Doomsday: I manage a zombie cemetery

Chapter 100 This is a gift for my man

It was quiet outside the car, and the zombies were cleaned up by Chu Rou.

Chu Rou took a breath. After all, the strength of a mortal body is limited.

It was still difficult to fight more than a dozen zombies.

With the blessing of the headlights, the visual impact of the zombie's head being blown up neatly shocked the three people outside the car and the two people inside the car.

For a long time, no one reacted.

They didn't react until Chu Rou drove the off-road truck next to them and put on a pair of latex gloves.

"This, Miss," Wang Lang hurried forward, looking at Chu Rou's pretty face, a strange look flashed in his eyes, "Thank you, thank you for saving us. I am very grateful. We have a lot of food here, and we can use food as a reward."

"Uh, I didn't think about saving you. Whether you live or die has nothing to do with me," Chu Rou didn't look at a few more people. She just wanted to finish the job quickly and leave, "Don't block my way, let me go."

Pushed Wang Lang away.

Chu Rou pulled up her gloves and walked to the rear of the off-road truck.

At this time, the long-haired woman and the short woman got off the car and came behind the few people.

Chu Rou walked to the back of the car and lifted the waterproof cloth covering the back with force. A huge stench rushed to the sky.

This made Wang Yong, who was following Chu Rou and wanted to continue to get close to her, retreat several steps and cover his nose.

The stench hit, and the other four people also covered their noses and looked at the pile of black things in the car in disbelief.

"This, is this a zombie?" The long-haired woman was almost about to scream in surprise. She slowly stepped back a few steps, "Is this woman sick? She, why does she collect zombies?"

The back of Chu Rou's car was full of zombie corpses.

Although it was difficult to see how many zombie corpses there were, there were roughly 20 to 30.

Chu Rou threw all the zombies into the car one by one, and the sound of objects falling made the scalps of several people numb.

This woman is really a bit strange.

"Hey, hey, make way," Chu Rou came to the front of the group and said, "You're blocking me."

The group didn't know what was going on, so they made way. Chu Rou pulled a zombie behind them and dragged it forward.

After all, the previous battles had consumed a lot of energy, and Chu Rou had lifted so many zombies, so she had to drag this one.

The zombie was stiff, and it accidentally turned over while dragging.

The zombie's arm touched the long-haired woman's leg.

The long-haired woman screamed and shrank back: "You, you can move the zombie, but can you be careful?"

Scared by the long-haired woman, Chu Rou, who almost lost her grip, rolled her eyes helplessly and continued to drag the zombie forward.

Seeing Chu Rou ignoring her, the long-haired woman got excited:

"Hey, what's wrong with you?"

"I'm talking to you, can you answer me out of politeness?"

"You're too weird, no wonder you don't have any friends."

The irritable man said with disdain, "Enough! Shut up."

The long-haired woman was choked and muttered, "We don't know what virus the zombies have. She's hurting me by doing this. I can't say anything."

Wang Lang shook his head. After what happened just now, he suddenly felt that people like the long-haired woman should be left behind.

It would be great if Chu Rou was with them, so that their fighting power would be a level stronger.

And Chu Rou is so beautiful.

After Chu Rou threw the zombie up, she pulled up the waterproof cloth.

Wang Lang couldn't help but wonder, and asked, "Miss, why are you collecting these things?"

A car full of zombies, black blood flowing everywhere, and the stench was overwhelming.

However, all these weird things were done by the girl in front of him.

"Can you sell these things?" The long-haired girl muttered, "You are too weird."

"That's right," the short girl also joined in, "You are really a weirdo."

Several boys sighed, their foreheads twitching because of the rising anger.

Chu Rou turned around, put one hand on her waist, and patted the car with the other hand: "This? This is a gift for my man."

Counting the thirteen or fourteen zombie corpses just now, she has collected nearly sixty. Qin Feng must be very happy if he sees it.

After Chu Rou said this, the faces of several people froze.

There is such a gift? The man in this woman's mouth is as weird as her.

The long-haired girl and the short girl took the opportunity to discuss.

The two of them are now a little embarrassed because they closed the door and wanted to drive away by themselves, and they must find someone to divert everyone's anger.

Chu Rou in front of them became the best person for them to vent.

Women are weak, and everyone is protected. This woman actually rushed out to fight the zombies by herself.

In their eyes, she is an alien. Could she be transgender?

And the quirk of collecting zombies must have some unspeakable secrets.

The two of them discussed in whispers, trying to divert and cover up their guilty consciences in this way.

Chu Rou saw that there were still a few zombies on the roadside, and walked over to continue pulling as many as she could.

The two women continued to discuss.

The irritable man was really impatient, and turned around and said, "Have you two stopped talking? We haven't argued with you about closing the car door yet, don't think about denying it later!"

The despair of being abandoned by your companions just now, the feeling of betrayal that you treated them sincerely but were played by these women.

Not only the irritable man, but now the thorny man and even Wang Lang, who has always played the role of a good guy, are very dissatisfied with the long-haired woman and the short woman.

"Heh," said the thorny man, "You two are good at calculating. Let us chop outside and you hide inside. I almost died. Don't mess with me, okay?"

Wang Lang didn't say anything, but just rolled his eyes at the long-haired woman and the short woman.

"How can you talk like a grown man," said the long-haired woman, "We are girls. We were scared and closed the door at that time, so what!"

"Besides, it's just a zombie. Aren't you men?" The short woman also said, "How can you let us girls face such a thing?"

"You shouldn't blame us. Didn't you look carefully when you got off the car?"

"That's right, thorny man, you said there are supplies here. Wang Lang, you also said that you can get off here."

And just as the two were talking, the zombie transformed by the thin man staggered over in the night.

Instantly, he bit the short woman standing at the back on the neck and bit her on the spot.

"Behind you." The irritable man who was staring at the short girl was about to speak, but the short girl felt a sharp pain in her neck and screamed on the spot.

"Ah! Zombies!!" The long-haired woman quickly let go of the short girl and hid behind the thorny man.

Several people quickly pointed their knives at the zombies that the thin man had turned into, as well as the short girl.

Now they had no strength to deal with these zombies, as their blades were too blunt.

However, the next second, a gunshot was heard in the air, and the zombie fell to the ground.

"Ah ah! Ah ah!" The short girl screamed in pain, covering her neck with a big, bleeding wound.

Her voice was hoarse.

Chu Rou came from behind, still holding a gun in her hand, and shot the back of the short girl's head without hesitation.

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