Doomsday: I manage a zombie cemetery

Chapter 1 Zombie Cemetery System

Woke up from a sharp pain.

It was dark in front of him, and there was a fire somewhere in the distance. The huge black smoke was like the devil's hand stirring up the wind and clouds.

Qin Feng opened his eyes and looked at his calf that was bitten by a zombie. At this time, the fist-sized hole that had been eaten before he fell into a coma was now covered with flesh again.

He was recovering rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye. And around him, there were nearly twenty zombie corpses lying in all directions.

"Am I a zombie?" Qin Feng said to himself, "No, I am still conscious after becoming a zombie? Is this possible?"

A week ago, Qin Feng traveled to this parallel world.

This world is similar to the original Earth, but the zombie virus just broke out two months ago.

Qin Feng's original owner was a stupid boy. When the virus broke out, the stupid boy set off with a team of cars.

But later, not long after Qin Feng crossed over, this team of people actually conspired to leave Qin Feng here because of a shortage of supplies.

The only building nearby is the cemetery built on the mountain. There are no tools or hiding places around.

Qin Feng was bitten by the zombie army.

Unexpectedly, he was not dead! He was alive.

"Heh, that team of people would never have thought that I was still alive," Qin Feng stood up and patted the dust on his body. There were still undried bloodstains and splashed flesh on his clothes that were bitten to pieces. "Surviving a disaster and not becoming a zombie will definitely bring good fortune in the future."

After moving around, the bones in his body made a rattling sound. After all, he had experienced death and his whole body was stiff and scary.

The coldness of the world when he was left behind, the pain of being bitten by zombies, and the fear of being on the verge of death climbed back into Qin Feng's heart when he recovered.

"We only have enough food for three days, what should we do?"

"Throw the guy in the back of the car down, he's so thin, he can't carry it on his shoulders or hands."

"Throw him down, and when the zombies come, we can use him to delay for a while."


Obviously, he can be left alone, but those people.

"I want to become strong and not depend on anyone," Qin Feng sat on the stone, clenched his fists, "That team must be alive, wait for me to find them, and let them experience the fear of being besieged by zombies."

Looking at the zombie corpses around, Qin Feng spat.

Looking around, what we have to do now is to find something to eat and a place to live.

And here, there is only the cemetery on the mountain.

"There are offerings in the cemetery anyway," Qin Feng thought, "Let's go up the mountain."

Qin Feng, who has recovered his body, walked quickly and soon reached the cemetery. There were not many people here, and now even the gravekeepers are gone.

However, all the graves have been dug up, and to be precise, the bodies inside have crawled out.

There were only empty graves left here.

"No wonder there are so many zombies in such a remote place," Qin Feng said, "It seems that the corpses in the cemetery have become spirits, alas."

The virus has been out for two months, and the apples, roast chickens, and other offerings here have rotted beyond recognition.

There were only a few bags of potato chips and a few bottles of Coke in front of a tombstone.

Qin Feng walked over to see that it was the grave of a little boy.

He sat down, opened the potato chips and Coke, and said, "Thank you, little friend. My brother is still alive and starving, so I won't be polite."

The bags of potato chips and drinks were gone quickly, but Qin Feng was still hungry, after all, he was a man.

"This is not a solution. Even if we plant the land on the spot, it will take some time before we can harvest it," Qin Feng scratched his head and said, "Without a car, we will be eaten to death by the zombies in the city within a few steps. Although I don't know how they are alive now. But I don't want to experience it again."

What to do?

At this moment, an electronic sound came into Qin Feng's mind.

[The host can use my zombie cemetery system to bury zombies to obtain supplies and improve physical attributes. ]

Qin Feng: Damn, I was shocked!

The voice came suddenly, and in this quiet cemetery, Qin Feng thought a ghost had come.

However, system! Golden finger! Standard configuration for time travelers! ! !

Qin Feng thought he was just a cannon fodder after traveling through time, otherwise why would he be abandoned as soon as he arrived and be eaten by zombies for a long time.

Sure enough, he is the protagonist of the novel!

Qin Feng hurriedly asked: "Zombie Cemetery System, when did you bind me, and what functions do you have?"

[I bound the host when the host was besieged by zombies, otherwise the host would not be resurrected and those zombies would not die]

[The host can call up the system manual to see what happened]

Qin Feng nodded and silently called up the system manual.

Immediately afterwards, a vague translucent instruction sheet appeared in his mind.

It took a few minutes to check carefully before Qin Feng understood.

The zombie cemetery system, to put it simply, is to find a place to make a zombie cemetery to bury zombies.

The level of the tomb can be upgraded.

After burying the zombies, you can generate corresponding attributes and obtain some random materials.

For example, burying a sprinter in his lifetime can greatly increase the speed attribute. Burying the body of a boxer may obtain his boxing skills, strength, etc.

These are uncertain.

And burying all zombies can get zombie coins. Zombie coins can be used to buy the required items in the system mall, such as an AK, etc.

After reading the instructions, Qin Feng was so excited.

Now the world is full of zombies, so wouldn't it be easy for him to upgrade?

He is going to become a god!

[Ding, the host has read the zombie cemetery system instructions]

[After testing, this piece of land is very suitable as a zombie cemetery. Does the host choose to build it here?]

Qin Feng thought about it, nodded, and said, "Build it here."

There are fewer people, and there are not so many troubles. He can also occupy the mountain as the king. When there are more and more supplies, his becoming a god will start from here!

As soon as the voice fell, the whole mountain trembled.

All the soil and bricks on the graves, and even the tombstones slowly disappeared, exposing the coffins inside.

The grave of the little boy in front of Qin Feng was like this, with only a coffin left, and this coffin was emitting a little green light at this moment.

Gloomy and weird.

[Ding, construction completed, the host has a first-level tomb, which can bury up to five zombies]

"Nice," Qin Feng smiled with satisfaction, "Now we have to find zombies to bury. Hey, aren't there more than 20 zombie corpses at the foot of the mountain? Anyway, I have nothing to do, so I'll move some zombies!"

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