When Wang Tao returned home, he happened to hear the radio promoting Awakening School.

The radio didn't go into too much detail, it just said that the city hall would build an "awakening school" next. As the name suggests, the mission of this school is to cultivate awakened people. Three days later, the city hall will begin to set up registration points for base residents to actively sign up.

Of course, this does not mean that everyone can sign up. There are strict standards for registration. If you do not meet the standards, you will not be able to sign up.

This standard is simple to say, there are three main ones, and they must be met at the same time.

The first is that after arriving at Changhe Base, there is no one with any criminal record.

The base will not care about who you were before coming to the base unless you expose your own dark history. But after arriving at the base, you have to abide by the rules of the base. If you commit a crime in the base, at least it means you have a bad character, and at worst it means you have a problem with your thinking. You will definitely not want such a person.

The second one is those whose own strength is above the first-level superpower.

Ordinary people also have the potential to become awakened, but the probability is definitely smaller. After all, they are not even superpowers. It is too difficult to become an awakened person. It would be better to choose directly from the superpowers.

The third thing is, young.

In many cases, youth is a great advantage, and this is no exception in the apocalypse. Two people with the same strength but different ages, the younger one must have greater potential, there is no doubt about it. So age must be taken into consideration.

However, the age condition is different from the first two. This condition is somewhat flexible. The city hall says that it is best before the age of thirty, but if other conditions are good, there is a chance at thirty-five or even forty. After all, if you really meet a suitable young talent, how can you reject them just because of their age? That definitely won't work...

These three conditions are not difficult to say, but they are not simple either. Most people will be stuck at the registration level.

This is also intentional by the city hall. After all, there are more than 500,000 people in the Changhe base. If they all come to register, the registration point of the city hall cannot bear it. Even if the city hall can bear it, the school and wallet cannot bear it. live.

Therefore, there must be standards. First, filter out a large number of residents, and then slowly screen them. Finally, they will be reviewed by Wang Tao. After confirming that there are no problems, they will be recruited.

This is something Wang Tao has discussed with Gu Yun before. Wang Tao also knows that there will definitely be some omissions, but nothing is perfect in the world, and it is good to be able to achieve this level.

And this is only the first batch. People will be recruited continuously in the future, and the registration standards will be gradually lowered to give everyone a chance to register. It doesn’t matter whether you can be chosen or not, at least give people a chance and leave no regrets.

"I guess everyone is going crazy..."

Ding Yuqin looked at Wang Tao and said.

"Then it must be the dream of many people to become an awakened person!"

Wang Tao smiled and then said:

"You also know that they asked me to be the principal, but the school cannot only have the principal. Teachers are also the top priority, so I will arrange for you to join the school later..."

"Ah? Do you want us to be teachers?" Lan Yulian showed an interested look on her face, but she quickly frowned, "But that will delay a lot of time, right? Unless we don't go out anymore..."

Hearing this, Wang Tao laughed again.

"That doesn't mean we can't get out. We are just friendly guests. We occasionally go to teach them, mainly to improve our own strength. There are other permanent teachers. And this school is different from the school you know. Too much, this is a school for people to awaken. It is obviously impossible to awaken if you stay in school all the time. Therefore, the awakening school is actually based on practice and supplemented by theory. When the heavy snow stops, the teachers will take the students out to fight …”

"I see...that does sound good!"

Everyone nodded.

Wang Tao talked to them about the Awakening School again. They were all looking forward to and optimistic about this project.

After all, Wang Tao is the first principal. Others may not know how strong Wang Tao is in cultivating awakened people, but they have experienced it personally - there are only a dozen people in their Spark Club, and most of them are awakened people!

If Wang Tao gives full play to his abilities in school... they don't know how many awakened people he can cultivate, but they will definitely not disappoint!

"But speaking of the Awakened, in the future you will be guest teachers. Without the strength of the Awakened, you will definitely not be able to do it. We still have a few people who are not Awakened... I think we should go out and improve our strength?"

Wang Tao looked at everyone.

"go out?"

After hearing Wang Tao's words, many people were ready to make a move.

They have been at the base for half a month. Although this kind of comfortable life is not bad, now is the end of the world. They all have a strong sense of worry. Keeping their strength standing still will make people feel insecure. If they can go out and improve their strength That couldn't be better. But the weather is like this now...

"Can I go out in this kind of snowstorm?"

Lan Yulian asked worriedly.

"It shouldn't be a big problem. Qu Shilin refitted our car. Now it can fully adapt to such extreme weather. We just need to be careful not to fall into a pit. The only problem may be that the visibility is too low, but with Han Rui here, she The perception ability can play a big role at this time..."

Wang Tao explained with a smile.

His perception ability is gone, and now he has mental power detection. The mental power detection is all good, but the range is too small. In some situations where a clear picture is not required and only early warning is required, Han Rui's perception ability is more suitable.

"Okay! I have no objection to that!"

Seeing that Wang Tao had already thought about it, Lan Yulian nodded immediately.

Everyone else nodded and said no problem.

"Okay, then let's go out tomorrow. It will only last a few days at most. We can just come back before the school is listed."

Wang Tao immediately made the decision.

Then he called Gu Yun and told him that he was going out.

"Ah? Are you going out at this time?"

Gu Yun wondered if he had heard wrongly. Going out at this time is not looking for death!

"Yes. My car has been modified. It's not a big problem. I know it."

Wang Tao hasn't seen much either. He just needs to ask Gu Yun to open a door for him tomorrow.

"...Okay, you just need to know what's going on. Pay attention to safety. I'll open the door for you tomorrow." Gu Yun sighed, and then said, "But if you go out, you can also see what's going on outside. If the environment outside is not good, If it’s too bad, and the zombies are completely frozen and unable to move, maybe we have to consider the next plan. After all, this heavy snow shows no signs of stopping, and we don’t know when it will end..."

"No problem! I probably won't go far. I'll stay out for a few days at most and come back before the school signs up."

Wang Tao nodded in agreement.


But Gu Yun opened his mouth. He thought Wang Tao would go out in the morning and come back in the evening. But it turned out that Wang Tao said he might stay for how many days?

What a madman!

But when he thought about Wang Tao's strength, Gu Yun sighed again, feeling a little envious in his heart.

If you have strength, you can do whatever you want!

Gu Yun suddenly had the idea of ​​enrolling in an awakening school. He also wanted to become an awakener!

But Wang Tao said before that there is a high probability that he has no hidden attributes. If he wants to awaken, it is impossible to rely on himself. He has to rely on items that can increase hidden attributes. But this thing depends on luck, and you may not necessarily buy it if you have money. get……

"Look back and pay more attention. Even if you are trying to sell iron, you still have to do it!"

Gu Yun clenched his fists.

He was not so eager to become an awakened person before, but the situation is different now. If he is not strong enough, he will not even be able to become an official! If everyone gets stronger in the future and there are more awakened people in the base, he will not dare to be the mayor even if he continues to be the mayor. He is also afraid that he will end up like Yao Guodong...

On the other side, after Wang Tao and Gu Yun ended the call, they called Cheng Yiyi.

"Are there any meteorites over there? If so, I'll buy some."

Wang Tao said directly.

"Ah? You want to buy meteorites? Now? I have some, just laying them in the camp..."

"Yes! Then I'll go find you now!"

Now that everyone is out, it's time to buy some meteorites and open them. Maybe you can get some good things. Anyway, Wang Tao now has 200 million in hand, so he doesn't need to use so much money.

Wang Tao went out again, and the camp of the Sixth Army was not far from here.

On the way, Wang Tao looked at his space backpack. He still had five meteorites in his hand, one of each quality, but they were all fifth-level.

It may still be a bit risky to open a fifth-level meteorite, but Wang Tao feels that the risk is not too great. Compared with the last time he opened the meteorite, his strength has improved a lot. Plus they have a lot of Awakeners... maybe they can try the fifth-level meteorite.

In addition to meteorites, Wang Tao also had many Night Demon insect eggs in his hands. If you have the chance, you can also use it.

However, these eggs are not only fourth and fifth level, but also several sixth level ones!

Although the Night Demon has great weaknesses, Wang Tao is only at the fourth level now. If he wants to kill the Sixth Level Night Demon... Wang Tao quickly shook his head. It is better to be cautious and not be too reckless.

While thinking, Wang Tao came to the Sixth Legion camp.

Cheng Yiyi was waiting for him in one of the warehouses.

After the two parties met, Cheng Yiyi asked with some confusion:

"Are you going out?"

Wang Tao was so anxious to buy the meteorite that he was obviously planning to open it. She knew that Wang Tao was a person who abided by the rules and would definitely not drive inside the city, so he obviously wanted to go out.

"Well, let's go out tomorrow..."

Wang Tao briefly explained.

Hearing that Wang Tao was really going out, Cheng Yiyi showed a trace of worry on his face. It's not that she doesn't believe in Wang Tao's strength, but the weather is too bad now, and the power of nature is much more terrifying than those monsters...

"Don't worry, since I dare to go out like this, I am naturally fully prepared."

Wang Tao said with a smile.

"Okay! Now that you've decided, I won't say anything. I can only say that you have to be more careful! To be honest, I kind of want to go out with you, but I still have to be on standby..."

As the leader of the Sixth Legion, Cheng Yiyi cannot go out casually, including other legions. They are responsible for the disaster relief work in the base, and they must first ensure the safety of the residents.

"If there's still a chance, I'll go explore the road first. If I'm sure it's not too dangerous, we can come together then."

"Yeah!" Cheng Yiyi nodded, then pointed to the box behind him and said, "By the way, these are meteorites. Which ones do you want?"

There are labels on the boxes indicating the type of meteorite inside.

"Eh? Do you still have a sixth-order meteorite?"

After Wang Tao took a general glance, he discovered that there was a sixth-order meteorite here.

"Well, I was lucky enough to see this when I was outside before. But the sixth level is too high, and I can't sell it at a high price now. If I sell it at a low price, it would be too much of a loss, so I kept it for myself..."

Cheng Yiyi briefly explained.

"Then are you selling this sixth-level meteorite?"

Wang Tao asked immediately.

But seeing Cheng Yiyi's strange eyes, he quickly explained:

"Don't get me wrong, I definitely didn't go out to open the sixth-level meteorite this time. I can't seek death. I just want to store it for later use."

Normally, the person who opens the meteorite must be of the same level as the meteorite. For example, a sixth-level meteorite must be opened by a sixth-level person. It’s not only a question of strength, but also a problem of crystal cores. It can’t be opened without the corresponding crystal cores!

But Wang Tao has the combat power to transcend levels, and he can also kill beyond levels. When he was at level 5, he had a chance to kill level 6 zombie monsters and obtain level 6 crystal cores, so opening a level 6 meteorite should not be a big problem.

As for when he can reach level five... It's not that he's pretending, but it's really not a problem for him.

Relatively speaking, it is easier to advance from the fourth level to the fifth level than from the third level to the fourth level. After all, there is no need to awaken again.

Moreover, Wang Tao has a lot of all-powerful crystal cores in his hands, enough for him to use for himself. What he lacks now is a high-quality fifth-level promotion crystal core. After killing some more fifth-level zombies and saving some promotion cores, he should be able to advance to fifth-level...

Cheng Yiyi breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that Wang Tao was indeed not going to open the sixth-order crystal core.

"That's good... there are three sixth-order crystal nuclei here, all of which are the highest quality orange. According to the market price, the price of the sixth-order orange meteorite is 5 million, but it is obviously impossible to sell it at this price. So I called 40% off, 2 million each, what do you think?"

She previously sold Wang Tao a fifth-level meteorite at a 50% discount. After all, it was too expensive and no one bought it. Level 6 meteorites are now even more discounted.


Of course Wang Tao had no problem. After buying these three sixth-order meteorites, Wang Tao picked some fourth-order and fifth-order meteorites, which were basically of high quality.

In the end, Wang Tao spent 10 million gold coins to buy 3 sixth-order meteorites, 10 fifth-order meteorites, and 30 fourth-order meteorites.

In fact, Wang Tao wanted to buy more fifth-level meteorites, but unfortunately Cheng Yiyi ran out of them. But this is quite a lot, and it is enough for the time being.

After loading the meteorite into the car, Wang Tao went to the bank again and exchanged a large amount of non-attributed crystal nuclei for driving the meteorite. It was already dark when he got home.

"Is everyone ready? We're leaving tomorrow."

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