"What? The giant eagle is flying towards us?"

After hearing the news, everyone ignored the sudden cracks and looked out the window subconsciously.

However, it was still dark at this time and it was pitch black outside. Without the help of night vision cameras, they could not see anything.

"The giant eagle hasn't chased me yet..."

Wang Tao looked outside and gave everyone a reassurance.

Everyone was relieved after hearing this.

But just listen to Wang Tao continue:

"But it probably won't take long to catch up. After all, we are flying in the sky... So, we have to speed up!"

The place where Wang Tao and the others are now is relatively flat, equivalent to an endless ice field, and there is no place to hide.

As for changing a route or something, naturally it's not feasible. After all, the giant eagle flies in the sky and has a very high viewing angle. If there are no buildings to block it, it cannot escape the eagle's eye.

So the best choice now is to speed up and don't let the giant eagle catch up!

If it is an ordinary vehicle, it is naturally impossible to fly faster than the giant eagle, but this vehicle is a crystal energy vehicle that uses crystal cores as energy, and it also has a violent mode. Maybe it can really speed up with the giant eagle.

Of course, the most important point is that Wang Tao grabbed the camera through the giant eagle. It should not have noticed his group, otherwise why would he have grabbed the camera? It came directly to arrest them.

So the current giant eagle doesn't know that there is some "food" waiting for it ahead.

Under normal circumstances, the fastest speed is the speed when hunting, right? It is estimated that its current speed is far from the limit. As long as the crystal energy car runs faster in front and is not discovered by the giant eagle, it may really be able to avoid encountering the giant eagle!


Wang Tao put two orange crystal cores into the crystal energy engine. The crystal energy engine instantly let out a low roar, and then felt the car's speed begin to gradually increase.

This crystal energy car originally had some problems, such as accelerating too hard and being unable to turn, but Qu Shilin and the others had re-modified it before.

The current acceleration is not as stupidly fast as before, but has become very linear, allowing people to get used to it. Even with the in-car Fury system, you can still freely adjust speed and turns.

"The acceleration of this car is much more comfortable than before!"

After the car modification was completed last time, no one tried it much.

Now I feel the difference in the car, and it feels really good to speed up and gallop on this ice field.

It would be better if there was no threat from the giant eagle behind...

Wang Tao didn't let He Jijun drive the car to top speed for the time being, because the faster the speed, the bigger the blue flames emitted by the engine.

Although there are some flame shielding devices on the car, they cannot be shielded at high speeds, so unless the giant eagle discovers them, there is no need to drive fast, just make sure not to let the giant eagle catch up.

However, when they had not been galloping for a while, Wang Tao suddenly slowed down.

"Slow down! Stop!"

Others were a little confused, so He Jijun immediately braked lightly and turned off part of the energy supply.

When the car slowly stopped, everyone finally knew why Wang Tao stopped the car - a black crack appeared on the ground in front of them!

Although this crack is not as big as the one I saw before, and there are no dumpling-like zombies around, this crack still feels very oppressive. After all, this crack is very wide, with a visual estimate of dozens of meters. If Wang Tao hadn't stopped the vehicle in time, they might have fallen into it!

"Go along the edge of the crack, you can go around it from the left!"

Wang Tao put down the telescope and said.

He Jijun immediately stepped on the accelerator, and the car sped towards the place Wang Tao said.

This crack is much smaller than the previous crack, and Wang Tao can see where its two ends are with a telescope. The crack is so wide that you can only go around it from both ends.

"What on earth is in here..."

Looking at the dark cracks, everyone subconsciously looked at Wang Tao and Jiang Shixue. After all, they could see at night.

"There is something weird here. What you see is black, not because of how deep it is, but because there seems to be a lot of black mist here similar to the black mist zombie we encountered before..."

"Huh? In other words, this crack is actually not deep?"

It's normal to be afraid of the unknown, but it's also normal to be curious. Everyone is curious about why the cracks appear and what is underneath the cracks. If it's not deep, couldn't they go down and have a look?

"That's not to say... I can't tell how deep the crack is, because the black mist is so thick that my sight is almost completely blocked. The only things I can see are some cliffs. …So if I fall by accident, I don’t know if there are any other dangers, but it is very likely that I will fall to death…”

Wang Tao touched his chin and explained.

"Can't you even see through it?"

Everyone was suddenly surprised. Last time, Wang Tao was almost unaffected by the black fog created by the black fog zombies, just like in broad daylight. But now even Wang Tao can't see through the black mist in this crack...

"Well, I can't see through it. But what is certain is that there should be something down there. This kind of cracks and black mist in the cracks cannot appear for no reason... If we have time, we might be able to throw some cameras down there , take a look at what’s down there…”

Wang Tao was also curious about this crack, but it was a pity that the timing was not right. Otherwise, he would definitely have to study it carefully.

Although this crack is not as big as the previous one, it is actually not small, and the detour took a lot of time.

During the detour, Wang Tao and his party saw a strange sight——

At the edge of the chasm, only half of a small, ruined village remains. Where the other half is, the result is self-evident.

"Sure, this crack appeared suddenly. Half of the village on the crack was gone!"

Everyone was immediately relieved. Fortunately, the crack did not appear under their feet while they were sleeping, otherwise the entire army might have been wiped out by now.

But soon, they were no longer happy because Wang Tao saw a small black dot appearing on the horizon.


Wang Tao cursed secretly, and then decisively asked He Jijun to speed up.

"Old He! Speed ​​up, the giant eagle is coming! Go at full speed!"

When he saw the giant eagle, the giant eagle had definitely discovered them. He couldn't take any chances. After all, there was no obstruction here. The giant eagle couldn't see them very clearly from the perspective of the giant eagle!


He Jijun, who had just bypassed the crack, immediately stepped on the accelerator, and the speed of the car almost reached the upper limit in a very short period of time. The light blue fire at the rear of the car was extremely dazzling at night.

Fortunately, everyone in the car had fastened their seat belts, otherwise they would have been thrown away if they accelerated around such a turn.

When Wang Tao saw the giant eagle speeding up instantly, he knew that the giant eagle had indeed seen them!

"Bad luck... I hope I don't encounter any more cracks later!"

Wang Tao's face looked a little ugly.

If this crack hadn't suddenly appeared, the giant eagle wouldn't have discovered them. We can only hope that the crystal energy car will be powerful and no more cracks will appear.

The crystal energy car was very fast after the violent rage, but the speed of the giant eagle was not slow, and Wang Tao was not guaranteed to be able to outrun the giant eagle.

But what surprised Wang Tao was that the giant eagle accelerated for a while and then suddenly slowed down again.

"Huh? This giant eagle... seems to be afraid of that crack?"

Wang Tao found that the giant eagle suddenly slowed down when passing by the crack - no, not only slowed down, it was actually preparing to go around the crack!

The giant eagle was flying in the air, and the crack was on the ground. It could fly directly through the crack, but it chose to take a detour... Wang Tao felt that this was obviously a fear of the crack.

"Did the giant eagle sense something from the crack? Or is there something strange above the crack?"

Wang Tao felt it carefully. He actually didn't feel any dangerous atmosphere from the cracks, but only mysterious and unknown ones. Not to mention the sky above the crack, he felt actually very safe.

For a person of his strength, the sixth sense is still very accurate, especially the intuition of danger, which can avoid many crises.

However, he didn't have time to study it, and he didn't know exactly what was going on. Anyway, it was a good thing that the giant eagle took a detour, which bought them a lot of time.


The crystal energy car was speeding along, and when the giant eagle detoured, it finally got away a little, but not completely. Wang Tao could still see the small black spot in the sky.

After Wang Tao told everyone what he observed, they were also puzzled.

"Is there any monster stronger than the giant eagle in this crack?"

"Or maybe the sky above this crack is a no-fly zone, and something bad will happen if it appears above the crack?"

"I don't feel any danger at all..."


Amid everyone's discussion, Wang Tao took a closer look at the giant eagle.

[HP: 300000/300000]

[Blue amount: 200000/200000]

[Level: Level 5·Lord]

[Awakening: Giant]

"Huh? Why does it feel like it hasn't improved at all..."

If I remember correctly, the last time Wang Tao saw the giant eagle, it also had this attribute. Now let alone being promoted to the sixth level, even the blood volume and mana volume have not been increased.

I don’t know if it encountered some accident or if its improvement conditions are relatively difficult. Anyway, this made Wang Tao feel relieved a little.

He had experienced the speed of the Giant Eagle before. If the Giant Eagle's strength had not improved, relying on the crystal energy vehicle that was burning a large number of crystal cores, not to mention outperforming the Giant Eagle, at least it could not catch up with it in a short time.

Wang Tao knew that after being discovered by the giant eagle, he didn't expect to be able to outrun the giant eagle. He wanted to leave the plain quickly and see if he could find some convenient hiding place, and then hide in it!

After encountering a giant eagle, the best way to escape is not to run - you can't run - but to hide.

"It's a pity that it can fly. Otherwise, I really want to try its strength..."

Wang Tao was a little helpless.

As long as the flying monster flies higher, Wang Tao will be out of reach. In a head-on battle, he would be at a huge disadvantage.

Although he still has crystal energy guns in his hand, there are only two of them after all, and the damage is not too high. Unless they can kill the opponent instantly, they are useless. And this giant eagle is a [giant] awakened, and it wants to kill the "fifth-level giant" instantly, which is obviously a dream...

"There's a crack again!"

At this time, Jiang Shixue, who had been observing the road ahead, suddenly spoke.

Wang Tao immediately turned around and saw a dark crack appearing in the snow in front of him.

This crack is much narrower than the previous two cracks, but it is extremely long and narrow.

The consequence of the narrowness is that you have to walk a lot more to get around this crack!

At this time, there was already light in the sky, and the contrast between the white of the snow and the black of the crack was very strong, so everyone quickly saw the crack with their own eyes.

"What should I do..."

Seeing the crack in front of them, they were somewhat confused.

If you want to bypass this long and narrow crack... don't think about it, you will definitely be overtaken by the giant eagle behind!

"Are you going to fight the giant eagle?"

Although everyone was nervous, they were not too afraid.

It's not like they haven't killed fifth-level lord zombies before. This giant eagle is also a fifth-level lord, and there is also a chance of being killed by them.

Although the danger is very high and there may even be heavy casualties, they still won't give up at the critical moment!

However, Wang Tao did not intend to fight to the end with the giant eagle, that would be the worst outcome. It’s not to this extent yet…

"Lao He, do you think our car can fly over this crack?"

Wang Tao suddenly looked at He Jijun.

After He Jijun quickly observed for a week, he looked towards a snow tunnel with a certain slope:

"There is an uphill slope there, and the crack there happens to be narrow. Accelerate from there, and with the performance of the crystal energy car, you can leap over the crack. But..."

He could leap, but he didn't know what was going on above the crack. After all, the giant eagles were so afraid...

"As long as you can leap, just wait for me!"

Wang Tao suddenly got out of the car with a bundle of rope, then took out Xiaobing from his pocket, tied it up, and then looked at Xiaobing seriously.

"Xiao Bing, help us explore the road. If there is danger, I will pull you!"

Although this is a bit unethical, it is the most appropriate method.

Of course, Wang Tao didn't mean that he didn't take Xiao Bing's life seriously. Another reason was that he could clearly feel that Xiao Bing didn't have much fear about the crack.

It is said that animals are very sensitive to danger, so Xiaobing probably didn't feel too much danger.

And not only Xiaobing, but Wang Tao also has no fear of the crack itself. His fear of this crack is that the way the crack appears is very strange...

The inside of the crack is temporarily invisible, and Wang Tao doesn't know what's going on, but the sky above the crack should be safe.


Xiaobing didn't refuse, instead he was a little excited. After Wang Tao tied it firmly, he gathered some strength and then suddenly threw it forward.


Xiaobing took off with the rope like a cannonball and landed in the snow on the opposite side of the crack at an extremely fast speed. Xiaobing rolled over and immediately bit off the rope and shouted at Wang Tao.


Wang Tao grinned.

At this time, the giant eagle had already flown in. Wang Tao immediately got into the car, watched He Jijun reverse the car, and then suddenly rushed towards the dirt slope, with a dazzling blue light emitting from the back of the car.



The crystal energy car drew a beautiful arc and landed heavily next to Xiaobing.


The giant eagle arrived belatedly.

It watched the vehicle fly over the crack, but there was no danger. It seemed to want to fly over, but it seemed to think of something it was afraid of and stopped abruptly.

Then it landed at the place where the vehicle had stayed, staring at the crystal energy vehicle that was gradually getting further away.

In the car, Wang Tao was very strange.

He thought the giant eagle would fly over, after all, the giant eagle didn't look stupid. But the giant eagle didn't... So what was it afraid of?

In other words...can we use the things it is afraid of to kill it?

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