After Wang Tao wiped the water stains on the woman's body, the woman's eyes seemed to overflow with water.

Wang Tao simply wanted to see what was going on with her poisoned state, and naturally had no idea about her as a person, so Wang Tao was unmoved.

But what Wang Tao is more curious about is how this woman's current desire appears.

If what is enhanced is just the desire for sex between men and women, it would actually be okay.

But if there are other desires, such as murder and arson, that would be a big trouble!

After thinking about it, Wang Tao was going to try to get some words out of this woman to see if he could find out anything.

"My clothes are wet and I'm a little cold..."

The woman spoke at this time, her tone trembling slightly, as if she was really cold.

"I'm going to get you some clothes."

"Need not!"

The woman grabbed Wang Tao's hand and looked at Wang Tao lovingly.

"I feel your body is so hot, and I feel less cold when I'm next to you..."

Wang Tao looked at the burning brazier beside him, then at the woman, and then nodded.

So the woman let go of Wang Tao's hand, went straight into Wang Tao's arms, and actively let Wang Tao put his arms around her waist...

To be honest, from the end of the world to now, Wang Tao has seen many proactive women, but none like her.

The reasons why the women he had seen took the initiative were only two reasons. One was that they really liked Wang Tao, and the other was that they wanted to exchange their bodies for resources. But this woman was different. Wang Tao could clearly sense that she just wanted to indulge! She just likes her own body!

Although Wang Tao is not very interested in her body, Wang Tao thinks it should be easier to ask questions in this case, right?

Wang Tao's big hand slowly moved around her body, and he could clearly feel that her body was getting hotter and hotter. Then Wang Tao lowered his head and whispered in her ear.

The hot air blew on the woman's ears, causing her neck to turn pink. She bit her red lips lightly and looked at Wang Tao with her watery eyes...Wang Tao felt that in her current confused and obsessed state, she seemed to be able to do the Fa directly on the spot.

Of course, Wang Tao was not that kind of person. While continuing to talk to her, Wang Tao asked some more questions.

But what surprised Wang Tao was that despite this woman's appearance, her answers were still very cautious and did not reveal any useful information.

Wang Tao was suddenly a little surprised. In this state, he could still answer the question accurately. This woman is not as simple as Wang Tao imagined. If he hadn't clearly sensed that this woman's mental state was indeed very excited, Wang Tao would have suspected that she was acting on occasion.

But is this difficult for Wang Tao, an ordinary person without any strength? He still can't handle it?

So, Wang Tao was ready to show some strength.

His hands suddenly exerted force and hugged the woman's waist tightly, as if he wanted to fuse her into his body.

Not only was the woman not angry at this rough treatment, she became even more excited. She leaned closely against Wang Tao, and Wang Tao could clearly feel the softness of her body. Wang Tao held her waist with one hand, gently stroked her hair with the other, and whispered:

"look into my eyes."

The woman subconsciously raised her head and looked at Wang Tao.

Then, her eyes glazed over for a moment, and after a moment she rolled her eyes. Her whole body twitched, and there was a lot of sweat on her body. Even her clothes were soaked with sweat. Wang Tao could clearly feel that her sweat was soaked through her pants. .

"Rub, you used too much force..."

Wang Tao just used one of his awakening [spiritual development] abilities on a woman - in-depth communication.

This ability can bring Wang Tao back to blue if the other party does not resist, and the other party is equivalent to doing something that Wang Tao loves to do. No, it is more advanced than that kind of thing. It is not easy to describe...

The woman didn't resist, so the two communicated directly, but after all, she was just an ordinary person with 100 health. Wang Tao had never communicated in depth with such a person, so his attack was a bit harsh... Just like now, the woman's body has been trembling. , it didn’t stop for several minutes, and the sofa was soaked with the sweat from the woman’s body. Wang Tao covered her mouth, and some seductive sounds came from her throat.

After the trembling on the woman's body stopped, Wang Tao released his hand covering her mouth and took the opportunity to ask some more questions.

The woman was finally honest this time. When Wang Tao asked her something, she answered breathlessly.

Including her true identity, why she came here, her relationship with her husband, and what she really thought...she told it all.

Wang Tao finally had a deeper understanding of this poisoning state.

This woman's name is Xia Zhen. Her background is the same as what Wang Tao knows, and her relationship with her husband is indeed good. But that was in the past, because she was actually addicted to certain aspects, but she had always hidden it before. But her husband is usually too busy and doesn't have enough energy at night, so she hasn't been able to enjoy it. The relationship between the two became worse and worse.

But she didn't go out and mess around, she always behaved honestly. Until one day, she came into contact with this "holy medicine", and then things changed.

When she first came into contact with the holy medicine, her desire was not increased. If she didn't drink it for a few days, she would feel uncomfortable and weak, as if she was about to die. And when she drank the holy medicine to a certain extent, her desire was suddenly amplified. If she doesn't drink for a long time, her desire will become stronger and stronger, and she will even be unable to control herself. And as soon as she drank the holy medicine, this desire was instantly suppressed.

However, although she was suppressed, if she kept drinking the holy medicine, her desire would also increase, but the speed would be relatively slow... In other words, if she didn't drink the holy medicine, her desire would come up instantly, making her unable to control herself; she After drinking the holy medicine, her desire will slowly grow like a frog boiled in warm water... Regardless of whether she drinks it or not, her desire will increase.

Of course, Wang Tao inferred the issue of increased desire through her words. She herself did not realize that there was something wrong with the holy medicine at all. Like Qiu Rong, she really thought that the holy medicine was a good thing.

And she didn't think there was anything wrong with her desire. She thought it was human nature and normal, and she even lost some sense of shame...

Wang Tao shook his head. This holy medicine had completely brainwashed her, directly changing the outlook she had cultivated over the years.

"Then how many men have you had intimate contact with?"

Wang Tao asked curiously.

"Only my husband..."

Xia Zhen spoke in a daze, still immersed in the afterglow of just now.


In her current state, Wang Tao doesn't believe that she didn't mess around after being exposed to the holy medicine.

"Because, because the deacon told me... I am his personal property... he won't let me mess around with other men... I actually want to, but I don't dare..."

Xia Zhen spoke again.

"Butler? Personal belongings?"

Wang Tao frowned, this was actually related to the deacon. But that's not right, she obviously wants to have sex with herself, which is inconsistent with what Xia Zhen said.

Regarding Wang Tao's doubts, Xia Zhen looked at Wang Tao with her blurred eyes, and a crazy smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

"Because... I think you are better than Deacon... Deacon can't beat you..."

"Huh? Can you see my strength?"

Wang Tao was suddenly shocked.

No one at the scene should be able to see his true strength, but she could actually see it?

"I can probably feel it...hehe..."

Xia Zhen nodded and admitted.

"Hidden attribute?"

Wang Tao suddenly thought of hidden attributes. Xia Zhen has no powers and is just an ordinary person. The only explanation Wang Tao can find is that she has a hidden attribute!

Hidden attributes appear after the end of the world, but they are hidden and only have a chance to appear when the blood volume increases. Under normal circumstances, if you have 100,000 health and no hidden attributes appear, it means you really don’t have any.

And she only has 100 blood, which is the most basic blood volume. She has not killed any zombies or monsters, so even if she has hidden attributes, they will not be displayed now.

This means that she should have a hidden attribute that can sense the true strength of others. This hidden attribute is a bit interesting, after all, not even Wang Tao can hide his strength in front of her. Her perception may not be accurate, and she can only perceive a rough idea. If she could perceive that she was an awakened person, it would not be the case now...

But this also shows that Xia Zhen threw herself into her arms as soon as she came up. She was not really attracted by Wang Tao's appearance, but simply felt that Wang Tao was strong...

"Damn, you're so narcissistic!"

Wang Tao shook his head speechlessly.

But this makes sense, he just said, he didn't do anything, his face is still covered now, why would a woman like him? It turned out to be for this reason.

But these are actually not the point. The point is still the deacon.

"Why did you say you are his personal property?"

"He gave me the holy medicine a long time ago. The holy medicine can make my body better and better! But if I want to continue to ask for the holy medicine, I have to agree to his conditions. He made me his personal property..."

After some intermittent explanations from Xia Zhen, Wang Tao understood what was going on - the deacon seemed to be deliberately training Xia Zhen!

Xia Zhen's situation is different from Qiu Rong's. She didn't spend a penny for the holy medicine she drank. The deacon gave it to her for free. However, the deacon didn't give her medicine all the time, but every now and then, every time. When she couldn't stand it anymore...for example, today, she hadn't taken medicine for several days, which made her itchy and uncomfortable. If it weren't for Wang Tao, she might have continued to endure it until the deacon gave her medicine. But when she saw Wang Tao, she couldn't help but came over.

Although this deacon has been training her, he has never touched her, and she doesn't know what the deacon looks like. The butler seemed to have said that he had to make her perfect. She didn’t know what perfection was...

"What is the purpose of this deacon? He spent all this time training this woman, but didn't touch it... Can this be tolerated? Unless he has a more important purpose! To make her perfect? ​​The Church of Dusk...shouldn't it be Is there some evil sacrificial ritual?"

While Wang Tao was deep in thought, Xia Zhen finally came to her senses.

There was a hint of affection in her eyes when she looked at Wang Tao, but more of them were confused.

She felt as if she had just had a dream. In the dream, she fought with this strange man for three hundred rounds. She was tortured throughout the whole process, was killed, and her armor was stripped off, and her blood surged. But she still didn't give up. It wasn't until she had no strength left and all her blood was drained that she slowly woke up.

It’s hard to describe that feeling. Anyway, it’s just one word – cool!

She had never felt like this in her life, and it was the first time she experienced how happy something like this could be.

It’s just... this seems to be really a dream! She was already in the building now. She just sat on the sofa with this strange man. The two of them did nothing except getting closer to each other.

Xia Zhen didn't know what was going on, but she suddenly felt a little cold again. This time it was really cold, and her pants were cold.

She subconsciously reached out and wiped it, and then her eyes widened.

"I, what just happened to me?"

She looked at Wang Tao in confusion. She was already sure that it was a dream, but what was her physical condition like? The dream may be fake, but the physical sensation is very real. Even now that she was recalling the feeling just now, her body quickly heated up... Especially when she looked at Wang Tao and smelled Wang Tao's breath, she felt her body trembling slightly again.

It's him!

Although Xia Zhen didn't know what was going on, she felt that it must have something to do with this strange man!

Wang Tao already knew the general situation of Xia Zhen. Seeing that Xia Zhen was like this, she probably wanted to ask him. Wang Tao was ready to find a reason to send her away, but what Wang Tao didn't expect was that Xia Zhen did not ask more questions, but suddenly grabbed her again. He grabbed Wang Tao's arm and looked at Wang Tao with bright eyes.



Wang Tao opened his mouth.

Is this still addictive?

"I beg you!"

Xia Zhen knew that it must be related to Wang Tao. Seeing that Wang Tao didn't respond, she begged again.

Naturally, Wang Tao couldn't come again, and Xia Zhen would probably be dehydrated if she came again.

But I didn’t refuse directly, but suddenly asked:

"Unless you tell me your true identity..."

"Xia Zhen!"

Wang Tao felt that Xia Zhen still wanted to hide herself. This reason should make her retreat, but he did not expect that she would speak before Wang Tao finished speaking.

"I am……"

Not only did she say her name, but she also told Wang Tao everything about her, including the deacon. And what she said was exactly the same as what Wang Tao asked before, which shows that she did not lie to Wang Tao.


Wang Tao was somewhat confused.

Xia Zhen saw that Wang Tao still had no reaction, so she grabbed Wang Tao's hand and stuffed it into her clothes. She didn't know the situation of mental power at all. She thought Wang Tao must have used some method just now...

Wang Tao immediately withdrew his hand in disgust.

"Your clothes are all wet."

After hearing this, Xia Zhen took off her clothes without saying a word, but she still had sense and knew that there were people here, so she put on her long coat, and then took off her lower body clothes that were soaked with sweat. , and threw it into the corner.


This woman has been seducing him to do bad things!

Wang Tao was definitely not such a person, but Xia Zhen was very fast. She hugged Wang Tao and stuffed her hands into her clothes.

Wang Tao clearly felt that Xia Zhen's body began to tremble slightly, but he didn't say anything more and suddenly his eyes narrowed.

Someone came upstairs.

There are five people in total, three third-level superpowers and two first-level superpowers. Judging by their attire, the one in the middle is the deacon Qiu Rong and Xia Zhen were talking about!

When Wang Tao's mental power penetrated the masks of these people, Wang Tao was suddenly surprised. Good guy! He has seen all of these people!

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