Doomsday: I manage a zombie cemetery

Chapter 25 Doomsday Humanity (1)

Without the two masters, the people behind were basically all minions killed by Qin Feng in seconds.

Bang, bang, bang, bursts of gunfire passed, and the whole corridor was filled with gray-white smoke.

Qin Feng pulled Chen Qiaoying behind him and said, "There are about a hundred people up there, you'd better stay away later."

Chen Qiaoying nodded and hid her body behind a pillar.

The footsteps of Tatata sounded again.

"Fire, fire!"

"He's coming up! Fire!"

"Don't let them come up, protect the boss!"

Qin Feng waved his two swords and stood in front, like a god of war.

Chen Qiaoying behind him thought that she would be in danger if she followed him up, but she didn't expect that it was really safe behind him.

She didn't even use the gun, and followed him all the way up.

These people are not even one-tenth of the fighting power of the magic gun and the knifeman. Qin Feng has the previous combat experience, and the ones behind are as simple as low-level bosses.

A hundred people are not as difficult to fight as a hundred zombies.

Soon, Qin Feng led Chen Qiaoying through the customs and rushed to the prisoner boss like a whirlwind.

All the people who protected him had fallen under Qin Feng's knife. The shining black and gold long knife was still soaked in blood, bright red and bloody.

At this time, Qin Feng also saw the appearance of the third floor clearly.

This is a huge cell area made up of several corridors, and the front is the gathering place of the prisoner boss and their other core members.

There are also projection rooms, gyms, etc. here.

This prison is worthy of being the largest prison in the North and South Districts. Everything is complete. If it weren't for the zombies coming, a prison as big as a small town would really be free enough.

And the rows of prisons inside are those so-called ordinary people, cowardly criminals.

At this time, they all looked over eagerly.

The prisoner boss is a fat man with a bald head and a small mustache.

Unlike the sharpshooter and the knifeman, this boss had already urinated when he saw Qin Feng and Chen Qiaoying.

"You can't kill me," the prisoner boss said, "As long as you don't kill me, this prison will be shared with you!"

When the prisoner boss said this, the people behind him were shocked. It was over, the facilities in this prison were so good.

If this man took a fancy to them, they would be finished!

"Heh." Qin Feng hated such men the most.

He said to Chen Qiaoying: "I'll beat him up for you to see."

Walked up, punched left and right.

The prisoner boss was hit against the wall behind him. His fat body moved twice, and the fishy smell spread all of a sudden.

"How can beating you be more disgusting than killing zombies?" Qin Feng turned to Chen Qiaoying and said, "I beat him, are you happy?"

Chen Qiaoying:

Qin Feng turned around and said, "I'm too lazy to beat him. It's too disgusting."

After that, he drew his knife and cut his throat.

Blood gushed out, and the boss died without struggling a few times.

Chen Qiaoying felt a little uncomfortable, but she still held it back. After all, she was still happy in her heart. The prison boss who had been eyeing her for a long time finally died.

Qin Feng looked at the prison boss's body and shook his head.

Looking at the people in the cells who were looking at him eagerly, Qin Feng said, "Chen Qiaoying, you should take good care of them here in the future."

Before Chen Qiaoying could speak, Qin Feng came forward and cut the chains with a knife, and those people finally regained their freedom.

"Hero, great hero!"

"You saved us, you are really a great hero!"

"You are a good man, brother!"

"Now we can be saved, this prison is ours!"

Qin Feng rolled his eyes silently. He did this purely to help Chen Qiaoying accumulate some good character, so that when he left, Chen Qiaoying would not be embarrassed by these people.

Amidst the waves of praise, Qin Feng silently asked the system: "System, how much time do I have left?"

[Ding, reminding the host that the remaining time is 2 hours and 24 minutes]

Time flies, but it's okay. There are at least 200 zombie corpses in the package now.

After killing the zombies, I also have more than 2,000 zombie coins in my account, which is enough to go back and upgrade for a while.

But there are still about 300 vacancies, I can't waste them.

Ulala, Ulala.

At this time, there were waves of zombies roaring and screaming downstairs.

The sound of fighting and people shouting here have attracted zombies from all directions. The big iron door on the first floor is not closed. They have gathered on the first floor and are about to climb up.

Someone went to a place to check and shouted, "Oh no, zombies are trying to climb up!"

"What should we do?"

"Are we going to be eaten by zombies?"

"No, no, no, we have heroes here, heroes, can you save us?"

"You have killed these people, you must be here to save us, right? These people deserve to die, but we are innocent."

"Yes, please save us!"

Qin Feng snorted coldly, how could he be the savior or the Virgin Mary?

Save people? Chen Qiaoying can save them, but they can't.

Originally, Qin Feng was a little confused. With the skills of the guards who became prisoners below, how could they trap people for so long?

The knifeman and the magic gun are indeed very strong, but they are not without weaknesses. Why did these people suffer such great persecution without any resistance?

Now seeing their appearance, Qin Feng understood.

They are just a bunch of cowards who think they are right and awesome. Now they are using humanitarianism to ask him to save people?

Saving people is impossible. He is better at killing people and zombies in the doomsday.

Qin Feng said coldly: "I don't have time to save you. I will do my best to let you out. Also, I am in a hurry. I am leaving."

The cheers of the crowd gradually cooled down. Is Qin Feng leaving?

Qin Feng was about to retreat when those people questioned:

"You are not going to help us? What kind of hero are you?"

"Aren't you here to save us? If you let us go like this, aren't you as hateful as these dead people!"

"That's right, save us!"

Chen Qiaoying looked at these people, frowned slightly, walked to Qin Feng's side, grabbed Qin Feng's wrist and said: "If you want to leave, take me out. I would rather be eaten to death by the zombies outside than stay here."

The order here has been messed up for a long time. These people have threatened Qin Feng by posing as victims.

Even if the crisis is resolved, this place will only become a second prison system, where the weak will die and the strong will rule, it will still be the same.

Qin Feng looked at Chen Qiaoying, nodded, and said, "Then follow me."

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