Doomsday: I manage a zombie cemetery

Chapter 207 I can’t kill this monster!!

The fishy wind passed by, and Qin Feng subconsciously dodged, and the black flame flew out instantly.

With a bang, it hit a hard shell.

A huge, green figure flew out and hit the ground.

"Ugh!!" The green monster screamed shrilly, and the Smurfs couldn't help but cover their ears.

But the monster didn't seem to be seriously injured, and it turned and stood up.

At this time, Qin Feng and the Smurfs discovered the full appearance of the monster.

The monster was covered with green scales, with a head like a lizard, but a body like a human.

It had no legs at all, only a big snake-like tail swinging.

Where it swept, the soft long grass was cut alive.

This tail is also a sharp weapon for attack.

These scales are very hard, and the reason why weapons and weapons can't break through completely at once is because of these scales.

The hands are slender and sharp, like a blade.

There is a red crown on the head, and the teeth are wrapped outside. The long red tongue is spit out and quickly retracted.

"Hiss, hiss, hiss." The monster made an unpleasant sound and its eyes were bloodshot.

"Wow, it looks so disgusting," said the Smurf, "it's really a monster."

"Are you confident that you can beat it?" Qin Feng asked calmly.

"Yes," said the Smurf, with a fighting spirit in her yellow eyes.

She has now recovered her strength to the tenth level, and because she was defeated by Qin Feng before, she is now in urgent need of proving herself.

"Then you go," Qin Feng leaned against the tree trunk and said leisurely, "It's a waste for me to fight a monster of this level."


Qin Feng's leisurely look is really infuriating.

Smurf glared at Qin Feng, turned around, and the current in her body began to separate little by little.

White current kept flowing on her blue skin, starting from the top of her head and gathering at the bottom of her feet.

Is it like a solar prominence that explodes and jumps away from the surface.

However, before the Smurf was about to take action, the green-scaled snake man twisted his body flexibly and swiped towards the Smurf.

The entire tree trunk was shaking constantly.

With the help of the electric current, the Smurf turned around and fought with the Green Scaled Snake Man.

Qin Feng narrowed his eyes and watched the battle quietly.

At the very beginning, the one who used the black flame hit, Qin Feng immediately made a rough judgment of this type of monster.

With the flexibility of a snake and a certain IQ, it has a natural advantage to fight in this kind of jungle trees.

As a mutant, the Smurf has a super high IQ and mind.

There are countless superpowers. This electric current is a non-material light weapon like his black flame, of course not as powerful as his black flame.

Lightning can burn and penetrate people, but it takes too much energy and mind.

The scales of the Green Scaled Snake Man are so hard that it is difficult to break through with lightning.

However, this Green Scaled Snake Man is not poisonous, and there is no poison sac on the left side of his cheek.

Probably one of the Smurfs' combat advantages.

This level should be the type left behind by the monster brigade, and he can kill it instantly.

Let the Smurfs solve it by themselves.

As expected by Qin Feng, although in this jungle and grassland, the green-scaled snake man has the upper hand.

It kept wandering in the jungle, avoiding the electric current released by the Smurfs.

There were several times when the Smurfs thought they were going to hit the green-scaled snake man, but they still dodged it.

She tutted in dissatisfaction and turned on the mind control.

The Smurfs are also powerful mutants.

As soon as she used her mind power, the green-scaled snake man instantly solidified his body.

She took the opportunity to rush the high-voltage current towards the green-scaled snake man.

With a snap!

The high-voltage current hit the scales of the green-scaled snake man, but was instantly reflected to other places.


The trees on one side were instantly knocked apart, split into two in the middle and fell to the ground, with the trunks charred.

"Useless?" The Smurfs were stunned for a moment, and the mind power was interrupted, and the green-scaled snake man took action again.

Qin Feng reminded from the side: "The power of thought can only interrupt the action. Its shell is too hard. You can only hurt it from the inside."

When the Smurf heard this, she immediately thought about what to do in her mind.

"Hiss, hiss!" The green-scaled snake man approached again and pounced on the Smurf with one claw.

The Smurf was skilled without lightning, and hit the green-scaled snake man at once, fighting him in close combat.

However, the scales of the green-scaled snake man were really hard.

If the Smurf was not a super mutant, I'm afraid she would be like other mutants, and would be directly beaten into a meat paste by these monsters.

While fighting, the Smurf recalled Qin Feng's words.

"You can only hurt it from the inside."

Meaning, they can only be injured internally?

She remembered Qin Feng's first reaction when he met the green-scaled snake man just now, hitting the green-scaled snake man with black flames, causing it to hit the ground.

At that time, the green-scaled snake man seemed to scream.

Then she understood.

"Hiss! Ah!" The green-scaled snake man screamed again and rushed towards the blue elf, sweeping his huge tail left and right.

Along the way, I don't know how many trees were broken.

The blue elf burst out with white lightning, crackling in the air.

One after another, it hit the green-scaled snake man.

However, this time it did not directly hit its green scales, but formed an electric claw, firmly trapping the green-scaled snake man.

"Collect!" The Smurf shouted in his mind, and the white current instantly formed an electric net, binding the entire body of the green-scaled snake man and tying it tightly.

He lifted the green-scaled snake man high up, dropped it hard, and hit the ground with a bang.

The green-scaled snake man really screamed.

The Smurf was delighted, and then continued to lift the green-scaled snake man and hit him repeatedly.

The green-scaled snake man screamed again and again.

Qin Feng was still watching the battle on the tree, but a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

This Smurf has good combat power and a fast reaction speed.

He understood his idea at once, and then did it according to his idea.

"Good helper." Qin Feng concluded.

In the end, the green-scaled snake man was hit hundreds of times and finally died.

The Smurf used electricity to put the green-scaled snake man on the ground, and saw that it had vomited blood at this time and fell to the ground and died.

However, the scales on his body were still not damaged.

Qin Feng jumped down from the tree and walked to the side of the Smurf.

"How is it?" Qin Feng asked.

"How come this scale is harder to penetrate than a steel plate?" Smurf said, "But according to your method, it really killed it."

"Qin Feng, you are really awesome."

Smurf is so arrogant, but he is surprised.

Qin Feng chuckled and said, "You smashed the internal organs of this snake man, but the skin is very strong. This monster from another space is quite powerful."

He squatted down and was about to check the body of the green-scaled snake man.

In his mind, the prompt sound suddenly sounded:

[Ding, the monster body is detected, and the device is being modified for the host]

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