Hearing Jiang Shixue's words, Wang Tao slapped his forehead.

"My, my, my, I forgot about Xiaoxue's abilities!"

Jiang Shixue’s awakening is [a puppet on strings].

[Puppet: Night vision, control the opponent's thinking]

This awakening is a control when dealing with relatively strong enemies. Although the control time is very short, maybe only one second, it is basically impossible to break free within this second. It is an extremely strong control.

When dealing with weaker enemies, Jiang Shixue's awakening is to truly control the opponent. The opponent cannot resist at all, and will not remember what happened when he was controlled.

Wang Tao and Jiang Shixue have experienced many battles together. Under normal circumstances, the enemies that Wang Tao needs Jiang Shixue to control are all of a higher level than Wang Tao.

When dealing with weak enemies, Wang Tao never let Jiang Shixue use [String Puppet]. After all, this thing consumes awakened energy. There is no need to waste such a thing when it can kill with a few swords.

So Wang Tao subconsciously forgot about Jiang Shixue's awakening.

Now after being reminded by Jiang Shixue, Wang Tao finally remembered this magical skill - Jiang Shixue could directly control Qiu Rong and the two girls and force them to tell the truth.

"Okay! Then you go to the city hall with me tomorrow. I want to see what those two women are doing!"

Wang Tao touched his chin and said.


In fact, theoretically speaking, Wang Tao's mental power also has a "control" effect. Even if his control is not as good as Jiang Shixue's, it is still somewhat useful against such a person without any strength.

But it's a pity that Wang Tao won't...unless he learns the power of mind control, or slowly studies it himself.

It is naturally more difficult to study by yourself, and for those with weak mental strength, if Wang Tao is slightly careless, the other party will become a fool at best, or die suddenly at worst. So forget it, let the professionals do the professional things.

The next day, early morning.

"Still going down..."

Looking at the still heavy snow outside, Lan Yulian sighed.

It has been snowing heavily for several days, and it is unknown how many people have suffered. Originally, they could go out to provide disaster relief, but Yao Guodong, who personally presided over the disaster relief work, died, causing subsequent work to suddenly become chaotic. Especially when many wired communications began to have problems, other people just wanted to go out to help save people, but they didn’t know where to go...

"Looking at it like this, Qu Shilin must be right. The snow will last for at least a month..."

Wang Tao shook his head. According to the current situation, if it really comes next month, then for ordinary people, this snow will be a complete "natural disaster".

At noon, Wang Tao and Jiang Shixue drove to the city hall together.

"It feels like this car is no longer good enough..."

On the way to the city hall this time, Wang Tao spent a lot more time than yesterday. Because there was too much snow on the road, we had to be careful all the way. This off-road vehicle equipped with anti-skid chains was obviously no longer good.

"I don't know what the research institute has modified our car into..."

Wang Tao muttered, and then entered the city hall with Jiang Shixue. As soon as he entered the door, he saw a figure trotting over.

"Mr. Wang!"

Jiang Hui greeted him with a smile on his face, and Wang Tao informed him before coming.

"This is my sister Jiang Shixue."

"This is Jiang Hui, the leader of the investigation team."

Wang Tao gave a brief introduction.

"Ms. Jiang!"


Jiang Shixue nodded expressionlessly.

Ever since she became half-human and half-zombie, her personality has become much colder. Except for being enthusiastic towards her own people, especially Wang Tao, Jiang Shixue is very cold towards everyone else.

Jiang Hui naturally didn't mind either. He quickly said to Wang Tao:

"Mr. Wang, Ms. Jiang, please come with me."

Yesterday, Qiu Rong and Li Xin were arranged upstairs in the city hall, but now, Jiang Hui brought Wang Tao to the police station.

"I have detained them in the underground cell..."

Jiang Hui explained in a low voice.


Wang Tao nodded.

"Team Jiang!"

At this time, a female police officer trotted over.

"Is the suspect okay?"

Jiang Hui asked.

The female police officer looked at Wang Tao and seemed a little hesitant to say anything.

"Is there anything I dare not say? We are all our own!"

Jiang Hui immediately glared at the policewoman.

"Yes!" the policewoman responded quickly, and then whispered, "Both suspects are not very cooperative. If you ask them and don't say anything, do we want to use -"


Jiang Hui quickly interrupted the other party.

The policewoman thought to herself, knowing that she had said too much, she quickly shut up.

Wang Tao looked at Jiang Hui with interest.

"You still tortured me?"

"Mr. Wang, don't get me wrong, we have not tortured the suspect! After all, he is the former mayor's wife..."

Jiang Hui quickly shook his head. Don't say that there is no such thing. Even if it does happen, you can't admit it. At least you can't admit it so straightforwardly. But he then explained in a low voice:

"It's just... Well, I locked up their little dark room and haven't given them anything to eat so far..."

There are many types of punishment, including direct corporal punishment. Jiang Hui naturally does not dare to do so. After all, this is the former mayor's wife, so he does not dare to mess around. But he thought it was okay to use some scare tactics and not feed them. After all, special treatment is given in special times. In order to quickly find the murderer, we can only use some means.

Wang Tao nodded and said no more.

When he saw Qiu Rong again, Qiu Rong was squatting in the corner of the cell with disheveled hair.

Li Xin was in another cell, and she was in similar condition to Qiu Rong.

"Did you ask for something?"

Wang Tao asked Jiang Hui.

"No... they are too harsh! I can clearly feel that they are hiding something from me, but they refuse to say it, even if - even if I threaten them, they won't say it."

Jiang Hui was a little helpless.

When he was interrogating Qiu Rong and the two girls, he said a lot of threatening things to them, and even said that he would strip them naked and throw them to the slums to pick up guests, and then throw them into the snow to freeze to death after they were beaten.

Jiang Hui himself felt that these words were a bit excessive. He would definitely not do this. He was just trying to scare the other party.

But the second woman still said some insignificant things, and the key point was not to say anything.

If the other party was not the wife of the former mayor, and Wang Tao was still paying attention, he might really not be able to help but beat Qiu Rong first...

"You didn't even ask...Okay, then you all go out and I'll talk to her alone."

Wang Tao said.


Jiang Hui didn't say anything nonsense. After handing the key to Wang Tao, he immediately left with the policewoman.

The cell was dark, with no lights on and no windows. Wang Tao just used mental detection to see Qiu Rong.


The sound of the iron door opening instantly caught Qiu Rong's attention. The light in the corridor shone in. She couldn't see the person clearly, she could only see a majestic body. She retreated in fear, but she was already in the corner and could only kick her legs in vain.

"Don't, don't come over..."


The lights in the prison room turned on, and the dazzling light made Qiu Rong subconsciously cover her eyes. When she slowly adapted to the light, she saw that the burly figure had come to her side.

"Mr. Wang?"

Qiu Rong still couldn't believe it. It wasn't until Wang Tao knelt down and she saw Wang Tao's face clearly that she was sure it was really Wang Tao.

Qiu Rong immediately hugged Wang Tao's legs as if she had grasped a life-saving straw. She raised her head and looked at Wang Tao with some horror and excitement. This time she probably wasn't acting. If she auditioned again, then Wang Tao could only say that she was awesome.

"Mr. Wang, save me! I really didn't kill anyone, I'm not a murderer..."

She obviously didn't know that Wang Tao tacitly allowed Jiang Hui to arrest her.

Wang Tao reached out and pushed her hair behind her ears, revealing her pale little face.

Wang Tao took a closer look and found that there were indeed no signs of being beaten on her face or neck, and her clothes were intact. They were still the same ones Wang Tao saw yesterday, and there were no signs of being torn.

"Did they beat you?"

Wang Tao asked softly.


Qiu Rong subconsciously wanted to say yes, but thinking about how Wang Tao looked at her yesterday and almost scared her to death, she quickly shook her head.

"Then did they violate you? Bully you?"

"...No... they just locked me up and asked me questions..."

Although Qiu Rong felt that pretending to be pitiful might gain Wang Tao's sympathy, she really didn't dare and could only tell the truth.

"Are you hungry?"

Wang Tao asked, gently stroking her face with his hand.


Qiu Rong nodded quickly.

In fact, in the two days since Yao Guodong's death, she had eaten nothing except drinking some water. She didn't want to eat before, but now she couldn't eat when she wanted to, and she was so hungry that her chest pressed against her back.

"How about you tell me what you're hiding and I'll feed you?"

A bottle of nutrient solution appeared in Wang Tao's hand. He opened the bottle, and the rich smell of rice instantly made Qiu Rong salivate.

She stared at the nutrient solution in Wang Tao's hand, and then said:

"I-I didn't hide anything...I said everything..."

Seeing Qiu Rong's retort, Wang Tao moved the nutrient solution closer to Qiu Rong, and then whispered:

"I'll give you one last chance, really the last time."

"I didn't kill my husband, and I don't know how my husband died..."

Seeing that Qiu Rong still refused to admit it, Wang Tao shook his head.

"Then I'm sorry..."

After all, Qiu Rong's strength was too weak, and Wang Tao was not sure whether there would be any accidents or sequelae after she was controlled by Jiang Shixue. It's a pity that she never said anything, so there was nothing Wang Tao could do.

"give it to you."

Jiang Shixue walked out from behind Wang Tao.


Qiu Rong didn't hear Wang Tao's words clearly, and even now she didn't realize there was someone behind Wang Tao.

When Qiu Rong was still a little confused, her eyes suddenly became dull, and then she stiffly turned her head to look at Wang Tao.

Being stared at by her dull eyes, Wang Tao felt a little uncomfortable.

Wang Tao looked at Jiang Shixue beside him.

Jiang Shixue suddenly said:

"I felt it. This control time is related to my awakening energy. I should be able to control her for a long time. I can control her to do anything, and I can also give her orders and let her complete it by herself..."

"If it's in combat, my upper limit for controlling her combat would be higher. But I don't know what's going on in her mind. But if I order her, I can let her tell her what she knows..."

Wang Tao nodded.

"Then let her answer the question about Yao Guodong's death..."

People controlled by Jiang Shixue only listen to Jiang Shixue's orders, and Wang Tao has no way to control them. So Wang Tao told Jiang Shixue what he wanted to ask, and Jiang Shixue asked Qiu Rong again.

After a while, Wang Tao was dumbfounded.

"No, she really doesn't know?"

It was impossible for Qiu Rong to tell lies in this state, but regarding the murder of Yao Guodong, her answer was similar to her previous answer. Including the fact that she persuaded Yao Guodong to drink and made Li Xin drunk, and then the three of them slept together was also true. She really wanted to do this...

Only some aspects were different from what she said before, or she hadn't said it before.

One is that Yao Guodong is not good at certain aspects. After all, she is old, so she is empty. But she didn't mess around, she just played games with Li Xin occasionally...

Another thing is that she doesn't like Yao Guodong at all, not even Li Xin. The reason why they are willing to become Yao Guodong's wives is simply because they want to hold his lap...

Also, she did deliberately seduce Wang Tao. Her purpose in seducing Wang Tao was to find someone else to hug her.

Because after Yao Guodong died, they had no one to rely on. She has seen a lot of things around Yao Guodong, and she knows very well that if they don't find someone to help them quickly, with their appearance and status as ordinary people, not only will they not be able to keep the money in their hands, but they may even be eaten off their bones. Leftover.

When Yao Guodong was alive, she had a good opinion of Wang Tao, and Wang Tao himself was indeed very strong, so she wanted to give it a try. She felt that Wang Tao was very young, and with her looks and deliberate seduction, she should be able to get Wang Tao's attention.

However, she is self-aware and does not expect to become Wang Tao's wife. She just wants to have a relationship with Wang Tao and obtain Wang Tao's protection...

In addition to these, there are also some painless and itchy places, which are different from what she said before.

But the problem is, Wang Tao can see or infer these things. It makes no difference whether she said it or not.

As for Yao Guodong's murder, she really didn't know!

She said that if she knew that Yao Guodong died after drinking, she would definitely not let Yao Guodong drink...

"That's weird... No, there's another thing - the poison on her body!"

So Wang Tao asked her where the poison on her body came from.

It turned out that she had no idea she had been poisoned.

"Could it be an accidental contamination? Or maybe she didn't realize she was poisoned?"

Wang Tao frowned a little. He thought about it and asked another question.

"Why do you keep leaving City Hall?"

"Because...I'm going to drink the holy medicine..."

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