Qin Feng grabbed the neck of the zombie closest to him and twisted it hard. The expected sound of bone breaking did not sound. Instead, the zombie was still struggling desperately, trying to scratch Qin Feng with his hands.

Qin Feng then discovered that the necks of these zombies were strengthened. In the past, even if the attribute was halved, Qin Feng could easily break the zombie's neck, but now, Qin Feng did not break the zombie's neck at all in the first time.

The feeling of that time was like an ordinary person trying his best to break a steel bar. Qin Feng's face became solemn. He quickly let go of the zombie and kicked the zombie in front of him away, but that kick was like kicking on a steel plate.

Fortunately, Qin Feng successfully distanced himself from the zombie army, then he broke out of the window, rolled over, and landed on the ground.

Qin Feng stood still on the ground, looked back at the zombie who was half-extending his body next to the window and trying to climb out, and his feverish brain gradually calmed down.

Qin Feng knew that humans in the new city would be divided into different classes, and he even thought of things like not treating people as human beings, but he never expected that the people here would be so cruel.

Not only did they treat people as beasts and enjoy watching people fight with monsters from another world, but some even raised zombies in the new city and transformed them. This made these zombies have attack and defense capabilities different from ordinary zombies.

They still didn't treat the people in the slums as human beings, and used zombies to hunt ordinary people for fun, which was really against conscience. All this, in Qin Feng's view, the people who made these decisions were monsters more terrible than zombies and monsters from another world. They can no longer be called human beings.

But Qin Feng had no way to deal with these. Even ordinary zombies in the slums were so strong, not to mention the zombies after evolution.

Now his attributes have been halved, and weapons have been banned. Qin Feng can only hide. As long as he successfully spends 29 days here, he can return to the zombie cemetery through the portal, and all his strength will return. At that time, he will definitely bring Chen Qiaoying and Chu Rou to this human new city to kill the mastermind behind the raising of zombies.

Although natural selection is the way of survival in nature, and the same is true for human society, raising human public enemies and using them to hunt compatriots at will is not something Qin Feng can tolerate.

He can't go to Lu Qianqian's place. Now everyone there is looking for him. The only way now is to hide in District X and spend these 29 days safely.

Qin Feng went around the front of the house and led out all the zombies that were blocking Wei Chengyu's house, and then led the zombies behind him into the alley.

The houses in District X are only about three or four stories high, and the distance between the houses is narrow, only one person can pass through, which provides great convenience for Qin Feng's escape.

Qin Feng turned left and right, and soon got rid of the mutant zombies behind him. However, the alleys he chose had not been passed by for a long time, which also meant that the houses on both sides were not occupied.

After Qin Feng got rid of the zombies, he found a house at random, entered a master bedroom on the second floor, and then lay down on the bed exhausted. At this time, the afterglow of the setting sun enveloped the entire earth, covering the ground with a layer of orange-yellow coat.

After running for a day, Qin Feng had not drunk a drop of water. He took out a piece of bread and a small bottle of water from his arms, and then ate them in big mouthfuls.

As the night fell, a harsh sound rang out, and Qin Feng had to cover his ears tightly and squatted on the ground uncomfortably. The roar of the zombies came from outside again. As the roars and footsteps of the zombies gradually faded away, Qin Feng knew that the zombie army had evacuated Area X.

But no one knew whether they would come again tomorrow.

At this time, Qin Feng had time to sit down and think about this matter carefully. What is known at present is that someone privately raised zombies in the human new city and transformed these zombies, making them have copper skin and iron bones and infinite strength.

The man launched a black ball that would make noise and light to the x area to attract zombies to hunt. And at night, the zombies would be called back.

From this, it can be seen that this person must be a psychopath who enjoys hunting weak fellows. He may even have a high IQ and a high social status in the new city, otherwise it would be impossible to transform the zombies.

The collar-like thing on the zombie's neck is probably a locator and a bomb.

It is convenient for the mastermind behind the scenes to recover the zombies and destroy the corpses.

After thinking about this clearly, Qin Feng was so angry that he hammered the mattress hard, and then sighed deeply. Even though Qin Feng has lived in such a dark world of social collapse for several years and has long been accustomed to the days of fighting and killing, he still feels sad every time he sees his compatriots being bullied and oppressed. This is also the only trace of kindness left in Qin Feng's heart.

The reason why people are human is that they know clearly what they can and cannot do as human beings. Cannibalism is no different from animals. Raising zombies and watching the life-and-death struggle between monsters from another world and humans is animal behavior.

The moon is on the branches, and the cold moon casts a silver glow. Listening to the whistling wind outside the window and the broken sobs mixed in the wind, Qin Feng sighed again.

In this world today, it is not easy for ordinary people to live. He can't do anything about it.

Early the next morning, Qin Feng rushed to the supply point to collect supplies. Fortunately, the supplies in Area X are uniformly delivered by the people above every day, otherwise Qin Feng would not know where to find supplies. After all, he doesn't want to rob ordinary people of their supplies.

In the following 28 days, Qin Feng experienced four zombie hunting crises, the most dangerous of which was his last day in Area X.

When the third zombie attack came, which was the 28th day of his stay here, in order to save a thin little girl, Qin Feng risked a zombie and set a trap, and then killed it with great effort. Looking at the blood on his hands, Qin Feng frowned.

If he hadn't halved his attributes and banned weapons, these zombies wouldn't have survived ten seconds in his hands, but now he was in a desperate situation, so he had to use this method.

Qin Feng kicked the zombie's head into the pit with a trap, and then walked away, but he didn't notice that the zombie collar that fell to the side was flashing red light.

In a villa in the inner circle of the new city, a man looked at the picture sent back by the collar and was so angry that he threw the glass on the table. He immediately ordered the mutated zombies to kill Qin Feng and bring back Qin Feng's body.

So, when Qin Feng got up the next day, he found that there were no supplies at the supply point, but a large container. Then he heard a violent collision from the container, as if a monster was imprisoned inside.

The people who came to collect the supplies fled in all directions. Only Qin Feng stood there with a sharp face, staring at the container.

With a bang, the door of the container was broken open by a huge force, splashing dust all over the floor. A big guy about two and a half meters tall came out of the container.

This monster was covered with muscles of various shapes and had a collar around his neck.

Qin Feng immediately understood when he saw the collar. This was the same as the collars worn by the zombies before. It seemed that this big guy was sent by the zombie breeders to deal with him.

Qin Feng retreated into the alley behind him without a trace. The big guy seemed to know Qin Feng's actions. He roared and blocked Qin Feng in front of him, blocking his way.

Qin Feng smiled bitterly and had to concentrate on fighting with the big guy. Before the fight, Qin Feng took a look at the system panel. There was still an hour before he was teleported back. As long as he persisted for an hour and found a door to open, Qin Feng could be teleported back to the zombie cemetery.

The big guy punched Qin Feng, and Qin Feng quickly squatted down and rolled on the spot to avoid the attack. Looking at the wall hit by the big guy, it had been blasted through, revealing the steel bars inside.

Qin Feng's face was cold and his mouth was slightly pursed. He couldn't help but feel lucky in his heart that this supply point was relatively wide and no one lived around, so he could let go and fight with the big guy.

Qin Feng was like a flexible monkey, harassing the big guy from time to time, beating him until he was covered in blood. The most brutal one was when Qin Feng used a steel bar as thick as a woman's forearm to blind one of the big guy's eyes.

This really angered the big guy. He chased Qin Feng and beat him. Countless fists fell like raindrops. No matter how fast Qin Feng was, he was hit several times.

After retreating to a safe area, Qin Feng spit out a mouthful of blood and felt that his internal organs were about to break.

Touching the door handle behind him, Qin Feng raised a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and said, "I won't play with you anymore."

Then Qin Feng opened the door behind him and went in. A blue light flashed and Qin Feng disappeared in Area X.

Appearing in the familiar space channel, Qin Feng looked at the two channels in front of him and felt a little speechless.

The system said, "Wait a minute, I'll debug it now, and it will be done in a while."

After hearing this, Qin Feng didn't say anything. He still believed in the system.

With a familiar squeezing feeling, Qin Feng was compressed into a ball of light and teleported away.

But when he opened his eyes again, he was stunned. He appeared in a strange place, full of monsters that were much stronger than him. Qin Feng was now covered in blood, like a sheep that strayed into a pack of wolves. Before Qin Feng could call the system for help, he was torn into pieces by the monsters that rushed over.

As soon as Qin Feng died, the green fog wall of the cemetery disappeared automatically. A large group of mutant creatures that had been squatting outside for a long time attacked directly. Chen Qiaoying, Smurf and Chu Rou fought hard, but they were no match for four hands, and eventually died in the hands of the monsters.

Three years later, due to the continuous influx of monsters from different spaces and the internal fighting of humans, the human new city fell directly under the attack of monsters, the human race was exterminated, and the monsters from different spaces occupied the earth.

The system watched all this coldly in the sky, and an inorganic voice sounded: "The experiment of the 3928th test site has been completed. The experiment failed. The next test subject is selected."

On the earth in another time and space, a man was fighting zombies.

Suddenly, a mechanical sound sounded in his mind: "Ding, you have bound to the zombie cemetery system. Please use the system to bury zombies to obtain supplies!"

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