Wang Tao and Wei Zhenguo chatted for a while and then said:

"I'll give you some awakening crystal nuclei. Once you get familiar with them, I'll go check on Han Rui."

He sensed that Han Rui had also woken up.


When Wang Tao came to Han Rui's room, he felt a strong wind in Han Rui's room, and various items were blown around.


The strong wind enveloped Wang Tao who opened the door in the blink of an eye.

Wang Tao suddenly felt countless knife tips gently scratching his skin, and at the same time, there were chains full of thorns, binding him tightly and unable to move!

But Wang Tao could not see anything with his naked eyes.

When Han Rui saw Wang Tao come in, she immediately put down her arms waving in the air, and the strange wind that restrained Wang Tao disappeared immediately.

"Wang Tao, are you okay? I'm sorry, I didn't see you coming..."

Han Rui quickly ran over and groped Wang Tao's body to check if he was injured.

"Don't worry, I'm fine."

Wang Tao smiled and waved.

He was definitely able to dodge just now, but in order to feel the effect of Han Rui's awakening, he didn't prepare to dodge.

"It's okay! I just woke up and I'm a little excited. I don't have any sense of power. I didn't know you entered the room..."

Han Rui blamed herself.

Wang Tao smiled and shook his head, then changed the topic and said:

"Are you... awakening to the wind element?"

This was the first time he had seen this ability.

"Well, it should be the wind element! What I control is the wind!" Han Rui nodded quickly, and then jumped up with excitement, "I finally woke up!"


Wang Tao held her little hand tightly, and then looked at her attributes.

[HP: 20000/20000]

[Blue amount: 50000/50000]

[Level: Level 4]

[Impurities in the body: 2%]

[Awakening: Wind Chain]

[Wind Chain: Use wind to condense into chains to bind the target and cause damage]

Han Rui's awakening is not only a wind element that Wang Tao has never seen before, but also an awakening with the ability to control!

According to Wang Tao's experience of surviving for so long in the last days, both control-type awakenings and abilities are very rare, and the number is about the same as treatment.

Not counting Han Rui's current awakening, Wang Tao has only seen two awakenings with controllable abilities.

The first one is [Black Quicksand] from Zhou Long, the deputy leader of the Zhongyi Gang.

The control ability of this awakening is good and the range is large. When we acted together before, the enemy couldn't get out of the quicksand and was directly used as a target.

But the disadvantage of [Black Quicksand] is that Zhou Long himself cannot move. He cannot kill the enemy and has to rely on his teammates. Moreover, [Black Quicksand] can only control enemies moving on the ground. If the enemy jumps over the quicksand area or even flies, it will have no effect... Therefore, although [Black Quicksand] is powerful, it has great limitations.

The second control awakening Wang Tao has seen is Jiang Shixue's [Puppet].

[Puppet] is very powerful. It is an ability that can directly control the target's thinking. And the other party can't find it yet, has no idea that he has been controlled, and has no memory of being controlled. Theoretically, as long as Jiang Shixue is strong enough, she can control the other person to do anything...

Just looking at these, the awakening of [Marionette] is simply ridiculously powerful. But its disadvantage is that the control time is extremely short.

When dealing with the fifth-level lord Night Demon before, Jiang Shixue could only control the Night Demon for 1 second.

Although this one second is an absolute control, even the fifth-level Night Demon cannot break free. But the time was still too short. Wang Tao at that time could not cause much damage in this second.

Moreover, [String Puppet] consumes a lot of money, starting with 100 awakening energy each time... Generally, Jiang Shixue will use this ability only at critical moments.

To put it simply, [Black Quicksand] controls the target's body, or legs to be precise, and has great limitations, but the control time is very long; [String Puppet] controls the target's consciousness, and the control time is short, but this It is absolute control, and there is no way to break away. After all, the target of the control does not know that he is being controlled...

Compared with the two, Han Rui's [Wind Chain] is different. It is a bit like [Black Quicksand], and it also controls the body, but unlike [Black Quicksand], it controls not only the legs, But the target's whole body can even control targets in the air, because it is wind!

Wang Tao has just experienced it. He himself was severely tied up by this wind, whether it was his chest, neck, ankles, or even fingers were tied up with chains!

With his brute strength, he should be able to break free, but it will definitely take some time. And Han Rui didn't use her full strength...

Judging from Wang Tao's current situation, [Black Quicksand] is suitable for use in large-scale operations; [String Puppet] is suitable for use in leapfrog duels; and [Wind Chain] is suitable for use in normal battles.

Of course, this is just Wang Tao's feeling. What it's like specifically is that you have to ask Han Rui how it feels and conduct multiple tests.

"Do you think you can still use Awakening?"

Wang Tao asked.

"Yes! I feel like I can still use it many times!"

Han Rui answered immediately.

"Oh? It seems to you that the consumption of your awakening is very low!"

Wang Tao touched his chin and said.

Han Rui has just awakened and only has 100 awakening energy. Many awakenings start with 100 awakening energy. Since Han Rui can use it many times, it obviously means that her consumption per use is low.

So Wang Tao asked Han Rui to use Awakening a few more times, and took Lan Yulian and the others to experience it for themselves.

After Han Rui's awakening energy was exhausted, Wang Tao gave her an awakening crystal core to increase her energy.

After a while, Wang Tao probably figured out that her [Wind Chain] had awakened.

The consumption of this awakening is a bit like Wang Tao's [Spiritual Development] - the consumption is not fixed, and different consumption will have different effects.

If Han Rui's firepower is fully activated, it will also consume 100 awakening energy, and consume 10 awakening energy every second for the duration. This is exactly the same as Wang Tao's [Catching Fire Starts a Prairie Fire].

And under this terrifying consumption, the effect brought by [Wind Chain] is also very gratifying - it turns out to be a damaging group control ability!

To be precise, this is an ability that can be used for both single control and group control, as well as damage. During single control, Han Rui can control targets within the range at will; during group control, targets within the range will be controlled at the same time!

Although in group control, the control time is not as long as in single control, and the single target damage caused is not as high as in single control.

But Wang Tao is already very satisfied with this. After all, this is an ability that can control both single and group control. Han Rui is not fighting alone. Most of her teammates are high-damage types, but they lack control.

For example, wouldn't it be great to have Han Rui control a large number of zombies, and then Wang Tao throw a big fireball at them?

The effect of two people working together is definitely one plus one greater than two!

Of course, Han Rui not only cooperates with Wang Tao, she also cooperates very well with the entire team or people in the team!

Including with Lan Yulian, although one nanny and one control are together, the damage is definitely lower. But on the other hand, they can control and increase blood... even if they grind, they can grind the enemy to death.

What's more, Han Rui's attack is actually not low. After all, she is a serious combatant, and her awakening is also harmful.

Of course, the most important point is how large the range of control is.

After testing, it was found that the single control range and group control range of [Wind Chain] are different.

The group control range is roughly within a circular range with Han Rui as the center and a radius of 10 meters, which is more than 300 square meters. It doesn't seem big, but it's actually quite a lot. After all, this is a group control. As the awakening increases in the future, the range should also increase.

The range of single control is even larger. Within a circular range of 20 meters in radius, Han Rui can use the blast chain to bind the target at will!

"With Xiaorui's awakening, our fighting style may be much simpler in the future..."

Lan Yulian touched her chin and said.

"That's for sure! Control is as important as nanny. We now have damage, nanny, and control. We can probably perform a lot in some small-scale battles or even large-scale battles!"

Hearing Wang Tao's words, Lan Yulian immediately rolled her eyes at him. She didn't play video games at all before the end of the world. It felt a bit strange to call her wet nurse, especially because some of her parts were really not small... Others called her a healing awakener, but Wang Tao liked to call her wet nurse.

At this time, Wang Tao was happy but also a little helpless.

Although Han Rui's control ability combined with his damage will have a very good effect, Wang Tao's strongest state is when using [Catching Fire]. In this state, no one else, including Han Rui, can get too close to Wang Tao, otherwise they will beat up their teammates... Therefore, the two of them can attack together, but there are some restrictions.

"You guys can continue the test. I'm going to check on Changhong and the others. They are probably waking up soon."

Wang Tao returned upstairs.

After waiting for a while, Yang Changhong woke up.

After Yang Changhong woke up, he was still a little confused and rubbed his eyes. Apparently, she really fell asleep.

After seeing Wang Tao beside the bed, she reacted belatedly.

"Am I awake?"

Yang Changhong still couldn't believe it. After all, her awakening was quite tortuous, and she was afraid she was dreaming.

"Well, congratulations!"

Wang Tao said with a smile.

Yang Changhong suddenly jumped up from the bed, touching his body here and there.

"It doesn't seem to be any different..."

"Nonsense, what you awakened is a mental ability, not a systemic ability. It's normal that your body doesn't feel any difference."

Wang Tao was speechless.

"Uh, that's right..."

Yang Changhong was a little embarrassed. She was so excited that she forgot that her awakening was a spiritual ability.

[HP: 20000/20000]

[Blue amount: 50000/50000]

[Level: Level 4]

[Impurities in the body: 6%]

[Awakening: Spiritual Cutting]

[Psychic Cutting: Use mental power to cut quickly]

The hidden attribute that Yang Changhong acquired before was a spiritual ability, so it is normal to have a spiritual awakening.

However, her spiritual awakening is different from other spiritual awakenings. This is actually a purely offensive spiritual awakening!

The introduction of [Psychic Cutting] was very simple, and Wang Tao couldn't tell what it looked like in detail, so he could only let Yang Changhong show it.

"let me try……"

Yang Changhong used [Psychic Cutting] on the water glass on the table next to him, and then...

Wang Tao felt a very strange mental power appear. This kind of mental power was like his whole body was covered with spikes and sharp blades. When Wang Tao used his mental power to observe, there was a faint tingling feeling in his head.

This is still a situation where Yang Changhong didn't target himself. If he attacks Yang Changhong head-on, it's hard to say how much damage he can cause. After all, Wang Tao's mental power is very strong, but Wang Tao will definitely feel uncomfortable after being attacked.

What surprised Wang Tao was that Yang Changhong's attack hit the water glass. The water glass was fine, but Yang Changhong's face turned pale because her total 100 awakening energy was used up.

"Ah this..."

"Ahem, it was a mistake, it shouldn't be used like this..."

Yang Changhong suddenly scratched her head in embarrassment. After she used Awakening, she realized that [Spiritual Cutting] was only effective on living creatures. The cup was a dead object without any consciousness, so naturally it would not have any effect.

"Is it only effective for living creatures... So that's it!" Wang Tao nodded first, then frowned, "Are the zombies alive or dead?"


Yang Changhong was also asked.

If zombies are judged to be dead, wouldn't her awakening be useless? After all, the most common enemies in this world are zombies...

However, Wang Tao quickly continued:

"Don't worry, zombies should be living creatures."

Wang Tao's judgment is also simple. One is that zombies are actually conscious, but their consciousness is very chaotic. The second is that zombies have health bars - everything with a health bar is a living thing. After being killed, the health bar disappears and it is a dead thing. This is very reasonable.

"That's good!"

Yang Changhong breathed a sigh of relief. She believed in Wang Tao's judgment. As long as you can kill zombies, otherwise it will be very uncomfortable if you are happy for nothing.

Wang Tao asked Yang Changhong how he felt when he just used Awakening, and then frowned.

"Now there is a problem. Your awakening is not a good test..."

Yang Changhong said that when she used this awakening, she couldn't choose the strength, and she used up the awakening energy in one go... This means that [Spiritual Cutting] starts with 100 awakening energy!

Such a high consumption shows that the damage of this awakening is definitely not low.

And this is mental damage. If you are not careful, even if you don't kill people, you may turn them into idiots!

So how to test this?

Let Yang Changhong attack his teammates? Teammates may not be able to withstand it. If they are killed instantly... it will be a tragedy.

Wang Tao's own mental power is very high, but after Yang Changhong used the awakening crystal core to restore energy, he was unwilling to attack Wang Tao at all costs. She felt that she couldn't control the strength well. If something happened to her, she would regret it for the rest of her life...

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