Wang Tao told Jiang Shixue his idea, and Jiang Shixue thought it was feasible. According to Zhu Fen's previous confession, although she didn't know the identity of the bishop, the bishop didn't know her identity either!

She was very cautious when meeting the bishop. They didn't even speak, and the other party didn't even know whether he was a boy or a girl!

Logically speaking, the bishop has a higher status than the priest and should know the priest's identity, but Zhu Fen is different - she is inside the base, the bishop is outside the base, and the bishop cannot put any restrictions on her. She is someone who can sneak into the committee members no matter what, and she is still very careful in this regard.

Therefore, Wang Tao can completely use Zhu Fen's identity to contact the Twilight Church.

But that will happen in the future. Zhu Fen said that they agreed that the next time they would meet would be after the ice and snow melted. Judging from the current situation, it will take at least a month to wait for the ice and snow to melt, right? So there’s no rush for now…

But Zhu Fen left a lot of things behind. Wang Tao is not interested in her property or anything like that. Wang Tao is interested in things related to the Twilight Church. He can pick them up in the next two days...

Wang Tao returned to the previous building while thinking.

But after going upstairs, Wang Tao frowned.

When he left, Qiu Rong and Xia Zhen were tied with ropes. But now, the ropes on Qiu Rong and Xia Zhen were gone. They were lying on the ground with their pupils dilated and a silly smile on their faces.

Next to them, there was a middle-aged aunt lying down, also giggling.


Wang Tao and Jiang Shixue looked at each other, and he said with some uncertainty:

"Has this aunt woke up? Then untied them. Have they taken medicine?"

"should be."

Jiang Shixue nodded.

Wang Tao was suddenly speechless.

He didn't expect that someone would wake up early after drinking the medicine and untie the rope for them. This kind of holy medicine is very addictive. After the two of them were freed from their restraints, their first reaction must be to drink the holy medicine...

But just drink it, you won't die if you drink it one more time. If you want to quit again, you will have to waste some time... Fortunately, they didn't run out, otherwise they would be unlucky if they froze to death in this ice and snow.

"Wake up!"

Wang Tao patted Qiu Rong's face. Qiu Rong could only smile silly at Wang Tao. Even if Wang Tao specially pinched the soft flesh on her waist, she still had no reaction. The same was true for Xia Zhen next to her... They were obviously immersed in themselves. in the world.

Wang Tao shook his head, guessing that they wouldn't wake up for a while.

"Brother, what should we do with these people?"

Jiang Shixue asked, looking at the people on the ground.

Although Jiang Hui just said that he would drive over to pick up Wang Tao, Wang Tao felt it was not suitable for Jiang Hui to take all these people away.

He has already seen it. Many of these people are family members of some officials in the base. If their identities are exposed, it may bring considerable turmoil to the base...

Although it was turbulent or not, it actually had little impact on Wang Tao. But they are not saying that there is no cure. As long as you endure it, you can still get rid of drug addiction. If a large number of people are suspended due to their reasons, then ordinary people may be the unlucky ones. After all, many places are still in the midst of a snowstorm...

"Jiang Hui probably won't be here for a while. Judging from the fact that the aunt has woken up just now, it is estimated that the others will wake up soon. Let them go back by themselves after they wake up."

Since they can come here, they can naturally go back.


Jiang Shixue nodded.

So the two waited for a while, and as expected, it was similar to what Wang Tao had guessed. It didn't take long for people to wake up one after another.

Wang Tao directly told them that the priest, deacon and his party had been arrested, and that he had saved them and asked them to go home quickly.

They were all a little confused when they heard the news. From their perspective, they just drank a bowl of holy medicine. Just after drinking the medicine, the priest and deacon were gone?

Although they all had some doubts, there was indeed no one at the scene, and Wang Tao had taken all the holy medicines for himself... which made them have no choice but to believe this fact.

"Then, can we still buy holy medicine?"

Someone asked boldly.

In order to make these people obedient, Wang Tao deliberately showed off the aura of some awakened people. Many of them were ordinary people, and they were obviously a little scared when facing Wang Tao.

"No, please go back quickly. Otherwise, when the police come later, you won't be able to leave even if you want to."

Wang Tao spoke calmly.

After hearing this, everyone did not dare to ink and quickly got up.

At this time, someone asked again:

"Then may I ask you..."

Wang Tao is still covering his face, and they don't know who he is. After Wang Tao thought for a while, he said directly:

“…I am the new priest.”

Since you are planning to impersonate Zhu Fen, let’s start now.

Everyone was suddenly excited when they heard that Wang Tao was the new priest.

They don't care who the priest or deacon is, they only care about whether they can drink the holy medicine in the future.

Now that there is a new priest, he will definitely be able to continue drinking the holy medicine in the future!

So these people quickly saluted Wang Tao, and then went downstairs to leave without any nonsense. They don't want the police to discover their true identity.

Watching these people leaving one after another, Wang Tao had no expression on his face.

It was impossible for him to continue giving these people the holy medicine, but he could help them kick their addiction. They must also be made to quit, otherwise it will affect the stability of the base.

Anyway, Wang Tao already knows who they are, so he can just contact them directly later.

After all these people left, Wang Tao looked at Qiu Rong and Xia Zhen at the end.

I don’t know how much the two of them drank, but the aunt had already woken up and left, and they were still quiet in their own world.

Zhu Fen said before that you should not drink too much of this medicine at one time. If they drink too much, it may aggravate their condition.

"If it gets worse, you two will be in trouble."

Wang Tao had no way to wake them up. The main reason was that they were just ordinary people after all and were too fragile. If something went wrong, they might be killed.

So Wang Tao and Jiang Shixue continued to wait, and not long after, Jiang Hui came over again.

"Huh? Mr. Wang, those people..."

After Jiang Hui saw that only the knocked-out thugs were left here, he looked at Wang Tao cautiously.

"I told them to leave."

Wang Tao didn't hide it either.

"That's great!"

Jiang Hui breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this.

While he was on the road, he was still thinking about what to do with those people. He didn't know the identities of these people, but judging from the situation of the two mayors, ministers and even committee members, there might be some high-status people among them. Wouldn't it be embarrassing if we met under such circumstances...

It would be a good idea to let them go back, after all, the city hall can no longer afford the trouble.

So Jiang Hui didn't ask any more questions. He asked people to carry the thugs in, and then under Wang Tao's command, he carried the holy medicine into the car.

"I'll give you some of these so-called holy medicines and take them back to you. I'll keep the rest. I want to study what they are."

Wang Tao pointed to several barrels of holy medicine.


Jiang Hui naturally wanted to take away all these holy medicines. After all, if this stuff entered the society, it would be very harmful. But since Wang Tao wanted it, he certainly couldn't refuse.

After a while, the car finally arrived at the door of the police station.

At this time, Qiu Rong and Xia Zhen had woken up from their own world. Wang Tao raised his eyebrows when he saw the poisoned state on their heads.

Originally, Qiu Rong's poisoning state was "a common toxin with certain addictive properties. Taking it for a long time can lead to death. If you don't take it within 7 days, you can detoxify."

But now it has become "a common toxin with certain addictive properties. Long-term use can cause death and increase certain desires. If you don't take it within 15 days, you can detoxify."

Not only did she have an additional negative state of "increased desire", but it also lasted from 7 days to 15 days.

Xia Zhen's poisoning state has also changed. She was previously a "common toxin with a certain degree of addiction. Long-term use can lead to an increase in certain desires, and the poison can be detoxified if not taken within 30 days."

But now it has become "a common toxin with a certain degree of addiction. Taking it for a long time can lead to an increase in certain desires, and it can be detoxified if you don't take it within 60 days."

She did not increase the negative status of "causing death", but 30 days became 60 days!

No wonder Zhu Fen said you shouldn't drink too much of this medicine. This should be the punishment for drinking too much.

Wang Tao was speechless about this. Originally, Qiu Rong would be able to detoxify if she persisted for a few more days, but now she had to persist again, and it was even harder.

Not to mention Xia Zhen, it was directly increased to 60 days. This time was somewhat outrageous. Although her poison will not kill anyone, Wang Tao estimates that it is impossible for her to survive it...

Qiu Rong and Xia Zhen looked at Wang Tao timidly. Wang Tao had clearly told them before that they were not allowed to drink medicine, otherwise the consequences would be serious. But after Wang Tao left at that time, they really couldn't help it. They didn't care so much, and they couldn't control themselves when they found the opportunity... Now seeing Wang Tao again and feeling the cold aura on Wang Tao's body, they were all trembling.

"What was your situation at that time?"

Wang Tao asked directly.

The two women didn't dare to hide anything and quickly explained.

Not long after Wang Tao left, the aunt woke up. She still didn't understand what was going on. Qiu Rong quickly called her to come over and untie her. The aunt was still a little confused, but she still came to help.

After Qiu Rong and Xia Zhen were untied, Qiu Rong immediately drank a large bowl of holy medicine. Xia Zhen could bear it originally, after all, she had vented before, but seeing so many holy medicines here and Qiu Rong drinking them happily, she couldn't help it anymore and drank a big bowl.

They didn’t remember exactly how many bowls they drank after that, but it was quite a lot, and they drank them mixedly. In other words, they drank the ordinary version of the medicine and the high-end version of the medicine together...

Wang Tao estimated that the reason why their poisoning state became so outrageous was probably related to the fact that they drank a large amount of mixed medicine.

"You two are finished."

Wang Tao spoke directly.


Hearing this, the two women trembled.

Qiu Rong was already a little afraid of Wang Tao, but now she was even more afraid after being deceived by Wang Tao pretending to be a deacon. Xia Zhen was also very scared, because her true face was revealed, and she knew that this was a fourth-level awakened person!

The situation is obvious now. The Twilight Church has been judged as a cult, and their actions are illegal. Wang Tao said they were finished, didn't that mean they were dead...

So, the two of them immediately knelt down in front of Wang Tao and begged for mercy.

They were obviously mistaken. Wang Tao did not deliberately scare them, but explained:

"Let me tell you again, what you drank is poison - no matter what you think in your heart, it is poison anyway. And because you drank too much, the poisoning became worse, so you have to pay if you want to detoxify. The price is higher than before. When I say you are finished, I don’t mean that you are dead, but... you may have to live in a life worse than death."


The two women were even more frightened. They still didn't feel that what they drank was poison, but they heard clearly the words "life is worse than death."

Wang Tao didn't argue with them, he just said calmly:

"I would like to remind you that all the top leaders of the Dusk Church have been arrested and all the holy medicine has been destroyed. Therefore, you will never be able to drink the holy medicine again in this life."


Qiu Rong and Xia Zhen were dumbfounded.

Is the holy medicine gone forever? Isn't that no different from wanting them to die?

Looking at their desperate expressions, Wang Tao smiled again and said:

"But don't worry, I will help you."

These words immediately raised their hopes again, but this hope was instantly extinguished by Wang Tao's next words.

"I will help you detoxify. The process may be painful, but the result will definitely be good. No need to thank me."


Wang Tao ignored the desperate two women. He went upstairs to the police station and brought Li Xin down. Then the three women packed into his car and stepped on the accelerator to the research institute.

As soon as the car stopped, Qu Shilin came out yawning in a military coat.

After the car entered the research institute, Qu Shilin rolled her eyes at Wang Tao and said:

"Wang Tao, why did you wake me up in the middle of the night?"


Wang Tao pointed to the three women in the car, and then briefly explained to Qu Shilin.

After hearing about the holy medicine and poisoning, Qu Shilin instantly became energetic.

"Okay! Leave it to me! There's another research project!"

She was also quite interested in this poison, especially since Wang Tao gave her a large amount of holy medicine, enough for her to study.

The three girls, Qiu Rong, felt an inexplicable chill down their spines. They suddenly felt that they might be safer around Wang Tao...

But Wang Tao didn't give them a chance to resist and handed them over directly to Qu Shilin.

After chatting with Qu Shilin for a few more words, Wang Tao and Jiang Shixue left the research institute in a car. However, Wang Tao did not go home, but planned to take advantage of the night to visit the place where Zhu Fen lived.

She owns many properties, none of which are in her name, and they are very hidden. These houses contain many things she left behind, including crystal cores, various strange items, things related to the Church of Dusk, and most importantly, the complete list of church members in the base...

Wang Tao was going to go over and search. Anyway, Zhu Fen is dead, and no one else knows about these things except him, so they can't be wasted.

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