Doomsday: I manage a zombie cemetery

Chapter 224 Area X, a new beginning!

Qin Feng refused to comment and quietly took a sip of wine, calculating in his mind how to stay in this new human city for 29 days.

On the side, even if Lu Qianqian didn't get an answer, she already had the answer in her mind.

She did not announce it loudly, nor did she intend to expose Qin Feng's traces.

She thought about it and approached Qin Feng: "You are quite awesome, but if you do a great job, the people inside really deserve to die."

Doomsday zombies, then monsters are prevalent.

Lu Qianqian has a lot of experience. Those who catch monsters and then treat them like monkeys really don't deserve to live.

"But isn't it a pity that someone like you is wanted like this?" Lu Qianqian said.

Although she had not seen the horror in the Colosseum with her own eyes, she could still imagine it.

"Well, young man, we are destined to be together," Lu Qianqian rolled her eyes and leaned over, slightly bending her waist to reveal a piece of scenery, "I will give you a good thing, I wish you a pleasant journey here. "

Qin Feng turned his head and met Lu Qianqian's eyes.


An hour later, Qin Feng left the bar.

There was also a red mark on his neck.

He stood under the camera at the door of the bar, took off his hat, and stood for ten seconds.

These ten seconds are very valuable.

Unlike before, when he was searching aimlessly in the human city, Qin Feng turned around and headed in a specific direction this time.

Zone X.

Area X, unknown area.

In this huge new human city, it is the area that most resembles the original apocalypse.

Here are the infected people who abandoned the New Human City and may turn into zombies, or those who are seriously injured by monsters and cannot recover. There are also other humans who have no money and cannot enter the safe area of ​​the New Human City.

They were quarantined in that place, about 80,000 people.

Lu Qianqian just told him on the bed.

"The pastoral administration is not strict in this place. Although there are killings everywhere, at least you are safe there."

What a woman says after she starts eating meat is very honest.

For Qin Feng, who is now disarmed and whose attributes have been reduced to half of their original value and cannot be upgraded for the time being, that place is actually safe.

So he walked towards Area X without looking back.

Zone X, evening, the sun is about to set.

The gray light, like shackles one after another, began to imprison this area on the edge of doom little by little.

Countless low-quality houses are like slums, dirty and messy.

The air smelled strongly of disinfectant.

Living under this concentration for many years will cause some damage to the human body, but it's okay. Didn't this end just begin?

When Qin Feng arrived at Area X, the sun was already just a small dot on the horizon, showing its pitiful light.

Although there are 80,000 people in District X, there is no one on the street at this time.

When the wind blows, white plastic bags fly on the street.

Quiet, scary.

Qin Feng has fought so many times and has a keen sense of danger.

Even though there seems to be no human environment now, Qin Feng still smells the murderous intention in the dark.

He looked sharply in one direction, and a gaze flashed from his perspective, hidden behind the curtains.

Looking in another direction, there was another murderous gaze.

Unknowingly, pairs of eyes staring at him were revealed on the dark windows of the houses a few hundred meters away from Qin Feng.

"People here are very vigilant." Qin Feng couldn't help but wonder, ordinary humans are very weak, and they shouldn't be so sensitive to danger.

Is it evolution?

Qin Feng no longer thinks there is anything strange about evolution in the apocalypse.

"Find a place to stay here for 29 days and then go back." Qin Feng thought.

At this moment, the uniform sound of leather shoes clack-clack was heard not far away.

"Military leather boots?" Qin Feng became alert and hid behind the wall.

Didn't Lu Qianqian say that this place is not under the jurisdiction of the pastoralists?

Why is there an army coming?

Qin Feng hid himself very well. He was so tall and did not show any trace of his figure.

Ten seconds later, a group of people wearing military boots similar to Qin Feng's carried a bunch of weapons and wore gas masks and ran over uniformly.

What caught the eye were the people running at the front, the middle and the back of the team holding instruments like detectors.

They didn't have guns.

This group of people stood in the center of Qin Feng's area.

Someone took out a loudspeaker and shouted at these residential buildings: "Residents of Area "

Click click click.

Except for the few people holding instruments, everyone else had their weapons loaded.

Want to fight?

Qin Feng was wondering what these people were going to do.

The two-story building where he was hiding suddenly heard a burst of helpless crying, followed by rustling sounds.

With a crash, the window seemed to be opened, and a black shadow passed over Qin Feng's head and flew straight towards the ground in front of him.

A loud bang!

A man with tentacles on his body, but mostly humanoid, just hit the ground.

Blood splattered everywhere and was mottled.

Even after killing many people and zombies, Qin Feng was still stunned by the scene in front of him.

I didn't think clearly about the situation.

But before he could react, the sound of windows opening came, and the sound of heavy objects falling followed.

Qin Feng saw that from the rows of small buildings, one after another, people with strange shapes or green water flowing and about to become zombies jumped down.

Like wild geese in a neat row.

They hit the ground, splashing blood.

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