Doomsday: I manage a zombie cemetery

Chapter 168 Successfully Obtaining Skin and Flesh Tissue

Qin Feng felt that this Ark Spiral was simply a shitty ointment.

He had just woken up and wanted to do some Tai Chi and then study what [Ten Thousand Corpses Lifting the Tomb] was all about.

As soon as he came out, several helicopters came directly to greet him.

Qin Feng:. Li Ruohan, this woman, is really comparable to her brother.

The helicopters that came this time did not seem to be very aggressive. Qin Feng looked and found that these people did not have many weapons and equipment.

Compared with weapons and equipment, there seemed to be more things like cameras.

Qin Feng frowned, and the black flames behind him suddenly surged, and clusters of fire rose up and surrounded him.

The extra flames were like tentacles, carrying Qin Feng up.

Due to the magnetic field, those helicopters could not fly directly over the cemetery, but could only hover around the cemetery.

Their mission was to conduct a comprehensive investigation of the cemetery.

According to Li Ruohan's idea, she felt that Qin Feng was very likely to be back.

And they also had to take the opportunity to attract sponsorship from these investors.

Whether it's mutant zombies or mutant plans, they all require a lot of money.

No matter where this Qin Feng came from, he will be used by her.

And if Qin Feng died in the sea of ​​fire, she would mourn for a few seconds, and then continue to use the remaining value of this man.

Just think of it as him apologizing to his brother.

The people on the helicopter were still wandering, looking at the cemetery shrouded in a layer of gloomy fog from time to time.

"This cemetery is really gloomy. Is this where people live?"

"There should be no one. Look at this house. It looks like a world war."

"We can smell a lot of blood when we fly in the air."

"Hey, did you take a picture over there? Is there really no one in this cemetery?"

"No, well, just take a picture. The longer I stay here, the colder my back is."

Several people were still chatting on the intercom. Suddenly, the front helicopter was still wandering.

A black flame suddenly appeared in front, and the pilot shouted.

Bang, there was a sound of broken glass, and the scream disappeared.

From the perspective of the helicopters behind, only this one shook violently, but soon calmed down.

"What's going on?"

"Hey, are you okay?"

"Speak back! Tell me if you're dead or alive."

The helicopter in the front moved, turned a corner, and flew directly over.

There was no one on it, and the helicopter flew straight towards them as if it was fixed!

"Damn it!"

"Where are the people?"

"Still the people! Drive away! Do you want to die!"

The people on the helicopters drove away quickly, and the original helicopter fell straight in the original direction in a parabola.

With a bang, it exploded before it landed.

Several helicopters flew out and turned urgently, wanting to see what happened behind.

A man in black clothes with black flames wrapped around his body stood up straight, and the black flames on his body seemed to have vitality.

He grabbed the helicopter and jumped into the cockpit of the helicopter directly.

"Who are you?" The pilot on a helicopter was startled and asked Qin Feng who jumped up, "What are you going to do?"

"Who are you? What are you going to do?" Qin Feng sneered, "I'm tired of hearing this question these days, change the way of asking?"

Hei Yan strangled the pilot without hesitation, cut off his head and threw it down.

Qin Feng drove the helicopter to rush to another helicopter, like a cat catching a mouse, watching these helicopters flee in a panic.

In the meeting room.

"Wow, it's that man? No, didn't he die in the sea of ​​fire?"

"Isn't your company's headquarters said to be far away from that Hongteng City? Why is it here?"

"This mutant is too strong, right?"

"Is this another fight scene arranged by your company?"

Li Ruohan was actually very surprised. She looked at the face that flashed from time to time in the shaking camera.

My heart skipped a beat.

Countless complex emotions flowed, like, surprise, hatred, sadness. In the end, all transformed into the word "use".

"Yes," Li Ruohan said, "This is one of the results of the mutant plan I showed you."

"After watching this video, you can decide whether to invest in our mutant plan."

"I can guarantee that one mutant is more powerful than ten mutant zombies."

Qin Feng did not disappoint Li Ruohan. He was almost extremely relaxed and tore apart most of the pilots like playing house.

The helicopters also crashed in front of him one by one.

The pilot of the last helicopter knew that he was going to die, so he quickly activated some device and rushed towards Qin Feng.

Qin Feng was standing on the ground at this time, with black flames supporting him.

He turned around and looked at the helicopter rushing towards him.

"Suicide?" Qin Feng said softly, and black flames stretched out from the double knives behind him, rushing directly to the windshield like two sharp daggers.

Piercing through the glass and the pilot's head, slashing wildly.

However, the helicopter was too close at this time, and Qin Feng dodged backwards.

The helicopter's rotating propeller rushed towards Qin Feng, directly cutting off a small piece of flesh from Qin Feng's shoulder.

Qin Feng:.

Bang! The helicopter exploded behind him.

Qin Feng looked at the missing piece of flesh on his shoulder, which was bleeding, and he didn't feel any pain at all: "I failed to show off, but was attacked. I didn't calculate the distance well."

The black flame disappeared, and he fell to the ground. These helicopters immersed in the sea of ​​fire had already rolled out of the defense range of the cemetery.

Qin Feng looked at the ground and saw that a camera seemed to be still running.

He picked up the camera from the ground and checked it. It was still running.

After thinking about it, he said to the camera: "Is your Ark Spiral a shitty ointment? It can't be shaken off?"

"How many more times do you want? Just do it all at once. This kind of shrimp soldier is not enough for me to fill my teeth."

"Also, Li Ruohan, you are watching, right?"

"Don't let me find you. I will abuse you once I find you, just like your brother."

"I don't kill women, but when you plan to do something to me, you have no gender in my eyes."

Qin Feng didn't care whether he could see it or not. The black flame directly burned the entire camera, leaving only the remains.

He turned and walked towards the cemetery.

His image was not transmitted because the helicopter crashed and the signal transmission equipment was gone.

However, this scene was recorded by three people hiding in the dark.

That was Wang Ying and his gang.

They were in the dark and saw Qin Feng's unilateral slaughter this time, and they were shocked.

"Captain, let's go." The two team members were already trembling with fear.

"I finally understand," Wang Ying replied after a long time, "Why Professor Li wants to take this man's flesh and skin tissue back for research, it's me, I want to too."

This man is really ridiculously strong, so strong that it is beyond the thinking of ordinary humans.

A mutant without a doubt!

Wang Ying looked at the ruins of the helicopter on one side and said, "Don't leave yet, I just saw the man's flesh and skin tissue on the helicopter, take it back, and let Professor Li study this monster carefully."

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