Doomsday: I manage a zombie cemetery

Chapter 141 Blood Formation

The exploding plasma splashed onto Qin Feng's face, and blood flowed out from the blood hole all the way down Chu Rou's shoulders.

She had to hold herself up, and blood covered the mountains and ravines.

Qin Feng was stunned for a moment, what was going on.

Chu Rou's eyes widened, she didn't know what was wrong.

Before the two of them could react, Chu Rou yelled in pain again the next second: "Ah!!"

A bloody hole also burst out on her slender waist!

The scream woke up Chen Qiaoying who was standing beside her. She quickly got up and saw the bloody scene in front of her.

"Ah," Chu Rou screamed, her delicate face was full of pain, and fine cold sweat broke out on her forehead, "It hurts, it hurts."

"Oh my God!" Chen Qiaoying quickly got up and went to get the medicine. The medicine was in the material warehouse on the second floor.

Qin Feng looked at Chu Rou in front of him, looking past her and staring at the iron window on the wall.

Outside the iron window, there was a red light.

It's early morning, where does this red light like blood come from?

Bloody light? Blood formation!

Qin Feng remembered that the blood formation he had just tried outside had not been taken back yet, and he seemed to have said just now that he was going to crush Chu Rou.

But this is just a dark talk, plus the blood formation, is it so big?

"No matter," Qin Feng looked at Chu Rou and said quickly, "Stop blasting!"

Originally, the collarbone was about to explode, and Chu Rou almost fainted from the pain while sitting on Qin Feng.

Qin Feng shouted angrily, and the place about to explode instantly calmed down.

Without the pain, the tension in Chu Rou's whole body collapsed in an instant, and she collapsed on Qin Feng with a sigh of relief.

More air out, less air in.

Qin Feng sat up. There was still a lot of Chu Rou's blood on him.

He looked at the blooming red light outside and said: "The blood array, close it."

In an instant, the blood array shrank and the red light disappeared.

"What's going on?" At this time, Chen Qiaoying rushed over with bandages, iodine and other medicines, "What's wrong with her?"

"I accidentally injured her," Qin Feng said. "Fortunately, this is a cross coffin, and its recovery ability is first-rate. Let's bandage her first."

Chen Qiaoying was a little confused, but she still nodded and brought some medicine to help Chu Rou bandage.

Chu Rou actually only had two injuries, one on her shoulder and one on her waist. The one on her collarbone finally disappeared, leaving only shallow traces.

But in fact, after Qin Feng said "crush", she was choked by the power controlled by the entire blood array.

It was equivalent to countless invisible ghost hands grabbing her, wrapping her up, and then exerting force together.

If it weren't for the extremely resilient cross coffin, Chu Rou might have been exploded in an instant instead of just one or two explosions.

The bandaged Chu Rou was lying in the cross coffin, her face was still very pale, but her breathing had finally become smoother.

"What's going on?" Chen Qiaoying put on her clothes, came to the sofa on one side, and asked Qin Feng, "Aren't you sleeping too? Why did you accidentally injure Chu Rou?"

Qin Feng thought for a moment and shook his head: "I don't know either."

Chen Qiaoying sighed and said, "I'm going to get something first. Are you hungry? Chu Rou will probably want to eat when she wakes up."

She patted Qin Feng on the shoulder, turned around and went upstairs.

Qin Feng sighed, leaned against the sofa cushion, and asked the system: "How did this blood array expand to this point? Wasn't it originally a very small circle?"

[The size of the blood array will expand according to the potential stimulated by the host]

[The size is actually controlled by the host]

[Within the blood array, the host can blast whoever it wants to blast]

Qin Feng: It means that he expanded the small blood array? And that sentence that filled my mind with a bit of desire, was that a command?

Well, he made a mistake.

Qin Feng shook his head, thinking that this kind of mistake would only happen once, and it would never happen again.

The recovery ability of the cross coffin was not sealed. Chu Rou had already woken up at noon.

The bone-deep wounds on her body had completely recovered, and her whole body was full of energy.

In the afternoon, Qin Feng and Chen Qiaoying worked together to attract zombies using [Zombie Bells] and Chen Qiaoying's commanding skills.

This time, Chen Qiaoying's control was obviously better than last time.

And I don’t know if it’s because Chen Qiaoying is the zombie king, but there are many more zombies near the cemetery.

The [Zombie Bell] sounded, a buzzing sound that only zombies could hear.

The sky and the earth suddenly became much darker, and the dazzling sunlight at noon was absorbed by the black clouds.

The ground was agitated and trembling slightly.

Large numbers of zombies were attracted by the two of them.

There were about hundreds of them, densely packed like swarms of ants floating on the water, attacking Chen Qiaoying and Qin Feng.

Click click click.

On the side, Chu Rou, who was in charge of providing support, had already loaded her gun. As long as the situation got out of control, she would follow suit and start killing.

"Blood array?" Chu Rou looked at the movements of the two and thought, "Is this the thing that blasted two holes in my shoulder today?"

"It doesn't seem to be too strong," Chu Rou thought, "I was only hit with a hole, and I recovered later."

"These are zombies. They only exploded a few holes. How could they die?"

"Forget it, it's better to prepare for war, lest it gets out of control again later."

Thinking of this, Chu Rou had already picked up the gun.

This time, unlike the other times when Qin Feng drew out his black gold sword and went forward, this time Qin Feng stood there and watched the zombies attack.

He stretched out his hand and grasped the air with his well-jointed fingers.

He shouted loudly: "Blood formation, come on!"

The ground trembled, and layers of blood seeped out of the originally empty land.

This blood array is as big as half a football field. It only took a few seconds from the beginning of the chanting to the formation of the blood array.

The blood array was just one or two feet in front of Chen Qiaoying.

Hundreds of zombies in front of her were instantly in the blood light.

However, the zombies were not restrained and continued to move.

"I can still control it for a short time," said Chen Qiaoying, who was half human and half zombie. "Can your array work?"

"Can it still be controlled?" Qin Feng smiled, "Then continue, there are not enough zombies in this array."

Chen Qiaoying had to continue to control it after hearing this. There were bursts of high-pitched roars of zombies in the distance, and the vibration of the ground became more and more obvious.

Obviously, more and more zombies attracted were rushing to the cemetery.

Blood light, zombies, endless roars.

Even Chu Rou, who was watching from the side, felt a little anxious.

"This will attract zombies?"

"Are these two crazy? People will die. It's hard to control so many zombies when they riot."

"What if Chen Qiaoying loses control again?"

"Crazy, crazy! Why don't you kill her?"

However, just when Chen Qiaoying was almost at her limit, blood slowly flowed out of her nose and she slowly fell to the ground.

Qin Feng opened his eyes angrily and shouted: "Explode!"

The scene in front of him made the world pale in comparison.

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