded the fat night devil closely.

Wang Tao frowned immediately.

Considering the size of that fat night devil, and looking at these two black-skinned night devils guarding the fat night devil...how do you feel, this looks like a female zombie?

But wasn't the Night Demon cultivated from hatching flesh? How can there be a mother body?

Wang Tao was a little confused, but that didn't stop him from taking action.

"Throw a flare!"

Wang Tao greeted, and everyone immediately threw their ultraviolet flares at the three night demons.


In an instant, the entire cave was enveloped in ultraviolet light!

Under normal circumstances, with so much ultraviolet rays, the Night Stalker would definitely have to retreat temporarily. Even if these ultraviolet rays are not fatal to the fourth-level lord night demons, they will still run away subconsciously.

But now... it can be clearly seen that under the burning of ultraviolet rays, the two night demons at the front let out painful roars and were steaming, but not only did they not escape, they did not even take a step back. ! They blocked the entrance of the hole, preventing everyone from throwing ultraviolet flares in.

"You are indeed protecting that fat night devil!"

Wang Tao has basically determined in his heart that this is a female night devil!


With an order, everyone immediately started attacking.

Since these two black-skinned night demons didn't want to run away, they naturally used long-range attacks first.

Da da da--

Suddenly, there was a loud sound of gunfire.


The two black-skinned night demons obviously want to rush over. If they get close, no one except Wang Tao will be able to stop them.

So Wang Tao took out another large ultraviolet flare and fired it at the three night demons.


In an instant, the entire cave was filled with dazzling purple light.

Not to mention the Night Demon, even Ding Yuqin and the others were stabbed until they could not open their eyes.

Only Wang Tao, Jiang Shixue and Han Rui were fine. Because Wang Tao and Jiang Shixue's eyes can adjust the incoming light, and Han Rui has sensory abilities and can see without their eyes.


Wang Tao saw that everyone was affected by the flares, making them unable to attack. Wang Tao cursed secretly. This large flare is too powerful, especially in such a small place, it is an indiscriminate attack.

But fortunately, although they were a little miserable, the Night Demon was even worse. The two black-skinned night devils had large areas of cracks on their bodies, and their blood volume was dropping like crazy. They were scurrying around in the cave like headless flies, and they had even forgotten to protect the fat night devil behind them.

As for the fat night devil, its body was also cracked, burned, bleeding, and roaring. But it didn't run around.

"You guys stand back first!"

Wang Tao told everyone to step back, and he rushed forward with Jiang Shixue and Han Rui.

Wang Tao holds a knife in one hand and drags a fireball with the other. In the blink of an eye, he came to one of the black-skinned night devils.

Although the black-skinned night devil was uncomfortable with the ultraviolet rays, it still reacted when Wang Tao came to it. He immediately grabbed Wang Tao.

Wang Tao swung two swords, but instead of attacking the black-skinned night demon, he blocked its attack. After all, Wang Tao is now wearing entangled tree roots. The entangled tree roots cannot block a few attacks of the black-skinned night demon.

After blocking the black-skinned night devil's attack with a knife, the fireball in Wang Tao's hand was already the size of a balloon, and its palm with the fireball hit the night devil instantly.



This instantly knocked out thirty thousand of the black-skinned night devil's blood!

Wang Tao's eyes lit up when he saw this injury.

As expected of a power that consumes awakened energy, the damage is even higher than when he uses high-frequency vibration!

Moreover, the fire damage is continuous. The black-skinned night devil's whole body was ignited, and he continued to lose blood!

At this time, another black-skinned night devil appeared from behind Wang Tao. Although its body was smoked by ultraviolet rays, it still did not forget to attack Wang Tao. But Jiang Shixue and Han Rui attacked the night devil at the same time!

Although Jiang Shixue and Han Rui's attacks could not cause much damage to the black-skinned Night Demon with 120,000 HP, they successfully blocked its attempt to sneak attack Wang Tao.

The night demon immediately changed its target and began to attack Jiang Shixue and Han Rui.

The speed of the two women was not too slow, but Night Demon was suppressed in all directions under the ultraviolet rays, and his speed also dropped a lot. So it can't catch up with the two girls for the time being.

Wang Tao took advantage of the short time the two girls bought him and launched all kinds of attacks on the first black-skinned night devil.

In less than a minute, Wang Tao successfully killed the black-skinned night devil at the cost of getting entangled in the roots of a tree and taking a blow.

Wang Tao quickly put away all the loot and rushed towards the other night devil.

The gap between the third level and the fourth level is still too big, especially since the black-skinned night devil has awakened the passive ability to enhance physical fitness, so even in such an environment with a lot of ultraviolet rays, the two of them are overwhelmed by this black-skinned night devil. Hit.

Jiang Shixue's defense was slightly higher. She took the initiative to help Han Rui block several attacks, otherwise Han Rui might be injured.

However, this night devil did not fare well either. Its whole body was burned by ultraviolet rays until it was smoking. It was attacked many times by Jiang Shixue and Han Rui and was also injured.

When the night devil pounced on the two women again, Wang Tao suddenly appeared and stood in front of the two women.

"Leave it to me next!"

With the addition of Wang Tao, the situation reversed instantly. In just thirty or forty seconds, the night devil's head was chopped into pieces by Wang Tao!

After killing two fourth-level lord night demons in succession, Wang Tao did not continue to go deeper, but retreated with the two women.

The three of them came to Lan Yulian and asked her to increase her blood.

Seeing that Jiang Shixue was injured, Wang Tao touched her hair with some remorse.

"It's my fault, I didn't think about it well."

The problem this time was really his. He didn't expect that the large ultraviolet flare would be so bright in such a confined space, causing everyone except the three of them, including Lightning, to be temporarily blinded. Even with my eyes closed, I couldn't block the bright light. It was as if I had been hit by a detonation bomb. So there are so many people, but they can't attack...

Jiang Shixue said nothing and rubbed her hand against Wang Tao's hand.

After everyone's blood volume increased, the light of the large ultraviolet flare finally weakened, and everyone began to slowly recover their eyesight.

"Is everyone okay?"



After confirming that there was nothing wrong, Wang Tao led everyone to the fat night devil.

Wang Tao had been observing just now. He didn't know whether this obese night devil couldn't run because of its size, or whether it was for other reasons. Anyway, it had always been here and was being burned by ultraviolet light.

In these two or three minutes, it had half of its health left!

Although night devils are afraid of ultraviolet rays, the damage caused by ultraviolet rays to them is not very high. It can only make them uncomfortable and force them to retreat. What they are really afraid of is the sun.

So using this kind of artificial ultraviolet light to kill 70,000 to 80,000 of its blood is still an exaggeration.

But this was naturally what Wang Tao wanted to see. He stretched out his hand, and a ball of fire appeared in his hand. Then throw it at the fat night devil.



Da da da--




Various attacks hit the fat night devil instantly.

Although it is very fat, its defense is similar to that of most night demons, and it does not seem particularly difficult to deal with.

And it didn't fight back, it just roared while blocking the bullet.

"Live target?"

Although Wang Tao didn't know why this happened, he took advantage of his illness to kill him!

He didn't go over either, using fireballs and shock waves to carry out long-range attacks on the fat night devil.

The others had guns in their hands and pulled the triggers on the fat Night Stalker. Although the damage caused by these rifle bullets to this night devil was not high, after all, there were many people and many guns, and the bullets were densely packed, and they beat the fat animal to blood in the blink of an eye.

Wang Tao held another fireball in his hand, preparing to end the life of this fat night devil.

But at this moment, the fat night devil suddenly threw a black thing into the crowd!

It was thrown so fast that no one, including Wang Tao and Jiang Shixue, could react at all.

By the time he reacted, the black thing had been thrown in front of Lan Yulian.

But Lan Yulian was still adding blood to Jiang Shixue and didn't notice this thing at all.


When Wang Tao threw the fireball at Fat Night Demon, he had already rushed towards Lan Yulian, but it was obviously a little late.

Just when this thing was about to land on Lan Yulian's face, a black figure suddenly appeared and bit the thing in one bite!

It's lightning!


Wang Tao finally came to Lan Yulian's side. He protected Lan Yulian behind him, and then looked at the thing bitten by the lightning.

That was a rotten...bug as thick as a baby's arm?

Lightning's teeth have the hidden ability of [Iron Teeth and Steel Teeth]. In addition, it has a level 3 100,000 HP, so its strength is not weak.

But it feels like Lightning can’t control this bug! Its whole body muscles are tense, killing and biting. The insect twisted wildly in its mouth, and the lightning was also moved wildly by it.

Is this bug as strong as lightning?

Then Wang Tao saw the attributes of this insect, which had two attributes: blood volume and level, but...

[HP: 83747/100000]

[Level: Level 5·Elite]

A level 5 zombie with 100,000 blood? !


At this time, the fireball thrown by Wang Tao hit the fat zombie.



The fat zombie's health bar is cleared.

Wang Tao didn't even look at the fat zombie's trophy. He immediately reached out and took the bug out of Lightning's mouth.


After the insect fell into Wang Tao's hand, it made an unpleasant cry and tried to break free.

Wang Tao felt that the insect was very strong, but it was tightly held by Wang Tao's big hand wrapped around the tree roots and could not break free.

Wang Tao was ready to activate the awakening at any time, but the insect was just struggling wildly in Wang Tao's hands without any aggressive behavior.

"It doesn't seem like it has any offensive power?"

Wang Tao frowned.

When the zombie bugs were in Wang Tao's hands, one of them was losing blood. It wasn't Wang Tao who attacked it, but it was exposed to ultraviolet light. This bug is afraid of ultraviolet rays and is obviously related to the Night Stalker.

It was unclear what was going on with this zombie bug, but Wang Tao was not merciful. He picked up a long knife and slashed at the bug.

In the blink of an eye, the seed stopped moving.

At the same time, several loot packages surfaced. And in addition to the package, there was something like a bead inside it that fell into Wang Tao's hand.

[Obtain: Level 5·Night Demon Parasite (Egg)*1]

[Level 5·Night Demon Parasite (Egg): After becoming an adult, it can parasitize some lives. After a life is parasitized, there is a certain probability of turning into a fifth-level night demon within seven days. Cooperating with the night demon to hatch flesh and blood, the probability of success will increase]

"Night demon parasite?!"

Wang Tao looked ugly. He didn't expect that this bug turned out to be a parasite!

In addition to viral infection, is there also the ability to spread through parasitism?

I just don’t know what this “certain probability” is... If the probability is high, it would be very scary!

Moreover, Wang Tao suddenly thought of a very serious problem - humans infected with zombie viruses can be detected through observation and equipment, but if they are parasitized, can they be detected? If you can't tell, then this is a time bomb!

Of course, even if humans are not parasitized, it will be very troublesome for those zombies to be parasitized, because there will be a large number of night demons...

After Wang Tao put away several trophy packages of the Night Demon parasite, he came to the body of the fat Night Demon again.


Only then did Wang Tao discover that there were many parasite eggs under this fat zombie!

No wonder it never left! It is indeed a female night devil! But this mother zombie is very different from other mother zombies...

[Obtain: Level 5·Night Demon Parasite (Egg)*13]

[Obtain: Level 4·Night Demon Parasite (Egg)*56]

There are fourth-level and fifth-level insect eggs!

However, no corpses of parasites were seen.

Wang Tao estimated that this obese night devil might only have this one adult insect. Fortunately, it was intercepted by Lightning. Otherwise, if it parasitized Lan Yulian, he would not know how to save it...

Wang Tao collected all the trophies and then said to everyone:

"Let's get out!"

On the way out, Wang Tao explained to everyone what this bug was.

"Night Stalker Parasite!"

Everyone gasped.

Now if you are infected by the zombie virus, you can also use inhibitors to solve it. Therefore, although everyone is in awe of zombie viruses, they are not as afraid as before.

But what should we do if we are parasitized?

Becoming a Night Stalker is no different than dying...

"Everyone should be more careful in the future. If you encounter something like this parasite, you must kill it!"

Parasites are really scary, but fortunately, this parasite is very large and can be prevented. If it is the kind of parasite that is invisible to the naked eye, then it is really desperate...

When Wang Tao and his party came to the ground, the battle between Duan Xuchang and Night Demon continued.

"Huh? It's not over yet?"

Wang Tao frowned, and then he realized that the corpses of the Night Demons were piled up in a circle around him!

"Is there a new Night Stalker?"

Wang Tao immediately turned on the intercom and asked.

"Yes, many more night demons have arrived, and two fourth-level night demons! Otherwise, the battle would have been over long ago!"

The sound of Duan Xuchang's breathing becoming rapid came.

"We're here to help you!"

After Wang Tao saw Duan Xuchang's position, he did not go there immediately, but took out another large ultraviolet flare. That flare just now is over.


Purple light rises into the sky!

In an instant, the entire night battle was illuminated like daylight.

A large number of night demons roared and turned into headless flies again.

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