Doomsday: I manage a zombie cemetery

Chapter 16 The zombie bodies are gone

The people in the screening room saw Qin Feng approaching the camera little by little, and his handsome face was enlarged little by little.

They began to feel creepy, as if Qin Feng was looking at them through the screen.

"What does he want to do?"

"So scary, so scary!"

"Is he going to get in and hit us?"

"You bunch of cowards, do you have the ability to do that in the real world? Shabi!"

The prisoner boss and several key personnel in this system were all looking at Qin Feng, wanting to see what he was going to do?

Qin Feng looked at the camera, turned his head, and showed a smile without any emotion.

"What does he want to do?"

"Heh, laugh?"

"I don't know, I'm going to go down and kill him later!"

Qin Feng stretched out his hand, still holding the black gold long knife in his hand, and raised his middle finger to the camera seriously.


The people in the screening room slammed the table and stood up. This man is so fucking mean!

However, the next second, he didn't give them another chance to see himself. Qin Feng raised the black-gold long knife and chopped off the entire camera, and a small frame went black.

Qin Feng raised the knife and ran, cutting off all the surveillance cameras in the entire corridor.

The screen in the projection room was pitch black.

Electric sparks kept appearing above his head. Qin Feng put the black-gold long knife back behind him and turned to look at the corpses of several zombies behind him.

He patted the package on his waist and said, "Hey, it's working."

The package vibrated, and in an instant, all the zombies in the corridor disappeared, leaving only pools of black blood.

Qin Feng smiled with satisfaction and turned to see if there were more zombies here.

In the projection room, everyone looked at each other looking at the black screen.

Those sitting in the back row were all excited, and they looked at the black screen with tears in their eyes!

This man is a hero and a savior!

The zombie virus has been out for more than two months, and they have been seeing people around them die tragically, so they came to this prison with the best protection measures to hide.

As a result, the prisoners turned over and this place became another purgatory in the doomsday.

Every day they worry about zombies biting them, and they worry about the evil deeds of the prison boss to them.

Now there is a person who is crazy about harvesting zombies and insulting the prison boss in person. They simply regard Qin Feng as a hero.

The prisoner boss slowly stood up, turned around, and said: "Take them all away and lock them up."

Now this scene is not something he can control. In order to maintain the dignity of the prison, he has to let those people back off.

The innocent people were taken away, and the remaining ones were the backbone of the prison system.

"What should we do now?" The prisoner boss looked at the sharpshooter and the knifeman and asked.

The sharpshooter and the knifeman looked at each other and smiled: "Boss, are you worried about us? With the two of us here, what if that man kills a few zombies?"

The sharpshooter and the knifeman are actually the biggest threats in this prison.

Because they are here, those innocent people can't resist and will be killed directly by them.

"I'll go meet him first," the knifeman said, "I'm particularly interested in the two long knives in his hands."

The knifeman touched the knife on his waist that had chopped countless zombies and killed countless people, and his face was full of disdain.

The knifeman led a team of gunmen downstairs, and killed several lone zombies on the way.

"Don't shoot later," the knifeman said, "I want to meet him alone! Unless I can't beat him, you are not allowed to move!"

The underground floor, without sunlight, is very cool.

The wind in the passage is mixed with the stench of zombies, which is strong and uncomfortable.

The gunmen behind him vomited directly.

The knifeman said: "What a waste, isn't it normal to have a stench in this era?"

The knifeman led the team to the passage aggressively, but after walking all the way, except for the camera on the top that had been destroyed by Qin Feng.

The rest, nothing can be seen.

"Where are the bodies?" Several people were shocked, and the knifeman asked, "Dozens of zombie bodies are gone?"

The black blood on the ground proved how fierce the battle was just now, but there was not a single zombie body.

Everyone felt a chill on their backs. Could it be that what they saw just now was an illusion?

Or did that man swallow the zombies?

"Is that man a devil?"

"Did he eat these zombies? Impossible, there are so many!"

"No, I want to vomit, vomit!"

"This, this is too weird."

The knifeman looked down at the blood on the ground and thought: Dozens of zombies were brought in by them personally, it can't be fake.

And the surveillance camera captured it, so many of them, so many eyes saw it together, how could it be fake?

But he had no way to explain what was happening in front of him, so he could only stay there and wonder.

"Who is this man!?" The knifeman couldn't help but say.

On the other side, Qin Feng walked around and didn't find any other zombies, and he said with dissatisfaction.

These people are really bad, they should have brought in more zombies.

"System, how much time do we have left now?" Qin Feng asked.

[Ding, 8 hours and 1 minute left]

The time is getting shorter and shorter. There are less than 100 zombies in total. The transmission cost is too high.

"We have to find the exit as soon as possible to kill the zombies," Qin Feng said, "and we have to take Chen Qiaoying out and find a safe place for her."

After all, they had fought side by side for several hours, and he had done his best. As for whether she could survive, it probably depended on her.

He couldn't take her away, so this was all he could do.

"Ah" a long sigh came out of Qin Feng's mouth unconsciously.

I don't know where the emotion came from, but Qin Feng actually felt a blockage in his chest.

Obviously, he could go out and kill people everywhere, and bury countless zombies and transform into a strong man.

Obviously, he had witnessed human nature many times in this doomsday.

He should be very happy, but he still felt uncomfortable.

"I am alone and have no worries, and I am finally a free man in the doomsday." Qin Feng sighed and said to himself.

And just when Qin Feng put away his emotions and was about to go back.

He saw a dazzling reflection on the smooth iron plate next to him, very fast and very short!

His face changed suddenly, and Qin Feng only had time to hide to the side.

However, the silver light still fell very close to him, and the blade cut a small cut on Qin Feng's face.

The blade hit his shoulder!

Warm blood flowed down Qin Feng's cheek. He didn't have time to see who it was, so he dodged and stepped back a few steps.

Fortunately, he had protective clothing, otherwise the knife would have cut him, and it would not just be a shallow wound on his face.

"What kind of equipment do you have?" the man said, "My knife can't cut through it?"

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