Li Feng, taking Lena, returned to the small battleship.

Because there is only a defensive existence, the small warship is safe and unharmed in this fierce battle.

Ju Jing clings to them, and is completely fine.

“Husband, you’re back…”

Seeing Li Feng, Ju Jing leaned on them, and immediately greeted them warmly, all rushing towards Li Feng’s side, their bodies were close to Li Feng, and Li Feng seemed extremely intimate.

Seeing Lina following Li Feng, Ju Jingyi didn’t need to ask more, and knew that Li Feng had successfully captured Lina.

They, one more sister.

That’s a good thing.

Ju Jing relied on them, and never minded that Li Feng had more women.

With Li Feng’s ability, it is normal to have a group of wives and concubines.

A ‘capable’ man like Li Feng, if there is only one woman, it is not normal.

Li Feng, it’s just too domineering.


Li Feng nodded and said.

Li Feng immediately introduced Lina to Ju Jingyi and them.

To Lena, he introduced Ju Jingyi to them.

Ju Jing clings to them, and she has special respect for Lena.

Knowing that Lena is a powerful superpower, their attitude towards Lena is even more unusual.


United States, military shi headquarters

Deputy Minister Willen stared at the projection screen, looking at the picture 897 taken by the satellite system, and he instantly aged twenty years.

At Willian’s side, there is also a soldier whose aura is stronger than Welllian and has a higher rank than Welllian, his name is Jayne, and he is the minister of the US military headquarters.

Several other chiefs of staff were on the scene.

Whether it was Jayne, Willen, or the chief of staff, deputy chief of staff, and secretary, their expressions were particularly ugly.

Jayne said, “Willian, what is the situation?” How did our military base di, just like that, be destroyed by someone? Do you all eat poop? ”

Will Lian looked embarrassed and said: “Your Excellency Jayne, you also saw that after the accident happened to Kidi, after Chenov reported to me, I immediately sent combat helicopters and annihilators to strangle the enemy, but…”

Jayne interrupted Willian’s words and said: “It’s just that you didn’t expect that the enemy was very strong and destroyed all our combat helicopters and annihilators, and this loss was great.” ”

Will Lian said: “Your Excellency Jayne, I really didn’t expect this, this is a person, a person can’t even kill cloud-piercing bullets and aerial torpedoes, even missiles, he can also control the direction of missiles, when I encounter this kind of person, I can’t help it!” ”

A chief of staff said: “General Jayne, Minister Willen, this person is so powerful? Is he still human? ”

“Not human, what is that?” Jayne and Willen both looked at the chief of staff.

The chief of staff pointed to the Hua Nianren on the screen and said: “Look at him, he kills like a numb, has no mercy, can control missiles, and can make missiles turn to attack, this human power, this is the power of the gods!” ”

“Gods?” Jayne and Willian both fell into deep thought, calmed down, this is indeed not a human means, or the scientific and technological means are not so powerful, only the legendary gods have such extraordinary means.

“Hey, our Binnett military port was destroyed, our combat aircraft were destroyed, our most elite forces and technological weapons were destroyed, and our genetic warriors were killed, I… How can I explain to the President, Huaxia Guo will definitely take this opportunity to take action against our country, what should we do in the United States? Jayne said with a sigh.

In the past, the United States never had to consider Huaxia, because no matter how strong Huaxia is, it is still worse than the United States in comparison.

But now, things are different.

The end is coming, and the social class is shuffled.

It turns out that a group of people who are high above may become less garbage than beggars.

It turns out that the waste at the bottom may rise in this kind of violent 1uan, take the opportunity to burn, kill and loot, and do everything evil, without worrying about the law and the control of the state’s violent organs.

Between people, so.

From country to country, it is still the same.

In the past, the United States was the world’s first, and its hegemonic status was unshaken.

And now (CGBH), this hegemonic status of the United States is very likely to be seriously challenged.

Will Lian said: “Your Excellency Jayne, we cannot escape our responsibility for this matter, and I suggest that we go together to plead guilty to the President and tell the President the truth.” ”

Jayne nodded and snorted.


Senior officials and parliamentarians from the Smecta State, the Military Headquarters and the Foreign Education Department gathered together for an emergency meeting.

On the large projection screen, the pictures taken by the US satellite in the sea area are projected.

“Let’s see, the two maritime military bases of the United States have been destroyed, the soldiers have been killed, the combat helicopters and annihilators have been destroyed, this time the United States has suffered heavy losses, the United States is our biggest reliance on dealing with the Huaxia country and the northern bear country, the United States is damaged, that is, the national interests of our Smecta country are damaged, we must agree on a good strategy to resolve this crisis, and do not let the Huaxia country and the northern bear country pick up the cheap!”

When the satellite video was finished, Park Saburō, head of the Navy Headquarters of the Smida Kingdom, said with a heavy face.

“Oh my God, is this true? One person destroys the annihilator, and the missiles will not kill? ”

“Do you suspect this is fake? This is taken by our most accurate military satellites, how can there be a fake? ”

“However, this man is also too powerful, even if the armored tank can be pierced by cloud-piercing bullets and aerial torpedoes, he can block the attack of cloud-piercing bullets and aerial torpedoes, even missiles cannot hit him, but are used by him, where is this still the power of humans?”

“yes, it’s not human at all!”

“Not human, what is it?”

“Superheroes, mutants like Iron Man, even… Gods and demons! ”

“Mutant race? Gods and demons? Are these really all in this world? ”

Everyone stared at Li Feng’s demeanor on the screen and discussed wildly.

“Well, even if he is a superhero or a god and demon, our country will not be helpless, we have to investigate him and find a way to win him over to serve in our Smecta army!” Park Saburo said.

“General Park Saburō, what if he disobeys?” A naval colonel asked.

“Disobedience? Then kill him…” said Park Saburo with a cold look in his eyes.

“General Park Samro is right, if you don’t agree, just destroy him, we Smecta Kingdom, we are not vegetarians…”

The officers of the other Smecta countries echoed one after another.

The country of Smecta is a very arrogant country.

The people of the country of Smecta are also the most arrogant human beings in the world.

The people of Smecta always feel that they are the first in the world and feel that everything in the world should be theirs.

This arrogance of the Smectas is doomed to great losses.

Because they shouldn’t have provoked Li Feng.

Messing with a strong person like Li Feng, they, not looking for death, what is it? _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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