Doomsday: I manage a zombie cemetery

Chapter 134 Zombie state breaks out!

Qin Feng sat up in an instant, his sharp eyes searching for Chen Qiaoying's figure in the firelight.



She was a flesh and blood body, would she die immediately?

Qin Feng's heart skipped a beat, and he didn't even blink.

With such explosive power, he would have to drink the corpse hunter's strength potion and activate the fearless function.

An indescribable silence rippled in Qin Feng's heart, and he didn't even care to listen to the sound behind the explosion.

Mud, flesh, and limbs were flying everywhere.

The dust lingered for a long time.

The women sitting on the tanks and driving the military trucks saw this scene and laughed so hard that their bodies shook, no, their fat shook.

That bold laughter was deafening.

Qin Feng was not affected, but stared carefully at the smoke and dust from the explosion.

It was as if he could see the scene behind through the fine smoke and dust.

A gust of wind blew, and the smoke and dust quickly dissipated.

However, the laughter of the group of women also dissipated.

Because Chen Qiaoying did not fall down.

She stood alone in the ashes, with broken arms and limbs, blood and flesh all over her body.

However, she could even be said to be completely unscathed, except for her clothes being burned and the corners of her clothes burning with flames.

She was not injured at all.

Standing there, facing the wind.

The world suddenly became dark.

With Chen Qiaoying as the center, a black blood-like breath began to spread under her feet.

It rolled and boiled on this land of continuous flames.

Like boiling kerosene, it spread all over the ground in an instant.

From the place where the purple blood vessels on her shoulders gathered before, the blood vessels now expanded and extended rapidly.

Like purple snakes, they quickly crawled all over her body.

Every inch she crawled, she felt a little more powerful, and her skin and bones made a clattering sound.

It became more obvious in the silence of everyone after the explosion.

Finally, the purple blood vessels reached her fingers, and Chen Qiaoying raised her head.

Those eyes that were as bright as stars were now pale.

Around the eye sockets, purple blood vessels extended into them, climbed up the eye sockets, and extended to the whites of the eyes.

There were sounds of ugh ugh ugh, ho ho ho in the throat.

But it was like a hoarse laugh, and those gray eyes had no emotion.

She transformed into a zombie!

She turned around and ran towards the women, without the stiffness of ordinary zombies.

Her movements were agile and fast, and the wind whistled as she moved.

"Zombies!!" Someone in the crowd shouted.

The women who were shocked by the scene in front of them panicked, and many of them wanted to escape.

"Run, it's a zombie!!"

"Help! Help!!!"

"This woman is a monster, run."

"Hit her, run a few times! Hit!"

The people sitting in the tanks and operating the mortars reacted.

They started to fight immediately.

Bang bang bang, several shells were fired at Chen Qiaoying.

Huge sparks exploded, and huge heat waves burned the grass here piece by piece.

Chen Qiaoying broke through the flames and rushed towards the tank with the greatest firepower.

Long-range cannons are useless, close-range machine guns are designed.

Da da da da da.

Every shot hit Chen Qiaoying, but nothing happened, as if Chen Qiaoying could not be penetrated.

She jumped up and jumped directly onto the tank.

However, the impact was unexpectedly strong.

A large area was directly dented on the tank, and the people inside were shocked.

Chen Qiaoying roared, stretched out her hand to tear open the cover of the tank, reached down and grabbed a person and tore it to pieces!

"Ah! Monster!"

"Dead, dead"

"No, no!"

Chen Qiaoying turned into a zombie, but no matter who these people were, she would kill them and tear them to pieces.

She started a killing spree.

Qin Feng stood on the tree and looked at the situation here.

Chen Qiaoying quickly killed all the people on the tank and quickly caught up with those who were running away.

She roared but didn't bite, just the speed of tearing people apart.

Qin Feng thought Chen Qiaoying was tearing pieces of paper.

After a while, all the bodies along the way were torn into pieces.

The head was separated from the body, the hands and feet were torn off, and the middle was broken in half.

Soon, Chen Qiaoying's voice also disappeared in the house of the base, and only the screams of those women could be heard.

He smiled: "Chen Qiaoying, you really have potential."

He jumped down from the tree and chased after her quickly.

Chen Qiaoying didn't know if she could control her strength, so he had to watch her.

Qin Feng ran to wherever there was a scream.

However, every time he ran to, there were only broken bodies on the ground, and the blood that flowed out gathered into pools.

Qin Feng stepped on it, and blood splattered everywhere.

Chen Qiaoying's zombie form broke out, and she was almost invincible and invulnerable to swords and guns.

There was no restraint, she killed all the way, her whole body was bathed in blood.

Her long hair was stained with blood and had become strands.

But she did not stop, she kept killing all the way.

There were hundreds of people in this stronghold, and they were fleeing everywhere, but they could not resist Chen Qiaoying's killing speed.

She started this killing spree, if she was in prison, she would have started it.

What knifeman, what magic gun, come one kill one, come two kill a pair.

Will she still be bullied?

Finally, Chen Qiaoying besieged a dozen women on the only five-story rooftop here, and they could not go anywhere.

"Uh~~~" Chen Qiaoying made a hoarse sound in her throat and approached those people step by step.

Most of these besieged women were fat and looked rich.

"Zombies, zombies!"

"Don't come over, don't come over."

"Please let us go!"

A few hours ago, they were still enjoying wine and meat here, and for them, it was a paradise on earth.

Now, it is hell on earth.

Look, there is a layer of blood on the rooftop alone.

Gathered on the ground, blood flowed like a river.

However, how could Chen Qiaoying listen? She was already bloodthirsty.

She roared and rushed towards several people.

Like a beast that smelled the smell of blood, she rushed up and tore more than a dozen people to pieces.

It took only more than 20 minutes to get all the way from the farm.

Hundreds of people were torn to pieces by Chen Qiaoying, and she was hit by at least hundreds of bullets.

However, none of them could penetrate.

The last person died in the screams.

With a "pop", Chen Qiaoying stretched out her hand to hold the man's heart tube and pulled hard, and the sound stopped.

She let go instantly, and a sound of "uh uh uh" came from her throat.

"Pah, pah, pah" The sound of applause came from the small house on the rooftop.

Chen Qiaoying turned around, and her bluish-white eyes with purple blood vessels looked at Qin Feng with confusion.

"What a wonderful killing," Qin Feng jumped off the small house and said, "Now, can you change back by yourself?"

He squinted and said, "If you can't change back by yourself, I won't be polite."

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