
Wang Tao slashed the Zerg monster with a knife. 6⃞ 9⃞ s⃞ h⃞ u⃞ x⃞ .⃞ c⃞ o⃞ m⃞




"Hiss, is the defense so high?"

Wang Tao was a little surprised when he saw this damage figure.

He barely managed to do over 10,000 damage with one strike, and the defense of this Zerg was no less than that of some fifth-level lords!

However, Wang Tao is not panicking. After all, he has encountered too many zombie monsters that are good at defense and has already gained experience.

Before the Zerg monster counterattacked, Wang Tao slashed again, with the same damage barely exceeding 10,000.

Most monsters will freeze for a while when they come out of the meteorite.

Although Wang Tao took this opportunity to chop a few times, the Zerg monster immediately began to turn around and attack Wang Tao after it woke up.

And its attack method is very simple-butt it with your head!

After Wang Tao dodged several times in a row, he was suddenly speechless. He looked at the attributes of this Zerg monster, and it was obvious that it was a spiritual awakening. Wang Tao had been guarding against its spiritual attacks and didn't even let others come over. After all, it was difficult to guard against spiritual attacks.

As a result, this Zerg monster didn't use any spiritual abilities at all, but only used its own body to attack.

Although its defense is high, its speed is not fast, and Wang Tao's speed is very fast. Faced with this kind of "stupid" enemy, Wang Tao is the best and favorite.

Not long after, this Zerg monster still had half of its health left.

Then, I saw it suddenly looked up to the sky and roared, and a light red halo of light emitted from the top of its head and quickly spread to the surroundings!

The speed of this aperture is much faster than the speed of the shock wave. No one can avoid it at all, but Wang Tao has no intention of hiding because he does not feel any attack power from this aperture. This aperture should be harmless!

Sure enough, the aperture passed directly through Wang Tao's body without causing him any harm or discomfort. Like everyone else, there is no problem with the aperture.

Wang Tao did not retreat but advanced, taking the opportunity to chop again.




The power of this knife is 20% lower than before.

Looking at the Zerg monster with some red color on its body, Wang Tao immediately said:

"This should be its awakening..."

The awakening of this Zerg zombie is [Spiritual Encouragement], which can make the companions around him excited and increase their combat effectiveness. The so-called combat power should be attack, defense, speed and so on.

Seeing the faint red light appearing on this Zerg monster, it was obvious that it was enjoying the effect of its own spiritual stimulation.

It's a pity that there are no other Zerg races, so this awakening is obviously a waste.

He was thinking in his heart, but Wang Tao continued to fight.

After a while, the Zerg monster had only a trace of blood left.

Wang Tao also confirmed his guess - this [Spiritual Encouragement] is what he thought, it improves its various attributes. Whether it's speed, defense, or strength, Wang Tao feels that it has improved a lot compared to before, probably by 20%.

This improvement is quite big, but unfortunately of no use. This Zerg was finally stabbed into the head by Wang Tao, ending its short life.

Until his death, Wang Tao didn't see it use any spiritual attack ability.

Wang Tao was a little speechless. He originally thought that the Zerg were hiding on purpose, waiting to catch them by surprise, but it turned out that they really couldn't!

When the Zerg dies, it drops a lot of stuff.

Qu Shilin was the first to run over. After all, this was a fresh Zerg corpse, which was rarely encountered.

"Is this monster strong?"

Qu Shilin asked curiously. She watched Wang Tao fight for a long time, but Wang Tao fought very easily, as if he was walking a dog, so she was confused and didn't know what the strength of this Zerg was.

"Its defense is just a little higher, and its overall strength is not strong. Among all the Zerg I have seen, it should be considered the weakest at present. However, its awakening is the ability to increase the combat effectiveness of nearby companions... so I have a reason Presumably, this should be an auxiliary Zerg..."

"Auxiliary Zerg that increases the combat effectiveness of all nearby partners? Will there be any offensive type? Defensive type...are these Zerg just like the army?"

Han Rui spoke subconsciously.

Hearing her words, Wang Tao shuddered subconsciously.

If these things were densely packed like an army, it would feel scarier than zombies!

Wang Tao subconsciously glanced at the dim sky. There were still so many zombies outside. If there were a large number of Zerg again, it would be impossible to survive!

Fortunately, except for the crystal energy star meteorites, there are no traces of the Zerg anywhere else. As long as you make preparations before driving the meteorite, there shouldn't be much of a problem for the time being...

"what is this?"

Suddenly, Qu Shilin pointed to a transparent bead-like thing next to the Zerg corpse and spoke.

This thing just rolled out of the mouth of the Zerg. It is somewhat similar to the awakened energy beads, but the awakened energy beads are white, and this one is transparent.


Wang Tao was a little surprised when he saw this thing, and then glanced at Qu Shilin subconsciously.

"What's wrong?"

Qu Shilin was a little confused.

"Your luck...this is so good!"

Wang Tao was a little surprised.

The thing that exploded was none other than an item that could gain hidden attributes!

[Get: Iron Wall Armor*1]

[Magical consciousness: After being released, it will grow into a brain beast. After swallowing, you will gain a hidden attribute]

This thing is a...consciousness?

But this is not the point. The point is that swallowing this thing can obtain a hidden attribute!

Wang Tao feels that the hidden attributes obtained by swallowing this [magical consciousness] should be related to the spirit!

He also said before that Qu Shilin was more suitable for the awakening of the spiritual system. If he encountered such a thing in the future, he would keep it for Qu Shilin... But only half a day later, he actually encountered it!

Wang Tao thought about it again, Qu Shilin also personally selected and opened this meteorite... So isn't she just lucky?

"This is 'magical consciousness', and it is also a good thing that can increase hidden attributes..."

Wang Tao gave a brief introduction.

"Ah? This, this is something that can obtain the hidden attributes of the spiritual system?"

Qu Shilin opened her mouth in disbelief.

This is so unreal!

She had been wondering when she would see something similar, but she saw it today? And Wang Tao also said that this thing is 100% successful! It’s not comparable to those probabilistic items!

"Do you want it? If you want it, this is for you."

Wang Tao looked at Qu Shilin and said with a smile.

"I'll buy it!" Qu Shilin said subconsciously, but she quickly continued, "But don't you really use it? If I use such a good thing, wouldn't it be a bit too wasteful..."

When things came to an end, Qu Shilin was a little entangled.

Because she felt that if this thing was given to combatants, it would be more cost-effective...

"Don't waste it. We won't need it for the time being anyway. If you don't want it, I'll sell it to someone else."

Wang Tao shrugged.

"No! I want it!"

After hearing Wang Tao's words, Qu Shilin no longer struggled. She believes she can play a valuable role!

"Okay, you can swallow it at night. It may take some time, probably a few hours."

Wang Tao handed the things to Qu Shilin, and then suddenly said:

"And let me make it clear to you first. Although this item will gain hidden attributes of the spiritual system, I cannot guarantee that spiritual power will appear in subsequent awakenings..."

"Ah? Then what are your chances..."

Qu Shilin suddenly became anxious again.

"A conservative estimate... about eighty percent."

Wang Tao believes that there is a high probability that people will have spiritual power after awakening. For example, Jiang Shixue, like Wang Tao, has awakened spiritual abilities, so she also has spiritual power. Although her mental power is different from Wang Tao's, and she does not have the possibility to develop it at will, nor does she have a God's perspective, but with the help of her mental power, she can also observe the things around her in detail!

Wang Tao is currently teaching Jiang Shixue how to use spiritual communication. Wang Tao thinks Jiang Shixue should learn this trick...

But after all, the samples are too small, so Wang Tao cannot guarantee 100%. Avoid the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment.


When Qu Shilin heard Wang Tao's words, she immediately rolled her eyes at him.

Let alone 80%, as long as it can exceed 50%, Qu Shilin thinks it will be fine.

So, Qu Shilin happily took over this [Magical Consciousness], then she raised her head and said:

"By the way, you haven't said the price yet!"

"Just watch and give it."

Wang Tao doesn't care. Both of them are friends, so he naturally doesn't care about the price.

However, Qu Shilin still thought about it very seriously, and then said:

"Let's do this. When I look back, I'll see what the current prices are for similar items in the base, and I'll buy them at the market price!"


Wang Tao shrugged.

Qu Shilin is a rich young woman who is not short of money.

"But then again, what is this so-called 'brain beast'?"

Qu Shilin looked at this crystal clear magical consciousness and suddenly asked.

When Wang Tao just introduced it, he clearly introduced the properties of this thing. Qu Shilin also knew that swallowing it was one kind of effect, and releasing it was another kind of effect. As a scientific researcher, she is naturally very curious about this kind of thing.

Wang Tao frowned when he heard Qu Shilin ask this question.

"I'm not too sure either……"

Not only this [Magical Consciousness], but also the [Magical Shadow] he just got, and the [Magical Flame] he had fused before, all of them have a release option, and it says what kind of beast will appear!

After all, these things are still in short supply now. If Wang Tao gets similar things again in the future, he might be able to give it a try. As for how to release the animals, they should be thrown into the wild...

Qu Shilin didn't know Wang Tao when she saw it, so she didn't ask any more questions. She carefully put the things away, and then went to see other trophies with Wang Tao.

In addition to [Magical Consciousness], the Zerg monster itself also exploded with two items.

One is the red [Level 5 Crystal Core·Psychic Defense] crystal core, and the other is the shell on its body.

[Obtain: Level 4·Iron Wall Carapace*1]

[Iron wall carapace: production material, has certain fireproof properties]

The defense of this Zerg is so strong, it should be related to the carapace on its body. Wang Tao was suddenly looking forward to it. Could it be that he would create another piece of equipment with high defensive power later?

Wang Tao handed these things to others to study, and he quickly took a look at the four loot gift bags that only he could see.

The first gift pack contains crystal cores, 5 in total, namely red [Level 4 Crystal Core·Almighty], orange [Level 4 Crystal Core·Promotion], blue [Level 4 Crystal Core·Awakening], purple [Level 4 Crystal Core·Defense] and red [Level 4 Crystal Core·Physique Enhancement].

Wang Tao was confused when he saw these crystal nuclei.

This Zerg clearly awakened spiritual abilities, but it did not take advantage of its own advantages to increase its spiritual abilities. Instead, it had defense-related abilities, like an iron lump that can release buffs... Could it be that this The mission of the Zerg race is specifically to release [Spiritual Inspiration]?

Wang Tao wasn't very clear, but he thought about it carefully... If there is a monster like this that can increase the enemy's status on the battlefield, the battle can only be won by killing it, so some people want to rush over and perform a beheading operation, but this is the result. The Zerg are too tough and cannot be killed! As a result, the final battle failed...

It seems reasonable to think so?

However, this is just Wang Tao's speculation. The details can only be discovered later.

The second and third loot packages contain keys and energy beads.

[Obtain: Awakening Key*1]

[Obtain: Awakening Energy Bead*1]

The last loot package naturally contained production drawings, and this time there was also only one drawing.

[Obtain: Iron Wall Armor Production Drawing*1]

[Iron wall armor production drawings: A set of full-body armor can be made. Materials required: Iron wall carapace*1, fourth-order crystal core*1, iron block*30, nails*30, rubber*30, screws*30, steel wire *30】

[Iron wall armor: unknown attributes]

Wang Tao had all these materials. He asked Lightning to swallow the corpse of the Zerg monster. When Qu Shilin wasn't paying attention, Wang Tao quickly made this set of equipment.

【Iron Wall Armor】

【Level 4·Epic】

[Durability +100, Defense +80, Mental Defense +50, Poison Defense +50]

Wang Tao was a little surprised when he saw the properties of this armor.

Not only does it increase the defense by 80, but the mental defense and poison defense also increase by 50 each!

Among fourth-level equipment, a defense power of 80 is considered top-notch. Wang Tao has only seen two pieces of equipment with a spiritual defense power of 50. Coupled with the poison attribute defense that Wang Tao has never seen before... every attribute of this is not weak, and the three attributes combined are stronger!

Especially this poison attribute defense. Most of the Zerg are poisonous. Wouldn't it be a great advantage when wearing this equipment to fight the Zerg?

Wang Tao happily put away this set of armor. He had no need of it now. He could challenge the fourth-level Zerg lord in a single fight without any difficulty. But if you open the fifth-level meteorite in the future, it will obviously be safer to have this set of equipment!

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