Doomsday: I manage a zombie cemetery

Chapter 221 What is a Yin person (2)

This time Qin Feng jumped down, not to the fire wolf, but to the ice wolf.

The ice wolf, whose whole body exuded ice-blue cold air, had never been angered by him.

After going around in circles, Qin Feng was already familiar with the terrain and conditions below.

He jumped to the ground, dived on his knees, and landed perfectly.

Quickly running in the direction of the ice wolf, he wanted to complete a complete set of plans in a short period of time.

The bottom of the Colosseum was filled with trampled human corpses. Hundreds of corpses were piled up like roadblocks one after another.

The survivors continued to hide, and they only had to hold on for an hour to survive.

But the two worlds of ice and fire wolf and fire wolf are intertwined.

Coupled with the slime monster, the toxic slime sprayed around is deadly and terrifying.

Even if you can escape ice and fire, you still can't escape poison in the end.

Qin Feng continued to run towards the Ice Wolf under such a complicated environment.

The distance between the two wolves is about two hundred meters.

Qin Feng rushed over and passed so many roadblocks in just ten seconds.

But according to his estimation, there were still three seconds left.

The huge, ice-blue wolf was right in front of him, and the cold air froze the surrounding area into ice.

Qin Feng pulled out a piece of hot red iron from the sole of his foot and fisted it with his bare hands. He didn't feel hot or painful at all.

He leaned against the wall, quickly climbed up the wall, jumped up, and jumped to the ice wolf's waist.

The red iron is almost cold, making the sound of gas evaporating.

The fusion of fire and ice stung the ice wolf all of a sudden, and a long roar came out, and the whole ground shook.

Qin Feng took the opportunity, jumped left and right, and jumped on Ice Wolf's shoulder.

A weapon he had hidden away for a long time, an old-fashioned shuttle.

This is a weapon that these onlookers deliberately placed in the center of the field in order to make this fight look better.

The old cannot stay old, and firepower has no way to deal with fire wolves and slime monsters.

Because this firepower only adds fuel to the fire wolf's cry. The slime monster can directly swallow up all the bullets shot out by the shuttle, leaving nothing to be done.

But this firepower will arouse the dissatisfaction and anger of the ice wolf.


Qin Feng took the shuttle and aimed at Ice Wolf's pair of ice blue moves.


The smoke filled the air. Qin Feng was shaken by the recoil of the shuttle and his hands were numb. The ice wolf under him was also shaken back by the recoil of the shuttle and the impact on his eyes.

A scream!

Fury followed.

Qin Feng used his strength to jump to other places, letting the ice wolf chase him.

And the place above is the glass cover that was burned red!

Bang bang bang!

Because of the rage, Ice Wolf regained his sight and chased Qin Feng, beating him for a while.

But how could its speed be comparable to Qin Feng?

No matter how hard it tries, low-level monsters are low-level monsters, and Qin Feng is not afraid of them at all.

Even if the ability is reduced by half.

It's just like playing with the ice wolf in the applause.

The audience watched with great interest, and they were all guessing who this third-class soldier was.

The third-class soldier came from the untouchables. Were these untouchables so powerful before?

"Awesome, awesome!"

"Wow, he's so handsome. No, no, I'm not a good citizen. I can't think that a third-class soldier is handsome. But he's really handsome!"

"This man is so awesome, he can fly over the roof and walk over walls!"

"You see, he uses tools, not that powerful."

"Hanhan! If I give you a tool, can you use it? We have eyes, okay?"

"Come on! Keep playing with these beasts, or I'll shoot you when you come down! Hahahaha, I enjoy watching it."

The audience's emotions were brought to a high point, and everyone stood up and cheered.

But no one noticed that the glass that had been burned by the fire wolf's high heat was shrinking rapidly under the stimulation of the ice wolf's extremely cold temperature.

It swells and shrinks, and is heated unevenly.

Cracks have begun to appear in some places.

The sound of clicking began to reach everyone's ears through the bustling crowd. Some people stopped applauding and looked at the cracks that quickly spread across the entire glass cover.

There is actually no big danger in cracks. After all, this is carefully selected hard glass.

However, at this time.

A huge force was beating the glass hard.

Yes, it was the ice wolf that Qin Feng attracted, and the fire wolf that followed behind.

Two huge wolves controlled their huge claws, claw after claw, hitting the glass surface where the cracks were spreading rapidly.

At the end of the circle, the ice wolf's claws finally hit the place where the crack first occurred.

Only a crisp sound was heard, and the bulletproof glass was shattered.

The people behind screamed in fright, staring directly at the bulletproof glass.

However, the bulletproof glass was broken, and the fibers inside were still clinging to the fragments.

Those who were frightened felt that they were out of shape, and they quickly sat up and said: "Hahaha, this, this thing, it's okay, I'm strong enough."

And the next second, the fire wolf came chasing after the ice wolf.

The claw that was burning with blazing fireworks was firmly latched onto the place that was broken by the ice wolf but was still barely stuck together.

Those who tried to pretend to be calm just now were taken away by this claw.

A big hole was made in the hard glass.

And this hole was not the only one. Over time, the glass covers that protected the "nobles" were smashed into large holes one after another.

The smell of human flesh reached the nose of the three-headed monster through these holes.

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