The next day, early morning.

After Wang Tao woke up, he saw the message from Gu Yun.

"Has the committee decided to send troops to explore the cracks..."

Wang Tao was not surprised by this news. The cracks will definitely go away, it's just the difference between one day earlier and one day later.

However, the committee was able to make a decision so quickly, presumably because it solved the problem of keeping warm from the cold.

This question is not easy, but it is not difficult either. Because as long as you are willing to spend money, anything is possible.

The committee must have decided to give it a try. This is most likely related to Wang Tao. After all, the news Wang Tao brought from the outside was not very good. If they are still unable to retreat from the base, even if they survive the whole winter, they will not be able to go out again because the zombies outside are promoted too quickly...

Gu Yun said that the departure time was only three days later, and he asked Xinghuo Club if they would go out this time.

Normally, capable people would definitely go, and he also hoped that Xinghuo would go, after all, he had a big nanny! But Wang Tao and the others had just returned from outside and might need to rest, so Gu Yun was not sure.

"Of course I'll go."

Wang Tao replied via voice.

In three days, Ding Yuqin and the others had already completed their awakening.

Hearing the noise, Lan Yulian and Lu Yingfeng opened their eyes.

Lan Yulian was still a little confused.

"What's wrong, Wang Tao..."

She is usually vigilant, but when she is around Wang Tao, she subconsciously relies on Wang Tao and relaxes her vigilance. Relatively speaking, Lu Yingfeng is much more sober. After all, she is a bodyguard and must not lose her vigilance.

Wang Tao shared the news he had just received with the two girls. They were also very curious about this so-called crypt and naturally wanted to go down and have a look.

After getting up and washing up, Wang Tao planned not to go anywhere today, but to stay at home for a day, have a good rest, and wait for Ding Yuqin to wake up.

But while eating breakfast, Gu Yun called.

Wang Tao thought it was a crack, but it wasn't. Instead, the Awakening School was almost ready. Wang Tao could come over and take a look. After making sure there were no problems, he could officially open the door.

"It's pretty fast..."

Before Wang Tao left the city, the city hall said that the school should be almost ready by the time Wang Tao comes back. I didn't expect it to be so efficient...

"The houses and everything are ready-made. We have hired a group of people temporarily. If you don't feel comfortable, just change. Naturally, the school does not have students yet. You said you will do it yourself, and we will not participate. Anyway, the whole school You are the biggest, you have the final say, everything depends on you!"

Wang Tao, the principal, has great authority. Except for the school's finances, Wang Tao has the final say on everything else.

In fact, Wang Tao doesn't care about the level of authority. He just wants to dig out people with potential and train them. But this is fine, it is very convenient for him.

At this time, Gu Yun continued:

"Ahem, Wang Tao, when the school is officially established, there may be a group of people who sign up first. You can take a look at that time. If there is potential, stay. If there is no potential, don't worry about it..."

Hearing this, Wang Tao raised his eyebrows.

They are all adults. The meaning of this is obvious. It is estimated that these people who signed up first are all related households.

However, Gu Yun did not tell Wang Tao to definitely keep them, but to keep them selectively, and those without potential could be eliminated... Wang Tao still took the lead in everything.

That is to say, these related households just took advantage of an early test, and did not take advantage of much.


Wang Tao nodded in agreement.

In fact, this is very reasonable. The base provides money, personnel, and venues. It is normal to use a back door. As for the fact that they didn't force Wang Tao to keep people, the reason was very simple - this school was to train awakened people, and they would definitely go out to kill zombies. If you really don't have the strength, then you are seeking death if you go out. So there is no need to keep people behind. If you can’t become an awakened person, it’s better to live a peaceful life as an ordinary person...

After the two chatted for a while, Wang Tao finally said:

"I'm going to go take a look now. By the way, where is the address?"

"Okay, the address is..."

The location of this awakening school is also in the central area, but it is a little far away from the city hall.

Wang Tao called Lan Yulian and Xiang Hongbin and drove to Awakening School together.

The snow outside is still falling, but human beings are still very adaptable. There is basically no news of disasters in the base. There are people wearing thick clothes and mechanical exoskeletons taking turns removing snow on the road.

Although the temperature was too low and it was still snowing, no ordinary people went out. But this is already very good compared to the situation when the heavy snow first appeared. It is considered to be on the right track and is slowly developing in a good direction.

After a while, Wang Tao and his party arrived at Awakening School.

From a distance, I saw a few big characters hanging on the two steel doors - Changhe Base Awakening School.

"This place seems quite big! And it looks like a military camp..."

Xiang Hongbin looked towards the school gate.

"After all, this school is different from other schools. It requires combat training. There is probably a large training ground inside..."

While Wang Tao was talking, the car had already arrived outside the gate.


The door opened automatically.

Standing inside to greet Wang Tao was his old acquaintance Cheng Yiyi.

"Captain Cheng? Did you renovate this place?"

Wang Tao was a little surprised.

"Well, to be precise, this was originally one of the military camps of our Sixth Army, but there were too few of us, so we basically couldn't use it, so we used it to renovate the school."

Cheng Yiyi said with a smile.

The man next to him, Xiang Hongbin, shrugged and said that there was a bit of a military camp atmosphere here, as it was originally a military camp.

"Come with me, I'll show you around."

Cheng Yiyi led everyone into the school.

The school is obviously not luxurious, but it is well-equipped, especially the many training venues, which ensure that students can exercise freely.

"Our school can easily accommodate thousands of people. If the number of people is larger, we can continue to expand..."

Hearing Cheng Yiyi's words, Wang Tao smiled and nodded.

"That's certainly enough for the time being."

For a school, a thousand people is certainly not many. But this is an awakening school that recruits people with awakening potential. Wang Tao would be satisfied with just a few hundred people, let alone thousands.

After visiting the school, Cheng Yiyi called all the staff here and asked them to get to know Wang Tao, the principal of the school.

"Hello principal!"

A group of people spoke loudly and uniformly.

Their eyes were a little worried. After all, they were only temporary workers now. If they were not recognized by Wang Tao, they would be replaced at any time. This Awakening School is a project that the committee attaches great importance to. Their benefits are far superior to those of similar jobs, and they do not want to lose this job.


Wang Tao nodded. He didn't say anything long. He just encouraged them briefly, and then let them disperse after recognizing their faces.

Wang Tao has no interest in management. Once the school opens, he will only be responsible for recruiting people. In terms of management, it can be done by Wei Zhenguo or Yang Changhong. They are professionals. However, they probably won’t be in charge all the time. Like Wang Tao, they may be the hands-off shopkeepers and then find someone else. After all, one's own strength is the basis for a foothold...

"Now it's up to you, the principal, and the teachers to take office. Do you have a candidate for the teacher?"

Cheng Yiyi looked at Wang Tao and said.

"As for teachers, our Spark Club can provide some people, and we can also invite fourth-level awakened people from other forces to come over and be teachers. I believe they will be willing."

Wang Tao said with a smile.

This school trains awakened people. Who doesn’t like awakened people?

Although this is a school invested by the city hall, the city hall has also made it clear that it will not limit where students can go after graduation, as long as they are willing to give back to the base, they can do it no matter where they are. As long as people from other forces have the ability, they can recruit these awakened people.

So they are definitely willing to be teachers, even if they don't get paid, they will come.

It just so happens that Wang Tao also needs some teachers to teach students various combat skills and survival experience, so the two parties can hit it off.

As for Wang Tao's Spark Club, it is an elite organization and cannot recruit too many people...

"That's nice."

Cheng Yiyi obviously knows the twists and turns here. It is actually good for Wang Tao to do this. Everyone is playing fair. And it may also involve other forces!

If the Awakening School is successful, most of the Awakened people will definitely give priority to joining the City Hall. If other forces want to poach people from the City Hall, they must either pay a high price or develop a good relationship with those students and play the emotional card.

It is obviously not appropriate to pay a high price. Cultivating feelings is a cost-effective choice.

The simplest and most direct way to cultivate relationships is to come to school as a teacher, teach them well, and teach them the real things in your hands.

No one is a fool, especially the students of Awakening School, who are basically adults and have basic judgment abilities. If a teacher treats students poorly and expects them to work for the teacher's power, that is obviously impossible...

And this kind of "involution" is definitely a good thing for the entire Changhe Base. After all, everyone's goal is to make the overall strength of the base stronger and survive well.

Wang Tao contacted Gu Yun directly and explained the matter.

"Haha, okay! In fact, that's what we mean here, but after all, we agreed to let you have full management, so we didn't say much... Since you think so too, I started to contact them. To be honest with you, , many people have contacted me privately and want a teacher position!"

"Then I'll trouble you."

"Hey! It's just my job!"

After hanging up the phone, it was already noon. Cheng Yiyi and Wang Tao had lunch together at school.

Cheng Yiyi asked Wang Tao by the way if he wanted to go to the crack. After getting the affirmative answer, Cheng Yiyi did not mince words and expressed her hope to act together with Wang Tao.

"Okay, let's get together then."

Wang Tao didn’t refuse either.

After all, he is also the adviser of the Sixth Army, so he should help his own people.


Cheng Yiyi was immediately overjoyed.

Whether it's Wang Tao's hard power or Lan Yulian, the big nanny, they are both something you can meet but cannot ask for. If Wang Tao is with them, they will take advantage.

"I'm a member of my own family, why are you so polite?"

Wang Tao smiled and shook his head.

"By the way, what are you preparing for the school to start recruiting people? Our Sixth Army has nothing to do here for the time being, so we can all come to help you!"

"Just this afternoon. News about the registration will be released in the afternoon. Although the teachers are not here yet, the screening will take some time after all. After the screening is completed, the teachers will definitely be ready..."

Wang Tao thought for a while and said.


Cheng Yiyi nodded.

In the afternoon, the news that Awakening School could officially register quickly spread throughout the base.

The Awakening School project has actually been spread for a long time, but at that time there was no registration channel, and there was no registration threshold, so everyone was waiting silently. Many people even think that this project is difficult to implement. After all, in their understanding, how can awakened people be cultivated? If it could really be cultivated, the base would already be full of awakened ones...

But anyway, this is a hope, so they are waiting.

And now, news has come from Awakening School again, this time registration can actually start!

Everyone who saw the news was very excited.

It is said that it is difficult to improve one's class, even in the last days. But now, the opportunity has come!

But after all, there are more than 500,000 people in the base, and it is impossible for everyone to sign up. Wang Tao can't stand it, and there is no way to organize such a large event in a short period of time. And more importantly, this is cultivating awakened ones, which requires a huge amount of resources. If there are so many awakened seedlings, although that is a good thing, the base cannot afford to cultivate them...

So there must be a threshold for registration.

There are three basic thresholds for this first batch. First, they must be over 14 years old. Second, they must have no criminal record since coming to the base. Third, they must have second-level strength or above.

The first two conditions are easy to say and most people can meet them. But the third condition will stop many people.

However, the school also said that this condition is temporary and will continue to decrease until there is no threshold. After all, this is just an application. Whether you can be admitted or not depends on the school.

Furthermore, if this batch of people is not recruited enough, the threshold will also be lowered, so that everyone should not be anxious and just wait.

As for how to register, you need to apply to the relevant departments in your local area. When the number of people reaches a certain number, a special car will come to pick them up. After all, it's still snowing heavily outside, and those who don't have enough strength may freeze to death if they go out.

If you pass the registration, you will stay in the school directly. If you don't pass, you will be sent back by a special car, and your meals will be taken care of while you are at the school... This is very considerate.

Wang Tao stayed until night before going home. After all, as a principal, he had to learn more about all aspects of his school.

As soon as he returned home, he saw that Xiao Hei had successfully awakened.

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