Doomsday: I manage a zombie cemetery

Chapter 152 Who is the traitor?

Qin Feng rushed into the crowd with a black flame, and Li Ruohan didn't even need to look.

This black flame was very strange, and those soldiers must have all died.

The blood curtain gradually melted away at the right time, and Li Ruohan sat there looking at the laboratory in front of her, which was already a river of blood.

Qin Feng's figure was so fast that she couldn't catch it. She could only see Qin Feng's position clearly in the last second, and Qin Feng disappeared in the next second.

At this time, she saw it clearly.

The people with guns inside were not only the mercenaries used for guarding, but also the researchers.

They were now being killed under Qin Feng's stirring.

Li Ruohan, a top student of finance who graduated from a prestigious university, couldn't think of any words to describe Qin Feng's killing at this time.

Quick, decisive, no matter whether they were men or women, old or young.

With one knife, the flames surged.

The black flames, which she still remembered the burning feeling, kept flying out from the two knives.

The black dragon burned one person after another, and they were instantly engulfed by the flames.

Qin Feng was not satisfied yet, he even rushed forward quickly and cut his throat with the blade.

He could kill without going up, but he seemed to enjoy that feeling.

Li Ruohan was also well-informed, and her family's business could survive in the doomsday. In peacetime, there were many shady means.

Killers, money laundering, they had done everything.

She, Li Ruohan, was only 25 years old, and had never killed anyone, but she had seen countless scenes of killing.

But she had never seen such a powerful one.

It seemed that her decision to ease the man's temper at the beginning was right, and she must not be his enemy.

And now, he had saved her life.

Li Ruohan was immersed for a second, and then she took it back in an instant.

This man came here to kill people and destroy the territory, and she could not have any illusions!

After Qin Feng harvested the last person, these people didn't even know whether his black flame could resist.

If the blood threads of this blood curtain were not limited to a certain range, they would all be dead.

He didn't even have to make a move.

He seemed to have overestimated the defense system of the Ark Spiral, which was so weak.

Qin Feng was slightly disappointed, retracted his knife and walked out.

When Li Ruohan saw Qin Feng, she shuddered unconsciously.

The fear that slowly seeped out from the depths of her spinal cord was dense and dense, as if ants were crawling up.

In less than a few seconds, Li Ruohan was sweating coldly.

"You, what are you going to do?" Li Ruohan's legs and thighs were stuck together, and her slender white feet kept rubbing back.

Qin Feng's eyes swept over, leaned against the wall, and said, "Are you a white tiger?"

"White, white tiger?" Li Ruohan didn't know what Qin Feng said.

"I wanted to ask when I first saw you," Qin Feng said, "Are you born hairless?"

Li Ruohan's movements stagnated, and when she reacted, she suddenly covered her lower body: "You, you hooligan!"

Qin Feng shrugged: "You lifted it up for me to see, can you blame me?"

Li Ruohan climbed up in shame and anger. She was really wearing nothing except the bath towel wrapped outside.

"Come in." Qin Feng said.

"What?" Li Ruohan hadn't reacted yet.

Qin Feng looked at Li Ruohan as if he was looking at a fool, and said: "Your men shot at you, don't you think there is anything wrong?

Now, there are people outside, and I killed everyone inside. Where do you think it's safe?"

Li Ruohan was shocked. This man's mind is more delicate than hers.

Qin Feng turned and went in, and Li Ruohan hurriedly followed, deliberately skipping the blood-stained place and entering the laboratory.

The door slammed shut.

The blood was viscous, and there were countless cages in the huge No. 1 laboratory.

These cages were roughly a little more than one square meter each.

And in each cage, there were transparent jars filled with liquid, like those in the Nanzao City Military District Laboratory.

There was a zombie floating in each jar, with black and yellow skin, green slurry, and red skin.

There were countless zombies just in the first row.

However, it was obvious that these instruments had been moved before, and some of them didn't even have time to insert the needle into the zombies.

These should be the zombies that Li Ruohan had moved from other areas.

Qin Feng looked at the zombies without saying anything, and asked the system in his mind: "System, how much time do I have left?"

[Ding! Remind the host that there are 7 hours and 36 minutes left]

I have been here for more than two hours.

"Is there nothing going on in the cemetery? Can the two of them hold on?" Qin Feng asked.

[The cemetery has activated self-defense measures, Chen Qiaoying and Chu Rou are not in great danger for the time being]

Qin Feng nodded.

Now, there are about 10,000 zombies in the cemetery, not counting those killed by Chu Rou and Chen Qiaoying.

More than 10,000 zombies were all led there by Li Ruohan's younger brother in front of him.

Qin Feng narrowed his eyes, saying that it was impossible not to attack her younger brother.

Ordinary people will not have a good end if they provoke him. This young master Li has provoked him three or four times, how could he let him go?

However, Li Ruohan probably won't lead him to see her brother.

Otherwise, she wouldn't have come here directly.

We have to find a way.

"Do you believe that there is a traitor in my company now?" Li Ruohan looked at Qin Feng who hadn't spoken and decided to speak first.

Qin Feng smiled: "Does it matter whether I believe it or not? What does it have to do with me?"

"So, the mastermind who led people to attack your cemetery one after another is not my brother," Li Ruohan said, "He may have been instigated by someone."

Qin Feng looked at Li Ruohan. This woman is very smart and knows how to be patient.

Unfortunately, she cares too much about her brother.

Although I have never seen that young master Li, from the confrontations in these few times, he is just a useless man.

He is also a second-generation rich man who likes to show off.

"The brother-supporting demon." Qin Feng finally concluded Li Ruohan.

Qin Feng turned around and said, "So what?"

Qin Feng's indifferent tone made Li Ruohan's heart rise. She looked at Qin Feng, waiting for his next words.

"Whether it is the mastermind or the accomplice," Qin Feng said, "the result is the same. They all take me lightly and provoke me again and again."

"They all deserve to be killed."

Qin Feng said the last three words so lightly.

It seems that he is saying something like "The sky is so blue" to Li Ruohan.

Li Ruohan took a deep breath and looked at Qin Feng: "So, you won't let my brother go?"

She clenched her fists. Such an excellent man had saved her life, so she was reluctant to be his enemy.

If Qin Feng really wanted to kill her brother, she might...

"Instead of worrying about your brother," Qin Feng said, "it's better to care about the traitors in your company. I think I know who they are."


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