Doomsday: I manage a zombie cemetery

Chapter 226 Night in Area X

Qin Feng said he was sleeping, but he still remained alert.

He could even detect how many times Wei Chengyu breathed.

I don’t know if this geological change caused changes in his system.

These activities were a bit tiring for him.

But if he rests for a while, he will feel much better.

When he woke up, he was almost frightened by Wei Chengyu who was as quiet as a ghost beside him.

"Can you live like a human being?" Qin Feng couldn't help but say.

Wei Chengyu looked over and said lightly: "You are really not afraid that I will kill you while you are sleeping."

"You don't have that chance." Qin Feng stood up. His tall figure was in sharp contrast with Wei Chengyu, who was already too thin. "I can clearly detect what you are doing within three meters of me."

Wei Chengyu's eyes widened.

It was quiet for a moment, and she hesitated for a long time before speaking: "You are not from here, otherwise how could you sleep at night?"

Qin Feng frowned, what did this mean.

"The food grabbing time is about to begin," Wei Chengyu pointed outside, "Didn't you see that the lights are already on outside?"

Qin Feng raised his eyes and stood up to take a look.

Sure enough, area X, which had been dark and silent before going to sleep, suddenly had many lights, but they were lit outside the house.

Under the dark night, like stars in the sky.

Although no one spoke, Qin Feng could clearly hear the rustling footsteps.

At least a few hundred people gathered on this street.

"Seizing food?" Qin Feng frowned.

“Zone After half an hour, the helicopter specially designed to deliver food came back and flew over, dropping food in the middle of the city.

Whoever can grab it will have food, regardless of life or death. "

When Qin Feng heard this, he glanced at Wei Chengyu. No wonder this person was so thin. It was no wonder that she could grab food like this.

I guess you can wait until others have finished robbing it before picking up the scraps and eating them. You may not be able to pick up the scraps over others.

There was nothing to eat or drink in this small room.

No wonder he looks like a dead person.

Wei Chengyu leaned there, motionless. If it weren't for his weak breathing, he would really look like a dead person.

She used to do art.

My husband and I are pursuing a sexless marriage. Although we are husband and wife, we are more like friends.

After losing her best friend, she actually had no meaning in living.

When I came here, I found that life was more painful than surviving in the apocalyptic zombie world outside.

It would be better to die.

Qin Feng sighed, turned his head and ignored Wei Chengyu.

Instead, he continued to stare at Area X, which was starting to get lively outside.

There are people here holding torches and holding electric lights.

But without exception, they all wore masks, and those without masks also wore paper covers.

They all had weapons in their hands, the better ones had machetes, the worse ones had wooden sticks, and some were bare-handed.

Everyone seems to have a tacit understanding to prepare for the battle, waiting for the food in the middle of the field to arrive.

Qin Feng's systematic analysis ability was still in his body. He raised his eyes and looked over. Most of the people here had very low attributes.

It was probably due to famine, malnutrition, and lack of any decent weapons.

The fighting prowess of people outside New Humanity City and even other districts is not on the same level.

Of course, there are also a dozen or so with high attributes, which are almost twice as high as normal people. They seem to be the leaders in this competition.

Qin Feng looked at the crowd that was starting to gather outside, and an idea suddenly came to his mind. He turned back to Wei Chengyu and said, "Are you hungry?"

Wei Chengyu's lifeless eyes regained a glimmer of light.

She frowned and asked, "You want to go down and rob?"

Qin Feng nodded. This woman took him in for a long time and did not attack him while he was sleeping.

Although there is no possibility of starting.

Qin Feng felt that he should leave something for Wei Chengyu.

Wei Chengyu's face flashed with something strange, but he quickly concealed it: "You can go, but be prepared to die. People outside are not vegetarians, and they will not be as helpless as me."

Qin Feng snorted, did this woman really regard him as a bully?

Let alone her, as for those people outside, if he wanted to kill them, wouldn't it be a matter of raising his hand?

"If she saw me killing zombies or fighting ice and fire wolves, would she be frightened and faint on the spot?" Qin Feng shook his head, raised his hand to support the window frame, stood up and jumped down.

His steps were extremely light and he made only a little sound when he landed.

At this time, thousands of people have gathered in the square, and everyone in Area X who can fight has come.

The dots of light connected together, and the entire center of Area X was lit up.

Qin Feng's joining did not attract much attention, and everyone regarded him as someone who came to grab food.

One comes to kill, and two comes to kill. What's the difference?

Everyone silently agreed not to speak, but they all knew the calm before the storm.

Qin Feng stood quietly on the edge of everyone, his tall body hidden behind the nearby telephone pole.

Suddenly, a howling wind blew across the horizon in the distance, and the sound of the huge rotor was like a roaring pendulum.

In that dark night, more than a dozen red dots were approaching quickly.

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