Doomsday: I manage a zombie cemetery

Chapter 158 This underground city is going to be destroyed

Qin Feng retracted the flame. He was wrapped in a protective layer of blood curtain and was not afraid of poison gas at all.

He didn't care about those people who had been corroded by the poison gas. They rolled on the ground and screamed, proving the great corrosiveness of the poison gas.

Qin Feng snorted coldly. It was true that women were the most poisonous.

In this case, they could not be let go.

Qin Feng was about to move, but the system prompt sounded in his mind.

[Ding, the host accidentally picked up the mutant zombie information]

Qin Feng paused and lowered his head. There was a small, black thing in his hand.

It looked like a USB flash drive.

"This is not it." Qin Feng was stunned for a moment. Isn't this the thing that Li Ruohan used in her office? How could it appear here?

[The host was attacked by the anti-mutant zombie mutant gene drug neurotoxin. The system automatically copied the data to help the host solve the dilemma]

"Anti what?" Qin Feng listened to this long list of introductions and almost didn't react.

Anyway, it can kill mutant zombies. The ingredients of this poison are listed.

It was the poison all over his body that made him accidentally copy the information of the USB flash drive in Li Ruohan's hand.

Qin Feng pinched the small USB flash drive in his hand twice.

After being plotted against like this, at least he got something. He would let Chu Rou take a good look at this thing when he returned.

He put the USB flash drive in his arms, took a step, and walked to the front of the glass cover.

This was an elevator. Qin Feng had punched several holes in the outer layer, and the poisonous gas was gushing out.

Qin Feng raised his hand, pulled back, clenched his fist and punched the glass cover.

With a bang, the glass cover shattered.

Wrapped in a sticky blood curtain, the blood curtain flowed stickily on his skin.

It made him look like a blood corpse crawling out of the ground.

Looking at the glass passage running through the upper and lower parts in front of him, the flames on the two knives behind Qin Feng surged out like wings.

But it was like countless tentacles, surrounding Qin Feng's body and stretching behind Qin Feng.

Evil, treacherous, extremely gloomy.

With two puffs, two black flames pierced through the glass wall like two tentacles.

Driving Qin Feng to climb up.

The green poisonous gas rolled and boiled, and a person covered in blood and entangled with countless black flames was climbing up little by little.

Puff, puff, Qin Feng was moving upward.

With a click, someone's blood dripped.

Passing through the green poisonous gas, it fell to the ground and splashed into a blood flower.

The leakage of poisonous gas quickly triggered the alarm systems on all floors, and the whole conference room was also flashing red.

Those people in the virtual projection were naturally not so panicked. They were just surprised for a moment and hurriedly talked about it.

"The poison gas leaked? My God, your company's protective measures are not good at all."

"My old friend, is this the rhythm for us to withdraw our investment?"

"The poison gas has spread, will the people in the living area above be affected?"

"That man is dead, that poison gas is corrosive."

"Yes, look at those people, how miserable they died."

"Where are the eldest daughter and eldest son of your company?"

Everyone was talking about it, and the gentleman sat there with a gloomy look.

He winked at the assistant behind him, and the assistant quickly said "end the meeting" and then closed the virtual video conference program.

The gentleman stood up and said, "Where is the director-general? What are his mercenaries doing? So many people can't stop Li Ruohan and Li Tianfang!"

"They are two, one is a woman, and the other has broken hands and feet. They can't stop them?"

The assistant was a little panicked and said, "Teams one and two have rushed over, but they are not sure which floor they are on now. The poison gas seems to have an effect on the positioning system."

"Then find it through the system program! Do I need to teach you this?" The gentleman said, "The operation of this elevator must also be operated through the operation of the company's internal system, right?"

The assistant's face became even uglier, and he said, "The eldest lady personally closed the connection between the company's internal system and the outside world. Without her password, we can't crack it, and our external system can't know the inside."

"That special elevator should be operated only in the internal system."

After hearing what the assistant said, the gentleman's face turned green.

"I didn't expect that this little girl Li Ruohan is so scheming! She had long anticipated that we would do this?" The scumbag said, "Then what exactly did she want to do by shutting down the system?"

Before the scumbag could figure out the problem, the alarm on the entire floor sounded again.

And this time, it was a red alarm plus a blue alarm!

The red alarm means general danger, and this blue alarm means the danger of destroying the world. It is an alarm that never appears casually.

The scumbag immediately asked: "What's going on?"

"I'm checking," the assistant swallowed his saliva, and his fingers were shaking as he swiped his tablet. "Minister, the eldest lady seems to have activated the detonator."

"The explosive devices at the bottom of the underground city have all been activated. In ten minutes, the underground city will explode!"

"What?!" The scumbag was surprised. He hurriedly said, "What are you waiting for? Hurry up and evacuate!"

When this underground city was first set up, a layer of bombs was laid at the bottom.

These bombs are as powerful as an atomic bomb. As long as they are detonated, from top to bottom, it will take less than twenty minutes.

The underground city on the 27th floor will be blown up directly, and those who are inside will not be able to escape!

Now the scumbag knows what Li Ruohan is going to do!

She wants to risk her life and destroy everything here.

"Pass it down, evacuate everyone, damn, the people in the Li family are more ruthless than each other!"

The glass cover is leaking, some metal lines on the bottom are damaged, and Li Tianfang's limbs are broken.

The rising speed is too fast, causing his blood pressure to gradually increase, and the blood flow is very fast.

He is now in a state of shock.

And because some lines were damaged, the glass cover has lost its mobility when it rises to the third floor.

The glass door cannot be opened, Li Ruohan and Li Tianfang are trapped inside, and the poisonous gas below has begun to spread.

Li Ruohan activated the emergency system without hesitation, and the glass cover made a click, starting from a point inside, and cracks appeared.

The cracks gradually expanded and cracked, and the entire glass cover shattered, and glass shards fell with a click.

Li Tianfang, who was covered in blood on Li Ruohan's back, quickly ran to the living area where a wedding was being held. On the other side of the living area, there was a direct access to the "rooftop".

There, the helicopter that rescued them was waiting for them.

And just one minute after they ran away, the poisonous gas spread up.

Without the obstruction of the glass cover, the poisonous gas gradually spread up from the holes on the bottom floor.

Like one green fountain after another.

With a bang, a black fire broke through the glass cover, and the green gas rose up in a larger area.

And a man covered in blood and greasy layers climbed up with the help of the black flames behind him. The green gas spread under his feet, and the blood curtain gradually faded.

Qin Feng looked back at the green gas that came out, snorted coldly, turned around and walked towards the living area.

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