Doomsday: I manage a zombie cemetery

Chapter 181: Establishing Authority

The black flame arrived in front of the white brain, but did not rush directly into his forehead.

Instead, it turned and split into countless strands, and each strand of flame, like a thin needle thread, instantly pierced into the body of the white brain.

"Ah!!!" The white brain completely experienced the pain of big steel teeth and no facial features.

The explosive stinging pain and the burning heat.

He couldn't move at all now, and his mind was blank.

He lost his mind barrier instantly, and the hissing sound in his mouth disappeared.

All the mutants stood up, as if they were exhausted, gasping for breath.

"You," the white brain screamed, "let me go!!"

Qin Feng looked at the white brain coldly, and controlled the black flame to split again in the white brain's body.

It was as thin as a spider silk.

One by one, it pierced into the blood vessels and nerves of the white brain, controlling his seven meridians and eight channels.

The white brain could not move automatically at all.

Qin Feng put down Chen Qiaoying, and faced the white brain with a sneer on his face.

"Kneel down." Qin Feng said softly.

With a thud, the white brain knelt down without any strength to resist.

The white brain was disgusted with this feeling and was also afraid.

He tried to restore his mind barrier and mind control in his mind.

However, as long as he had this thought, he would feel the pain in his limbs and bone marrow nerves.

Was it that black thing that pierced his blood vessels?

Has this man's control of his mind been so precise?

The white brain felt cold sweat on his back. They shouldn't mess with this man! !

"You, how did you do it? My mind control" The white brain was in so much pain that it collapsed.

Qin Feng said: "Oh, your mind control, don't move."

He walked slowly to the front of the white brain and said: "If you move a little, my black flame will penetrate deep into your body."

"If you dare to move again, my black flame can directly destroy your brain, believe it or not."

The tingling and burning sensations approached the back of the white brain's head as Qin Feng spoke.

He was so scared that he dared not move or think, and stood there like a wooden chicken.

Qin Feng looked at the painful appearance of these people with satisfaction.

Turning around, his tall body faced the mutants.

At this time, Chu Rou had already shot down all the helicopters in the sky, and before shooting down the last helicopter, he gave the middle finger to the flashing red dot on the helicopter.

She walked out of the cemetery and ran towards them.

Qin Feng, Chen Qiaoying, and Chu Rou stood side by side.

The three of them were from the zombie cemetery.

"Everyone," Qin Feng saw that the time was almost right, and he had done coercion and inducement. Now it was time to close the net, "Everyone listen to me now."

"Listen to you, what the hell? Listen to you?"

"Your grandmother's legs are broken!"

"Little black pants, don't think you can be arrogant just by fixing me! When I get out of trouble, I will be the first to crush your head!"

"Let me go! Hiss! Damn!!!"

At this time, Big Steel Teeth still looked unconvinced, and kept screaming and cursing there.

Qin Feng lost the sense of cat-and-mouse teasing at this time. When talking about business, what does beeping mean? Are you looking for death?

One of the black flames that pierced into Da Gangya's shoulder split into a thin black flame.

The black flame was like a needle and thread, aiming at Da Gangya's big mouth full of teeth that was cracked to the ear roots, and sewing it up little by little from left to right.

The sound of sizzling through the flesh and the sound of hundreds of teeth being forcibly twisted.

Everyone's scalp was numb when they heard it.

In the end, Da Gangya's mouth was completely sewn up, but hundreds of long and sharp teeth integrated with each other and pierced his lips.

The whole person was speechless, and blood was flowing from his mouth.

This shock was enough to pull all the mutants' spirits back and make them listen to Qin Feng carefully.

"You should know very well what kind of people you are!" Qin Feng said.

"You are mutants, but is it the gods who made you mutate, or is it acquired factors?"

"I think you know it very well."

This is the first time that Chen Qiaoying and Chu Rou have seen Qin Feng speak like this.

He is very appealing and dominant, and people can't help but be quiet and obey.

"You are mutants caused by burning and poison gas infection!"

"Now, the person who released the poison gas not only turned you into mutants, but also caught you with a helicopter and took you back for research."

"You!" Qin Feng said loudly, "Do you want to deal with the person who turned you into this and wanted to use you as guinea pigs!"

Qin Feng was not asking a question, but calling for action.

The mutants knew very well why they became what they are now.

Although their abilities have improved, they can tear apart a few zombies with their bare hands.

When they are violent, they can easily kill more than a dozen zombies.

But this look... is neither human nor ghost.

This is not the point, the point is that there are still people to catch them.

None of the mutants who were caught before have come back. And when they were caught, they were extremely brutal, almost grappling, shooting, knocking them unconscious, or taking them away to death.

No matter where they went, they would not be treated well.

They might even be killed and then dissected.

And this time, the giant zombies, the foreigners who came down from the helicopter, were extremely sarcastic towards them.

The muzzle of the gun and the flickering fire were also unforgettable for them.

"I want to!" Ace said first.

Li Qiao followed up: "I, I want to!"

In the doomsday, they actually just want to live.

However, they can't accept that they are repeatedly fooled by some insidious villains.

Other mutants actually have the idea of ​​joining Qin Feng in their hearts.

Although they have mutated, they are still human in nature.

The fundamental nature of human beings is to seek benefits and avoid harm, and actively approach the strong.

Qin Feng is too strong, not only the giant zombies, but also the three mutants in front of him who are still being smashed in various fancy ways.

Especially the mutant covered with steel spikes, it is obviously very strong.

He was killed instantly by Qin Feng.

It is useless to control the mind, and the mutants can't break through the barrier in Qin Feng's mind.

This kind of person who can't be surpassed in direct combat or in the spiritual realm exists strongly in their hearts.

So, when someone comes forward.

They all raised their hands and shouted, "Yes! We want to!"

"Very good," Qin Feng said with a smile, "Then you can just hang around here during this time. It's impossible to enter my cemetery."

Everyone was confused.

Qin Feng said again, "But you can enter my cemetery dungeon. After three days, follow me on the road."

Everyone looked at each other. Underground city? Isn't that the underground building where poisonous gas comes out of Yueli City?

"My underground city," Qin Feng said, "is called the zombie cemetery dungeon."

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