Doomsday: I manage a zombie cemetery

Chapter 171 Poison gas leak

A black flame extended from behind Qin Feng, and the black flames also looked unusually bright in the dark night.

Several people obviously did not notice Qin Feng and Chen Qiaoying not far away.

Both of them were strong men. A zombie king hardly breathed much, and Qin Feng's breathing was also flat, deliberately hidden, so no one could detect it.

What's more, it seemed that someone among them was injured.

Chen Qiaoying felt Qin Feng's killing intention and looked at the few people. The two of them stood still in the dark.

After those people walked a few steps, they suddenly stopped. They felt the coldness coming from the side.

Several people looked back and saw two pairs of eyes staring at them in the dark.

"Damn!" One of them was shocked and said, "Who is it!"

Qin Feng snorted coldly and walked out slowly, his figure appeared in their eyes.

The whole person exuded coldness from head to toe. Although only a flame burst out of his body, in the eyes of the three people, he was almost like a ghost.

"Wow, ah" several people couldn't help screaming.

When Qin Feng was getting closer and closer and was about to take action, one of them was stunned.

He looked at Qin Feng's face and said, "Brother, the tomb owner, yes, it's you?"

Qin Feng felt that the voice sounded familiar, and the black flame in his hand surged and illuminated it.

Black flame's heart:.

The light became brighter, and the three men saw Qin Feng's face clearly.

"Brother, the tomb owner, it's really you!" Wang Lang almost cried out, "It's really you!"

The three men saw Qin Feng, just like seeing their biological father.

These three people were Wang Lang, the thorny man, and the irritable man who had been to the cemetery before but left on their own.

Among the three of them, the irritable man was injured, and his leg seemed to be scratched by something, so he was supported by the other two.

"It's you." Thanks to his good memory, Qin Feng still remembered these three silly kids.

Chen Qiaoying saw that Qin Feng remembered the three people, and she also withdrew her offensive and stood behind Qin Feng.

He was so well-behaved that he didn't look like a zombie king.

"What are you doing here?" Qin Feng frowned, "I said, my cemetery doesn't accept people."

"No, no," Wang Lang said, "We are not here to cause trouble to you, big brother. We just encountered some things before and feel that we need to talk to you."

Qin Feng and Chen Qiaoying looked at each other and said coldly, "What's the matter?"

Wang Lang and the thorny man put the irritable man down first. Wang Lang said hurriedly, "We passed by a place called Yueli City before, about a thousand kilometers away from here. There seems to be some poisonous gas leaking there, and there is a layer of green gas on the ground."

"We didn't pay much attention to it, but soon we found that many strange-looking people came out of Yueli City, all of them were green."

The thorny man continued, "What kind of people have fission faces and exposed brains, but they feel very hard. Anyway, there are so many of them, and they seem to have crawled out from the place where the poisonous gas leaked."

"Strange-looking people" Qin Feng repeated, and his color became a little darker.

Just now, he and Chen Qiaoying saw a giant zombie not far away.

"Yes, they are not zombies, but people," Wang Lang said, "I'm sure of it, because some of them even talked to each other, and they seemed to be cursing a name called Li, Li Rouhan."

Li Rouhan? Li Ruohan, right?

Qin Feng frowned. Yueli City is the headquarters of Ark Spiral Company.

Did these people come from the center of the explosion?

There was poison gas there, and after the explosion, there were so many things. Could it be that mutated people were produced?

That's right, isn't that poison gas an anti-something toxin?

Could it be that they really became mutants?

"We were scared and had to go to other places to avoid zombies," Wang Lang said, "but we heard those people talking about the cemetery and going to the cemetery, so we hurried over to tell Big Brother."

"Those people don't look good, Big Brother, be careful."

The three people were quite sincere.

Qin Feng nodded.

Wang Lang and the thorny man also turned around and helped the irritable man up. The irritable man didn't speak because he was injured.

It seems that something happened on the way, and the three got up and were about to leave.

Qin Feng glanced at them, took out a small pistol from his body and threw it to them: "Doomsday is your own responsibility, whether you live or die, I still won't help you."

Wang Lang and the others looked at the guns in their hands, and a trace of gratitude flashed in their eyes.

Without saying much, they continued to move forward.

After they left, Chen Qiaoying stepped forward and said: "Did you help them? Qin Feng, I didn't know you had this side after knowing you for so long."

"It doesn't count as helping." Qin Feng sighed and said.

Chen Qiaoying smiled without saying anything, and a trace of joy flashed in her eyes that was different from her admiration for Qin Feng.

Qin Feng turned his head and said: "However, I have a little idea about what they said."

"What idea?" Chen Qiaoying asked.

"Aren't the mutants coming over?" Qin Feng said, "If they are very powerful, do you think we should form an army specially composed of mutants?"

"These people can survive poison gas and explosions, which are much more useful than ordinary humans."

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